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6 Predictions Relating To CBMs in 2016

Here are mine:

1. BvS will be the #1 film at the WW box office. I will love the film but still perhaps find some of the creative choices questionable. It will get me incredibly excited for Justice League.
:csad::csad: Didn't happen. Still could be #1, but we'll see. I think Civil War may pull ahead.
:csad::csad: Didn't happen. Still could be #1, but we'll see. I think Civil War may pull ahead.

I had it as the highest grossing DC film. That could still happen, buts its going to definitely cut close. Depends on the second weekend.
Updating my predictions to gear more towards a suspicion I have been having.
2014 was a landmark year for comic book movies and though 2016 has far less cbm's in comparison, history seems to repeat itself.
Arguably, Deadpool = GOTG and Batman v Superman = TASM2.
There are Cap, X-men and TMNT movies to take the place of their previous installments.
All 3 of those, I'm expecting better returns than said installments.
The remaining wild cards are just that.
Suicide Squad: I still hope is the other "GOTG" of this year. A lot of hypesters are hoping for Dr Strange to be that.
And...Term Life could sway in multiple directions as the under-the-radar cbm.
1) Deadpool outperforms studio expectations. A sequel, "Deadpool and X-Force" is put on the schedule.

2) Superman v Batman has a big opening but a huge drop off in the following week. It finishes its BO run at under $1 billion.

3) CW outperforms its predecessor but is not as highly regarded as WS. Spider-man and Ant Man steal the show.

4) Apocalypse experiences a drop off from its predecessor. FOX seriously considers moving forward with a present day X-Men universe centered around Deadpool, X-Force and New Mutants.

5) Suicide Squad out performs expectations, leading WB to strongly consider dropping its Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg solo features in favor of less expensive films involving its roster of rogues.

6) Feige reveals that the rights to the FF character family reside with Marvel.

Bonus- Disney uses a chunk of its Star Wars cash to buy MGM, and then flips the James Bond rights to Sony in exchange for Spider-Man.

This guy right here...keeping an eye on all of this.
2. Batman vs Superman will make a ton of money, but still disappoint expectations.

BvS will basically be a scaled up MoS: somewhat better reviews ( high 60s, probably ), somewhat better gross ( breaking a billion, or coming near enough ). However, WB is expecting bigger things from it, Avengers numbers. Not reaching that level of either critical or box office success will leave them in an awkward position- none of the worries they have about their own path will actually be resolved, but its not actually a failure, so they can't really justify changing course. The result is that they forge onward, but with the same lack of confidence hanging over WW and JL that was hanging over BvS. This raises the stakes for WW especially: without the confidence boost of a definite success on their hands, I suspect they will be a lot more unforgiving of any stumble by their "risky" female-led movie.

Fan reaction, meanwhile, will be split between declaring it the Best Movie Ever ( and you shall burn if you disagree ), and looking for a scapegoat in the movie for why it sucked when it shoudn't have. Odds on bet for that: Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor.

Looks like I was too optimistic. The broad sweeps of my prediction are turning out true, but I was too generous with the review scores and gross.
1. B v S does better with critics than Man of Steel, but still doesn't crack 85% on RT, maybe 82% tops. By getting in first (well, before CW and XMA at least and let's face it, the general audience for Deadpool is different than that for B v S) it manages to captilize on there not being a Superman or Batman film for several years (and interest in the first big screen appearance of the two heroes together plus Wonder Woman) and avoid the worst of superhero fatigue. It will make the most money, and sell the most toys. Will it have a tight nuanced plot, like CW will.....no, but who cares? You don't go to see a film called "Batman v Superman" because you really give a **** about an intricate or carefully crafted story.


I was totally wrong again ! Well, I was right about the plot, but totally wrong about RT, and for a very good reason....it was crap !

There were some good elements, but the whole package was barely mediocre - a real step backwards, after Man of Steel . Got to eat my words here.

Civil War could have a ridiculous musical number in the middle of it, and it will still probably be a better film than B v S was - although B v S did have a good Batman (yes a psychotic, kind of dumb Batman, but an utterly badass Batman ! )
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lol Batmanmannerism it ok. A lot of people think that back then. I did too.
You may wanna edit the profanity out.

