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The Captain Marvel User Review Thread (TAG SPOILERS!!!)

It amazes me how many people try to compare this to Wonder Woman. I get they are both female leads but beyond that the films don't compare.
Wonder Woman starts well and then becomes a mess of a film with boring, uninspired villains that struggle to strike a cord in the third act.
Captain Marvel a bit slow and convoluted to start, but finishes strong.
The humor in CM is much better than WW. WW has a romance? If you count a CA:TFA copy & paste better. That said I grade this film a 6.5/10.
Wonder Woman for me was a 5/10. Very overrated. This was run of the mill for Marvel but it's better than IM2, TDW, and TIH. It's definitely worth catching and I can see a sequel being much better, where as the WW sequel will not have the pass it received for the first one and that atrocious third act.
It amazes me how many people try to compare this to Wonder Woman. I get they are both female leads but beyond that the films don't compare.
Wonder Woman starts well and then becomes a mess of a film with boring, uninspired villains that struggle to strike a cord in the third act.
Captain Marvel a bit slow and convoluted to start, but finishes strong.
The humor in CM is much better than WW. WW has a romance? If you count a CA:TFA copy & paste better. That said I grade this film a 6.5/10.
Wonder Woman for me was a 5/10. Very overrated. This was run of the mill for Marvel but it's better than IM2, TDW, and TIH. It's definitely worth catching and I can see a sequel being much better, where as the WW sequel will not have the pass it received for the first one and that atrocious third act.

Amazed by people trying to compare CM to WW, proceeds to compare CM to WW.

Maybe the humor in CM was better because it was some kind of comedy and WW was not.
Amazed by people trying to compare CM to WW, proceeds to compare CM to WW.

Maybe the humor in CM was better because it was some kind of comedy and WW was not.

Yeah, there is no comparison. That was my point. The movies are nothing alike. Every other post mentions WW. If anything, Captain Marvel is more comparable to Green Lantern.
Interesting that you should say that.
I read somewhere a long time ago they made changes to the CM screenplay because they thought it was too close to GL.
Who knows?
Maybe Carol was originally given her powers by a dying Mar-Vell.
Wonder Woman for me was a 5/10. Very overrated. This was run of the mill for Marvel but it's better than IM2, TDW, and TIH. It's definitely worth catching and I can see a sequel being much better, where as the WW sequel will not have the pass it received for the first one and that atrocious third act.
But that's assuming that the Wonder Woman sequel isn't a better film than the previous one and a total rehash that falls into the same pitfalls as the original did.
But that's assuming that the Wonder Woman sequel isn't a better film than the previous one and a total rehash that falls into the same pitfalls as the original did.

I'm quite critical of WW myself, but I'm really interested in the sequel. I remember hearing PJ saying she wanted to go for a 1984 tone/setting, which I find really intriguing and could bring something fresh to the genre.
Well, I really liked it. It feels very much like a Kelly Sue Deconick Captain Marvel story, with a lot of homages to that run. I also think I caught a Pulp Fiction reference (and it's not the one people pointed out from the trailers and spots, it involves Talos). But let's get to the important stuff. I really like the screenplay. Yeah, it's an origin story, hero's journey, yadda yadda, but I'd say it does enough things differently for me to make it stand out.

There's a nice commentary involving the twist, which, of course, I won't spoil here, but I like it. It adds substance to the film. I absolutely disagree that the feminist stuff is heavy handed. It has something to say, but it definitely feels like part of the story to me.

About the characters, I'm also completely on board with Brie as Carol. She's very likeable to me and feels a lot like the Carol Danvers from the comics. Have to disagree with "Brie is bland" thing. I mean, people complaining about her (and please, I know some of you just truly didn't like her in the role, I'm just asking) liked Bale in Batman Begins? Her chemistry with SLJ and Lashana is top notch. Mendo is a lot of fun, really. And yes, Goose has a bunch of standout moments.

