Ezra Miller IS the Flash

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^If it's even a problem to begin with.

And Vin, when not in those snazzy lifts of his is more or less the shortest of the fast5 cast. Seems to have no bearing on power and presence, he's clearly the most powerful... Given this particular context I'm certain the power and presence will work itself out. Unlike Bats/Thor even Cap, superman's strength power really has nothing to do with his stature, if anything Thor towering over the dude in a face to face sells the superman power even more so. I wouldn't expect Arthur to be the tallest of his Round table yet I'd imagine they all of them 'look up to him'.

I actually find CavEl to be the absolute perfect height, for it infuses the Clark Kent persona disguise all the more. That he can fit in and actually embody the idea of 'mild mannered' even in his physical presence. I'll never get over that scene in SR where lois lists Superman's above average height to her husband and they both look at clark...


The standard male lead height(ala Pit/Leo/Denzel all of those dudes from 300 etc) seems ideal imo. Whatever they want to do with the rest of the league is up to them. I happen to really dig a tall batman for I feel that infuses the his premise on both identities, I also like a tall Cyborg and Wondy. When they showed up at comic con this year, they all looked fine, save for snyder himself who seemed 'short'. You only really seem short next to tall people, when you are and don't when you're not.

That being said, this all seems to superficial and pointless relative to other matters.

In case you're wondering what our friend (not the real) Kevin Smith thinks:

Doesn't matter if Ezra Miller "technically" isn't asian because he LOOKS like he [frick]king is. And also like an effeminate shemale Russell Brand. And not because he has "long hair", either, Thor has long hair but there is no questioning his masculinity. Even John Wesley Shipp was gay but he always came off as a masculine dude and physically looked it and was great as Barry Allen. Ezra Miller looks effeminate in the face and in his mannerisms and body. Look at the pics of him in those tighty tighty pants - he looks like a [frick]in' chick! He's got more hips than Gal Gadot! ****, you can even see his effeminate features such as this in We Need To Talk About Kevin for crissakes! He's all wrong for The Flash, period. Hemsworth while not an academy award winner is perfect for Thor because...Thor IS wooden! He IS stiff! He externalizes! He has rocks in his head! He exudes masculinity and carefree-ness! As does Hemsworth! He also has a boyish charm that excuses a lot of would be problems with his character, just like [frick]ing Thor does, which is why, again, Hemsworth IS perfect for Thor. Ezra Miller has not one IOTA of Flash in him - not ONE! We will not get The Flash, the TRUE Flash on screen as long as WB is making him Fairy Allen Ezra Miller. He looks as though he smells of second rate pot and left over fast food from a car. [frick] that guy!

People who actually AREN'T the specific race they're playing are cast as characters all the time, like when Dean Cain played Superman. He's part japanese but looked more white american guy than japanese, hence Superman.

Ezra Miller, not so much. Make no mistake, WB wants asian Flash - plus Barry works in a lab, another asian stereotype that WB will surely play up.

It's not stupid, it's FACT - last year WB said they wanted then Justice League to be a "superpowered United Nations" with each leaguer representing a different part of the world - this is that plan coming to fruition except instead of being Mexican The Flash is now played by a dude who looks asian.

We already have israeli Wonder Woman, brown Aquaman, Cyborg of course but he's supposed to be black and I'm cool with his involvement just not at the expense of Martian Manhunter, I'd rather they include both or just Martian Manhunter, aaand now we have an asian looking guy playing Flash who also looks like an androgynous chick. Ben Affleck of course represents 'murica, and Superman represents the world.

Who knows what GL will be. But honestly if they wanted diversity so bad why not include some JLA characters who actually ARE of different races instead of just hijacking characters and changing them to suit their political ends? Why not use Kyle Rayner as Green Lantern and/or Ryan Choi as The Atom, get Fire and Ice involved, etc.....there's so many great characters to choose from, idk why they can't be creative enough to do so and why they lazily have to distort the original 7.

And [frick] all you guys reporting my comments because you don't like what I have to say, I have a legitimate opinion, I'm not a troll, I love and respect these characters and you all just go and report and tattle on whoever isn't part of the group think-let's-suck-WB-and-Snyder's-dick-no-matter-what-they-do-to-the-DC-characters mentality. You guys can piss off.

