Rebels Star Wars Rebels Season 3: An Open Discussion

Depending on what the Holocron is telling him, Ezra might follow the Sith teachings closer than Maul does at this point. I always thought it was strange how Maul seemed much more genuine in his care towards Savage than would be appropriate for a true Sith Master/Apprentice dynamic. Could be that same weakness that proves to be his undoing with Ezra.
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Ezra going to the darkside would be pretty damn dark for a Disney channel cartoon, but I would love for them to go there. Ezra joining the Inquisitors or going rogue and the Ghost crew and Kanan having to deal with that emotional fallout could be some heavy ****.
It'd add another dimension to the conflict, showing someone get so caught up in the fight against the Empire that they become the same thing they're fighting.
Though Filoni did admit that they scrapped those plans because he and the staff found it to be too much of a fan service moment.

At Celebration when they questioned Witwer about the Emperor's appearance he did get very guarded, so I think that's probably where the Maul storyline's heading. For better or worse, Palpatine is basically the closest thing Maul has to a father and he's starting to mirror his master in a lot of ways as he approaches middle age. That makes more sense to me than the other options....unless they do actually pull he trigger on Ezra falling to the Dark Side and have him murder Maul as per Sith tradition. But right now I'm thinking Sheev is the endgame.
Which is exactly why we will still get a form of it. It is the same reason we got Vader/Ahsoka and Thrawn became canon. Because those fan service moments are kind of what these shows are built on for the majority. I think it is exactly why we got the little line about Maul not being able to take Vader on his own.

I can see two people killing Maul right now. The Emperor and Vader. If the idea is Maul is trying to use Ezra as a weapon against the Sith, that means at some point there will need to be a confrontation with the Sith. I don't think you bring Maul back and not let that happen. I don't think Kanan or Ezra kill him before that can happen. I also don't think Maul is going to outlive this series.
Which is exactly why we will still get a form of it. It is the same reason we got Vader/Ahsoka and Thrawn became canon. Because those fan service moments are kind of what these shows are built on for the majority. I think it is exactly why we got the little line about Maul not being able to take Vader on his own.

I can see two people killing Maul right now. The Emperor and Vader. If the idea is Maul is trying to use Ezra as a weapon against the Sith, that means at some point there will need to be a confrontation with the Sith. I don't think you bring Maul back and not let that happen. I don't think Kanan or Ezra kill him before that can happen. I also don't think Maul is going to outlive this series.

I don't think Maul's going to outlive the series either, purely because if he does then it means we're going to get a brand new wave of Snoke theories. I can't live through that again Darth, I just can't.
I hope to god that they touch on Snoke's history and Rey's parentage in Episode VIII. I can't take the crack theories anymore...
After a while it's like a snake eating it's own tail. "Snoke is Rey's father" was the most recent one I saw...I'm just not sober enough to deal with that
I hope to god that they touch on Snoke's history and Rey's parentage in Episode VIII. I can't take the crack theories anymore...

Ah, it's typical internet theories. They are always there no matter what.
I don't think Maul's going to outlive the series either, purely because if he does then it means we're going to get a brand new wave of Snoke theories. I can't live through that again Darth, I just can't.
Oh God, I never even thought of that. The pain, it would be endless...

I hope to god that they touch on Snoke's history and Rey's parentage in Episode VIII. I can't take the crack theories anymore...
It has led to some great crazy post here though. The guy going on about Rey's staff or how Snoke was totally going to look like a Munn. Then he changed his because it turned out Snoke didn't look that way. :lmao:

Ah, it's typical internet theories. They are always there no matter what.
It is true. But there is still something irksome about people who seemingly haven't been following a film deciding a crazy theory deserve merit.
"Snoke is a spawn of a force tree and Rey is his counterpart" etc

It seems like 95% of Pablo Hidalgo's job is basically trying to talk sense into the Snoke conspiracy theorists.
It'll be a walk in the park for the Rebels. Easy Peasy!
Can't wait to see what they've done with the Bendu.

Also, that one really quick cut is a Tie Interceptor.



