The Captain Marvel User Review Thread (TAG SPOILERS!!!)

it is a prequel to phase 1,
so it would be odd if the movie felt completely unconnected to that part of the MCU.

I certainly felt a connection, particularly via Coulson, who was the glue at that time, and then the overall structure, which was fairly similar to the first Thor movie. Obviously, that structure is used in a very different way here, and this movie has more impressive effects sequences. But there is a parallel.

Anyway, it worked for me.
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Not bad, but underwhelming. That’s the best way to describe my sense of it.

My biggest issue was Brie Larson’s performance. She can be a fantastic actor (thought she was amazing in Room) but here her performance was so emotionally disconnected I found it hard to get invested in her. And so the big moment that should have been a major emotional payoff doesn’t really quite feel earned. None of the other MCU heroes have that issue (nor did Wonder Woman for that matter, so its not just a gender thing). I think I get what they were going for, but I think there were other ways they could have handled it.

Now there are elements of this that are really good. Nick Fury, Maria and her kid were standouts and I really thought Brie Larson’s best moments were their interactions. The fight scene on the train was pretty kickass. And I think that the third act was well made. But the third act also highlights the main problem- it would play much better if we could connect more emotionally to the main character. I felt like it wasn’t earned.

Not a bad movie, it does have a number of things going for it. Just not enough for me to consider it more than passable. 5.5/10

Mildly entertaining held togther by strong support characters and a good middle act. The finale is nothing too exciting or original. The opening is jumbled and has pacing issues.
My biggest issue was Brie Larson’s performance. She can be a fantastic actor (thought she was amazing in Room) but here her performance was so emotionally disconnected I found it hard to get invested in her. And so the big moment that should have been a major emotional payoff doesn’t really quite feel earned. None of the other MCU heroes have that issue (nor did Wonder Woman for that matter, so its not just a gender thing). I think I get what they were going for, but I think there were other ways they could have handled it.

Agree that I also feel Brie Larson was miscast. She just felt off, like she couldn't produce that natural charisma which other Avengers have, even the minor ones like hawkeye and antman. I get that shes cast as someone who has memory recollection problems and trained to be emotionless but thats still no excuse to be pretty bland in day to day casual behaviour.
Okay, FINALLY saw it on Saturday. Loved it. Solid 8/10 for me. I thought Brie did an admirable job as Carol, and I think the scene where she and Marie reconnected really felt like her becoming the Carol we she finally dropped the "I-wanna-be-a-stoic-Kree-solider" vibe. The action was good, the soundtrack was incredible, and I have to say that anyone who thought this movie was rockin' a feminist vibe was just looking for a reason to complain. The gripes about injustice towards females in it were just. They weren't doing a "women are better than men in every way" post-modern feminist thing, they did a classic and noble "Women can do whatever men can do because the sexes are equal" thing, which is classical feminism...which I was happy to have my daughter see. My little girl saw a woman overcome and excel, which is what I want for her.

So, yeah, a good movie, even if it didn't reach the heights of Winter Solider, Avengers, of GotG.

Thought the film was extremely mediocre & arguably the weakest MCU film to date by a fair distance.

Things were quite jumbled up & messy particularly the opening 2/3's of the movie, maybe that was by intention to make the viewer as confused as Captain Marvel was & probably still is. I'm fine with films telling stories somewhat backwards via flashbacks or whatever the method may be, but there has to be a point in the film in which it flips & it gets the viewer ahead of things & IMO they didn't do a good enough job of doing that.

Best thing(s) about the film was Nick Fury & seeing more of a backround on him & Talos/Skrulls arc, which admittedly I'd like to see more off.

Captain Marvel herself took somewhat of a backseat in her own film to Nick Fury, there didn't seem to me like a lot of character development either. She was strong & confused at the start & she was strong, but glowing, at the end & as far as I could make out still somewhat confused, she didn't have that epiphany moment that jogged more of her memory (unless it completely went over my head).. maybe that would have been too predictable even by Marvel's standards.
Finally saw this. Let me just say that this was not worthy of a Phase 3 MCU film. Furthermore it wreaked of "Captain America in Space!" as they tried to propel off the platform that she was "too small, too weak". Then you add in the Tesseract or the cat rag-dolling Kree like the Hulk or Groot? I mean we're talking a recycling factory of the MCU.

