Apocalypse X-Men: Apocalypse Box Office Prediction Thread

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Maybe Fox should follow from Fast and Furious' text book and not ditch their original cast or give the original cast another long break. Dofp was like the Fast Five of the series with the all stars factor and the critical acclaim. Apocalypse could easily be their Fast 6 or Furious 7 box office wise if everybody we saw in the new future are back
I agree with that, but a lot of people don't seem to realise that. I see some people who state things like "i don't like movies that are too fantastic or unreal like Harry Potter or Spider-Man", but then they use The Fast and the Furious as examples of stuff they like. I guess it's all about what you write in the "label"
Yeah but Fast and Furious dont even use the term magic, powers or whatever term you would normally hear in a fantasy sci film. People see it as an action film with cars, guns, over the top stunts, sexy girls, explosions with the actors as their major seling point.
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As i said this film will be a different beast, while new actors there will be more recognisable characters cyclops,jean, story and the return of nightcrawler

Quicksilver is back and he went down quite well with the audience for DOFP

The previous 2 X-Men movies have been well received

Apocalypse will be the villain and presumably a destructive force who has to be the biggest villain yet

Overall i think it will depend on the trailers and action personally to how much the box office will rise
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While i prefer X-Men and overall think it has better movies, i think Fast and Furious offers something at the moment that not many other films can offer. I also think that many of the people in the 14-24 years old demographic are more excited in fast cars and over the top "testosterone filled" action than yet another superhero franchise that takes more time with the plot than the action.

Fast & Furious just seems like something easier to get into, i feel like Fox's plans of expansion may be a little too soon, i mean, Days of Future Past was their first X-Men film that finaly got back to the top 10 highest grossing films of the year, and right after that success they're planning to branch out into multiple spin-offs, with 2 of them premiering the same year as X-Men: Apocalypse.

When it comes to box office grossings, i fear the X-Men franchise is not a safe heavy hitter yet.

I disagree to an extent. Especially with X-Men's worldwide audience which definitely seems to be growing. I look at it like DOFP was their Fast 4 they need a Fast 5 now. Not expecting Fast 7 numbers but it already wasn't far from 6.

It would take another bad X film to start putting this franchise in the ground. And even post that it would still make money for one more.

I do agree that the Fast series is easy to jump into, but I also think much like the Fast series most the audiences don't remember every little detail and are mostly counting on the current movie to deliver on fun and spectacle. DOFP did that for most, so I expect them to walk into Apocalypse with the same attitude.
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The real question is domestic market because i can't imagine decrease in internatinal. OS loves disaster movie so 600 millions overseas is easy.
The movie need to be really awful for bad business in the world. But, Fox need a great marketing in US for Apocalypse .
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Remember when Maleficent outgrossed Dofp? That didnt feel good as a fan of X-Men and what about opening against Alice Through the Looking Glass? And Id hate it if Apocalypse moves.
With possibly a smaller role for Hugh Jackman/Wolverine and no other original cast members it'll be interesting see what this makes. The X-Men brand is now so strong though i think this could (maybe should) break the 800 million barrier globally.

Having a racially diverse cast and featuring locations from around the world like DOFP will help Apocalypse at the international box office IMO. A lot will (of course) depend on the promotion and word-of-mouth which was strong with DOFP.

If it's been released in 3D or IMAX (it's about time they did!) it could stand to make much more than 800 million.
i actually think its possible jackman won't be in apocalypse and thats a very brave move on FOX and singers part but they will have to push this film abit harder to make up for the lack of him in it

bryan did once say that you can't depend on wolverine to whether to whether a movie got made
Yeah but Fast and Furious dont even use the term magic, powers or whatever term you would normally hear in a fantasy sci film. People see it as an action film with cars, guns, over the top stunts, sexy girls, explosions with the actors as their major seling point.

Human Beings can't do what a lot of them did on screen without powers. Have you seen 7?
I honestly think it can' hit $1 billion WW. I feel like the OS numbers will grow even more from DOFP and it should have an increase domestically as well.
Remember when Maleficent outgrossed Dofp? That didnt feel good as a fan of X-Men and what about opening against Alice Through the Looking Glass? And Id hate it if Apocalypse moves.

Why did it feel bad? I just don't understand this box office dick measuring contest. Why does the movie you love NEED to beat other movies at the box office? If you enjoyed the movie and made enough to warrent a sequel, why isn't that enough?
Plus Maleficent is possibly one of THE most loved disney villains of all time, plus Angelina Jolie.
These live action Disney movies make money cause on top of being classics they are the only ones making films for a younger female audience.

Doesn't matter if it makes more then X-Men.
I don't think Alice will make a Billion for it's sequel. With box office, it's always advisable to release your sequel 3 years max from the previous movie. A sequel that's released longer than that 3 years usually doesn't do that well (or does poorly even).

Plus X-men is on an upward momentum. It's only a matter of time before Alice 2 moves release dates.
Human Beings can't do what a lot of them did on screen without powers. Have you seen 7?

I don't think anyone is realy denying that, but the Fast and Furious films are simply advertised as over the top action films, and for some people, that's very different than going full science fiction with super powers and all that.

Those are characters that don't appeal to families as much as films like Frozen, Alice, Malificent and Cinderella do. There's a difference in audience here. Just cause a film has female characters doesn't mean it hits the same age demo. While not a bad thing in any way, characters like Black Widow and Mystique don't have the same appeal as classic fairy tale characters.

Alice has the benefit of being the only live action children's film coming out next summer, and one that will be marketed heavily to younger girls. Apocalypse hits heavier competition for it's audience. So while I expect Apocalypse to grab that opening weekend by quite a huge amount, I think Alice will be able to hold better. Rather that will end in a higher total for Alice in the long run, I don't know. Too early to tell. Doesn't matter either way cause much like Malificent I don't think Alice will steal Apocalypses audience, or vice versa.
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I can see this making $250 million domestic and $750 million OS. If the film is as good or better than DOFP, I can see it hitting the $250M mark. And overseas with 3D and if they can get a release in China, it should make major bank as well.
I think 250m domestic is def likely.
I think it's easily going to do better overseas than DOFP - domestic is the big question mark for me.

And yes, why are people upset that Maleficent did better than DOFP. Maleficent also did better than every other superhero movie as well. They are going after two very different types of moviegoers - it'll be the same for Alice in Wonderland. It doing better than Apocalypse isn't any indication on X:A quality or performance.
So the big "if" for you is overseas? Just not sure about the market growth?

I'm thinking round 600m os personally. I expect an increase but 750m seems a bit too steep of an increase right now imo. DOFP didn't even make that much total. I don't doubt that it's possible but round a 100m increase seems more likely to me right now.

That can change over time though...
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Maybe Fox should follow from Fast and Furious' text book and not ditch their original cast or give the original cast another long break.

The Fast & Furious franchise is completely different from the X-Men movies. What the F&F did won't work for the X-Men, simple as that. X-Men have already had TWO successful movies without the OT cast members as leads and will have THREE more by the end of next year.

They are not needed nearly as much, if at all, as the original F&F cast were for that franchises success.
I agree, two different animals. I do think if this franchise wants to hit a billion it will need that crossover between x-men and Fantastic Four. The x-men main films are more like cap and gotg than the avengers
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