The All Things Flash Thread. - Part 2

The suit of one of the Barry's wear is a resprayed Keaton suit because when he's spraying the boots it's a Keaton Batman 89 boot.
The suit of one of the Barry's wear is a resprayed Keaton suit because when he's spraying the boots it's a Keaton Batman 89 boot.
Okay, so I know people seem disappointed that we didn't get more but....



I'm curious.

But it doesn't really feel like the first ever Flash live action movie, when you have Batman and Supergirl.
Ezra Miller wearing a choker…

I really don’t like the look of the new suit. Or the look of the movie for that matter. Basically only here because I’m curious to see Keaton and Supergirl.
What's with TV like aspect ratio ? Is the film shot in 1.33:1 ?

I still feel like this whole thing is just made as fan service gimmickry. I’ll no doubt see it as a DC fan, but not expecting a particularly good film, more than I am a series of rather pointless but emotive fan service inclusions around a serviceable plot.

Hopefully when full trailers arrive it might feel like there’s more to it.
Yeah, I've just got no meaningful comments to make on this at this stage. The suit looks fine... except the cowl which is notably awful. I think the spray-painted suit is interesting. Weird as hell they put Burton's Batcave... inside Nolan's Batcave. That threw me so much.
My only interest in this is Keaton, as he is my favorite Batman.

Ezra Miller is simply awful in this role and I cannot believe WB stuck with this casting. He was horribly miscast in the role and brings too much quirkiness to the character.

He's not even the type of actor that can bring good press to the movie, as the dude is fairly odd and has the choking story to go with him. He's not going to appeal to a mass audience.
I'll throw this in spoilers as I'm unsure who may be aware of it, and who may not be, but...

I think I've seen photos (maybe here?) of Ezra in a yellow suit, practically portraying (a) Reverse Flash. Taking into account there's two versions of the Flash already with this teaser, I hope the film isn't going to pull a CW Savitar and have the antagonist as another version of Barry that kills his own mother or something stupid, cause that'll be beyond lame.

Ezra Miller is simply awful in this role and I cannot believe WB stuck with this casting. He was horribly miscast in the role and brings too much quirkiness to the character.
Zack (and Joss) wrote Ezra wrong, especially Joss, but this (could) be a new Barry by films end. I didn't think Patterson was the right choice for Bruce Wayne, and there's a bunch of other celebrities that have been cast in roles that I didn't think suited, but they've taken the role and made it their own. With the right material, I think most actors and actresses can make it work. I just don't think Ezra has been given the right material thus far. Hopefully this film will change that.

He's not even the type of actor that can bring good press to the movie, as the dude is fairly odd and has the choking story to go with him.
There's many celebrities with questionable stories about them. Fact is, none of us know the entire story; we only know what the media in it's righteousness decided to share, and the way in which the story was portrayed, so I'm willing to look beyond that incident.
This was not a proper trailer but rather a weak teaser.

I'm hoping first trailer will be better, as for Ezra's acting, he was OK in ZSJL.
I dont hate Ezra and the chocking thing i cant really comment On because
1. Dont know all the facts.
2. My opinion wont change anything.

I very very rarely think you cant make a character work. With different direction Leto could make a great Joker. Jesse (who I like as Lex) was pretty good in the Justice League scene he had and Ezra and an extremely capable actor to play Barry Allen and with a different direction he could be perfect.

All that being said he and the character are in the worse possible position with this film. Two Batmans (one who has major nostalgic drive) and Supergirl and an extremely over complicated storyline. As a Flash fan and not necessarily a fan of Keaton or Affleck its a bit concerning but I just hope Ezra stands out enough to get a more solo-esque sequel.
My only interest in this is Keaton, as he is my favorite Batman.

Ezra Miller is simply awful in this role and I cannot believe WB stuck with this casting. He was horribly miscast in the role and brings too much quirkiness to the character.

He's not even the type of actor that can bring good press to the movie, as the dude is fairly odd and has the choking story to go with him. He's not going to appeal to a mass audience.
Agreed. Only Keaton can possibly save this movie.
I’m looking forward to this for Keaton, the concept of this film allowing us to see other universes on the big screen, and the opportunity for this film to completely erase Ezra Miller’s version of the character from existence and get replaced with a different, better actor. Better to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, and not bring that actor’s baggage into future films.

The Flash reversing time in ZSJL is the literally the only good thing and why people even talk about him at all. Unless this film does something great with him as a character, that’s not going to change.
Agreed. Only Keaton can possibly save this movie.
When I see Ezra off duty, when I see his outfits, his interviews, everything about him screams spilt little brat looking for attention... now, am I wrong? I could well be, however, from my career dealing with youth with issues, I see this all the time. Is it his fault... not entirely, does he make poor choices, ofcourse.

Real question is, Barry was poorly written and they got the character wrong... they then chose an actor that made it worse.

Dan Stevens would have been my choice, bloke does humour well.. see 'Eurovision song contest'. He could have been a quirky smart ass - if that's what they wanted.
Flash' new cowl reminds me of those little kids who put on their dads' helmets and look like bobbleheads
I'll throw this in spoilers as I'm unsure who may be aware of it, and who may not be, but...

I think I've seen photos (maybe here?) of Ezra in a yellow suit, practically portraying (a) Reverse Flash. Taking into account there's two versions of the Flash already with this teaser, I hope the film isn't going to pull a CW Savitar and have the antagonist as another version of Barry that kills his own mother or something stupid, cause that'll be beyond lame.

I think what you saw were set photos from the Armageddon crossover, which showed Grant Gustin in the Reverse Flash suit.
I'm hot and cold on Ezra. I liked him much better in the Snyder Cut of JL than the Whedon version but there were still some bits of him where I chaffed. I'm not sold on the guy, I think under the right director he could be a charming Barry Allen so long as his quirkiness is kept relatively in check.

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