Probably on par with Iron Man 3 and Doctor Strange for me (and I think those are great), top 10 MCU. The cosmic elements, the themes and the cast puts it comfortably above both Ant-Mans and the rest of the middle-low MCU. Around 8.5-9/10. I'm going with 9 right now.
Not to derail the thread completely...but I was hoping WW1984 would include elements of the novel 1984, Big Brother, perpetual war, thought police...demonizing political enemies etc. Don't make it such an obvious Trump bashing, but it would be there, of course. You could use Brother Eye, OMAC, Maxwell Lord. I'm kind of bummed that it's apparently just a style choice.

But, back on topic...I'm going into this film comparing it more to Thor (character from space ends up on Earth trying to figure stuff out to become the hero they are meant to be)...and hoping it embraces the space angle more to lean into Guardians territory. Wonder Woman is just another movie with a female lead.
Just got back. I absolutely loved it. Right now I'd say it's either my 2nd or 3rd favorite MCU solo after Homecoming (I don't count CW as a solo). I'm gonna need to watch it again to see whether or not I like it more than BP. Liked it more than TWS and Cap1, any of the Thor and IM movies, much more than DS, and even more than AM1 which I adore. I'm a sucker for Space Operas and Marvel cosmic, this was right up my alley.


- Love Carol, she's my favorite kind of heroine - The right amount of sass, mixed in with the perfect amount of badassery.
- Her supporting cast were great, loved Monica and her daughter, the Starforce were really good, Fury has never been more likeable than he is in this movie.
- Talos steals the show, he's that damn good, he just is.
- Loved the soundtrack, especially the No Doubt song at the final showdown.
- The world building was excellent, and liked their take on the Kree/Skrull War.
- The display of her powers is as advertised, Thanos really does need to watch out.
- The first post-credit scene is my officially my favorite in all the MCU.


- Too short, you can tell they left some meat on the cutting room floor that could have fleshed out the story more.
- Wanted more time spent with the Starforce, the characters deserved some more development and time to shine.
- Wanted more Colson, really surprised by how underused he is.
- Wanted more Ronan, I thought this would be his redemption as a characters, it's not.
- I hate Cats.
Last edited:
What a relief. I ****ing LOVED IT. Here's where I admit I actually was getting a little worried by some of the less enthusiastic reviews, but I should've just trusted my barometer critics (Travers, Roeper, Glieberman and Turan), as they rarely steer me wrong, and yet again, I was in total agreement with their unanimous consensus - what a rousing, empowering movie. The spirit of it, the performances, the music, the way each act improved on the last, it was all gold to me. And seemed to be for my audience too, based on their reactions and cheering. I agree with those who said it felt like a Phase 1 Marvel film, but a Phase 1 Marvel film with a superior 3rd act. Never dug the 3rd acts in TFA or Thor. The final confrontations and power displays were kind of "meh." Even Iron Man had a bit of that problem to me, though it still stuck the landing in its final scenes for sure. This one really, really stuck the landing, imo.

-Brie was perfect, which I never doubted. Can't wait to see how she bounces off the other Avengers next month (!!!).
-She and SLJ had great chemistry, which has been clear in their press tour. Thankfully, it translated to their characters, which is sometimes not the case.
-Speaking of great chemistry, wow Carol/Maria. I hope we see Maria again in the sequel somehow. She can't be a one-off character.
-The themes pulsing through this, regarding both female empowerment AND the...other spoilery thing...were well-handled and not too heavy-handed for me.
-Talos! Mendelsohn killed it. Just, great.
-I mean, honestly the whole cast - Bening clearly had fun with her role, Jude Law was perfectly suited for his role, too.
That whole bit where Yon-Rogg realized it would be futile to try and take on Carol and so he starts patronizing her, talking down to her and challenging her to fisticuffs, my (male) friend cracked up and turned to me and said "Just like a man!!!" Law played that part so perfectly, we both were just dying. And yes, Carol's response in that moment was A++++.
-The entire portrayal of the Supreme Intelligence, from Annette's performance to the visuals and music was just really well done to me.
-Goose, obviously. And Goose/Fury.
-That whole 3rd act was glorious.
-I'm glad
None of the major players were killed, so they can all return in a sequel. Not sure if Minn-Erva's meant to be dead, but I feel like they can totally say she survived that considering how durable the Kree seem to be. Would love to see them all again.
-The soundtrack. Release date, Marvel. NOW.
-I liked the score. Not Marvel's best, but pretty good.
-That nice wink at the end.
-Both end credits scenes.
-The humor was just right, imo. The jokes landed, weren't too abundant, and they felt pretty organic to the characters.