The failures of this film should definitely be laid at the feet of the writers, who were also very clearly emboldened with the theme of "control" when it comes to man vs. woman in the form of the Yagg/Vers relationship. I'd even go far as to say there were hints of low key mental abuse sowed in there. Then you had gems like "There's a reason they call it a COCKPIT" or "Hey honey smile for me" as one oafish biker boasts.

The use of 90's girl music was sloppy and misplaced. Many things happen just out of sheer plot convenience. The 3rd act is scattered and downright corny (especially the action) in a lot of spots. I'm talking shades of that scene in "Thor: The Dark World" where Selvig and Jane are running from the Dark Elves kind of corny. The Skrulls prosthetics were awful - you could tell they were trying to save money there instead of going CGI. Hated how they reduced the lore of the Kree/Skrull war.

As for Larson, for the life of me I can't figure out why they wanted her to keep doing that face all film long. Her mouthiness was also a bite off RDJ. Really had hoped they would've given her unique personality but she is every bit the stubborn character Stark is. About the only bright spot is she had moments of intensity that I wanted to see.

At one point I couldn't help, but think "Man they're really trying to use Fury to save this film". The only things I liked were the Rambo/Danvers heart-to-heart and then the original Kree mission in the beginning of the film. The team had a fun dynamic and then poof - gone. Loved the look of Hala and all the space stuff. I noticed the use of heavier metals to "date" even the advanced technology.

I'm really disappointed. Luckily the Russos are better at this than the team that created CM. But I have concerns moving forward if CM is expected to carry the torch for the MCU. 4/10.
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Been thinking about this movie since I saw it opening weekend and there sadly isn’t anything in it that I can remember where I feel I need to see right away again. Usually there are 1 or 2 things in each MCU movie, but everything in this movie just felt “ok”.
Wonder Woman was far subtler on the gender politics. 6/10. I think once CM plays off the other Avengers it'll be better than I felt here.
Wanted to wait to see this a second time before really compiling any thoughts on it, give it a bit of time to breathe and see if second viewing made it shine a little brighter as some movies tend to.

Yeah, I don't know. Very much a mixed bag with this one, and kind of hit me a little harder than stuff like Guardians 2 being a little lesser than the first, or The Dark World or Iron Man 2 or whatever. All in all it's a better movie than The Dark World, but it somehow...ground my nerves a little more, if that makes sense. Rather than just an ambivalent shrug and a "well, that kinda sucked", it was more frustrating than that if only because the directors are more talented than this and there's clearly an awesome movie buried in here somewhere.

Performance-wise, Brie was fine, the people dwelling on her as a problem are just the usual suspect jackasses. She basically did what she could with the material, it's simply that she wasn't exactly given much of substance to chew on. The writing on this really ****ing bugged me, it's all just so...surface level, or something. Cliches abound, sure, but that's not even my major problem with it (nothing wrong with a more straight-down-the-line hero arc story now and then), more just like...if I wasn't familiar with the books I don't think I'd know jack**** about Carol as a person by the end of this movie. "She's...confident & snarky, grew up with crappy parents, is uber-powerful now and with a chip on her shoulder about proving her self-worth? Okay?"

I dunno, the Skrull thing is...yeah, I might not dig it personally, but it kinda works in a vacuum. Mendelsohn's performance is awesome, but it all did seem a little lazy & trope-y too. In a way sorta glad I saw it coming before the movie was out, give a little space to process it and in that sense it didn't rub me the wrong way upon seeing it. That way you can kinda more just take it on the merits and see if it works in context. Which it mostly...does. Only certain other stuff plot-wise kinda...doesn't.

