Homecoming **OFFICIAL** Spider-Man Homecoming SPOILERS Thread

If Aunt May is in Civil War, I want to see how Star-Lord reacts to her. I would the expect the "Whoa hot aunt" thing to continue.
I just really want Tony to make jokes about the two Peters.
Does anyone know of any comics-related reason he names Suit-Lady "Karen"?
Does anyone know of any comics-related reason he names Suit-Lady "Karen"?

The first thing I thought of while watching the movie and he named the suit Karen was of Karen Page from Daredevil. I haven't thought about it since. But now that I've seen your post, the only other Karen that immediately comes to mind is Karen O'Malley from Spider-Man Unlimited.
I haven't seen anyone discuss this yet, so please forgive me if this has already been brought up.

With regard to the final scene of the movie, Aunt May witnesses Peter in the Spidey suit...how will this play out in the sequel?

One of the things that was always prominent in the original comics was that May was far too frail to know the truth that Peter was Spider-Man or at least that's what Peter kept telling himself. Tomei's Aunt May is anything but frail.

So, does Peter somehow work his way outta the situation? Does he find some plausible excuse as to how/why he is wearing the suit?

Or does he just own up to being Spider-Man and they have a heart to heart convo about everything? This immediately reminds me of the very powerful scene in SM2 where Peter tells Aunt May about how he is responsible for the death of Uncle Ben. I could see something similar here and this could be at least the first time in this series that Ben is actually brought up in a straightforward conversation. But, that scene in SM2 would be hard to top imo as it is so well done. I'd imagine if Peter decides to be honest about being Spidey that he'd have to talk about how he decided to take up the mantle as a hero. That could lead to some very dramatic moments between May and Peter.

What are your thoughts?
I haven't seen anyone discuss this yet, so please forgive me if this has already been brought up.

With regard to the final scene of the movie, Aunt May witnesses Peter in the Spidey suit...how will this play out in the sequel?

One of the things that was always prominent in the original comics was that May was far too frail to know the truth that Peter was Spider-Man or at least that's what Peter kept telling himself. Tomei's Aunt May is anything but frail.

So, does Peter somehow work his way outta the situation? Does he find some plausible excuse as to how/why he is wearing the suit?

Or does he just own up to being Spider-Man and they have a heart to heart convo about everything? This immediately reminds me of the very powerful scene in SM2 where Peter tells Aunt May about how he is responsible for the death of Uncle Ben. I could see something similar here and this could be at least the first time in this series that Ben is actually brought up in a straightforward conversation. But, that scene in SM2 would be hard to top imo as it is so well done. I'd imagine if Peter decides to be honest about being Spidey that he'd have to talk about how he decided to take up the mantle as a hero. That could lead to some very dramatic moments between May and Peter.

What are your thoughts?
My thoughts is why didn't his Spidey-senses trigger when Aunt May approached???
She is a threat to his identity, that he don't want her to know about & his spider-senses does trigger when someone is about to discover who he is, in the comics.
While watching Homecoming...did anyone have a yearning for the "what could have been Spider-Man 4"? I thought Homecoming did Vulture very, very well. Easily one of the best MCU villains. Unfortunately though, that's not saying much.

Keaton absolutely nailed the role with the material he got but...I can't help but imagine, under Raimi's direction, he would give an even grander performance. All the things that were missing with Keaton's Vulture, I feel like Raimi would have brought to the surface.

Keaton wasn't "menacing" enough in my opinion. Sure he was a father first etc etc but, I feel like that's one of the best driving forces. He's willing to do anything and everything for his family. So much so that his morals get tested. I just see a Spider-Man vs Vulture battle play out in the Raimi verse and it's absolutely EPIC.

Especially those story boards that leaked a while back. Raimi knew how to do fight scenes and it's a shame that the action for Homecoming was pretty subpar. (To an extent.) A lot of missed opportunity in my opinion. It's a shame they never took Vulture into the city and had him fly around. That's something Raimi excelled at. He always made New York a "character" / "set piece" in his films.