-Wanted more Star Force. Especially Minn-Erva.
-I feel like they could've chosen a better song than
"Just a Girl" for that one fight scene. I feel like an angry break-up song would've been better as it was essentially Carol's messy break-up with her whole Star Force crew. It wasn't a bad choice, per say, but kinda felt lazy.
-I honestly didn't feel like the first act was sluggish AS I was watching it, but thinking back, compared to the following acts, it kinda did feel like the movie hadn't quite found its groove yet.
-I wish there was more of Carol's backstory growing up, but they at least acknowledged there was a bad history there with her family, so I suppose that's something they could explore further in sequels.

...those are the only complaints I can think of. Maybe I'll find more in my 2nd viewing tomorrow, which I can't wait for. Honestly, this film was a joy from start to finish for me. Probably my 2nd-favorite Marvel origin film behind Iron Man, only really because Tony Stark was sort of an instantly iconic personality from his first scene and that film in general was just firing on all cylinders from the first frame, while this one, by comparison, needed to warm-up a bit.

- I hate Cats.
Review invalid. :oldrazz:
saw it earlier tonight, i think it's a 7 /maaaaybe 7.5 outta 10

i was worried that brie was miscast with the early reviews but now i think it was just she didn't have the strongest material to work with, and hopefully there will be improvement in a sequel/endgame (we've seen the russos/writers greatly improve other characters in their corner of the mcu). would probably say her performance is on par with evans/hemsworth in their first movies. and then evans really went to the next level in cap 2, so there's def a chance for her

also have to
echo that they really wasted the starforce and ronan. at least it seems like ronan can show up in a sequel. leaving the supreme intelligence as open-ended is fine, because we can always get giant head later lol.

i think a fair amount of the comedy comes at the expense of watering down fury and i'm not really a fan of it. he's supposed to be the king of spies and deception and even if he's a lower level shield agent at this point, it just seems out of character compared to seeing him in every mcu film before this.

the music worked in most scenes although her final confrontation with the supreme intelligence at the end felt forced. it's nice they're setting up monica rambeau in the future.

not making the skrulls straight up bad guys was a good choice, fleshes out the cosmic side of the universe more and can setup later stuff. ben mendelsohn was solid although if this a pre-avengers world, everybody seemed to be taking a green australian alien pretty well and just another everyday thing, i wish there was a little more tension with him in his scenes at the house

visually, i thought the film was off. coming out of ragnaok, panther & infinity war, and even parts of antman/wasp, i thought there were a couple of cools shots and marvel had stepped up their cinematography game, but outside of her confronting the supreme intelligence with the sideways shot, i felt it was pretty by the numbers and nothing really visually interesting. action wise, the early action sequences on the refugee planet were too dark and jumbled. the train chase felt almost like an episode of 24 or something, felt very low budget in such a movie, and lots of shots throughout the movie behind brie, which seemed like a stunt/fight double lol.

jude law was fine, but i thought he'd have a bigger roll to be honest, almost a waste of him but i understand they are trying to tell the origin. which to me is the flattest part of the film, not the origin itself, the execution, it seems like there wasn't enough of her characterization to be fleshed out and give the part more meat for brie to work with. it's that marvel character flaw/struggle that seemed missing. cap's "old fashioned values" always tested, strange & thor have arrogance, stark is a narcissistic egomaniac, banner rage/duality, even antman can't stop breaking the law (even for a good reason) and putting his fatherhood in jeopardy, etc. it just seems like amnesia isn't the best thing to overcome and see true growth for the audience. amnesia is more of a plot device than a character hurdle to overcome

overall, i hope the next one ups the character stakes as well as gets more creative with the action because it felt very by the numbers
Hemsworth’s best performance was Thor 1 IMO. Looking at the casted out scene, “Father is dead” scene, fish out of water humor.
to be completely honest, thor's little scene with rocket in infinty war had more weight to me than almost all of thor 1, the casted out scene is pretty good though. the ragnarok stuff where he's mocking hela in the throne room and with odin was good too, although i feel the later is a little more due to hopkins
I liked it. It's definitely a love letter to the 90s, it brought me back. The creators were looking for a certain aesthetic and captured it. The music, action, humour, set design, plot setups, you name it... it was like watching a modern remix of some old classics on VHS.

