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DC Films The DC Studios News and Discussion Thread

Reminds me of the exchange between Superman and Hawkgirl in that episode of Justice League:

Clark gets his true strength from humanity. He is far from the ''strange visitor from space'' mocking mankind that the quote from Kill Bill wants us to believe.

You have to look at the Kill Bill quote as an example of how to approach thematics with the character, not directly being word to word what Bill said, just taking it as an example.

This is cinema, every choice as to have more meaning than serving only the story

Clark Kent's character could be a great way to reflect human as we are in today's world, in real life I mean, our difficulties, flaws and osbtacle.​

Superman could represent what we all aspire to be, showing what human would be capable of with perseverance and a good moral code.
And don't get me wrong, Superman/Clark should learn everyday from humans all around and vice-versa.
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One thing about a Superman actor who looks like a drug-crazed heavyweight pro bodybuilder is that they would look silly as Clark who needs to blend in. Same goes with being 6’6 plus. I don’t think Cavill or any other Supes actors look like that though. Even Cavill wouldn’t stand out at all next to regular local team rugby players in New Zealand.

Hemsworth is on another level but that works uniquely for Thor IMO. Not much need for most other heroes to get anywhere like that. Still I do appreciate it when the likes of Jackman go for it, even though it’s not necessary. I like variety so Hoechlin’s slim Superman, Affleck’s huge Batman and Pattinson’s all add visual diversity across different interpretations which is a plus for me, similar to when new comic artists take the reins on a character I love. As long as all of these also look fine and believable as the underlying human character I’m happy with a broad range of looks.
He should be average to good looking but not supermodel good looking
( if that makes sense )
Around 6'1 to 6'2, and About 200 to 210lbs.
Let's not forget one of Superman's power that also puts him above every human : his mental powers.

I was looking on the web and this is how it's described :

Mental Powers: Superman possessed genius-level intelligence and an eidetic memory. These enhanced mental capabilities were a direct result of his exposure to a yellow sun, as evidenced by the depiction of Superman's dog, Krypto. While under a yellow sun, Krypto's intelligence was boosted to that of a typical human.
If we put this into account, school or learning wasn't hard for him, he basically has to downgrade himself and hide his mental skills to erase any suspicion. So Clark being dorky should be a disguise.

I'm not saying he's above us, on the contrary, while having all those advantages, he'll still be impressed by humanity and how it made him the person he his. This could be why for him the world is worth saving.
I think they should completely ignore that in any adaptation, to be honest. He's already over-powered enough with his physical habilities, making him a genius adds nothing to his character and just makes him more exaggerated for the sake of it.
One thing about a Superman actor who looks like a drug-crazed heavyweight pro bodybuilder is that they would look silly as Clark who needs to blend in. Same goes with being 6’6 plus. I don’t think Cavill or any other Supes actors look like that though. Even Cavill wouldn’t stand out at all next to regular local team rugby players in New Zealand.

Hemsworth is on another level but that works uniquely for Thor IMO. Not much need for most other heroes to get anywhere like that. Still I do appreciate it when the likes of Jackman go for it, even though it’s not necessary. I like variety so Hoechlin’s slim Superman, Affleck’s huge Batman and Pattinson’s all add visual diversity across different interpretations which is a plus for me, similar to when new comic artists take the reins on a character I love. As long as all of these also look fine and believable as the underlying human character I’m happy with a broad range of looks.
Even calling Hoechlin slim is a giant stretch, dude is jacked as hell


I think that unless there's a character reason to say that a character /must/ have a giant physique or something, they should indeed be more lenient towards the idea of them having some physiques smaller than the Hemsworth, Cavill or Jackman look.

I was a big proponent of the idea that Batman needed to be jacked because I can see a reason for it; he's just a human after all and he's constantly training himself, it'd make sense he'd look like an MMA fighter or something.

Superman however has no justification to be that judgemental about his physique. He just needs to look good and imposing on the suit, that's it.
Even calling Hoechlin slim is a giant stretch, dude is jacked as hell


I think that unless there's a character reason to say that a character /must/ have a giant physique or something, they should indeed be more lenient towards the idea of them having some physiques smaller than the Hemsworth, Cavill or Jackman look.

