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Iron Fist Iron Fist General Discussion Thread - Part 3

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Just finished the entire series heres quick impressions
henwick was the best part of the show, overall i really enjoyed the show, action scenes were great and acting was good all around, some nitpicks the ending was kinda weak, and they left a lot of questions hanging big spoiler here showing kunlun dissapear makes little sense unless it ties into defenders, also letting gao go just like that was stupid
ok off to bed.
On the 3rd episode...I have to side with most of the critics on this one. It's just very bland so far to me.
Just finished the entire series heres quick impressions
henwick was the best part of the show, overall i really enjoyed the show, action scenes were great and acting was good all around, some nitpicks the ending was kinda weak, and they left a lot of questions hanging big spoiler here showing kunlun dissapear makes little sense unless it ties into defenders, also letting gao go just like that was stupid
ok off to bed.
Who was the Big Bad? What the hell happens in the end? Please spoil me!!!
Just finished the entire series heres quick impressions
henwick was the best part of the show, overall i really enjoyed the show, action scenes were great and acting was good all around, some nitpicks the ending was kinda weak, and they left a lot of questions hanging big spoiler here showing kunlun dissapear makes little sense unless it ties into defenders, also letting gao go just like that was stupid
ok off to bed.

Already? Damn.
So, I'm only two episodes in. I'll probably head to the episodes threads and put my thoughts there. Again, only two episodes in but so far....I've liked it. I've really liked the first two hours.

Again, I can only speak to the first two hours. But, I liked it. Jones has been good so far. I like how innocent Danny is, really. Even with people[BLACKOUT] trying to kill him, and drugging him[/BLACKOUT], there's still this innocence. There's the boiling anger underneath, but he definitely does seem like someone who's been outside of American society for decades. Not a hint of cynicism, or distrust. And the honesty. I really liked how his honesty bites him, and he's still unaware. Maybe I'm so used to characters that embrace darkness or something, but it's been interesting to see.
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That's a good point ChrisBaleBatman. :D Seems legit.
So is your point to prove to everyone your dislike is somehow righteous? Because crying about how others will react to your "review" is kind of... yeah. :funny:

Watched one episode, liked it quite a bit. Will see where it goes.

The reason why I addressed how people will call me a troll is because...INEVITABLY...whenever I don't like EVERY aspect of a comic movie or tv show...the discussion then turns to ME...and WHY I am "trolling" the forum. I gave Guardians of the Galaxy a 9 out of 10 review and was called a troll for pages on end because I dared to suggest that Ronan could have used one more scene of development.

People just have this inability to accept that other people have different opinions...and those opinions are just as valid as the positive ones.

But hey...lets give it a shot. I'll continue to share my opinions about this show...which may or may not improve...and we'll see how long it takes for people to be unable to prevent themselves from telling me that I'm not only wrong, but a troll.
11 episodes in and the show is really not that bad. Is it a bit disappointing and a letdown in some areas? Yes, but I'd still call it a decent show. I think Finn Jones has the right personality down as Danny, naive and innocent and very emotional.

People might not want to hear this but I think it's necessary for Danny Rand to be white. Why? Because it's part of that dynamic between him and Luke Cage, that two men such as them from very different backgrounds can work together. Also that Danny comes from this position of so-called white privilege and you can play around with those ideas in the eyes of the audience.

I think the problem is that Scott Buck was not the right showrunner to do it.
Ok. Halfway through episode 3. This is not bad. At all. There are some issues with the dialogue in the first 2 episodes. Felt forced at times. But so far I am liking it. More than Luke Cage even. Could it be faster paced? Yes. Does the music still suck? Yes. But that does not kill the show. Can't wait to continue viewing.
I'm only 3 episodes in but it's no where near what the critics have been saying . The acting is good ( not fantastic) , the action seems to flow pretty naturally, Finn seems to nail the early Danny from his first appearances( more revenge/ looking for answers driven). It has its slow moments but to be fair all of the Marvel shows have had that problem really. There were episodes of Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones that suffered from this as well. I'm currently loving the series really. It's not perfect but it's a good start into the mythology of the Iron Fist. At times Danny seems to remind of Bruce Leroy from The Last Dragon ( not a bad thing). I like that two episodes in they had already brought up the Seven Coties of Heaven and him being a warrior in the long line of Immortal Iron Fists . Doesn't seem like they will stray away from the mysticism of the Iron Fist Lore but not directly dive into it. Also I'm saying Meachum was brought back to life by The Hand
Yeah it's really not as bad as other critics were making out to be. Flawed yes. Lesser of the other shows, but not at all bad.
4 episodes in and this isn't nearly as bad as the critics made it sound. Not amazing or anything, and Danny is probably the least interesting lead of the shows so far, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
I think Finn Jones' performance works. It's just all the corporate soap opera drama and BS isn't integrated well into the rest of the narrative.
To me Jone's performance has been better than Colter so far.
I like that Finn Jones plays Danny in that he is still sort of this innocent emotional kid. He just thinks should be the way they are because he asks. He has those aspects of Danny's personality down.