It was alot more mellow than I was expecting despite the action, which I felt was done well for the most part with an exception. I felt the superhero action falls flat mostly because they haven't decided how to portray someone this powerful. It's strange, but what worked for me were the car chases, gunfights, most of the fistfights and the dogfights... it all felt like it was out of a vintage 90s action movie or videogame. It's just when she goes full GOAT that it feels more than a bit overblown.

There wasn't any overt "girl power" in the movie other than the titular character is an extremely powerful female, much like her comic book counterpart. I enjoyed how the creators subverted certain norms: female hero story requiring love interest, fistfight to prove superiority, Marvel 616 lore. I think the whole reason of Brie Larson is she could act the part, add the kind of funny she does well, and IMO, she's not the hottest woman nor did they try to doll her up be, and that was the point. Just my opinion, I think the helmet shots looked terrible.

Larson and Jackson were very good, especially together; Mendelsohn was funny and the casting was solid all around. I enjoyed how the cinematography gave the whole picture a very nostalgic feeling to it, like watching one long memory. The visual effects were both outstanding (de-aging) and underwhelming (full Captain Marvel/space battle). The humour worked for me; it wasn't guffaw funny but was chuckle (giggle?) worthy in stretches and found its pace as the movie progressed. Obviously liked the music.

I can't quite rate it yet. Good not great? Probably enjoy more after rewatch. Bonus points for adding yet another flavour to the MCU: the 90s movie.
Thor thinking his father died and feeling guilt and responsibility is his best acting scene in his career - minus the blantant Sky blue contact lenses lol

It’s one of the better character arcs/progressions I’ve seen in these films and I love the three act structure which doesn’t get enough credit for differing from the norm for origin/franchise starters- he’s as powerful in the beginning as he is in the finale, it’s not about discovering and adapting to newfound power it’s about finding oneself through loss and humility.
What a relief. I ****ing LOVED IT. Here's where I admit I actually was getting a little worried by some of the less enthusiastic reviews, but I should've just trusted my barometer critics (Travers, Roeper, Glieberman and Turan), as they rarely steer me wrong, and yet again, I was in total agreement with their unanimous consensus - what a rousing, empowering movie. The spirit of it, the performances, the music, the way each act improved on the last, it was all gold to me. And seemed to be for my audience too, based on their reactions and cheering. I agree with those who said it felt like a Phase 1 Marvel film, but a Phase 1 Marvel film with a superior 3rd act. Never dug the 3rd acts in TFA or Thor. The final confrontations and power displays were kind of "meh." Even Iron Man had a bit of that problem to me, though it still stuck the landing in its final scenes for sure. This one really, really stuck the landing, imo.

-Brie was perfect, which I never doubted. Can't wait to see how she bounces off the other Avengers next month (!!!).
-She and SLJ had great chemistry, which has been clear in their press tour. Thankfully, it translated to their characters, which is sometimes not the case.
-Speaking of great chemistry, wow Carol/Maria. I hope we see Maria again in the sequel somehow. She can't be a one-off character.
-The themes pulsing through this, regarding both female empowerment AND the...other spoilery thing...were well-handled and not too heavy-handed for me.
-Talos! Mendelsohn killed it. Just, great.
-I mean, honestly the whole cast - Bening clearly had fun with her role, Jude Law was perfectly suited for his role, too.
That whole bit where Yon-Rogg realized it would be futile to try and take on Carol and so he starts patronizing her, talking down to her and challenging her to fisticuffs, my (male) friend cracked up and turned to me and said "Just like a man!!!" Law played that part so perfectly, we both were just dying. And yes, Carol's response in that moment was A++++.
-The entire portrayal of the Supreme Intelligence, from Annette's performance to the visuals and music was just really well done to me.
-Goose, obviously. And Goose/Fury.
-That whole 3rd act was glorious.
-I'm glad
None of the major players were killed, so they can all return in a sequel. Not sure if Minn-Erva's meant to be dead, but I feel like they can totally say she survived that considering how durable the Kree seem to be. Would love to see them all again.
-The soundtrack. Release date, Marvel. NOW.
-I liked the score. Not Marvel's best, but pretty good.
-That nice wink at the end.
-Both end credits scenes.
-The humor was just right, imo. The jokes landed, weren't too abundant, and they felt pretty organic to the characters.