On second viewing I still didn't get what the hell was up with the FTL-engine. The Skrulls are portrayed as pretty much on-par (or at least loosely comparable in a fight, Trek-style ships & laser guns and all) with the Kree in the first part of the movie. They're said to have taken Kree "worlds", plural. Leading to the logical..."Wouldn't that indicate they have faster-than-light travel any-the-****-way?!" They're capable of travelling from system to system, they're capable of defeating the Kree in certain circumstances and clawing away at parts of the empire. Couldn't they have theoretically found other worlds anyway? They sure don't seem any less advanced than the various other races/people in Guardians space, for example. And on top of that they've literally beaten the Kree in various turf war battles, which would seem to put them in a broad sense competitive with the Xandarians or whoever. Who can travel from system to system with ease too.

Just struck me as a little stupid.

As for more positives, the kid playing Monica was damn awesome. So rare you get realistic-seeming kid characters in movies, they're usually all so over-written and on-the-nose quippy and stuff. But she just felt real, in the same way the Iron Man 3 kid did, really cool handling of that character. Bringing some pathos and showing that particular side of Carol, but without it being all forced & blahh. Maria was cool too, that one scene with she & Carol conversing alone was one of the main high points of the flick. Just a shame there's so little of that, for most of the movie I just plain didn't give much of a ****. They also didn't really seem to bother defining Carol's abilities in even a basic sense either, beyond the obvious. Yeah, they didn't really spend any time on it with Steve in TFA either, but you sought of get the jist pretty quickly, "he's just stronger than us and runs fast & jumps high, but can't do any super shiz", for a general audience type I think those people could have used a little more time on that.

Sam's fun, in the way Sam's always fun. All of that more or less worked. The eye thing's a little annoying, but not really a big deal either, whatever, so they played the eye for laughs. Schmeh.

Coulson...really didn't freakin' need to be there. That felt a little forced reference-y wink-wink to me. Was digging those MIB vibes with 90s S.H.I.E.L.D. though.

The Kree crew were...y'know, fine, got the job done. Whatever. Law was okay, kinda felt the same way as with Brie on that: the actors were fine, they brought what they could to proceedings without a whole lot to work with. Law kinda felt like poor-man's Shannon-Zod, not a bad thing. The whole "my mentor's the bad guy, whoaa, evil from within!" stuff is so played out though.

Kinda dug what they were going for with Bening's Supreme Intelligence, in context doesn't bug me we never got the head-in-a-jar, it wasn't necessary with the style here. That being said, she didn't exactly have anything too standout writing-wise as the SI, and all the Mar-Vell stuff fell pretty flat for me.

Liked a lot of the visual design here, Hala looked great, and some of the more understated parts of the earth stuff was nice, the town & desert stuff. The military base screamed 90s movies, which was cool.

Gotta say though, the third act of this just really had me not giving two monkey-****s about anything, both viewings. Huge CG lightshow with no stakes whatsoever, really really disappointing. So many movies are guilty of this now, but usually with the Marvel flicks you at least have something sort of grounding you to care about what's going on. I hated the big digital cluster**** battle in Black Panther too, but at least they'd sowed significant characterization roots to where you were willing to ride it out until the talking started again. Here I was just mentally out of it for 20 minutes, until the Brie/Jude square-off in the desert. And even that wasn't much of a palette cleanser - it was fine, just...ehh. The fight stuff really wasn't a strong suit with this movie, first second and third act alike.

Really kind of disappointing overall, and in a weird way, because it's certainly not the worst MCU movie. Probably more just that I was expecting it'd be a top-tier offering, and the trailers really made it seem like it'd deliver. I really liked the cast, most of the jokes hit home, they handle the "girl power!" stuff more-or-less fine (it's definitely not as effective as Wonder Woman in that regard though). Cinematography's decent when they're not going all ADD kid waving glowsticks around while watching a fireworks show in the CG-diarrhea finale. Victim-Skrulls works fine in a vacuum, despite being a little eye-rolling simplistic and creating some hurdles if they're going to be brought back.

Overall, and this is the prime problem, majority of the time I just couldn't really seem to give a ****. :csad: It's a 7/10 movie, it's basically competent, I just...yeah, snickering at the wisecracks and a warm smile at the Carol/Monica stuff aside, I really didn't even remotely care. That's probably something I could only say about The Dark World among the other MCU stuff, and while Captain Marvel's a better movie than that, it's a pretty frustrating common point to have.
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Saw it tonight and really enjoyed it, I didn't know a lot about Captain Marvel going in so watching Carol unravel her Bourne-like mystery was really engrossing and interesting with two or three neat twists along the way. The mixture of sci fi and 90's action nostalgia worked for me and I thought Brie was very likable and charismatic in the role.

