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Agent Carter Agent Carter - S01E05 "The Iron Ceiling"

Another excellent episode! :) This show is seriously my favorite comic-book show on right now. Or perhaps ever. I like the limited format because they don't have to drag stuff waay out, and it hasn't been boring yet. I like all the actors and no one has annoyed me one bit (extremely rare for a comic book show). There's no one character that I just can't stand.
And Peggy is a fantastic lead. I really hope this gets a second season. The characters are great.
Leviathan might be hoping Peggy could also lead them to Stark. Lucky for Howard he never knocked on Dottie's door as he made his made his mission of mercy tour. :woot:

But Dottie has to go down. Forget all the murders, she stole touched and stole Steve's photo. :o I was concerned there for a moment she was going to find the blood.

Yeah what was up with her taking the picture? That was creepy! Does someone want a super soldier of their own?:shr:
So Natasha wasn't kidding when she said she started young.:woot:

Alright,maybe that kid wasn't her,but apparently she had the same "shackled to the bed" upbringing as the other girls in the "Widow program".
Dum Dum Dugan the union jack nickname :cwink:

The code breaker mentioning Turing method and Peggy was at Bletchley park. Benedict Cumberbatch is Oscar nominated for playing Alan Turing and is playing Doctor Strange.

John Glover cameo!

Junior Juniper died in the comics and died in the show. Juniper official 'Kenny' of the Howling Commandos.

Thompson has turned out to be much more nuanced than he appeared.

Old School Black Widow program was cool. I imagine the 80's Black Widow program Natasha went though was more hi-tech.

Ralph Brown as a Ruskie
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So Natasha wasn't kidding when she said she started young.:woot:

Alright,maybe that kid wasn't her,but apparently she had the same "shackled to the bed" upbringing as the other girls in the "Widow program".

Wonder how S.H.I.E.L.D deprogrammed Natasha from so many years of brainwashing & mind control? Wonder if Dottie could be redeemed & made an ally of the SSR/Shield in time but then the show won't last long enough to do that so Dottie will probably be killed off by the end or maybe the show ends on a cliffhanger & we will have to wait for a possible second season that may or may not be to learn her fate.
Child or not Peggy probably should have let Dum Dum toss that grenade.

The only justification I can see otherwise (besides ABC would get a lot of complaints) is that grenades are loud. I suppose they would be alerted anyway, but that would honestly alert everyone faster.
The only justification I can see otherwise (besides ABC would get a lot of complaints) is that grenades are loud. I suppose they would be alerted anyway, but that would honestly alert everyone faster.

I know there would be an uproar if they killed her but I wish they did have Peggy say the grenade would alert others instead of saying she's just a child.

Another niggle from this [top notch] episode. That mission cost them an agent and a what should be more important to Peggy since she dragged them into it [so she could go along] and he was under her command - a Howling Commando - yet there was less [if any] grieving by Peggy than there was for that obnoxious cop.

Also, Cap made it through half a war with only losing (kind of) one Commando in Bucky and Peggy loses a Commando in one day. Kind of sloppy. :nono:
Technically Thompson was in command. Peggy only started taking charge when it was clear that he wasn't necessarily up to the job.
She brought them in and the Commandos deferred to her over Thompson and she was leading that group of four and of them one was stabbed and the other murdered and on her orders the murderer was let go. She shone in the end battle when Thompson had PSTD but up until then those were pretty poor command results.
This episode was bittersweet. It was great, but it reminded me how much I wanted Dugan as part of the regular cast.
Missed half of this episode thanks to local ABC's coverage of the train "crash". Sure that was a horrible thing to happen, but it didn't warrant 3 breaking news interruptions.

From what I did see however, meh. Only one Howling Commando from TFA and the rest were throwaways. Not enough time spent on the Widow program, at least not enough info given. Action was good but these last few episodes have been very average to me.
You missed the flashback about the Widow program at the beginning.
I thought there was quite a lot about the Black Widow program.

We saw them learning English via Snow White, being brainwashed and indoctrinated via film and child trainee Widows fighting to to the death using moves we see Natasha and Dottie use with one being ordered to snap another neck. We saw one stab Dum Dum and murder another HC. We saw the handcuffs on all the beds and the handcuffs Dotties still uses to sleep. We saw more evidence that Dottie is not only a trained killer but completely unhinged

Unless one expected someone to monologue about the program and fill in the minutia, I'm not sure what more one could have wanted especially in this context.
AOU is supposedly going to delve into Natasha's past as well (the trailers have had several shots that appear to be Red Room related). So it's probably an ongoing process. Part of BW's character is that her past is quite mysterious. Even she doesn't know everything about it.
Very good episode, right up there with the best of this series so far. I especially liked them humanizing agent jerkface and showing that the rest of the SSR isn't a bunch of idiots who can't get stuff done.

They've been showing that all season (that the SSR agents are good at their jobs). It's one of the things that I've repeatedly praised the show for.
Well they went the extra mile to show it in this episode.
I'm late as usual. just finished the episode. I liked it. I'm still not sure in which direction the last few episodes will go
You missed the flashback about the Widow program at the beginning.

No I saw it.

I thought there was quite a lot about the Black Widow program.

We saw them learning English via Snow White, being brainwashed and indoctrinated via film and child trainee Widows fighting to to the death using moves we see Natasha and Dottie use with one being ordered to snap another neck. We saw one stab Dum Dum and murder another HC. We saw the handcuffs on all the beds and the handcuffs Dotties still uses to sleep. We saw more evidence that Dottie is not only a trained killer but completely unhinged

Unless one expected someone to monologue about the program and fill in the minutia, I'm not sure what more one could have wanted especially in this context.

I think the problem I have is more so that we don't hear the program referenced in name. Sure we see all this stuff, but there isn't any expeditious dialogue explaining anything, just the imagery. It works on the level of being mysterious and leaving us in the dark, but I still want the stuff spoon fed to me :o So yes to your last point.
What an awesome effin' ep. That's all I can say about that.
It's interesting then that they are doing the Black Widow program, and obviously Natasha would have gone through that kind of training, and so why would she keep the codename Black Widow when moving over to Shield.

I would think you'd want to drop a name you've been given thanks to you being brainwashed and killing some kids.
I know there would be an uproar if they killed her but I wish they did have Peggy say the grenade would alert others instead of saying she's just a child.

It could also be an argument for a character flaw. Peggy's too sympathetic even when it might be harmful.

They've been showing that all season (that the SSR agents are good at their jobs). It's one of the things that I've repeatedly praised the show for.

Yeah, I think it's quite good. Even when they lay the sexism on thick, none of the characters are prejudiced to their own detriment. This isn't Peggy's the only smart one out there. She's certainly brilliant, but they're good at their jobs for the most part.
I was glad to hear a hearty WaaaaaHooooo!.:woot:

I did think it was kinda lame that they couldn't let Dugan smoke a cigar on the show. I mean,kids can watch people murder,pass the bourbon around,and have Howard Stark be a revolving door for woman on the show...but have Dum Dum smoke a cigar and it would corrupt the youth of America!!!:o
I was glad to hear a hearty WaaaaaHooooo!.:woot:

I did think it was kinda lame that they couldn't let Dugan smoke a cigar on the show. I mean,kids can watch people murder,pass the bourbon around,and have Howard Stark be a revolving door for woman on the show...but have Dum Dum smoke a cigar and it would corrupt the youth of America!!!:o

I'm not sure it was a case of letting or not letting, more a case did a scene call for it, or maybe they just didn't think about it? I'm not sure I'd automatically assume they banned the idea outright for the sake of America's children. It's not like it's meth or something. :shr:

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