-Wanted more Star Force. Especially Minn-Erva.
-I feel like they could've chosen a better song than
"Just a Girl" for that one fight scene. I feel like an angry break-up song would've been better as it was essentially Carol's messy break-up with her whole Star Force crew. It wasn't a bad choice, per say, but kinda felt lazy.
-I honestly didn't feel like the first act was sluggish AS I was watching it, but thinking back, compared to the following acts, it kinda did feel like the movie hadn't quite found its groove yet.
-I wish there was more of Carol's backstory growing up, but they at least acknowledged there was a bad history there with her family, so I suppose that's something they could explore further in sequels.

...those are the only complaints I can think of. Maybe I'll find more in my 2nd viewing tomorrow, which I can't wait for. Honestly, this film was a joy from start to finish for me. Probably my 2nd-favorite Marvel origin film behind Iron Man, only really because Tony Stark was sort of an instantly iconic personality from his first scene and that film in general was just firing on all cylinders from the first frame, while this one, by comparison, needed to warm-up a bit.


Regarding the song choice for that one fight scene, my complaint with it was that the song was such an annoying earworm in the 90's. Alanis' "You oughta know" or Meredith Brook's "*****" would've been better and more in your face.
Overall I liked it, didn't love it. Plan on seeing it again tomorrow. After my first viewing I'd give it a 7+/10

My biggest gripe with the movie had to do with people doing things and reacting to things and situations in ways that didn't seem believable. I feel like they needed to give more thought to what would happen if those things really did happen. There's too much left out for it to feel believable --- even as a superhero movie. I also felt like certain decisions by characters didn't make sense to me and that they didn't act in the most logical ways in certain situations.