There's always been a sort of innocent naivete to Danny Rand as a character and I think Finn Jones has it.

Also. I have to say. I was surprised by the rather early mentions of [blackout]Crane Mother, Seven Cities of Heaven, Shou Lao[/blackout] and even that he's been in an [blackout]other-dimensional place[/blackout] for 15 years. For as grounded as I thought this was going to be, they sure are bringing up a lot of fantastical elements, at least in conversation. Sure, I would prefer seeing those things and not just heard them talked about, but it gives me hope that if this show continues on to a 2nd season, we will get to see them.
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Iron Fist is good but I hate the that Cage is gonna be used as defense mechanism.

Colter is great

I like Colter, the person. He seems like a great guy. Unfortunately, his talent hasn't really impressed me. His acting made me cringe several times during Luke Cage.
I'm only 1 episode in( watched the 1st during my lunch) and I enjoyed it. Kinda slow but that's to be expected for the 1st episode of an entirely new character. I kinda felt the series would get harsh reviews because of all the controversy before it was even made but so far so good for me at least.
I have hopes that they make an even better duo than solo acts. They must have factored their chemistry into the casting choice.

We'll see later this year!

They didn't. Finn and Mike basically met for the first time during NYCC
On episode 5 right now and I'm actually really enjoying this show.
There's certain things that I'm not too fond of but they're not ruining the show for me.

1.The flashbacks to the plane crash.
It's just...I don't know
It just looks really corny?
The thing falling and hitting Danny in the head is funny though.

2.The amount of yellow in this show. OF MY ****ING GOD THE YELLOW.
I guess I know why they did it but..
It's too damn much
Somebody needs to create a rate Iron Fist Season 1 section where people can vote on a scale of 1 to 10, preferably after they have seen the entire season. It seams like fans for the most part from what I am hearing like it and that it is not the car crash most of the critics have made it out to be. So curious to see what kind of a rating it would get from fans.

I've only seen the first episode. Overall my opinion is, while I can see where some of the criticisms are coming from it's not near as bad as I expected from the reviews. I had low expectations going in, this was never a character from the comics that I knew much about or read much about. I'll leave it to others to determine how faithful this is to the comics, because I have no idea. The most I knew of Iron Fist was from some of the Marvel based games, like Ultimate Alliance.

Again I've only seen the first episode, so I'm trying to not be harsh about some elements that i thought were not explained well as I'm assuming they'll be explained later on. The story telling in this, I think is somewhat weak, but I do like the actors, and they did a reasonably good job selling the story.

I did enjoy this better than the first episode of Luke Cage, which was a series that took me a bit to warm up to. If not for Cottonmouth, I don't think I ever would have watched more than one episode. It pissed me off when Cottonmouth was killed by mid season as I thought he was a way better villain than Diamondback, who I thought was rather campy. Cottonmouth was just a BAMF! I guess they thought they needed more of a personal and physical threat to Luke.

I'm a fan of David Wenham, and when he finally shows up, I found someone that I thought would be a good bad guy. We'll see how this plays out. The kid is pretty *****y, but that's probably on purpose, and I don't like the daughter either.

The other thing probably bothering the critics is the origin is pretty similar to Batman, Doctor Strange, the Shadow, and others, where someone goes off to train under Eastern mystics and comes back some all powerful warrior. I'll admit this is not a big fresh take on anything, and can perhaps feel like a "been there, done that", but it was entertaining enough for me to continue watching.

Luke Cage I think got alot of accolades, simply because it unapologetically portrays a black hero, going through struggles that many minorites have to go through. And even the main villains are sympathetic as they faced similar struggles as the heor did only made decisions that took them down the wrong path. However I don't think as a story Luke Cage was as smooth or compelling in the storytelling as Daredevil or Jessica Jones. There were ups and downs, but it certainly was worthy of the critical acclaim it received, but for me it was at times very hard to watch, at others I couldn't wait until the next episode.

We'll see where Iron Fist leads, but I have a feeling this is at least a decent enough effort to make him a force in the Defenders and perhaps a Heroes for Hire spin off.
Somebody needs to create a rate Iron Fist Season 1 section where people can vote on a scale of 1 to 10, preferably after they have seen the entire season. It seams like fans for the most part from what I am hearing like it and that it is not the car crash most of the critics have made it out to be. So curious to see what kind of a rating it would get from fans.


I was reading through the reviews, and I think the RT percentage is somewhat misleading on this one. None of the reviewers really trashed what was there, at most it was, they were disappointed that it didn't seem to break any new ground but was acceptable.

I do plan on doing a full series review, but certainly seems to me like it's not any kind of disaster.
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