**OFFICIAL** Thor: Love & thunder spoilers thread

he has the soccer down pat.....:hehe: Ted Lasso is the only thing I have seen him in and he's pretty good in that and well deserving of the Emmy he won for that role last year. This is good casting.

Great casting in my opinion, he can act and his voice as Herc is badass.
Who is that in the post credit scene Zeus is talking to?
he has the soccer down pat.....:hehe: Ted Lasso is the only thing I have seen him in and he's pretty good in that and well deserving of the Emmy he won for that role last year. This is good casting.

Great casting in my opinion, he can act and his voice as Herc is badass.
Who is that in the post credit scene Zeus is talking to?

Hercules, you must didn't see the full post credit scene because it shows him stand up and prepare for battle at the end of it.
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Hercules looked ok. Hopefully he bulks up a bit. He doesn’t need to be Hemsworth level jacked but even Evans looked bigger.
Hercules looked ok. Hopefully he bulks up a bit. He doesn’t need to be Hemsworth level jacked but even Evans looked bigger.

Him eventually getting to be around Evans' size is good for me, but it was a post credits scene I don't expect an actor to go on this huge protein diet and exercise program just for a post credits scene.
He looks good. I wonder if he would turn from zero to hero eventually.
People expecting an actor to do the necessary training to be Herc sized for a post credits scene in absurd.
I didn’t expect it. But surprised they didn’t so some CGI
Saw it earlier today. Question I have about the ending for other people who have seen it: (SPOILERS for the ending of the movie).
I wonder. Does anyone else think Love (daughter of Gorr, child of Eternity and adoptive daughter of Thor) seems like she might be (or might become) the MCU's version of Singularity? I mean she has powers now. And with that reflection in the realm of Eternity... Right?

Also, I like to keep track of all the characters from the comics that have appeared in the MCU... I really need to go over the part with the gathering of gods again to see if I can figure out who they all are...
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So much to talk about... I don't even know where to begin with...
Before the movie came out there was someone here who apparently already 'knew' how it would play out. You know, I'm glad this guy got banned but a small part of me wishes we could've seen him having to publicly eat his words and backpaddle... Oh well, at least it's even funnier in hindsight to see someone getting so mad at something he completely made up that turned out to be very wrong.

Warning: ramblings of someone who convinced himself of what the "woke plot" of this movie would be before seeing it.
How much you're willing to bet that Thor will get his ass kicked in this movie along with Star-Lord and that Jane Foster's Thor persona will be the one to kill Gorr the God Butcher? I'm certain that the all-powerful woman of Marvel (who will get her powers out of nowhere of course) will be the one who effortlessly kills Gorr after Thor and everyone else fail as a team and then Thor will be like ''Oh Jane, I'm so happy to have you because I'm a sorry-ass, incompetent straight white male who needs an all-powerful woman to get him out of trouble. If only I was black and gay, I could've done so much more, but not as much as you because, let's face it, I'd still be just a man and as such, I can't do as much as an all-powerful woman can. Please forgive me for my whiteness and toxic masculinity, Jane.'' I can smell the bull**** a mile away already. Anyone with half a brain can.

Stop it.

I don't read the comics, I don't care about them. Comics aren't movies anyway. Jane shouldn't even be able to contribute in the slightest considering she's a regular human being with the power of Thor or without.

If you say that 3 Thors are required to beat Gorr, then Jane's contribution shouldn't even be acknowledged. It would be like a fly trying to hurt an elephant. However, we already know she's gonna have a huge contribution, the biggest one in the movie probably, because she's the all-powerful woman and when she finally lifts Mjolnir, she's gonna be 10x more worthy of it than Thor ever was for the same reason, thus a way more worthy opponent of Gorr than Thor could ever even hope to be.

Also, I'm not trashing the movie, at best, I'm trashing the ending which is undoubtedly how it's gonna play out. You can wait all you want, but like I said, any person with half a brain already knows where the movie's headed. Thor's probably gonna get his ass kicked and be on the brink of death and then Jane will wield Mjolnir and be able to go 1 on 1 against Gorr and kill him effortlessly. Thor might pitch in just a little bit at the very last second to make it seem like they killed him together, but the 5 minute lead up to that is gonna be all Jane absolutely annihilating Gorr in ways Thor could only dream of to show that all-powerful female strength that trumps all and doesn't need help of a stinking straight white male even if he's willingly offering it.

Steve got his **** rocked moments after when Thanos got a little bit more serious. I guarantee you that won't happen in a fight between Jane and Gorr. Jane is an-powerful woman and once she sets out to do something, Gorr won't even land a shot, let alone take control of a fight.

So just stop it.

And I took his word for it in a couple posts above. He said it took 3 Thors to take down Gorr which in movie terms (since we obviously won't get 3 Chris' Thors) means that we'll have Chris' Thor and Jane vs Gorr and in that equation, Jane's Thor persona strength is that of at least 2 Chris' Thors if we're going by that source material. So Jane will have double the strength of Chris' Thor, just as I've been saying. She's an all powerful woman after all and it's only natural for her character to be at least twice as strong as the stinking straight while male that Chris' Thor is, right?