With that said it had some really good stuff there too--- and I came away really liking Captain Marvel the character and excited for what's to come. Brie was awesome and made it work. Can't wait for her in End game
Regarding the song choice for that one fight scene, my complaint with it was that the song was such an annoying earworm in the 90's. Alanis' "You oughta know" or Meredith Brook's "*****" would've been better and more in your face.
The Alanis song would've worked better, imo. I think the Meredith Brooks song would've had the same problem as the one they used. And frankly, you just shouldn't have a 1995 mixtape soundtrack without Alanis Morrisette in there SOMEWHERE. That was the year of Jagged Little Pill, one of the most iconic albums of the decade, dammit.
Yeah, there is no comparison. That was my point. The movies are nothing alike. Every other post mentions WW. If anything, Captain Marvel is more comparable to Green Lantern.
As in they're both bad whereas WW is good?
Okay, time to try to formulate in words how much love I feel for this film - and Brie Larson's Carol Danvers. Carol is funny, sassy, incredibly likable, and just the right amount of headstrong and reckless. First of all, there is nothing at all odd or cringey about her voice in the movie: nor is her dialogue stilted or affected at all. She is without a doubt my new favorite superhero from the MCU, and I say that with all due respect to Thor - but Carol is just so relatable, so funny in such a natural way, and you just find yourself rooting for her in unexpected ways: Brie Larson is perfect in the role. Carol Danvers: 10/10
Nick Fury is like: whoah. Gotta say, the de-aging is so perfect and seamless that you never once feel like you're not looking at real young Nick Fury. And he brings the perfect amount of fun to the film: There is one scene where he sings, and it is just...hilarious. I was laughing out loud. Samuel L. Jackson, of course, is always perfect, but this film marks his best portrayal of Nick Fury yet - sorry, just "Fury". Nick Fury: 10/10
Maria Rambeau - when she enters the film, you will be blown away by how strong an actress Lashana Lynch is: she had me in tears. The force and range she displays are breathtaking. I thought Monica was pretty good too, though it was Maria's obvious care for her, and the power of that love, that really made Monica stand out to me. Maria Rambeau: 10/10
Ben Mendelsohn's Talos is
one of the best characters in the film: at once fun, but suddenly he actually becomes funny, and then you realize that it's not just part of his disguise, it's actually who he is, and then you realize that he is actually good, and the Skrulls are the good guys, and it is like: mind blowing stuff. Mendelsohn had me when he walked into Maria Rambeau's house with a drink and was all terrified of Goose, and I was like: :atp:
Talos: 10/10
Jude Law's character is
Yon-Rogg, the Starforce Commander, and a regular baddie: very likable in the beginning, repulsive at the end. There wasn't too much to his character, though I'm sure he'll show up again in a sequel. Yon-Rogg: 6/10
Annette Benning's character is
both the rogue Kree agent Mar-Vell, and also the Supreme Intelligence of the Kree when it appears to Carol, using Mar-Vell's form. Mar-Vell, it seems, was trying to end the Kree-Skrull war by developing a top-secret lightspeed technology (using the Tesseract!), under the codename Pegasus. Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau were both test pilots for these new lightspeed aircraft, but it was Carol who ended up being in the cockpit that fateful day that the Kree came after Mar-Vell and shot down the plane. Mar-Vell was killed by Yon-Rogg before she could destroy the lightspeed core, and Carol, in an attempt to sabotage Yon-Rogg's plans, blew up the core herself, but at the same time ended up absorbing much of its energy: she, I guess, has the very essence of the Space Stone within her, which explains her enormous power. Mar-Vell: 10/10, simply because she was very cool for the brief time we saw her, and she built a very cool laboratory orbiting around the earth. What is there not to like?
Other characters: Minn-Erva, Korath, Ronin, and the other Kree, didn't have much to do. They each had interesting skillsets and weapons, but were mostly background characters, with Minn-Erva standing out the most. Phil Coulson was sparingly used, but wonderful.
Storyline: The story is, in my opinion, the best in the MCU thus far, for an origin film at least. Winter Soldier has a very good storyline, as does Civil War, but this film actually rivals them: I think, in fact, it definitely betters Winter Soldier. It might tie with Civil War: it does make use of flashbacks and dream sequences, both of which can be a turn-off for some people, but I really liked it, and thought that those things amplified the story. I love flashbacks in general though, so I am biased in that regard. To begin with, the plot was a bit hard to follow, but I caught on soon enough, and after that it was a smooth ride - but with plenty of twists and turns that I did not see coming. Storyline: 10/10
90s Throwbacks: spot on!
Music: very good, nothing too spectacular - but a very good choice of songs, especially one that helps to make a certain action sequence incredibly fun and enjoyable. Music: 7/10
Action Sequences: well, the first one is
on the Kree planet Torfa, and is quite fun: there's an ambush, and a lot of stuff happens, it's Skrulls vs Kree, and its where Carol (or Vers, as she's known at that time in the film) is captured by Talos. The second fight, in the Skrull spaceship, is great: Carol is fighting with her hands bound in weird metal cannisters, but still manages to do massive damage and blow up the spaceship - okay, well, she blows it up after she gets her hands free, but for the most part she is fighting completely without use of her hands, or powers. The third fight, on the subway train, is enjoyable, though I found the car chase happening at the same time to be slightly more fun - maybe just because we've seen the train so much in the trailers. Then there's the fight at the Pegasus base: extremely good. I just loved that one so much. I couldn't get enough of Ben Mendelsohn and Samuel Jackson beating each other up (well, more of Ben beating up Samuel than the other way around, but still). Then you've got the fight on Mar-Vell's laboratory in space, and that one is fantastic: all around perfect, and from there the action just gets better and better, culminating in Nick Fury and Maria Rambeau flying through the Grand Canyon pursued by Minn-Erva, while Carol flies through space stopping a rain of nuclear missiles and blowing up all of Ronin's attack fighters, one by one, with her bare hands. The scene where she confronts Ronin silently, is one of the best in the movie. Then there's a brief sort of duel - though not really - with Yon-Rogg. Also good. Action Sequences: 9/10

So to sum up, this movie is the BEST MCU ORIGIN FILM, it features my NEW FAVORITE SUPERHERO, and it has one of the BEST CASTS in a Marvel movie. The tone is serious, but with humor perfectly blended in, Carol is inspiring and empowering no matter what your gender, and Brie Larson, Samuel Jackson, Lashana Lynch and Ben Mendelsohn make this film shine with their incredible acting. I had a really good time at the movies tonight, and I look forward to seeing it again soon!

