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Agent Carter Agent Carter General Discussion Thread

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Maybe as it pertains to episode one, what she was remembering WASNT the event of a one shot but was a totally separate event where she also happened to kick a guy through a window - hey, she probably does it a lot. Why don't we just wait and see where the remaining 6 episodes take us though, and see where the series ends? If it's still a continuity problem by the end, then hey, it's a continuity problem and Marvel made a mistake. I agree with the others though, I think right now you're overreacting a bit for a shot that lasted like 1 whole second in length.

Yeah no kidding. If she was specifically remembering the event of the one shot, wouldn't she remember the 2 most important parts? The zodiac formula and the shield call from stark?

The action scenes were the only parts used for a reason... they wanted to show peggy kicking ass and there was only so much of that from first avenger and agents of shield
The scene was a classic memory montage sequence.

I'm not putting words in Marvel's mouth...I'm pointing out that they showed clips from the One Shot, but the One Shot couldn't have happened yet. OTHER PEOPLE are defending the clips by saying that Marvel has retconned t or whatever...so you should be telling the people defending it to not put words in Marvel's mouth. That's kind of my point. At this moment, there is ZERO defense for those clips being used...yet people are finding ways to justify it by inventing "words in Marvel's mouth."

Honestly... the montage was just like a fun little recap to refresh the audiences minds
I'm going to save myself the trouble of re-watching and analyzing the one shots and just agree with this. :)
Seriously if there really is continuity errors, I'll just put it down to the writers retroactively trying to sync up the universe. Marvel have worked so hard to make all there live action canon, I can't see why they would just disregard an 8 episode show and the one shot that led to it. I'm sure they'll shoe horn in an explanation. My bet is on Wizard :woot:

The truth is probably what people are saying...that the One Shot never happened and has been totally disregarded from continuity. I can actually accept that and am reasonably okay with that because it looks like they have a cool story to tell here (though they should be up front and tell people that the One Shots are not necessarily canon, rather than using them to sell Blu Rays). My issue is that the re-used clips from the One Shot in a memory montage...and yet it appears that the One Shot never happened...and the events shown don't even make sense in that montage considering that the rest of the montage was about her affection for Captain America. If they intentionally added random fight scenes to an otherwise Captain America-centered memory montage, then not only was that kind of stupid...but they could have used new footage instead of re-using footage of events that now no longer happened.
Yeah no kidding. If she was specifically remembering the event of the one shot, wouldn't she remember the 2 most important parts? The zodiac formula and the shield call from stark?

The action scenes were the only parts used for a reason... they wanted to show peggy kicking ass and there was only so much of that from first avenger and agents of shield

Then don't include it.

Plus...again...when you have a memory type montage about her love for Captain America...what place does random action that has nothing to do with Captain America have in that? It doesn't. The montage would have been BETTER without any random action scene at all.
Woah, since when does the word expansion = retcon?
Peggy kicking Zodiac butt, still happens. Peggy joining Stark to start up SHIELD, still happens... This miniseries is just showing us other stuff that also happened. How is that so hard to understand?
I think everyone here has laid out the many possibilities pretty well
it could be a retcon, could still be made to match up, or the one shot could've been more "proof-of-concept" than "pilot"
guess we won't know till it's all over, so yeah, somebody here needs to chill and burn one or something

but I tend to agree with spideyboy up above, that as far as the montage is concerned, pretty sure they just needed to pad it out with extra ass-kicking scenes; yes the montage was largely about her and cap, but it was really just to catch new viewers up to speed
Then don't include it.

Plus...again...when you have a memory type montage about her love for Captain America...what place does random action that has nothing to do with Captain America have in that? It doesn't. The montage would have been BETTER without any random action scene at all.

They included it because it costs more money to film obligatory fight scenes than recycle old clips. This method is used in tv constantly

Again, look at it as if a tv show intro about peggy carter. Showing clips of romance and action.
Honestly... the montage was just like a fun little recap to refresh the audiences minds

Yes, it's main point was refresh audiences minds about her missing Cap...and then for no reason veered off into an unrelated action scene that was part of an adventure that no longer happened, so now its a new adventure but still unrelated to the stuff she was thinking about. The song playing over the montage was even about getting a man. How her kicking a now random guy through a window plays into a memory about Cap, I can't figure out. This is BASIC stuff...movies have them all the time...and this one was poorly handled because the memory montage included stuff that was not pertinent to the memories.