My favourite part of the movie was Carol and Fury tracking down her fragments of memory to piece things together, it was a a road trip mystery journey and the dynamic between Carol and Fury really worked well, lots of chemistry and laughs. Then they head off to Louisiana and she meets up with Maria and things start to really gather momentum as we get another great character dynamic as the two friends reconnect and more falls into place for Carol. The scene where Maria gives Carol a pep talk is probably the best in the movie.

The use of the Skrulls in the film was very effective, not only in how their shape shifting abilities were utilized, but also in how non-linear the arc of Talos was, Ben Mendelsohn getting a lot more to do than I was expecting and even getting some pretty funny moments to boot.

The films action is ok but not it's strongest suit, that would be the two key character relationships, the mystery and the humour, but the fight scenes were solid if hit and miss with the editing, and I'd say the chase sequence early on is fun while the standout sequence was Maria vs Minn-Erva in the canyon dogfight that was clearly inpired by the sequence in Independence Day.

This is a good origin movie on par with Thor but is overall a better movie due to the performances of Brie, SLJ Lashana and Mendelsohn as well as the more engrossing mystery story aspect. Overall a strong debut for the character.

Saw it tonight and really enjoyed it, I didn't know a lot about Captain Marvel going in so watching Carol unravel her Bourne-like mystery was really engrossing and interesting with two or three neat twists along the way. The mixture of sci fi and 90's action nostalgia worked for me and I thought Brie was very likable and charismatic in the role.

My favourite part of the movie was Carol and Fury tracking down her fragments of memory to piece things together, it was a a road trip mystery journey and the dynamic between Carol and Fury really worked well, lots of chemistry and laughs. Then they head off to Louisiana and she meets up with Maria and things start to really gather momentum as we get another great character dynamic as the two friends reconnect and more falls into place for Carol. The scene where Maria gives Carol a pep talk is probably the best in the movie.

The use of the Skrulls in the film was very effective, not only in how their shape shifting abilities were utilized, but also in how non-linear the arc of Talos was, Ben Mendelsohn getting a lot more to do than I was expecting and even getting some pretty funny moments to boot.

The films action is ok but not it's strongest suit, that would be the two key character relationships, the mystery and the humour, but the fight scenes were solid if hit and miss with the editing, and I'd say the chase sequence early on is fun while the standout sequence was Maria vs Minn-Erva in the canyon dogfight that was clearly inpired by the sequence in Independence Day.

This is a good origin movie on par with Thor but is overall a better movie due to the performances of Brie, SLJ Lashana and Mendelsohn as well as the more engrossing mystery story aspect. Overall a strong debut for the character.

Saw it tonight and really enjoyed it, I didn't know a lot about Captain Marvel going in so watching Carol unravel her Bourne-like mystery was really engrossing and interesting with two or three neat twists along the way. The mixture of sci fi and 90's action nostalgia worked for me and I thought Brie was very likable and charismatic in the role.

My favourite part of the movie was Carol and Fury tracking down her fragments of memory to piece things together, it was a a road trip mystery journey and the dynamic between Carol and Fury really worked well, lots of chemistry and laughs. Then they head off to Louisiana and she meets up with Maria and things start to really gather momentum as we get another great character dynamic as the two friends reconnect and more falls into place for Carol. The scene where Maria gives Carol a pep talk is probably the best in the movie.

The use of the Skrulls in the film was very effective, not only in how their shape shifting abilities were utilized, but also in how non-linear the arc of Talos was, Ben Mendelsohn getting a lot more to do than I was expecting and even getting some pretty funny moments to boot.

The films action is ok but not it's strongest suit, that would be the two key character relationships, the mystery and the humour, but the fight scenes were solid if hit and miss with the editing, and I'd say the chase sequence early on is fun while the standout sequence was Maria vs Minn-Erva in the canyon dogfight that was clearly inpired by the sequence in Independence Day.