I was a big proponent of the idea that Batman needed to be jacked because I can see a reason for it; he's just a human after all and he's constantly training himself, it'd make sense he'd look like an MMA fighter or something.

Superman however has no justification to be that judgemental about his physique. He just needs to look good and imposing on the suit, that's it.
Oh good point here, I must have blanked out shirtless scenes as I’ve had in my head he was much slimmer with how he usually looks in clothes. This is more than enough, and I was saying even a genuinely slim Superman wouldn’t bother me as I love variety, but if I could only pick one it would be someone with a Cavill physique in the suit but more like this or even slimmer for Clark. Obviously that wouldn’t make sense outside of comics so a physique like the above that looks just as in shape in clothes as when shirtless would be great.

Hemsworth for eg would be a bit too big for my tastes for Superman but works fine for Thor. I love when the actor works out for the role regardless of results (and **** steroids) as it feels like they are getting into and playing the character off screen to an extent too ahead of time. For a similar reason I want my Superman actor to be decent in real life (Dean Cain killed my love of the show) like Reeves more so than my Lobo actor.
As we wait for Gunn's announcement for the future , here's some moments from DC's Live action past

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I think they should completely ignore that in any adaptation, to be honest. He's already over-powered enough with his physical habilities, making him a genius adds nothing to his character and just makes him more exaggerated for the sake of it.

I think it depends on how you interpret it, it's not because he can learn and analyse quickly that he has all the experience or the education needed. He's intelligent but it doesn't mean that he knows everything.

Basically he's still a young man from a family with good value who grew in Kansas. His parents aren't rich and he couldn't necessarily afford the best schools.

If it's also his first year or so in metropolis and he didn't went outside Smallville before he'll still be naive. Learning every day about the injustice and the harsh reality of the real world while also trying to survive as a normal citizen.
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I think that unless there's a character reason to say that a character /must/ have a giant physique or something, they should indeed be more lenient towards the idea of them having some physiques smaller than the Hemsworth, Cavill or Jackman look.

An old Spider-Man issue addressed this problem from what I remember...

Somebody wrote in and asked how "Puny Parker" went from a scrawny high school kid to a jacked Olympic-worthy bodybuilder appearance. The answer of course was simple: he spends all his time basically working out by webslinging all over the city and fighting villains like Doc Ock, Venom, Green Goblin, Sandman, Puma, and so on endlessly...

Being a superhero is a very physical occupation haha, so it would make sense that Peter's muscles would develop in tandem with his physical exertions. The challenge of course would be explaining to friends/family/colleagues how he got so jacked without a gym membership...
If Superman spends all of this time flying around and lifting cars and bringing down crashing airplanes, I assume his muscles would adapt to all that physical activity.

In the Man Of Steel miniseries, he does have weights and a bench in his apartment to make Lois think he works out (while also not having weights heavy enough because he doesn't know how much Clark would actually need).
Maximum excitement would be achieved IF he not only announces some films, but who will direct.
If I had to bet, I'd bet on Gunn himself directing Superman.

As for what else is announced, it's a crap shoot.

I feel superman will be the priority.

And I have to believe GL in some form will be announced.

The other one or two films ( in this tease announcement ) will probably be some obscure character like booster gold, captain atom, or zatanna.
Maybe even a Lex origin film. Who knows.
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An old Spider-Man issue addressed this problem from what I remember...

Somebody wrote in and asked how "Puny Parker" went from a scrawny high school kid to a jacked Olympic-worthy bodybuilder appearance. The answer of course was simple: he spends all his time basically working out by webslinging all over the city and fighting villains like Doc Ock, Venom, Green Goblin, Sandman, Puma, and so on endlessly...

