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I don't know, unfortunately. I found it on Tumblr and they didn't have a source either.
Ah, well. I wonder if he's bald under that hoodie. He doesn't seem to have eyebrows so I could only assume...
The second pic. Who's the hot blonde next to Weasel?
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Anyway. I think it's just an extra... or an actual stripper.
It's probably a real stripper. They were filming at a well known strip club in Vancouver (No. 5 Orange).

Notice the stack of bills in Weasel's right shirt pocket. :hehe:
Wade's looking scary! I'm glad they went with a more subtle scarring than how he's sometimes portrayed with giant friggin' holes in his flesh revealing muscle tissue.

What website is that newest pic from?
Agreed. They could have easily gone overboard with the scarring, but they could have just as easily done too little. Even with a low quality image, this looks like a good compromise.
I was expecting more of a minced meat look. But even in the comics his looks vary from more subtle scarring, to absolutely grotesque looking.
I was expecting more of a minced meat look. But even in the comics his looks vary from more subtle scarring, to absolutely grotesque looking.
Im quite sure we'll get to see that later in the film as well. ;)
‘Deadpool’ Creator Compares Film to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ Character to ‘Iron Man’

It looks like “Deadpool” might have a few things in common with the films in the Marvel movie universe.

“Deadpool” creator Rob Liefeld told that the upcoming Fox film has as much heart and soul as violence and action. Much like “Guardians of the Galaxy,” he said the pic will challenge the superhero movie genre.

“Prepare for an experience that you haven’t encountered yet,” Liefeld told the site. “It’s a new template in the way that ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ established a new tone for the franchise. ‘Deadpool’ will do the same.”

Liefeld, who’s been involved with the film’s development for years, said star Ryan Reynolds will own the character in the same way that Robert Downey Jr. became synonymous with Iron Man.

“In the same manner that Robert Downey Jr. co-opted Tony Stark/Iron Man and now seems to ‘own’ him in that way that you can’t imagine Iron Man without him, that’s what will happen with Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool,” he said. “The Tony Stark I grew up with wasn’t as snappy and as quippy as Downey Jr. made him, but now I only think of his performance.”

He also expects the film to “establish Deadpool on a global scale.”
I find it weird either no one has been cast as colossus yet or that they have cast him but its not gotten out yet since by now wouldn't they want this Actor to know his role and be hitting the gym to prepare?
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I find it weird either no one has been cast as colossus yet or that they have cast him but its not gotten out yet since by now wouldn't they want this Actor to know his role and be hitting the gym to prepare?

Colossus has probably been cast we just have not got the announcement. Doesn't mean he's not preparing. That announcement will also keep the film trending like it has been, so it makes sense to hold back till he will be on set. Probably will hear something within the month since he's a part of the scene shooting at the viaduct. Looks like that's a full month shoot.

Blind Al isn't announced either and we know for sure she's gonna be in the flick. Think we have Patch and Garrison Kane casting to expect as well. So there's a few roles we're waiting for.
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Presumebly, whoever they picked is already in the correct shape. He is probably cast, they just haven't released the name yet. Things have been coming out pretty late in terms of production.
Yeah, we'll hear soon enough.
How do we know Colossus is still gonna be in the movie? They might have cut him from the script.
How do we know Colossus is still gonna be in the movie? They might have cut him from the script.

Anything is possible till final confirmation but there's been more then a few things that allude to him still being in it.

-Leaked Script from 2010
-This interview with Rhett Reese from 2013 after the script was revised and included new characters like the now cast Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
They also included a lot of familiar faces. "We used characters from the Deadpool universe as well, like Blind Al and Ajax, plus there are some new characters -- Mega Sonic Teenage Warhead, she's fun -- and then Colossus, a classic X-Men character, is also in the script. We had fun building that universe out."
-When Carrano casting was announced it was reported Colossus is in it.
And, fanboy alert: The Russian X-Men character known as Colossus is slated to appear in the movie.
- Cudmore's recent comments, that have hinted at recasting.
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How do we know Colossus is still gonna be in the movie? They might have cut him from the script.

We don't. Deadpool was on a separate Marvel licensing agreement than the X-Men family of characters, and Marvel may not have approved the crossover.
There's like zero proof of there being an issue with Deadpool crossing with X-Men though since he already crossed over in XMOW and has 2 other mutants in his film that were never associated with his title.

Why would Fox allow him to be in the script for 3-4 years if Marvel wouldn't allow it? Marvel have known he was in the script just as we all have. He would have been cut in the 2013 draft or sooner.
There's like zero proof of there being an issue with Deadpool crossing with X-Men though since he already crossed over in XMOW and has 2 other mutants in his film that were never associated with his title.

Wade did crossover, but that was pre-Disney. Obviously, relations between the two studios have deteriorated. The Sony leaks showed that character allocation across the various licensing agreements don't follow a logical pattern.

Why would Fox allow him to be in the script for 3-4 years if Marvel wouldn't allow it? Marvel have known he was in the script just as we all have. He would have been cut in the 2013 draft or sooner.

The Badoon were in the GOTG script and were incorporated into concept art. FOX may not have known Piotr was off the table until money was committed to the film.
Still doesn't make sense if Fox were cutting checks to Wadlow and Reese post Disney deal to write scripts featuring Deadpool and other X characters. There have had to have been discussions somewhere in there so they would not be wasting their time for the past 5 years. If there were confusion to who owns them I could understand. But Fox owns all these guys and Deapdool is a major X-Force player himself.

We have Negasonic and Angel Dust confirmed so if there were any issues crossing over Deadpool and other characters for rights issues I don't see how these two could show since they have zero relation to Deadpool in his own property.
oh god people bringing in rights issue again:whatever:

If that was case a bunch of mutants couldn't be In film that we know are in film.Plus it's known Deadpool is considered part of X-Men film universe.

Fox has film rights for deadpool and mutants/X-Men.In film they can do what they want.Yes if fox wanted to do crossover film with another studio then problems would arise.

One of trades listed colossus in film.That's a good indication he's in film.
Still doesn't make sense if Fox were cutting checks to Wadlow and Reese post Disney deal to write scripts featuring Deadpool and other X characters. There have had to have been discussions somewhere in there so they would not be wasting their time for the past 5 years. If there were confusion to who owns them I could understand. But Fox owns all these guys and Deapdool is a major X-Force player himself.

Up until the leak, Deadpool has been dormant. No heavy lifting was being done. And technically speaking, FOX doesn't own any of these guys.

We have Negasonic and Angel Dust confirmed so if there were any issues crossing over Deadpool and other characters for rights issues I don't see how these two could show since they have zero relation to Deadpool in his own property.

As we've seen, character rights allocation doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The two Z level mutants could have been attached to Deadpool at any time in his move from Artisan to New Line and FOX.

If Deadpool was a part of the X Men franchise I would think that Colossus would be an early hire and the Weapon X program would be mentioned in the synopsis.
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