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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Of SHIELD - S2 Ep 17 'Melinda'

I'm gonna go ahead and guess about project Theta...(AOU SPOILERS BELLOW)

it was revealed by premiere attendees that at the end Nick and Hill are on a Helicarrier, SHIELD is reborn......he's probably gathering money and resources for Fury to take over again
I believe that project Theta is Coulson and Fury starting the "Avengers Academy".
I'm not going to read those AoU spoilers, but I don't think we need to.

Blackout said in season 1 that SHIELD took him in and then augmented his powers. We know that SHIELD had others such as Man Thing, Griffon, Angar the Screamer etc in custody. We know that they were assembling a team of heroes to use when needed. We know that Hydra was a part of SHIELD and had access to some of these gifted people.
This was a great episode. It expertly filled in the gaps of May's past and added some major developments to the Inhumans side plot. But most of all, it hinted at Coulson setting up the Avengers Acadamy, which is what I've been waiting for him to do since the show started! :woot:
good god..no wonder may became who she is today...
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If you need a filler episode use it to explore your characters. Have a monster of the week by all means but tie it in to a bigger story. Have Fitz dad be an alcoholic or something etc... Make them real people. That is why this one was good for me.
So far, they have always done that. the 'filler' episodes, especially those at the beginning of season 1 always were filled with stuff about one of the characters. We learned about Ward's childhood in The Well, about Bahrein in Repairs, we had the Cellist tied into the plot of Only Light In The Darkness later in season 1. We had lots of hints about Daisys past, a little bit of info about Fitz and Simmons (mostly in cut scenes of Seeds, but Simmonses parental issues were first mentioned in The Well as well). Stuff they could expand upon later in season 1 or in season 2 (where we learn more about Jemmas father)
So, I would say, so far, this last 29 episodes they have done pretty well in that regard
BTW,it seemed a big deal was made at the end for the number 26. Is there some kind of hidden meaning I didn't get? :huh: Hooray for 26!

I was expecting Clark Gregg to step out at the end and say "Today's episode was brought to you by the number 26." :woot:

would be a bit awkward if she is not daisy, but was a moment alright. Could it be breaking the 4th wall slightly and admittedly on their part forcing a connection with matt murdock, st Agnes go a few mentions.
would be a bit awkward if she is not daisy, but was a moment alright. Could it be breaking the 4th wall slightly and admittedly on their part forcing a connection with matt murdock, st Agnes go a few mentions.

Skye connection to St Agnes' was established in Season 1 .So it's been decided on the Daredevil side to send him to the same place .

And it must be important as after they brought it up via flashback in DD they then brought it up again in AoS just a few days later.
Skye connection to St Agnes' was established in Season 1 .So it's been decided on the Daredevil side to send him to the same place .

And it must be important as after they brought it up via flashback in DD they then brought it up again in AoS just a few days later.

yeah the location thing has been talked about over the weekend, time might add something new to it. Bennett was born in 1992, for some reason its important for them to mention she is playing a character who was born in 1988.
Would be a nice touch if Raina is whining about her condition. Then Skye snaps, there was a blind kid in my orphanage who learned to do backflips and somersaults he went on to become a lawyer. Your disability doesn't define who you are. Or something along them lines.
I was a tad underwhelmed by this episode. While I was glad to finally get the story of May's past but I thought it was too much of a distraction from the overall plot. I'd have rather seen it done over multiple episodes in flashbacks.
Skye connection to St Agnes' was established in Season 1 .So it's been decided on the Daredevil side to send him to the same place .

Where is this specifically said in Daredevil? I tried to find it, but failed.

And it must be important as after they brought it up via flashback in DD they then brought it up again in AoS just a few days later.

If it leads to a Charlie Cox guesting in Agents of Shield somewhere down the line I'm all for it! :yay:
Where is this specifically said in Daredevil? I tried to find it, but failed.

If it leads to a Charlie Cox guesting in Agents of Shield somewhere down the line I'm all for it! :yay:

Episode 1.07 - Stick and they actually showed the orphanage

Episode 1.07 - Stick and they actually showed the orphanage


I had this question too. I know they showed the orphanage, but did they actually name it? If not, this is just speculation.

....Okay, I'll check.

EDIT: I just re-watched all the parts of that episode with Matt and Stick together (this includes the flashbacks). They did not say the name of orphanage, and it wasn't written anywhere. Unless there is something seriously wrong with me and I missed it again, there's no proof that it's the same place.
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I had this question too. I know they showed the orphanage, but did they actually name it? If not, this is just speculation.

....Okay, I'll check.

EDIT: I just re-watched all the parts of that episode with Matt and Stick together (this includes the flashbacks). They did not say the name of orphanage, and it wasn't written anywhere. Unless there is something seriously wrong with me and I missed it again, there's no proof that it's the same place.
st. agnes was named in one of the first episodes by father lantom or whatever the priests name was.
edit: episode 2
st. agnes was named in one of the first episodes by father lantom or whatever the priests name was.
edit: episode 2

Still can't find it. Didn't see the priest in episode 2, but I did re-watch other clips with the priest and I never found one where he said "st agnes."

The only mention of a St. Agnes that I was able to find was "St. Agnes Daycare" in episode 2. Foggy tells Karen that he is "this close" to getting some guy's kid into the daycare. It's about 29 minutes into the episode.

Nothing about Matt going to an orphanage named St. Agnes.

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