Any way you look at it Ezra Miller is wrong for the part.

I don't really care about people's opinions or his but I just find it fascinating how in the comments, not an article, but the comments of CBM.com, he writes these long ass essays. He also goes on and is really like a village idiot obsessed with this. You wanna look away but it's so entertaining how stupid he acts.

What the hell? lol The guy doesn't even look Asian. At most, he looks like he might have some Native American admixture or Sephardi roots in light of his father being Jewish.
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Don't pay any attention to that, talking about that member was why he chose to come back and troll not long ago. Don't friggin tempt him to do it again.
I had no idea Henry Cavill was so small. You disappointed me for the last time DC! I'm not watching your movie about a midget superman now!
I'm with McQueen, let's not pollute this thread with his tripe. The whole reason he was banned was to spare people from his alarmist foil-hat diatribes.
Perhaps Ezra Miller won't portray The Flash as flamboyant, as I suggested before.
As actors always have an element of themselves in every character they play, Ezra could make his Barry Allen somewhat queer-looking or a little androgynous/effeminate instead. It would be like a spice to the film.
I have to admit I would be happy if they went this way. But not too far, of course.

Just a suggestion though, Don't go crazy on me for this.
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Eh, I don't know. I would be fine with him being a little "quirky" (altough I feel that was more or less what we got in DOFP's Quicksilver) but making Flash a little effeminate? Eh...
A lab scientist who looks slightly effeminate... could that be bad?
No, and actually it makes perfect sense for Barry to be the "nerd" of the Justice League.
Eh, I don't know. I would be fine with him being a little "quirky" (altough I feel that was more or less what we got in DOFP's Quicksilver) but making Flash a little effeminate? Eh...

Well, filming is still a few years away. With the right haircut and build (assuming he bulks up a little), the kid may surprise. :shrug:
This could be considered a curve ball to some fans, but it might work well.

Silver Age Flash was always kind of the smart goofy one. He and The Atom.
Do people want the lightening bolts on the mask to stick out? Does it work on the TV show? I asked a similar question in the captain america thread because people have always said the wings would never work in live action, and I personally don't see a difference between the bolts and wings
Do people want the lightening bolts on the mask to stick out? Does it work on the TV show? I asked a similar question in the captain america thread because people have always said the wings would never work in live action, and I personally don't see a difference between the bolts and wings
I want them to stick out and not be painted on the mask (like Cap).

The Flash should have a colorful suit of red and gold, something flashy.
I want them to stick out and not be painted on the mask (like Cap).
The Flash should have a colorful suit of red and gold, something flashy.

Sir or Madam.

Could you please stop using color font! It hurts my one eye. I only have one eye. I beg ya.

Many thanks in advance.
Do people want the lightening bolts on the mask to stick out? Does it work on the TV show? I asked a similar question in the captain america thread because people have always said the wings would never work in live action, and I personally don't see a difference between the bolts and wings

Yes and yes.
Just because Ezra Miller himself is a little effeminate doesn't necessarily mean The Flash will be.

Also, Ezra Miller is not Asian, nor does he look Asian, to the Einstein up above somewhere who apparently has never seen an Asian person in his life...
I am not understanding the hate for this Ezra Miller choice, people forget Adam Brody was cast as Flash for the 2008 JL Film. People ended up accepting that casting. Brody, who looks similar to Miller isn't even half the actor Miller is. Get Miller a trainer, get him a haircut and let's go from there. He'll probably surprise all the haters.
Are people really still upset about a gay/bi actor playing a straight guy?

Plenty of gay actors play straight characters believably, and for that matter most straight actors you could name have played gay at some point or another.

It's 2014, sheesh. Get the hell over something that never should have mattered in the first place.
I'm not upset or spreading hate. I like the choice of Ezra Flashes more by each day.

I can admit I make strange suggestions for the character, though. I'm just desperate for the hero to get his own cinematic identity. He deserves to be different from what we've seen before in the genre.
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