Oh, and the end-credits scene: OMG!!!!!!!!!! First of all, she's there, she's actually there, and she's ready for action! Second of all, does Goose have the real Space Stone????????
What a relief. I ****ing LOVED IT. Here's where I admit I actually was getting a little worried by some of the less enthusiastic reviews, but I should've just trusted my barometer critics (Travers, Roeper, Glieberman and Turan), as they rarely steer me wrong, and yet again, I was in total agreement with their unanimous consensus - what a rousing, empowering movie. The spirit of it, the performances, the music, the way each act improved on the last, it was all gold to me. And seemed to be for my audience too, based on their reactions and cheering. I agree with those who said it felt like a Phase 1 Marvel film, but a Phase 1 Marvel film with a superior 3rd act. Never dug the 3rd acts in TFA or Thor. The final confrontations and power displays were kind of "meh." Even Iron Man had a bit of that problem to me, though it still stuck the landing in its final scenes for sure. This one really, really stuck the landing, imo.

-Brie was perfect, which I never doubted. Can't wait to see how she bounces off the other Avengers next month (!!!).
-She and SLJ had great chemistry, which has been clear in their press tour. Thankfully, it translated to their characters, which is sometimes not the case.
-Speaking of great chemistry, wow Carol/Maria. I hope we see Maria again in the sequel somehow. She can't be a one-off character.
-The themes pulsing through this, regarding both female empowerment AND the...other spoilery thing...were well-handled and not too heavy-handed for me.
-Talos! Mendelsohn killed it. Just, great.
-I mean, honestly the whole cast - Bening clearly had fun with her role, Jude Law was perfectly suited for his role, too.
That whole bit where Yon-Rogg realized it would be futile to try and take on Carol and so he starts patronizing her, talking down to her and challenging her to fisticuffs, my (male) friend cracked up and turned to me and said "Just like a man!!!" Law played that part so perfectly, we both were just dying. And yes, Carol's response in that moment was A++++.
-The entire portrayal of the Supreme Intelligence, from Annette's performance to the visuals and music was just really well done to me.
-Goose, obviously. And Goose/Fury.
-That whole 3rd act was glorious.
-I'm glad
None of the major players were killed, so they can all return in a sequel. Not sure if Minn-Erva's meant to be dead, but I feel like they can totally say she survived that considering how durable the Kree seem to be. Would love to see them all again.
-The soundtrack. Release date, Marvel. NOW.
-I liked the score. Not Marvel's best, but pretty good.
-That nice wink at the end.
-Both end credits scenes.
-The humor was just right, imo. The jokes landed, weren't too abundant, and they felt pretty organic to the characters.

-Wanted more Star Force. Especially Minn-Erva.
-I feel like they could've chosen a better song than
"Just a Girl" for that one fight scene. I feel like an angry break-up song would've been better as it was essentially Carol's messy break-up with her whole Star Force crew. It wasn't a bad choice, per say, but kinda felt lazy.
-I honestly didn't feel like the first act was sluggish AS I was watching it, but thinking back, compared to the following acts, it kinda did feel like the movie hadn't quite found its groove yet.
-I wish there was more of Carol's backstory growing up, but they at least acknowledged there was a bad history there with her family, so I suppose that's something they could explore further in sequels.

...those are the only complaints I can think of. Maybe I'll find more in my 2nd viewing tomorrow, which I can't wait for. Honestly, this film was a joy from start to finish for me. Probably my 2nd-favorite Marvel origin film behind Iron Man, only really because Tony Stark was sort of an instantly iconic personality from his first scene and that film in general was just firing on all cylinders from the first frame, while this one, by comparison, needed to warm-up a bit.