Darth Vader Most Likely Not Appearing in Star Wars Rebels Season 3

Looks like we have some bad news for Darth Vader fans. Dave Filoni has all but confirmed that Vader will not be back in Star Wars Rebels Season 3. Vader had a decent amount of screen time in Season 2 when the story required him, especially when Ahsoka Tano became involved. Slashfilm interviewed Filoni and here’s what he had to say regarding Vader:

Dave Filoni said:
“You know, I’ve kind of gone on this course, which is pretty, pretty direct about certain things ’cause I don’t like to tease people along and then have them be disappointed. So it’s really an elected decision to not have Vader around because, as we get closer to A New Hope, I want him to serve as that story.”

Filoni goes on to say that he thinks Vader served his purpose in Rebels already.

Dave Filoni said:
“I know it sounds funny. I don’t wanna fill in every hole. I don’t know what we benefit from that. As much as you need to say, okay, this is a major point in his life when he’s confronted by his former apprentice. That is worth doing. Him chasing the rebels of the Ghost crew around is never something that really interested me. Mainly because I didn’t think they could survive it for very long. And now that I have Thrawn, it’s more interesting to me to setup this completely different kind of villain that’s gonna play a long game against our guys that they’re not typically used to.”

Filoni also talked a little bit about the future of the Inquisitors on the show:

Dave Filoni said:
“I’m not gonna define if they’re done not or yet. But I feel like you have to start to phase those things out. Because you get the feeling when Tarkin’s talking to Vader in A New Hope that Force wielding usage wasn’t something that was very prevalent in A New Hope. He talks about it like something that’s a bygone era. So it was risky to me to have these kind of modern Force wielding guys around as close to the timeline as we were. And so I’ve kind of tried to push them away and kind of got rid of them a lot in one fell swoop last season. And now I’m bringing in more of a military man who I think actually fits that type of feeling and time period more like the Piett’s and those kind of bad guys. But, you know, ’cause when I was a kid and remember Tarkin says that line to Vader about their fire’s gone out in the galaxy. I felt like it was hundreds of years. You didn’t realize as a kid how recently it was. It was in Tarkin’s lifetime that the Jedi were running around. But yeah, it’s gotta be feeling like it was a while ago.”

Most Likely is not confirmation. That he wasn't willing to say he wouldn't be there makes me think he will.
Darth Vader Most Likely Not Appearing in Star Wars Rebels Season 3

Filoni also talked a little bit about the future of the Inquisitors on the show:

Very interesting. I do agree with him about the Inquisitors being phased out, beyond the fact that they don't jive with Tarkin's comments, they just weren't all that interesting as antagonists.

The Vader thing doesn't surprise me. As much as I would love to see Vader/Thrawn/Tarkin/Krennic(?) in a room together, I get that the storyline anchoring him to the show (Ahsoka) is finished for now.
I'm okay with no Vader in season 3. There's a lot of interesting things they can touch up on without him.

Regarding Ezra going to the dark side, I'd LOVE if they did that, but I doubt it happens because of Disney XD. Sometimes it's hard to want darker things out of a show geared towards children. lol
Which is exactly why we will still get a form of it. It is the same reason we got Vader/Ahsoka and Thrawn became canon. Because those fan service moments are kind of what these shows are built on for the majority. I think it is exactly why we got the little line about Maul not being able to take Vader on his own.

I can see two people killing Maul right now. The Emperor and Vader. If the idea is Maul is trying to use Ezra as a weapon against the Sith, that means at some point there will need to be a confrontation with the Sith. I don't think you bring Maul back and not let that happen. I don't think Kanan or Ezra kill him before that can happen. I also don't think Maul is going to outlive this series.
Darth Maul coming back as a recurring character and becoming a fully realized character rather than the husk he was in episode I is basically pure fan service anyway.

Listen, I like Maul in this show, but he still feels like a completely different character and not the dude who was in Episode I.
I can realistically buy that the character would have changed drastically with everything that happened after TPM.
Darth Maul coming back as a recurring character and becoming a fully realized character rather than the husk he was in episode I is basically pure fan service anyway.

Listen, I like Maul in this show, but he still feels like a completely different character and not the dude who was in Episode I.

Getting cut in half, losing your mind, spending 12 years as a human/mechanical spider on a garbage planet, being abandoned by your master and mentor, watching your brother die, and being tortured by your former master and a bunch of other horrible **** tends to change a person.

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