This is a good origin movie on par with Thor but is overall a better movie due to the performances of Brie, SLJ Lashana and Mendelsohn as well as the more engrossing mystery story aspect. Overall a strong debut for the character.

See, this is really how I felt about the film.
I was very Interested in the idea of an origin story that was essentially told in reverse.
I REALLY liked that aspect of the film quite a bit.
See, this is really how I felt about the film.
I was very Interested in the idea of an origin story that was essentially told in reverse.
I REALLY liked that aspect of the film quite a bit.

Yeah, it was an interesting approach to the see the hero unravel their origin as opposed to living it.
I had a big review for this typed up last week, and then in mid-sentence Windows Update decided to ask if I wanted to restart my computer... apparently the space bar serves as an extra return I lost all of it... :argh:

Pretty disappointed with this, unfortunately falls into the "the more I think about it the less I like it" category.
"Flat" is a word I keep returning to. Standard Marvel stuff.
The cast were all solid picks but thin writing and directing left them with not a lot to work with, particularly in terms of dialogue. It felt like there were loads of writers, with no real unified, coherent vision/voice for what the movie should be.

Hated how Fury
lost his eye
. Totally lame.

Don't really remember much standout action.

Goose was way over-hyped.

The song selection, while good, seemed totally random and poorly integrated into the movie. OK, sure, the movie is set in the 90's, but Carol has absolutely no connection to most, or any of these songs, she left earth in '89, she's never heard these songs before.

And this also seems to be the case for the filmmakers, they just chose popular '90's tunes, they don't seem to actually have any personal connection to them. Why was Come As You Are used in that scene? Just a Girl was so random, it wasn't edited to the action (and the action wasn't that interesting), it's far too mid-tempo and happy sounding to be an "action" song, especially for what should be a climactic part of the film, and again Carol doesn't know it, so why is it there?

As overrated as I think Gunn is, at least you could tell he was actually a fan of the songs he used in GotG, and the songs had purpose in the story and relevance to Quill. There was none of that for Carol. And there could have been. They could have done a lot with music as a way of jogging Carol's memory, tying songs to significant moments of her pre-Kree life to help her remember, but they would have had to have been 60's, 70's, & 80's etc tunes, not 90's tunes. Like when she's Go Karting as a kid and wipes out and she's told "uh durrr you don't belong here" there could have been a song playing over the park P.A. or something.
Or they could have shown the morning of the crash, and Carol's routine, show her waking Maria up instead of Maria telling her, maybe blasting some music over the radio like "hey, get up! It's the new Metallica song!". S*** like that.

Not a fan of how the Skrulls
were just totally innocent. They didn't do anything bad in the war? Just black and white, Skrulls good, Kree bad. I'd figured, seeing as they had Ronan right there and seeing as we know he gets essentially excomunicated by the Kree for being an extremist, they could have had him do some heinous things to the Skrull in retaliation for something and go from there... (To that point, Ronan was totally wasted).

Why was
the Tesseract there? How did Mar-Vell get a hold of it?? Were SHIELD just totally unconcerned that it had gone missing?? It could have been a story point that they were looking for it.

So I'm firmly in the camp of Fleck & Boden and their eleventy-seven writers not returning for the sequel, they aren't suited to this type of movie.
As far as continuity goes, it's like they maybe watched the other MCU film once and only vaguely remember them. So now I'm also firmly against the MCU doing more prequels. Fingers crossed that Black Widow & Fantastic Four (and Cpt Marvel sequels) are present day.

I'd put it on the bottom couple of rungs of the MCU ladder, with the 2 Ant-Man flicks & Thor 2.
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- i thought Captain Marvel film ended up being just an OK to above average superhero film.

- It was loaded with constant action sequences - whether on Earth grounds, in the skies, in space, etc., but there was nothing wow- great about those action scenes. It was rather ordinary. Same with the Stunts.

There's not a phenonemal wow scene like: Iron man 3 where a hero somehow manages to save 13 fallen passengers from a failing plane. or a Capt America singlehandedly bringing down a jet fighter plan ..or a Spidey somehow stopping a streaking runaway train, etc.