Done. I was surprised it got past the censors, I figured it would get screened out by the mods.

Still, it was an accurate explanation of how I felt after seeing B v S.
1) Deadpool outperforms studio expectations. A sequel, "Deadpool and X-Force" is put on the schedule.

2) Superman v Batman has a big opening but a huge drop off in the following week. It finishes its BO run at under $1 billion.

3) CW outperforms its predecessor but is not as highly regarded as WS. Spider-man and Ant Man steal the show.

4) Apocalypse experiences a drop off from its predecessor. FOX seriously considers moving forward with a present day X-Men universe centered around Deadpool, X-Force and New Mutants.

5) Suicide Squad out performs expectations, leading WB to strongly consider dropping its Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg solo features in favor of less expensive films involving its roster of rogues.

6) Feige reveals that the rights to the FF character family reside with Marvel.

Bonus- Disney uses a chunk of its Star Wars cash to buy MGM, and then flips the James Bond rights to Sony in exchange for Spider-Man.
I think the bonus prediction is a longshot.
3. Captain America: Civil War will be better received critically than Age of Ultron, but it won't make as much worldwide.

This was a relatively safe prediction, but Civil War could end up matching AOU's worldwide gross, if not surpassing it.
1) Both BvS and Civil War will make a billion dollars. People will argue about which is better for the rest of the year.

2) Apocolypse will make a small improvement at the Box Office over DOFP, but not pass one billion. It will receive glowing praise for about a month, before everyone decides they hate Bryan Singer again.

3) Suicide Squad will be a sleeper hit, everyone will forget they hated Leto's Joker but still respond in the same way next time a similar reveal is made.

4) Deadpool will be the highest grossing R-rated movie of the year, but people will still hate Ryan Reynolds.

5) Dr. Strange will be groundbreaking much in the way GOTG was, and will finally push Warner Brothers to greenlight Justice League Dark. It will also gift a racist Twitter account with 5 minutes of fame after they find out about Mordo being race-swapped.

6) Everyone will keep talking about superhero fatigue setting in "any time now", despite there being no actual signs of any decline.

---And a bonus round for the F4 rights officially returning to Marvel.

Checking in on these for the first time in a while, seems I nailed #4 and #6, and got #1 partially right. Here's looking forward to the other four.
I was just looking for this thread myself to comment on #6. Captain America: Civil War is asking how that superhero fatigue thing is doing. :huh:

I didn't really do these but I've posted other comments in other threads:

1. I kinda expected Deadpool to be panned and wouldn't of said it could make what it did.
2. I thought that BvS would have around the same RT rating as MOS but make over $1B.
3. I thought CW and X:A would be the highest rated CBM and CW would make over $1B and X:A would top out at 800M.
4. I think SS would be a pleasant surprise financially and WB fast track a SS2 sequel.
5. DS will be in the 80s on RT and make around 600M WW.
6. I think we hear something about FF this year.

So I would have only been slightly right with only 3.
2. Civil War doesn't live up to expectations, while it is raved about by fans the general audience find it about as engaging as Age of Ultron (which was a good film, but not quite as good as Avengers). Still a strong performance at the box office, but a few critics start asking tough questions of Cap, like how he can fight Iron man, who went toe to toe with Thor ? (meanwhile audiences ask where IS Thor....and while we're at it where's the Hulk ? Are we really that excited about seeing more of the Vision and Ant Man ?) Despite striking gold with Winter Soldier, will the writers/director be able to pull it off again in a film which looks to have a lot less intrigue than TWS ? I'm thinking....no. Particularly in a film that looks pretty crowded in terms of characters.

So far I have been dead wrong about every movie so far.

However, I feel great about being wrong about Civil War. It was fantastic, I've seen it twice already. All my quibbles and gripes melted away when I saw this movie - it totally lived up to and exceeded the hype.

The crowding worked, everyone brought their A game - even Paul Rudd ! . RDJ was the best Tony Stark he's been since the first Iron Man.

I mean, I think of this as an Avengers movie, rather than a Cap movie but so what ?

