Daredevil Season 1, Episode 9 "Speak of the Devil" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)


Admin of Might
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Jun 16, 2007
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Discuss Episode 9: "Speak of the Devil" here.

When Fisk gains the upper hand, the goal to destroy him becomes even more difficult, while Daredevil faces his own demons.
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That was a pretty awesome fight to start the episode with
Another stellar episode, it's just wow. I keep thinking it's going to hit a plateau but they raise the bar every episode. I like how they teased the fight throughout and damn if this episode didn't get me right in the feels. All the characters feel so real including Kingpin. The writing and performances are just so good. Everyone feels human and even though Matt is a superhero he feels so grounded and believable. And the fights are way beyond anything that is out there right now, just amazing choreography and so well done. Love the brutality. I was wondering if they were going to tackle what they revelealed with Foggy and it was really well done.
The priest is yet another great guest character, providing a Catholic sounding board to Matt's dilemma whether to cross the line or not. And we had a flaming ninja!
Any time someone say's Nobu's name, I think of the kid from Battle Royale.
Tense episode with some good exploration of themes. The conversations with the priest were the highlights. It's about how far you would go to stop someone, particularly when that someone doesn't play by the rules. It really hammered things home without the need to be overly religious.

I like the framing device with the ninja fight. It's almost certainly an allusion to the Hand, but I like that they're keeping it ambiguous. It got real intense at the end when Matt finally pulled through only to find the Kingpin. Daredevil has fought the Kingpin many times in the comics and, usually, the Kingpin comes out triumphant. I know Matt was weak here, but I'm glad it ended with him on the losing end.

And the reveal at the end was a surprise. Foggy found out way later in the comics than Karen did, so I expected her to find out first. But Karen and Matt have been very distant, so I think this works better.
This was another one of the best episodes.

I really enjoyed the stuff about religion and so forth with the priest. Maybe a bit on the nose,but it worked really well.

Matt interviewing Vanessa/meeting Fisk was also well done.

I loved the fight with Red Ninja. Probably the closest to a comic book villain as we're gonna get. The guy even tried to fight while on fire. :woot:

Kingpin getting a fight with DD was a neat little added bonus. Reminds me of the 03 movie where DD was also cut up and bleeding. Only he fared better there. :woot:

I'm a bit surprised/disappointed that Foggy's going to find out so soon, but we'll see what happens next.
ANOTHER excellent episode! Fisk is an absolute beast. Damn.
Holy crap! Every episode has been excellent, but "Speak of the Devil" pushed it up to a whole other level. Best episode yet, one of the most epic hours of television I've watched. I feel like this was arguably the best episode yet for developing Matt Murdock as a character. It really got into his Catholicism, and managed to address it respectfully without feeling mawkish. And Charlie Cox played the part brilliantly, really channeling Murdock's inner turmoil and guilt, and moments where his fury is threatening to boil over. It's all the more impressive when you remember he's portraying these complex emotions without emoting through his eyes. Elden Henson also did some superb work as Foggy, hopefully putting to rest the criticisms against his performance I've seen coming from some quarters. Not that we skimped on the action side of things either, with the battle between Murdock and Nobu getting really nasty. And then there were the two meetings between Murdock and Fisk. The first one alone would have been electrifying enough, with the fun chemistry between Murdock and Vanessa being upended into this tense encounter, the first face-to-face meeting between the two opposing forces. But then I was totally taken by surprise by their climactic showdown, with Vincent D'Onofrio once again showing he can deliver the goods in physicality as well as performance. And then we had THAT ending. Oh God, just perfect television... I'd watch it again if I wasn't so keen to find out what happens next. This right here was season finale quality... and yet somehow we're fortunate enough to have 4 more episodes!
I watched this one Sunday night. I worked yesterday and had a meeting until 10 at night. Today I'm chaperoning a field trip for my daughter. I'll watch AoS this evening. Not sure if I'll watch episode 10 of DD or not. I may rewatch episode 9. This episode was one of the finest pieces of modern day storytelling I've seen. To me, so far, this show equals True Detective in terms of excellence.
This show doesn't only raise the bar for superhero TV shows, it raise the bar, period. I love how minor characters like the priest and the old woman all have great moments where they stand out.
This show doesn't only raise the bar for superhero TV shows, it raise the bar, period. I love how minor characters like the priest and the old woman all have great moments where they stand out.

Definitely. This show, man, this show.
This show doesn't only raise the bar for superhero TV shows, it raise the bar, period. I love how minor characters like the priest and the old woman all have great moments where they stand out.

Exactly. While still early, we're only one season deep, this show has the makings of being something epic along the lines of Sopranos or any other top tier TV show. It just so happens to feature a superhero as the protagonist. But DD has just as much substance as it has style--the writing, acting, action are all top notch. Which makes the show accessible to everyone and anyone that enjoys quality productions.
Dang! Just finished watching this episode and it's amazing!! It's like it's Daredevil incarnate from the comics! I'm about to watch the next episode now. This puts Gotham, Agents of SHIELD and Arrow to shame! I actually didn't think Marvel could do dark but man did they do it!!
Great episode.
Fisk really enjoys the opportunity to use his hands every now and then - Pray it isn't you :D

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