When i saw Avengers Infinity, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, the Iron Man series, the first two Sam Rami Spider man films, the Xmen series, Thor Ragnorak, or 1st Guardian Galaxy - i left theather like... " WOW !
and i couldn't wait to see them again - i didn't/don't come close to having that feeling with Capt marvel.

- i didn't find it to be a signature icon Marvel classic stand out like those mentioned and It doesn’t even come close to comparing to Wonder Woman, imo.

- I did like the very brief memorial thank you tribute salute clip to the legendary late Stan Lee right before the beginning of the film, and ironically this will be the film where Marvel Icon creator Stan Lee make his final cameo appearance in Marvel hero films before his death.

- And the CGI special effects also were rather ordinary, not breathtaking ,not memorable, not signature stand out.

- If Marvel is going to project energy blasts from her hands, can she at least have after blast smoke or sparks to keep it not looking like a cheap Sy-Fi movie ?

And there were times when i couldn't gather what was happening in the scenes that were in darkness, either inside the space ships or in space atmosphere as well.

- I think some may find the very few humor side much more than I did, ...and sorry but I thought the alien cat “ Goose” was silly, cheesy, and unnecessary, I thought the bigger part of humor, (if any) , ..came more from Nick Fury than the Goose-cat.

- I did liked the de-aging special effect they did on SHIELD Agent commander Nick Fury to make him look younger. And I thought Fury had much more screen time in this superhero film since Winter Soldier film.

- And I was oh so surprised (and disappointed) in the way it was displayed how Nick Fury lost his eye.

- I did like the retro homage being paid to 90’s era setting, with various hit songs from the 90’s, the Nine inch Nail signature shirt and historical stores such as Blockbuster, RadioShack. That’s when I thought Capt. Marvel directors likely took a page out of Guardian/Galaxy and Thor Ragnoarok ideal of bringing up retro hit music of the past.

- Other than the twist of Skrulls citizens being more the victims than portrayed as wicked bullies in comic, I really was not in awed with the story plot and writing, which I thought was so ordinary and unimaginative. the way it was portrayed with the major twist between conflict of Krees vs Skrulls

- I had to try to keep up with the whole amnesia bit with Carol Danvers. didn’t make it that intriguing.

- Speaking of Danvers ,..sorry but I just wasn’t that in awed and impressed with Brie Larson’ character role at all, whereas I thought she was flat and didn’t appear to have screen presence.

I just didn’t see anything unique or distinguished that made Brie Larson Marvel role stand out that made me think differently. I tend to believe she was miscast for this role.

She seemed just another acting face. And this is supposed to be a stapled signature figure hero that is supposed to follow the path of past lead's like Robert Downey Jr.s Tony Stark, Chris Evans Capt America,
or Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther ? i found Brie Lauson to be somewhat boring and bland.

- It’s such a clear distance day and night difference between Gal Godot’s Wonder Woman role vs Bries’ Marvel.
- They seemed to make Capt. Marvel very overpowering in terms of how she easily physically beats her opponents. But unlike most of Marvel hero films, they didn’t set it up to where she was clumsily learning with her newfound power. Just out of control . I’m not sure I got an explanatory idea of how her powers and potential, at the “ Binary “ level .

- Another area I thought was ordinary was the villain Yon Rogg (portrayed by Jude Law) he wasn’t a memorable standout – he didn’t bring anything unique to the fray. He’s not at all a Loki, Magneto or Kill Monger. Not impressive and very forgettable. I wish they could have created a far more intriguing villain.

- The look of the Supreme Intelligence (portrayed by Annette Benning) from the comics had been changed to the live action film, and now given now a human form being instead of an alien astral looking form in the comics, I had no problem with this.

- But frankly I had said that when I saw trailers for Capt. Marvel , I’ve always thought of it as resembling
WB’s “Super Girl’ … and oddly after seeing the entire Capt. Marvel, …. I STILL yet think and get the feeling that
I’ve watched a Super girl type movie … LOL

- And they also brought nothing in terms of displaying an impressive cinematography of space or skies from which is the surfing atmosphere of Capt Marvel, i thought the plot and story write was just bland. Unless there’s a vast change in directors and writers and stronger character development, I am not looking forward to a sequel to Capt. Marvel.