Also, to make the story short, if you guys think Chris' Thor will be the key or even the focal point of Gorr takedown next to the all-powerful Jane Foster Thor, you're out of your minds. They pulled the Jane Foster Thor out of their ass for one reason and one reason alone. Whether you wanna keep your pink glasses on or not, that's really none of my concern.

So much denial around here, you can almost taste it. I bet that denial cushion feels really good. The fact that you guys got so worked up over what I said shows me just enough, not that I didn't know it before, but still.

This overwhelming denial that's being thrown my way is funny beyond belief at the very least. It shows you're at least aware that Disney's bull**** is so incredibly out of line, but you're too busy wrestling with your inclusion/pc culture indoctrination that it's affecting your ability to function properly. You guys done lost your minds.

I'll never get to tell him "I told you so"
Hahahahaha. It's always so funny to me when people completely make a thing up in their head and then get mad at the thing they made up themselves.
A lot of questions and observations.
First of all… Never thought I’d see ETERNITY, that’s massive and it doesn’t get much more comicbooky than that.

- So the Bifrost was the key to open the door to Eternity? That seems like a pretty big deal and I wonder how is that connected with the Asgardian mythos.

- Thor had knowledge of the All Black, the Necrosword and the way they explained it, it did sound like it was primordial mistério is weapon and I do wonder if we’ll get more of it at some point. I would love to see Thor wield it one day, that would be bat**** crazy.

- So the girl is Gorr’s daughter with some hidden power, seems like it’s a blend of the All Black and Eternity power, I was a bit confused… love that final shot of them both going into battle though.

HERCULES! Can’t get much more comic book accurate than that. Good stuff.

Loved Thor being Odin basically and granting his power to the kids. “For a limited time online” :D
- So the girl is Gorr’s daughter with some hidden power, seems like it’s a blend of the All Black and Eternity power, I was a bit confused… love that final shot of them both going into battle though.
My reading was that she got the powers from Eternity. She was referred to as a "Child of Eternity" or something like that. And did you see her reflection initially? It really looked like Singularity so I'm wondering if she might be a version of her, or if it's just a coincidence because Eternity just has a similar "field of stars" effect.
I enjoyed parts of this movie, but it once again feels edited to death. You can physically feel where the removed scenes were that would've made the whole thing flow better. Plus, those beginning and ending voice over just so that they could clip in some moments in a different context than they shot them in.

I respect that they let some of the more serious scenes play out, and didn't insert a lot of Marvel humor into the scenes itself. But then the next scene would just give me total whiplash. Funny Thor antics, cut straight to Jane has cancer. That wasn't editing. It was anything in between those scenes not surviving to the final cut.

It's not better than the sums of its parts. There are a lot of good parts, assembled really badly.
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HammerDown, any new powers or feats from Thor?
Okay, some things from what I'm recalling rn:

- The beginning was so emotional. Everyone gasped at that shot of Gorr at his daughter's tomb.
- Very little screen time from the Guardians. But we could see how Star Lord and Thor aren't frenemies anymore, very much friends. Heck, there was clearly some admiration from Quill.
- Darcy and Selvig's cameos! It would've felt wrong had they not be included. Especially Darcy, the audience went "aww".
- People were so sure they wouldn't include the cancer storyline. And Taika did it, in such a respectful and touching way. Even the moment of flashback where we learn of Jane's mom also dying from cancer, it gave so much to the character.
- Can't remember how exactly Mjolnir chose Jane in the comics. But the idea here that Thor inadvertently cast a spell so it would always protect her was genius.
- Valkyrie was so great as a leader of New Asgard.
- Sif again being a cameo pretty much. But at least we know she's alive and safe (minus her arm, which is now in Valhalla :D)
- Heimdall having a wife and son felt really out of the blue, but it served well to the plot.
- So many gods that I'm sure we'll discover when we pause the scenes. The god of Dumplings :hehe:. As a Mexican, really liked the Quetzalcoatl cameo.
I know they probably didn't want to interfere, but wasn't it weird they'd just remain on their sit while Zeus was being "killed"? I really don't think Wakandians would appreciate the idea of their goddess having orgies.
- The flashbacks of Jane and Thor dating felt so wholesome.
- An army of mini Thors! If someone was gonna have a battle with little kids fighting horrible creatures, that was gonna be Waititi.
- Christian Bale was so spooky on this. If we go by body count, Hela made way more damage. But Gorr was terrifying. Can't remember him making any joke, while Hela had plenty.
I can see why Bale wanted to do this movie. This wasn't a Marvel film, it was a Taika Waititi film.
- Thor is a dad(ish) now! Wonder if he has a parent group chat with Clint, Scott and Pepper to take advice from? :funny:
- Hercules looked buff enough for me. His physical appearance just wasn't too much of a shock because earlier we literally saw hundreds of other gods.
- It was nice to see Valhalla at last.
Before the movie came out there was someone here who apparently already 'knew' how it would play out. You know, I'm glad this guy got banned but a small part of me wishes we could've seen him having to publicly eat his words and backpaddle... Oh well, at least it's even funnier in hindsight to see someone getting so mad at something he completely made up that turned out to be very wrong.