The show did that a lot...showing her flashes of memories to make sure that the audience is caught up. Like, when it showed her remembering that she saw that guy before...when she blinded him and then she escaped the building as it blew up, with the guy unaware that a bomb was about to go off...and then...you know...she saw him the next day...miraculously still alive...suggesting that the devastating bomb couldn't even kill a guy who was temporarily blinded, near the explosion, and unaware that the explosion was going to happen, and then the explosion annihilated a HUGE area. And yeah...that is ALSO a problem, even if people don't want it to be.
I think everyone here has laid out the many possibilities pretty well
it could be a retcon, could still be made to match up, or the one shot could've been more "proof-of-concept" than "pilot"
guess we won't know till it's all over, so yeah, somebody here needs to chill and burn one or something

but I tend to agree with spideyboy up above, that as far as the montage is concerned, pretty sure they just needed to pad it out with extra ass-kicking scenes; yes the montage was largely about her and cap, but it was really just to catch new viewers up to speed


Yeah people need not take it so seriously
They included it because it costs more money to film obligatory fight scenes than recycle old clips. This method is used in tv constantly

Again, look at it as if a tv show intro about peggy carter. Showing clips of romance and action.

The montage is about her missing captain America...and the music playing over that goes along with it. Then, they threw in random fight scenes into the otherwise Cap-centric montage. There was NO NEED to use the clips.
It's first two episodes beats any first two shows from any series in recent memoery. I loved it.

Still, I'd tweak it by using more "brains" and less "brawn." Yes, she can handle herself but I don't want to see her performing Cap level ass kicking because that just isn't believable.
Yes, it's main point was refresh audiences minds about her missing Cap...and then for no reason veered off into an unrelated action scene that was part of an adventure that no longer happened, so now its a new adventure but still unrelated to the stuff she was thinking about. The song playing over the montage was even about getting a man. How her kicking a now random guy through a window plays into a memory about Cap, I can't figure out. This is BASIC stuff...movies have them all the time...and this one was poorly handled because the memory montage included stuff that was not pertinent to the memories.

The song was just a fun 40s do-wopish song. You're reading into things far too much.
I think everyone here has laid out the many possibilities pretty well
it could be a retcon, could still be made to match up, or the one shot could've been more "proof-of-concept" than "pilot"
guess we won't know till it's all over, so yeah, somebody here needs to chill and burn one or something

but I tend to agree with spideyboy up above, that as far as the montage is concerned, pretty sure they just needed to pad it out with extra ass-kicking scenes; yes the montage was largely about her and cap, but it was really just to catch new viewers up to speed

Why pad it out with scenes unrelated to the rest of the memory montage and the song playing over it?

That's just...its something I expect from a first time indie director with no budget to hire people to look over his work.

There are certain scenes in last nights broadcast that I did feel were there specifically to fill time. Like, the attempt to steal those photos...it was just a silly time filler, especially considering that there was no actual need for her to steal the photos.
The song was just a fun 40s do-wopish song. You're reading into things far too much.

You're now saying that the songs that play over montages in movies and tv shows have no connection to the scenes in the montage?

Every music director in Hollywood would disagree with you (except whoever did Agent Carter). They pick songs specifically to go along with what is being shown in the montage. It isn't reading too much into it to expect this show to manage that simple task.
It's first two episodes beats any first two shows from any series in recent memoery. I loved it.

Still, I'd tweak it by using more "brains" and less "brawn." Yes, she can handle herself but I don't want to see her performing Cap level ass kicking because that just isn't believable.

It depends. I can watch her beat a man with a stapler over and over
I think everyone here has laid out the many possibilities pretty well
it could be a retcon, could still be made to match up, or the one shot could've been more "proof-of-concept" than "pilot"
guess we won't know till it's all over, so yeah, somebody here needs to chill and burn one or something

but I tend to agree with spideyboy up above, that as far as the montage is concerned, pretty sure they just needed to pad it out with extra ass-kicking scenes; yes the montage was largely about her and cap, but it was really just to catch new viewers up to speed

Yes, thank you.

The rest of you should just move on from this ridiculous, manufactured "problem". There will be no resolution, just a nonstop merry-go-round of complaining & arguing over an insignificant 1 second clip. The very same thing has happened in numerous AoS threads and all you will get out of it is frustration.
I would argue about the montage it's a part of being a montage of her memories of Cap, because it isn't. Episode starts with the end of TFA where he goes down. So there's that. She sits down looks at the newspaper with Stark on the headline and she remembers his offer of fondue in the plane. She then starts to get ready for work which kicks off the next montage. It's not her reminiscing about Cap and her feelings for him as she gets ready for work, it's showing us what her work entails. Firing guns, dealing with explosions and being a kick ass woman, not some 'sitting behind the desk' secretary. A shot of her kicking ass (regardless of where the clip was pulled from) is not out of place, IMO.
You're now saying that the songs that play over montages in movies and tv shows have no connection to the scenes in the montage?