While my words about Batman v Superman tasted bitter, as I had to eat them (when the film turned out to be ****) these words taste pretty great as I have never enjoyed being wrong so much.

Thanks Marvel !
4. X-Men: Apocalypse won't make as much as Days of Future Past but will still be successful. It will have a mixed reaction from fans due to there not being enough of a focus on certain characters, much like complaints for other films in the X-franchise.

Well, I was kind of right about this one. There's no shortage of complaints that [BLACKOUT]Storm and Psylocke weren't given enough to do in this. Hell, even Magneto practically disappears for most of the second half.[/BLACKOUT]
3. Civil War is the Iron Man 3 of Phase 3.

Captain America 3 will benefit from both a Winter Soldier and Avengers bump, with high expectations and generous Avengers appearances ( *coughIronMancoug* ) leading to a big jump in box office revenue, becoming the second non-Avengers movie to break a billion. Reviews stumble from Winter Soldier, however, albeit probably only down into the high 70s at worst; the larger cast leads to a somewhat less refined plot than the prior movie.

More lastingly, *some* aspect of the movie leads a fraction of the hardcore fanbase the passionately hate the movie. I can't predict what aspect: could be Spider-man's handling, could be Iron Man as antagonist, could be something else, its impossible to predict. Whichever actual aspect triggers it, there will be fans who vehemently declare it the Worst Movie Ever, And A Horrible Betrayal Of The Fans.

Looks like I was happily wrong about Civil War. I've got the box office right, but the reviews were much better ( equal to Winter Soldier ), and there doesn't seem to be any Iron Man 3 Effect yet. If anything, the fans praise it as the movie they wish they got instead of Avengers 2.
I am going to predict right now that TMNT out of the shadows makes about 550 million WW. The first one made just under 500 million like 492 million or something and from what I have heard leading up to this movie there have been less negativity then the first one got. So I think it will do a little better then the first one.
1. BvS scores around a 65-70 on RT

2. BvS makes about what the first avengers movie made

3. Captain America 3 makes a little more then the first avengers movie

4. Captain America 3 is consider the best CBM by critics scoring a 92 on RT

5. Xmen makes more then any Xmen movie yet

6. Deadpool makes around 500M WW.

So just quoting my self hear lol.

1. Could only wish not even close lol
2. lol way off again but I think a lot of that had to do with number 1
3. Yeah not going to happen no sure why. I fell like civil war is underachieving. May make more then iron man 3 though.
4. This is like the closet I got movie is like a 90
5. Not looking likely at least USA wise not sure how it is doing OS though.
6. A lot of people didn't think deadpool would even do what I said and it ended up making like 250 million more then I was predicting.

So out of 6 I failed on like just about all of them lol.
What are your predictions relating to comic book movies for 2016, or if you want, CB TV series? Please try and be civil towards each person's predictions. This is just for a little fun, and to see how people's feelings going into next year differ.

Here are my 6 predictions in no particular order

1. Civil War will be considered Marvel's best entry yet, and the Cap franchise will be considered the most complete superhero trilogy since the Dark Knight trilogy.

2. Batman v Superman will be the highest grossing DC based film, both domestically and WW.

3. Suicide Squad will outgross Xmen Apocalypse.

4. FF film rights will be revealed to have reverted back to Marvel.

5. Tom Holland Spidey, Gal Gadot Wonder Woman, and Margot Robbie Harley Quinn are going to be the most discussed "new" characters of next year.

6. The Punisher and Daredevil's confrontation in season 2 of Daredevil will be the best regarded fight of next year.

1. Well, i'm right for the most part, but I see some contention with people who prefer TWS.

2. Totally wrong about this, it atleast nabbed the largest DC films opening unadjusted.

3. Unless SS is god awful, this looks to be in the bag.

4. Kinberg's recent comments put me at a pause that it will happen this year, but I am confident FF has no future at Fox.

5. Well, the year is still going, so things can change. So far Holland and Robbie are getting some nice traction amongst folks.Gadot is good, but kind of muted. Actually, I see so much talk about Snyder relating to CBM, mostly in a negative light. Dude has gotten absolutely blasted on social media.

6. Seems like that goes to the airport scene in CW.

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