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Age of Ultron The Avengers 2! The Official News and Speculation Thread - - - - Part 50

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I really hope I get to see this Friday morning around 11am. Then I can quit jumping away from spoilers and conversation.
Did Cap get the shaft in this film or something?

Hell no, Cap gets plenty to do. His fight style is the same as TWS, with crazy acrobatic feats.

I do think Thor gets the short end of the stick. But that's my opinion.
I loved the movie. It feels like Joss really wanted to change the format of the typical super hero movie. It leaves plenty to look forward too In antman and phase 3.
I seriously don't see the complaints about the pacing and edits. It felt fine, and most of the dialogue was great. 8.9/10 for me
It was amazing!! Really thought a few things I wouldn't like with all the reviews here, but I loved every part of it... looking forward to seeing it tomorrow and saturday... and sunday... probably monday... lol

Hell no, Cap gets plenty to do. His fight style is the same as TWS, with crazy acrobatic feats.

I do think Thor gets the short end of the stick. But that's my opinion.

Thor, really? He was very important in the movie IMO. No one gets the short end of the stick here I think.
Thor, really? He was very important in the movie IMO. No one gets the short end of the stick here I think.

That's why I said it was my opinion. He does the heavy lifting in action, but not character development. The rest have some pretty decent character development.

Underused, that's my thoughts on Thor.
Just got back from seeing this. And wow! I think this was actually a better film than the first Avengers. Now it didn't have that exact same "Wow" feeling. But this really felt like a better film as a whole. I loved seeing the team together so much. Every single character got their chance to shine. My personal favorites were, without a doubt, Vision ( my eyes were glued to him whenever he was on screen), Hawkeye, Thor, and oddly enough Rhodey.
The action was insane, and Spader was pitch-perfect as Ultron. Perfect casting.

There were only a few things I didn't really like
- The Banner/Widow romance felt kinda forced or something, though I got used to it
- I didn't feel like Hulk got enough shine time. lol
- Though I liked seeing him go solo for a bit, Thor's little side mission didn't amount to much

This is definitely a movie to watch more than one time. There were so many awesome action bits, and fast dialogue that I didn't even catch.

9.5/10 :)
It seems like critics are luke warm, non-fanboys are meh, and MCU fans loved it.
It seems like critics are luke warm, non-fanboys are meh, and MCU fans loved it.

Spot on, my friend. I've been saying this for a while and after watching the movie it makes a lot of sense. The movie definitely feels like a reward to MCU fans who are invested in these characters. It seems to me like Joss and Marvel put making the fans happy and having fun with these characters above making the best possible movie, and I have no problem at all with it. The movie will bring Marvel tons of heavy sugar, they have Daredevil to wow the critics and non-fanboys, and Joss went out with a movie that is totally him. They've earned the luxury to do that, imo.
So, Americans, I stayed away from this forum for over a week just not to accidentily spoil any of you, because I knew I can't talk about this movie without going into detail. Is it safe now to post my thoughts or should I wait a couple of days longer?
So, Americans, I stayed away from this forum for over a week just not to accidentily spoil any of you, because I knew I can't talk about this movie without going into detail. Is it safe now to post my thoughts or should I wait a couple of days longer?
Might want to do it in either the spoiler or review thread since those are for sharing details about the movie while this one is still being kept a spoiler tag zone for probably another few weeks.
Is the extended cut official?

The Amazon email that said an extended cut was being released was apparently a mistake. As of now the only confirmed thing is that there will be a sizable amount of deleted scenes and an alternate ending, but neither the alternate ending nor those deleted scenes will be put back into the film.:(
For an extended cut the film would have to re-edited, additionally scored and VFX would have to be done. It takes time and it's expensive. This is why when they happen it's usually a year later and only if the studio thinks it will make them more money.

Just because Joss said his original cut was 3:30 min doesn't mean that it was a cut of a completed to go film. Early rough cuts are often much longer and with a film this size there were probably things filmed just in case or to give the director several options in editing and if you've seen enough deleted scenes on DVDs it's clear most scenes are deleted for a reason. Though I will again kvetch Whedon was still wrong to deleted that extended Cap scene in the the first Avengers. :oldrazz:

Anyhow, saw it and loved it. Watching it in a double bill really highlighted the differences and for all the charm of the first movie I think this was stronger on almost every level - story, characterization (maybe except for Nat), character and team interaction, dialogue, humor, pacing, action, depth and giving more equal time and places to shine to an even bigger cast. Though for all the high octane action my favorite scene was the Party scene - excellent in so many ways. I think the best action scenes are
Hulk vs Hulkbuster and the chase in Seoul.
Anyhow, saw it and loved it. Watching it in a double bill really highlighted the differences and for all the charm of the first movie I think this was stronger on almost every level - story, characterization (maybe except for Nat), character and team interaction, dialogue, humor, pacing, action, depth and giving more equal time and places to shine to an even bigger cast. Though for all the high octane action my favorite scene was the Party scene - excellent in so many ways. I think the best action scenes are
Hulk vs Hulkbuster and the chase in Seoul.

I agree completely. The Avengers will always remain one of my favorite movies ever, but AoU is just so much meatier. I'm calling them equal right now and I don't see that changing.
So, Americans, I stayed away from this forum for over a week just not to accidentily spoil any of you, because I knew I can't talk about this movie without going into detail. Is it safe now to post my thoughts or should I wait a couple of days longer?

Dont' do that pls
It's a very different film to the first, but I loved it, I feel over time this one will be looked at more fondly by every one else. I actually thought the brutasha stuff was great tio.
I'm surprised by all this positive feedback. Honestly, I thought the reaction would be split down the middle. Glad most of y'all enjoyed it.
Sounds like AOU is a work of cinema as opposed to the first which was a "hope this team up thing works" fun but lighter popcorn movie. Theres def nothing wrong with that.
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I definitely prefer this to the first film and will be rewatching many times (every day once it comes out on blu-ray).
I think AoU blows TA out of the water, and I say this as someone who loves TA probably more than anyone.
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