Warning: ramblings of someone who convinced himself of what the "woke plot" of this movie would be before seeing it.

I'll never get to tell him "I told you so"

The Hell is this guy so mad about?
Other two points I forgot to mention:

They really got me with that Korg fake out death. I almost cried. You can see how much it affected Thor, as with his rage he easily "killed" Zeus.

The movie does and doesn't do a little queerbait.

On the one hand in so many interviews for the past couple years, Tessa teased so much how Valkyrie would certainly be looking for her Queen. Well, we got nothing of that lol. Pretty much just the confirmation that the other Valkyrie who we saw dying in Ragnarok was her girlfriend. Maybe now that, I believe, there's no love interest for Thor in the future something could work out with her and Sif?

On the other hand,
Korg! That was so unexpected! So glad he found love!
The single most jarring thing in the movie was…

Heimdall’s son head showing up out of knowehere…

I was like, “what’s going on here” and then I remembered the stuff from Ragnarok and it made much more sense. Also the kid eventually did a Heimdall sort of thing when opening the Bifrost with Stormbreaker so that was cool and it sort of came full circle at the end post credit scene.
HammerDown, any new powers or feats from Thor?
Thor has the ability to do enchantments similar to the one Odin did on Mjolnir.

As a Mexican, really liked the Quetzalcoatl cameo.
Was Quetzalcoatl there? I really need to rewatch the Omnipotence City scenes again to catch all the gods.

- I know they probably didn't want to interfere, but wasn't it weird they'd just remain on their sit while Zeus was being "killed"?
Yeah I was thinking the same. Also while Zeus didn't want to help, I'd have at least have tried appealing to the crowd and asked any gods who might be willing to still come along to save the gods, even if Zeus was against it.

I really don't think Wakandians would appreciate the idea of their goddess having orgies.
Yeah I was also thinking this. And just any gods there that are still part of living religions not caring about their followers and participating in orgies could be pretty controversial..

- Christian Bale was so spooky on this. If we go by body count, Hela made way more damage. But Gorr was terrifying. Can't remember him making any joke
At least by on-screen bodycount. We don't really get a clear indication of how many gods he has killed off-screen.
I think with Gorr he did have some jokes, but they all also felt like threats or jabs so it didn't undercut the tone. For example ripping off the head of that one shadow bug in front of the children and mockingly going "I thought you liked that sort of thing" or something like that I would say is a joke, but it's also 1. a threat and 2. making fun of the kids liking stories of heroes beheading bad guys but don't like seeing the reality of even a monster being beheaded.

The movie does and doesn't do a little queerbait.

On the one hand in so many interviews for the past couple years, Tessa teased so much how Valkyrie would certainly be looking for her Queen. Well, we got nothing of that lol. Pretty much just the confirmation that the other Valkyrie who we saw dying in Ragnarok was her girlfriend.
I think there were two other moments that definitely hinted at her sexuality, but yeah no explicit relationships or anything.
First was the teasing exchange with Thor that went something along the lines of
V: "Am I sensing feelings?"
T: "For Jane? Pffft. No, no.... That's all in the past. :o What about you? Any feelings? "
V: "Don't worry, we're on the same team"
T: "Oh, good. :D"
V: "Team Jane ;)" *walks away*
T: :eek:

I felt like that at least teased that Valkyrie thinks Jane is attractive (but presumably didn't pursue anything because of there still being feelings between Thor and Jane).

And the other one was her flirting with one of the girls in Zeus' entourage and kissing her hand before leaving.

But yeah, would be nice if she could get an actual relationship.

On the other hand,
Korg! That was so unexpected! So glad he found love!
Korg was in a relationship with a man in the comics too (Hiroim the Oldstrong). But that's pretty obscure so I didn't really expect them to even know that let alone include it in the MCU.

But I wonder how people generally feel about this because while this definitely reads as a gay relationship, it was also revealed that kronans essentially don't have distinct sexes and any 2 kronans can reproduce by prolonged handholding. It seems that all kronans go by he/him and other masculine terms because they are all perceived as masculine by other species with two sexes like Asgardians, Kree, Humans, etc. but depending how you look at it you may not consider that to really be representative of being gay.
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HammerDown, any new powers or feats from Thor?
- He’s able to enchant Mjolnir as Odin once did.
- He can grant his power to others.
- He’s has honed the power up ability and uses it more and better than before.
- He’s more prolific in battle. A 1 man army.
- He uses a wider range of moves.
- With the right incentive his power level jumps a few levels and is able to one shot and wreck even the most powerful of foes.

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