I picture Spider-Man and Vulture duking it out 70-100 stories above street level...that helicopter set piece in S-M4 looked insane as well. Wish they didn't confine Vulture to just Queens. (Aside from their secret lair being in another state etc etc.) I know he was supposed to be under the radar but...come on, eight years...I don't buy into the fact that no one has seen/talked about him.

Just my two cents.
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I haven't seen anyone discuss this yet, so please forgive me if this has already been brought up.

With regard to the final scene of the movie, Aunt May witnesses Peter in the Spidey suit...how will this play out in the sequel?

One of the things that was always prominent in the original comics was that May was far too frail to know the truth that Peter was Spider-Man or at least that's what Peter kept telling himself. Tomei's Aunt May is anything but frail.

So, does Peter somehow work his way outta the situation? Does he find some plausible excuse as to how/why he is wearing the suit?

Or does he just own up to being Spider-Man and they have a heart to heart convo about everything? This immediately reminds me of the very powerful scene in SM2 where Peter tells Aunt May about how he is responsible for the death of Uncle Ben. I could see something similar here and this could be at least the first time in this series that Ben is actually brought up in a straightforward conversation. But, that scene in SM2 would be hard to top imo as it is so well done. I'd imagine if Peter decides to be honest about being Spidey that he'd have to talk about how he decided to take up the mantle as a hero. That could lead to some very dramatic moments between May and Peter.

What are your thoughts?

I'm very curious as to where they take this as well. As much as I loved and thought the ending was funny, I do fear it might be wasted potential.

The next time we see Spider-Man it'll be in Infinity War, but the next to we see May most likely won't be until Spider-Man 2, which they've stated will take place Peter's junior year so months (close to a year) will have passed by. Would seem a little bit odd that they'd sit on a conversation like that for several months.

But even if they do end up talking, I feel they should've saved it for at least the inevitable 3rd film, or the second act of the film. I just don't think we've spent enough time with May to really warrant a serious conversation. What I loved about Aunt May finding out in both Amazing/Ultimate was that Peter had a very long career as Spidey and we had seen May's opinion on Spider-Man.

Especially in Ultimate Spider-Man where she absolutely hated the wall crawler, while also having a lot of problems with her relationship with Peter. Bendis devoted an entire issue to a conversation between the two that was very serious. Same with Spider-Man 2 's convo, we knew enough about the two to earn that conversation. Feel we haven't gotten there just quite yet.
Before OMD/BND, 616 Aunt May did find out his Identity and I really liked those following stories as May was more of an asset and less of a hindrance. In my honest opinion, May was a much more interesting character as someone who had Peter’s back along with MJ, then constantly being displayed as someone who hated Spider-man and was having a heart attack scare every other issue.

In the Ultimates, May also found out and that led to all kinds of hijinks (at one point for a brief period of time, several other teen heroes were living with Peter and May as they didn't have anywhere to go, I felt it was a homage to/inspired by the old Spider-man and his Amazing Friends).

For 616, when Peter made the deal to save May's life with Mephisto, May's knowledge of Peter's identity along with his marriage to MJ went "poof".
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Ultimate May got annoying with the spider-man hate and was a generally unlikeable character before she found out (at least that's how I'm remembering it). So i'm kinda glad they didn't go down that road. I really enjoy her take so far. She reminded me a bit of the mom in karate kid.
Having her know makes it a lot easier. She can't really be like, "don't do this anymore" because so many people rely on him, she has to be realistic about it. No mother figure wants their kid out there doing it, but she always ends up realizing he's a special case.
Ultimate May got annoying with the spider-man hate and was a generally unlikeable character before she found out (at least that's how I'm remembering it). So i'm kinda glad they didn't go down that road. I really enjoy her take so far. She reminded me a bit of the mom in karate kid.

Oh I totally agree, I think it was drawn out way too long in Ultimate Spider-Man. She didn't start become bearable until after she found out. But I do like that there was at least a lot of time and development of both characters beforehand. I really enjoy what they're doing with May in the films, just wish we got more time with her before she found out.
Oh I totally agree, I think it was drawn out way too long in Ultimate Spider-Man. She didn't start become bearable until after she found out. But I do like that there was at least a lot of time and development of both characters beforehand. I really enjoy what they're doing with May in the films, just wish we got more time with her before she found out.

