The Wrestling Thread...NINJA PLEASE! - Part 31

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Ok, having the face divas constantly win with these cheap roll ups is starting to get real old.
Then you must be a hypocrite too then, since you love CM Punk but you don't like The Miz, when according to you, they are doing the "same thing".

So when are you going to stop being a hypocrite and start giving Miz the credit he deserves?

And you must talk out of your ass on a regular basis because I've made my reasons for disliking Miz most of the time clear. Your entire thought process in that post is totally wrong. Jesus do you realize how stupid that post of yours reads? Thats why people say your complaints don't make sense

Punks a great worker who can look legit against other great workers in the main event. Miz usually doesn't. Its apparent since Punk had great encounters with Cena while Miz vs Cena was a dud in comparison. Punks a LEGIT top guy and a lot of people see it. Miz isn't anywhere near his talent level.

By "same thing" I mean saying some things over and over. I couldn't care less if Miz does the same stuff over and over. That was never my problem with him. The problem is a lot of his stuff sucks.

Its like Hunter said you're deliberately trying to stir stuff up...with bullsh** that doesn't even make sense.
Ok, having the face divas constantly win with these cheap roll ups is starting to get real old.

I agree. I really, really hope it leads to Beth and Natty totally DESTROYING Kelly and Eve... like, match or no match. I mean, I want those two put through announce tables.

They're like two female versions of the 1-2-3 Kid...
I give Kelly credit, she's improved a lot in my opinion, but something really needs to happen with this angle. I could see this storyline going on for a couple of months, but not if Kelly and Eve keep getting fluke rollups every week.
I don't know who I hate more, Zack, or Dolph.

Probably Dolph.

And Zack has Hugh Jackman in his corner. So I guess for one night, I'm a Broski. Woo woo woo you know it.
I'm not a fan of the Ryder character but I do love his work, I wish a lot of the others in the lower mid card were as creative.
I don't know who I hate more, Zack, or Dolph.

Probably Dolph.

And Zack has Hugh Jackman in his corner. So I guess for one night, I'm a Broski. Woo woo woo you know it.

Aww dag man you hate both? I know you hated Ziggler for not having personality but the guy cut a nice a promo tonight.

And Ryder's awesome! Woo Woo, you know it!
And you must talk out of your ass on a regular basis because I've made my reasons for disliking Miz most of the time clear. Your entire thought process in that post is totally wrong. Jesus do you realize how stupid that post of yours reads? Thats why people say your complaints don't make sense

Punks a great worker who can look legit against other great workers in the main event. Miz usually doesn't. Its apparent since Punk had great encounters with Cena while Miz vs Cena was a dud in comparison. Punks a LEGIT top guy and a lot of people see it. Miz isn't anywhere near his talent level.

By "same thing" I mean saying some things over and over. I couldn't care less if Miz does the same stuff over and over. That was never my problem with him. The problem is a lot of his stuff sucks.

Its like Hunter said you're deliberately trying to stir stuff up...with bullsh** that doesn't even make sense.

I'm not trying to stir **** up. That's you and Hunter and anyone else that can't accept that I'm not a Punk fan.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe... just maybe... I'm not a fan of Punk's gimmick? I'm not a fan of his character?

Where did I ever say he "sucked"? You're spouting off all this smark b.s. about how good a worker he is as if I ever said he was a bad worker.

I said his -act- is getting -stale-.

Not CM Punk sucks. Not he can't work, or wrestle. I said it's getting stale.

And maybe I just don't like his gimmick.

Again, I say, get the **** over it and learn to deal with the fact that I have a different opinion from you.
Aww dag man you hate both? I know you hated Ziggler for not having personality but the guy cut a nice a promo tonight.

And Ryder's awesome! Woo Woo, you know it!

I guess "hate" is strong for Ryder.

I just... I don't like Z True Long Island Story. I think it's incredibly creative. But I don't find it entertaining. I think it's great though that the guy took different measures to get himself over, but I could just never get into his internet videos.
I'm serious when I say the Internet Title should be a LEGIT title. It doesn't have to be all Ryderish and whatnot... but if WCW had a TV title.. why not?
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