Review invalid. :oldrazz:

Agreed, especially about Goose/Fury, Carol's backstory,
, and the humor. Oh, and about that scene with
Yon-Rogg challenging Carol: when she blasted him, I was cheering.
What a relief. I ****ing LOVED IT. Here's where I admit I actually was getting a little worried by some of the less enthusiastic reviews, but I should've just trusted my barometer critics (Travers, Roeper, Glieberman and Turan), as they rarely steer me wrong, and yet again, I was in total agreement with their unanimous consensus - what a rousing, empowering movie. The spirit of it, the performances, the music, the way each act improved on the last, it was all gold to me. And seemed to be for my audience too, based on their reactions and cheering. I agree with those who said it felt like a Phase 1 Marvel film, but a Phase 1 Marvel film with a superior 3rd act. Never dug the 3rd acts in TFA or Thor. The final confrontations and power displays were kind of "meh." Even Iron Man had a bit of that problem to me, though it still stuck the landing in its final scenes for sure. This one really, really stuck the landing, imo.

-Brie was perfect, which I never doubted. Can't wait to see how she bounces off the other Avengers next month (!!!).
-She and SLJ had great chemistry, which has been clear in their press tour. Thankfully, it translated to their characters, which is sometimes not the case.
-Speaking of great chemistry, wow Carol/Maria. I hope we see Maria again in the sequel somehow. She can't be a one-off character.
-The themes pulsing through this, regarding both female empowerment AND the...other spoilery thing...were well-handled and not too heavy-handed for me.
-Talos! Mendelsohn killed it. Just, great.
-I mean, honestly the whole cast - Bening clearly had fun with her role, Jude Law was perfectly suited for his role, too.
That whole bit where Yon-Rogg realized it would be futile to try and take on Carol and so he starts patronizing her, talking down to her and challenging her to fisticuffs, my (male) friend cracked up and turned to me and said "Just like a man!!!" Law played that part so perfectly, we both were just dying. And yes, Carol's response in that moment was A++++.
-The entire portrayal of the Supreme Intelligence, from Annette's performance to the visuals and music was just really well done to me.
-Goose, obviously. And Goose/Fury.
-That whole 3rd act was glorious.
-I'm glad
None of the major players were killed, so they can all return in a sequel. Not sure if Minn-Erva's meant to be dead, but I feel like they can totally say she survived that considering how durable the Kree seem to be. Would love to see them all again.
-The soundtrack. Release date, Marvel. NOW.
-I liked the score. Not Marvel's best, but pretty good.
-That nice wink at the end.
-Both end credits scenes.
-The humor was just right, imo. The jokes landed, weren't too abundant, and they felt pretty organic to the characters.

-Wanted more Star Force. Especially Minn-Erva.
-I feel like they could've chosen a better song than
"Just a Girl" for that one fight scene. I feel like an angry break-up song would've been better as it was essentially Carol's messy break-up with her whole Star Force crew. It wasn't a bad choice, per say, but kinda felt lazy.
-I honestly didn't feel like the first act was sluggish AS I was watching it, but thinking back, compared to the following acts, it kinda did feel like the movie hadn't quite found its groove yet.
-I wish there was more of Carol's backstory growing up, but they at least acknowledged there was a bad history there with her family, so I suppose that's something they could explore further in sequels.

...those are the only complaints I can think of. Maybe I'll find more in my 2nd viewing tomorrow, which I can't wait for. Honestly, this film was a joy from start to finish for me. Probably my 2nd-favorite Marvel origin film behind Iron Man, only really because Tony Stark was sort of an instantly iconic personality from his first scene and that film in general was just firing on all cylinders from the first frame, while this one, by comparison, needed to warm-up a bit.

Review invalid. :oldrazz:
So glad to hear this. My enthusiasm just shot up a notch
Oh, and about that scene with
Yon-Rogg challenging Carol: when she blasted him, I was cheering.
My whole audience was doing a laugh/cheer combo at that, similar to the reaction of the Hulk/Loki moment in Avengers. Not quite as riotous as that, but close, lol.

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