Yeah for sure. It would've been perfect for the next film so we could actually see them sit down and discuss it.
I'd like to see Smythe appear in the sequel along with the Spider slayers and he could be behind the creation of the Scorpion suit as well.

He'd fit in really well in the MCU and besides the glorified cameo in Amazing Spider-Man 2, he hasn't appeared yet.
I was a little annoyed the Aunt May was at the end because that's a very interesting scene to see play out and should have time dedicated to it. I hope Infinity War can show enough of it.

Before OMD/BND, 616 Aunt May did find out his Identity and I really liked those following stories as May was more of an asset and less of a hindrance. In my honest opinion, May was a much more interesting character as someone who had Peter’s back along with MJ, then constantly being displayed as someone who hated Spider-man and was having a heart attack scare every other issue.

In the Ultimates, May also found out and that led to all kinds of hijinks (at one point for a brief period of time, several other teen heroes were living with Peter and May as they didn't have anywhere to go, I felt it was a homage to/inspired by the old Spider-man and his Amazing Friends).

For 616, when Peter made the deal to save May's life with Mephisto, May's knowledge of Peter's identity along with his marriage to MJ went "poof".

Ultimate May got annoying with the spider-man hate and was a generally unlikeable character before she found out (at least that's how I'm remembering it). So i'm kinda glad they didn't go down that road. I really enjoy her take so far. She reminded me a bit of the mom in karate kid.

I don't really remember Ultimate May coming off as annoying. She was an understandably stressed parent figure. In fact the film picked up on that and used a great idea of May knowing he sneaks out at night from the ultimate universe.

But yes 616 did a great job revealing the identity to May, those were great comics that really explored their relationship and I'd love to see that one film.
One thing this Spider-Man did for was make me want to see more of him and his world. I can't wait for his next solo.
The first thing I thought of while watching the movie and he named the suit Karen was of Karen Page from Daredevil. I haven't thought about it since. But now that I've seen your post, the only other Karen that immediately comes to mind is Karen O'Malley from Spider-Man Unlimited.

That would certainly be... a deep cut, to say the least.

I haven't seen anyone discuss this yet, so please forgive me if this has already been brought up.

With regard to the final scene of the movie, Aunt May witnesses Peter in the Spidey suit...how will this play out in the sequel?

Hoping we get a good convo between the two where it's laid-out, barebones. Cause of stress and tension and though she worries and wishes he would quit, she can't make him--because he's saving other people's Uncle Bens now. Could be a good way to introduce the MCU's take on Uncle Ben, too. We have to get it sometime, right?

One thing this Spider-Man did for was make me want to see more of him and his world. I can't wait for his next solo.

Undoubtedly. :up: :spidey:
I'm very curious as to where they take this as well. As much as I loved and thought the ending was funny, I do fear it might be wasted potential.

The next time we see Spider-Man it'll be in Infinity War, but the next to we see May most likely won't be until Spider-Man 2, which they've stated will take place Peter's junior year so months (close to a year) will have passed by. Would seem a little bit odd that they'd sit on a conversation like that for several months.

But even if they do end up talking, I feel they should've saved it for at least the inevitable 3rd film, or the second act of the film. I just don't think we've spent enough time with May to really warrant a serious conversation. What I loved about Aunt May finding out in both Amazing/Ultimate was that Peter had a very long career as Spidey and we had seen May's opinion on Spider-Man.

Especially in Ultimate Spider-Man where she absolutely hated the wall crawler, while also having a lot of problems with her relationship with Peter. Bendis devoted an entire issue to a conversation between the two that was very serious. Same with Spider-Man 2 's convo, we knew enough about the two to earn that conversation. Feel we haven't gotten there just quite yet.