Every music director in Hollywood would disagree with you (except whoever did Agent Carter). They pick songs specifically to go along with what is being shown in the montage. It isn't reading too much into it to expect this show to manage that simple task.

Ok this is why people find you overly dramatic... where did i say "all film and tv" ? If your going to put words in peoples mouths and then jump to extreme conclusions you're eventually going to get labeled a provoking troll on here.

Most 40s do-wop sung by a woman is about a man......
The montage is about her missing captain America...and the music playing over that goes along with it. Then, they threw in random fight scenes into the otherwise Cap-centric montage. There was NO NEED to use the clips.

Aright, calm down man, eaaaaasy easy.. that's good....

once you're relaxed, we'll have Marvel arrested for montage abuse, mmkay?
I would argue about the montage it's a part of being a montage of her memories of Cap, because it isn't. Episode starts with the end of TFA where he goes down. So there's that. She sits down looks at the newspaper with Stark on the headline and she remembers his offer of fondue in the plane. She then starts to get ready for work which kicks off the next montage. It's not her reminiscing about Cap and her feelings for him as she gets ready for work, it's showing us what her work entails. Firing guns, dealing with explosions and being a kick ass woman, not some 'sitting behind the desk' secretary. A shot of her kicking ass (regardless of where the clip was pulled from) is not out of place, IMO.

I would argue about the montage it's a part of being a montage of her memories of Cap, because it isn't. Episode starts with the end of TFA where he goes down. So there's that. She sits down looks at the newspaper with Stark on the headline and she remembers his offer of fondue in the plane. She then starts to get ready for work which kicks off the next montage. It's not her reminiscing about Cap and her feelings for him as she gets ready for work, it's showing us what her work entails. Firing guns, dealing with explosions and being a kick ass woman, not some 'sitting behind the desk' secretary. A shot of her kicking ass (regardless of where the clip was pulled from) is not out of place, IMO.

I agree completely. And it was well executed and easy to follow

As i said above, the "kicking ass" montage unlike the other 2 wasnt so much a memory as it was a tv show intro
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I would argue about the montage it's a part of being a montage of her memories of Cap, because it isn't. Episode starts with the end of TFA where he goes down. So there's that. She sits down looks at the newspaper with Stark on the headline and she remembers his offer of fondue in the plane. She then starts to get ready for work which kicks off the next montage. It's not her reminiscing about Cap and her feelings for him as she gets ready for work, it's showing us what her work entails. Firing guns, dealing with explosions and being a kick ass woman, not some 'sitting behind the desk' secretary. A shot of her kicking ass (regardless of where the clip was pulled from) is not out of place, IMO.

Good point. The Stark part also went against the Cap part of the montage...redirecting it from there. While I still think the music was a poor song choice, I can see where the attempt was made to completely pivot away from Cap to focus on her life post-Cap.

See guys...I can totally accept when someone can actually show where my thinking went wrong. I rescind my statements about it being a Cap montage...though I still think the song should have been different (and I dont think they should have used her action in the One Shot)
This is easily the most obscure Easter Egg for an MCU production. I used to think that Ellen Brandt was odd in IM2, but Leet Brannis blows that one away.

Any chance we'll get The Whizzer?

Itd be great to get some golden age heroes for sure. I wish we got a minutemen film after the intro to the watchmen.

I gotta say, good casting of Leet as well
The truth is probably what people are saying...that the One Shot never happened and has been totally disregarded from continuity. I can actually accept that and am reasonably okay with that because it looks like they have a cool story to tell here (though they should be up front and tell people that the One Shots are not necessarily canon, rather than using them to sell Blu Rays). My issue is that the re-used clips from the One Shot in a memory montage...and yet it appears that the One Shot never happened...and the events shown don't even make sense in that montage considering that the rest of the montage was about her affection for Captain America. If they intentionally added random fight scenes to an otherwise Captain America-centered memory montage, then not only was that kind of stupid...but they could have used new footage instead of re-using footage of events that now no longer happened.

The "Agent Carter" One Shot was a pilot for a "Director Carter" television show. When the extremely talented people behind the show wisely decided that put-upon Peggy trying to make her way in a man's world was the better show, a continuity error was created. I don't know if Marvel will be able to untie this knot as deftly as they did in "The Consultant", but my guess is that events in the "Agent Carter" One Shot did occur in the MCU. The timing of the events, however, is off.
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