- With its record setting huge box office numbers, I tend to wonder how many people wanted to see this movie for the sake of loving Marvel superhero movies , and how many wanted to see it since it was rumored to being very connected to Avengers End game. I didn’t think it was that much or important enough of a build up to the incoming Avengers End game.

Just me but a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give Captain Marvel a 6.5
Yeah, sort of around where I'd put it after two viewings too, 7ish. More-or-less competent, just...expected way more from these two, they're capable of it.
FINALLY had a chance to see it, so this might be the latest reaction ever...

I could see how Brie Larsen could grow into the role (she needs to)... I didn't find her any more cocky than Tony Stark, less really, but she was a bit robotic for want of a better word. Which I could see being the direction here, since she was an amnesiac... but anyway, ok, with potential. And I liked her little eye narrowing tic. So- potential. Of course, at this level, they should have made it more than potential in the film.

Major flaw for me: way to overpowered. There was no sense of jeopardy there in the last 3rd once she let loose, and that meant it was boring. I was literally sitting there in a fight scene contemplating the end credits scenes and how long it would take to 'end this" to get there... and I know what is coming: but CM IS that powerful, she's the most powerful... etc. but that doesn't work for me when it comes to dramatic tension.

(and I think Barracuda would have been a better musical choice than I'm just a girl for that fight scene. But that's just my aesthetic.)

A 7.
3.5-4/10 for me.

This is the first MCU movie that I've ever flat-out disliked. Couldn't have happened at a worse time either, as I now feel that this dull character is being needlessly shoehorned into Endgame.

I hope this movie's stank doesn't affect Endgame. I will be downright crushed if certain fears of mine become a reality.

Thought the film was extremely mediocre & arguably the weakest MCU film to date by a fair distance.

Things were quite jumbled up & messy particularly the opening 2/3's of the movie, maybe that was by intention to make the viewer as confused as Captain Marvel was & probably still is. I'm fine with films telling stories somewhat backwards via flashbacks or whatever the method may be, but there has to be a point in the film in which it flips & it gets the viewer ahead of things & IMO they didn't do a good enough job of doing that.

Best thing(s) about the film was Nick Fury & seeing more of a backround on him & Talos/Skrulls arc, which admittedly I'd like to see more off.

Captain Marvel herself took somewhat of a backseat in her own film to Nick Fury, there didn't seem to me like a lot of character development either. She was strong & confused at the start & she was strong, but glowing, at the end & as far as I could make out still somewhat confused, she didn't have that epiphany moment that jogged more of her memory (unless it completely went over my head).. maybe that would have been too predictable even by Marvel's standards.
IMO, Weakest MCU film still belongs to Thor: The Dark world BY FAR.
They went rather kooky with the humor, ruined it for me.
Yeah, I've been marathoning the MCU (one movie a night). I rewatched The Dark World on Monday, and finally saw Captain Marvel last night.

Give me The Dark World over Captain Marvel ANY day. The visuals in The Dark World are more interesting (the creatures and the "setpieces"), and Hemsworth and Hiddleston effectively carry the movie enough for me to enjoy it. While Sam Jackson did his best (and the de-aging CGI is the most impressive thing about the movie), it just wasn't enough for me.

It also helps that The Dark World is actually necessary watching for future movies, whereas Captain Marvel is 100% skip-able before Endgame. I wish I could actually un-watch the movie, because of the unnecessary and insulting retconning the movie did.

That said, both movies are in the bottom 3 of the MCU for me; it's just that I actively dislike Captain Marvel.
I enjoy it but not a big hitter. If you’re interested, check out my bud’s and I’s review. We review movies over eating local asian takeout and review the food briefly as well. Kinda fun!

I finally watched this, thought it was very meh.

The main reason I struggled with it was Brie Larson, she’s just poor, all the films I’ve seen her in she’s the exact same a plank of wood. Think if they’d cast a better lead I could have gotten invested in the main character at least.

I also didn’t get the 90s aesthetic was that just so it could fit into the timeline with her appearing in Endgame?

Probably the weakest of the MCU 4/10 cause there was some decent action.

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