As a criticism of Homecoming, imo there could have been some more dramatic moments. And although I got a sense about the relationship between May and Peter, they could have gone deeper. So, yes, in a way, it does feel as though the reveal is a bit unearned. But I wouldn't cancel out them not showing us a convo between the two. There's ways to make that happen. As another poster in a different thread stated, 'they showed us what happened with Peter in Germany during CW and the before and after bits.' Paraphrased, but you get the idea.

And my other thought is we've seen May in several Spider-Man movies and there's always this notion of 'she knows he's Spider-Man but doesn't say anything.' It'll be nice to see a version where she does know and Peter can rely on her for support. And I'm sure she'll worry even more than she already does about him--there's good potential here for the drama element.

Before OMD/BND, 616 Aunt May did find out his Identity and I really liked those following stories as May was more of an asset and less of a hindrance. In my honest opinion, May was a much more interesting character as someone who had Peter’s back along with MJ, then constantly being displayed as someone who hated Spider-man and was having a heart attack scare every other issue.

In the Ultimates, May also found out and that led to all kinds of hijinks (at one point for a brief period of time, several other teen heroes were living with Peter and May as they didn't have anywhere to go, I felt it was a homage to/inspired by the old Spider-man and his Amazing Friends).

For 616, when Peter made the deal to save May's life with Mephisto, May's knowledge of Peter's identity along with his marriage to MJ went "poof".

I like the idea of May in this universe being an asset to Peter.

One thing this Spider-Man did for was make me want to see more of him and his world. I can't wait for his next solo.


That would certainly be... a deep cut, to say the least.

Yes, yes it would. Who were you thinking of when he named her Karen?

Hoping we get a good convo between the two where it's laid-out, barebones. Cause of stress and tension and though she worries and wishes he would quit, she can't make him--because he's saving other people's Uncle Bens now. Could be a good way to introduce the MCU's take on Uncle Ben, too. We have to get it sometime, right?

This is basically what I want. Ben needs to be brought up a some point and what better way than for a scene like this.
Could be that the next movie opens from May's perspective. A tracking shot on her as she gets into the apartment and sees Peter in the suit. Then we get an emotional scene with plenty of Uncle Ben in it.
While watching Homecoming...did anyone have a yearning for the "what could have been Spider-Man 4"? I thought Homecoming did Vulture very, very well. Easily one of the best MCU villains. Unfortunately though, that's not saying much.

Keaton absolutely nailed the role with the material he got but...I can't help but imagine, under Raimi's direction, he would give an even grander performance. All the things that were missing with Keaton's Vulture, I feel like Raimi would have brought to the surface.

Keaton wasn't "menacing" enough in my opinion. Sure he was a father first etc etc but, I feel like that's one of the best driving forces. He's willing to do anything and everything for his family. So much so that his morals get tested. I just see a Spider-Man vs Vulture battle play out in the Raimi verse and it's absolutely EPIC.

Especially those story boards that leaked a while back. Raimi knew how to do fight scenes and it's a shame that the action for Homecoming was pretty subpar. (To an extent.) A lot of missed opportunity in my opinion. It's a shame they never took Vulture into the city and had him fly around. That's something Raimi excelled at. He always made New York a "character" / "set piece" in his films.

I picture Spider-Man and Vulture duking it out 70-100 stories above street level...that helicopter set piece in S-M4 looked insane as well. Wish they didn't confine Vulture to just Queens. (Aside from their secret lair being in another state etc etc.) I know he was supposed to be under the radar but...come on, eight years...I don't buy into the fact that no one has seen/talked about him.

Just my two cents.

I 100% disagree. Vulture was grounded and realistic in a way raimi wouldn't make. Raimi is the king of camp. Villains like Goblin need to be grandiose. Vulture doesn't and it was refreshing to see him being paralleled to Peter's street level status.
Originally Posted by Resistance61513

Keaton wasn't "menacing" enough in my opinion.

I don't agree with that, at all. In and out of costume, Keaton is pretty scary.
I feel like they want to parallel the first Iron Man in that he revealed his identity/someone discovered his identity and this came as a surprise to be audience both times.

It is already confirmed that Aunt May will be in Infinity War so it was important they reveal his identity before IW so that there can be more opportunities for dramatic moments in IW as someone said in this thread

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