Being a superhero is a very physical occupation haha, so it would make sense that Peter's muscles would develop in tandem with his physical exertions. The challenge of course would be explaining to friends/family/colleagues how he got so jacked without a gym membership...
He should take out a cheap gym membership and never go, and pretend he’s got a hardcore exercise addiction to explain why he has to just run off at any time to the gym and come back exhausted. “Good session” would be the only excuse he needed after that. :D
Maximum excitement would be achieved IF he not only announces some films, but who will direct.
If I had to bet, I'd bet on Gunn himself directing Superman.

As for what else is announced, it's a crap shoot.

I feel superman will be the priority.

And I have to believe GL in some form will be announced.

The other one or two films ( in this tease announcement ) will probably be some obscure character like booster gold, captain atom, or zatanna.
Maybe even a Lex origin film. Who knows.
A good GL movie, Captain Atom, Zatanna, could be really great if they were to happen. But if they are announced I'll do my best to hold off on the excitement until directors and actors are named. I've waited a long time for a Zatanna movie - if they don't get it exactly right I will be pissed! :funny:
A good GL movie, Captain Atom, Zatanna, could be really great if they were to happen. But if they are announced I'll do my best to hold off on the excitement until directors and actors are named. I've waited a long time for a Zatanna movie - if they don't get it exactly right I will be pissed! :funny:
Zatanna has been right near the top of my DC list of projects that haven't seen live action. I'd much rather the character was here to hang around rather than a one and done but I'll still definitely take a well done film or one season show. Pointless to waste her after waiting so long anyway. GLC needs to be a persistent presence for sure when they do it so we get enough coverage of all the best Lanterns.
Does Zatanna have a story and villain worth exploring in a 2 hour movie, or would she be better used as a supporting character in a Justice League or Justice League Dark film?
eh. a good creative team can and will make it work. She has enough material for at least one movie. And in terms of villains any supernatural foe would work really...personally id go with recently created upside down man.
A Reboot would not make sense to me if the same Actors from the Old DCEU are Cast but that is just me
What too many people miss is that Clark IS vulnerable, he isn't perfect at everything, he has to try just as hard to get in his boss's good graces as anyone else, he has to try just as hard to get his crush to notice him as anyone else, he gets one-upped for stories by co-workers and rivals all the time, and he is a modest, humble, square and dorky kid who had a sheltered childhood on a farm. He's not "cool." He doesn't have to act any of that. That's who he is. And due to trying to hide his powers, he can seem uncomfortable in his own skin when he's surrounded by people who don't know. Again, that's not an act. At most, he would deliberately change his posture and demeanor, but Clark Kent does not need to be a performance, and it really hasn't been that way in comics in over 30 years. Clark Kent is who he is when he's grabbing a beer with Jimmy after work or going to a baseball game with friends/co-workers...Clark Kent is who he is for 80% of his existence. He has to be able to be genuine with those people for the character to connect, imo. That's why I hate the Silver Age take that the Donner version sprung from.

To me, the ideal way to play it is that Superman is also a big dork, just more confident and relaxed because he doesn't have to hide his abilities - people just miss his inherent dorkiness because they're too in awe of his god-like feats. And Clark can have a natural "bull in a china shop" quality whenever he's not Superman and finds himself surrounded by people in a bustling Metropolis, because he's constantly having to keep his powers in check with every step. Living in a "world of cardboard" can have that effect. The only "act" Clark should be putting on is the act of hiding his powers, imo. The other differences should come naturally out of that, without him even having to put in any effort. Tyler Hoechlin nails this on Superman & Lois, imo. That's the perfect blueprint for a modern characterization, as far as I'm concerned.
Excellent post!!!! James Gunn could do a movie with Clark trying to fit in to the big city corporate world of Metropolis. I actually think doing the movie from Clark Kent’s eyes should be the way to go. You are so right about Superman & Lois the Teen Wolf star is excellent as Clark. A from Superman movie from Clark’s eyes is long overdue and could be effective with general audiences. WB would also love the lower budget.
Any idea of when Gunn is gonna announce something.
I would have thought we would have heard something by now.
I'll be honest, my excitement is geared toward superman atm.
Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the other films also, just not half as much.

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