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Russia Has Violated Nuclear Missile Treaty


May 7, 2012
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The U.S has formally accused Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, by testing a ground-launched cruise missile, the New York Times reports. President Obama informed Vladimir Putin of Russia's violation of the treaty by letter Monday; the violation will also be documented in a State Department report to be released Tuesday.

From the Times:

At the heart of the issue is the 1987 treaty that bans medium-range missiles, which are defined as ground-launched ballistic or cruise missiles capable of flying 300 to 3,400 miles. That accord, which was signed by President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, helped seal the end of the Cold War and has been regarded as a cornerstone of American-Russian arms control efforts.

Suspected INF violations, however, date back to 2008, although the Associated Press reports that Russia has "looked into the allegations and consider the matter closed."

The Times, citing administration officials, reports that the cruise missile in question has not been deployed and that there are no current plans for retribution:

Mr. Obama has determined that the United States will not retaliate against the Russians by violating the treaty and deploying its own prohibited medium-range system, officials said. So the responses might include deploying sea- and air-launched cruise missiles, which would be an allowable under the accord.

"This is a very serious matter which we have attempted to address with Russia for some time now," an Obama administration official said in a statement. "We encourage Russia to return to compliance with its obligations under the treaty and to eliminate any prohibited items in a verifiable manner."


Could this be the start of Cold War 2.0? Things seem to keep escalating with Putin at the helm
I personally see this more as the last desperate acts of a collapsing empire, than the start of a new one.

Russia has lost the Ukraine forever.
Start of Cold War? The US has been conducting a Cold War against Russia since the collapse of the USSR by it's interference in Eastern Europe. The insistence of trying to recruit former Soviet countries into NATO, the missile defence system in Poland and Czech Republic and the illegal assistance in overthrowing of a legally elected government in Ukraine. What do you expect the Russians to do? What is the US endgame? They have now put more sanctions on Russia for providing arms to the East Ukrainians. Yet they themselves have provided on numerous occasions weapons to fractions in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. American foreign policy has led to more deaths and wars in the past 30 years.

Their NSA is spying on it's own allies with scant regard for international law and governments. Quite simply the US government/ foreign policy has zero credibility. Where is the outrage and sanctions against Israel?
You do know that Yanukovych's own party turned on him, right?

He was a corrupt petty dictator turned Quisling, who is now one of the most hated men in the country. Maybe even more so than Putin.

Russia flagrantly violated the Budapest Memorandum.

This has nothing to do with the United States. America was barely paying attention to all this. It has almost all been Putin's own fault. He has done more to turn the Ukraine against Russia than any other actor.

If he keeps this up, expect Ukraine to try to join NATO in the next ten years, if not the freaking European Union.
This has everything to do with the US foreign policy and it's push eastwards with NATO. It is they who have accused Russia of violating a treaty when they themselves flaunt the law all the time. Instead of encouraging Russia to open up to Europe and the west it's recruited former soviet countries into NATO and planned on recruiting Ukraine to surround the western border of Russia and place missile defence system and therefore negate their Nuclear treat. It's quite obviously a bullying tactic so what exactly was NATO and the US expecting especially with someone like Putin in control.

Are you saying that the US did not have CIA operatives on the ground in Kiev? The US has an organisation which cannot operate on it's own soil and who's purpose is to spy on and destabilise international governments who's policies do not align with with theirs. Hell even it's allies like Germany are not exempt from being spied on.

If Russia has started testing new nuclear technology the US has had a major part in forcing that decision.
You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that the Ukrainian revolution happened in the Ukraine, as a result of Ukrainian dissatisfaction with Putin's puppet, Yanukovych.

I think you've been watching too much RT, if you think what happened in Kiev is the CIA's doing.

You're giving the CIA way too much credit, and the Ukrainians not nearly enough.
You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that the Ukrainian revolution happened in the Ukraine, as a result of Ukrainian dissatisfaction with Putin's puppet, Yanukovych.

I think you've been watching too much RT, if you think what happened in Kiev is the CIA's doing.

You're giving the CIA way too much credit, and the Ukrainians not nearly enough.

I'm well aware of the situation in Ukraine. I've friends and relatives living there. The corruption in that country is immense. There isn't a straight politician in the country. Ukraine is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Eastern Europe and how it's being manipulated by both the Russians and NATO.

Maybe if you switched from Fox to other more neutral news agencies you might see things differently yourself.

Are u saying that the CIA has never attempted to overthrow legitimate governments outside the US?

What of the missile defence system in Eastern Europe. Do you think the US would be happy if the likes of Venezuela or Colombia allowed the Russians put up a missile defence system.

The biggest threat to world peace is an aggressive Russia and American foreign policy. Both are equally dangerous.
You realize I am like the most anti-Fox News poster on this forum, right?

The US has overthrown plenty of legitimate governments. But to say they were responsible for Euromaidan, is just ridiculous. And offensive to the Ukrainians who died.

You might have had a point with the missile defense system being provocative. If this was five years ago. Except that Putin has now shown the world exactly why states in East Europe need it. To stop Russian aggression.

After violating the Budapest Memorandum, Russia's word has become worthless. If Kiev had kept its nuclear arsenal, Crimea would not be under a Russian flag right now. No state in East Europe is safe without a military guarantee.

How do you expect Kiev to respond to this?
Ukrainians are dying on both sides. Something which seems to be lost in translation. They are not Russians in East Ukraine they are Ukrainians of Russian decent.

Isn't the US all about self determination. Or is it only when it suits their agenda? If the east Ukrainians want independence they should be allowed a referendum. By all means have it supervised by the UN. It's about the only thing that organisation is any good for. But you can be sure that Kiev would be totally against any such breakup as the industrial east is important to their economy.

Instead of these silly games between Russia and America, the EU, Ukraine and Russia should form an economic accord which would see equal growth of the economy in Ukraine through the EU and Russia. The EU putting a gun to the head of Ukraine to sign up to bilateral agreements excluding Russia is not helpful either. They left Ukraine in an impossible position. Ukraine has much more in common with it's Slavic cousins in Russia than it does with France, Germany and Great Britain. Kiev is the spiritual home of Ukrainians, Belorussians and Russians and is a former Capital of the Russian Empire.
Only when it suits their agenda. Like any other country

I actually wouldn't oppose a legitimate referendum in Crimea, or Eastern Ukraine. I actually said as much when the referendums were going on - under Russian / Russian allied rebel military occupation. But this has been a military operation from day one.

There are two forces in Europe now, the European Union, and the Russian Federation. Ukraine can either choose to be a liberal democracy like Poland, or go back to being Russia's abused spouse.

As long as Putin is in control, Russia will not be joining the rest of Europe politically.

But even if there was some kind of compromise, I don't know how Kiev is supposed to do business with Moscow, as long as Moscow barely recognizes the post-Yanukovych government's legitimacy, and actively wages a proxy war in its backyard.

I realize that Putin wants to have a buffer zone between the two countries, in the form of the Donetsk Republic. But, I think he's starting to realize that he can't control these rebels.

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