DC Films The DC Studios News and Discussion Thread

I have to wonder how long it'll be before WB really starts to struggle to get high profile talent to come on board with DC productions, given the kiss of death they appear to be for so many.

Based on Gunn's comments and what we know of how he works, I think it's safe to say he won't be working with any stars that think they're too big to be taking direction.
He had so little charisma as Black Adam. Which is weird it’s like one of his worst performances,

I haven't seen Black Adam (and never will) but even though I already ranted about that in another thread, it's the same for me: I can't understand Johnson "charisma". I sincerely think people confuse this term with being physically imposing.
To me, this guy is a pile of cliché. The extreme bodybuilding, the false modesty to hide the ego and the big tearful speeches about how to "reach his dreams" and all that ****...

Anyway. :D

I have to wonder how long it'll be before WB really starts to struggle to get high profile talent to come on board with DC productions, given the kiss of death they appear to be for so many.

Yeah, this is a topic I've touched on in another post. I wouldn't be surprised if Gunn had trouble finding collaborators to launch the DCU.
There's that questionable brand reputation, but who knows how much superhero fatigue has reached the industry itself. When this also seems fairly tied to the shared universe model and how it always produces the same movies every time, the whole project may be a tough sell.
I guess that's where Gunn's Superman film will be very important. It has to win over the audience and probably people behind the curtain as well. If Mangold sign for his Swamp Thing, that could also help as he became a high-profile director.

On that note, while we don't have all the details and we can discuss the pros and cons, boiled down to a headline, Affleck's "departure" was not good publicity. The DCU doesn't need to occupy much of the media right now as there are still three movies and two series (maybe three) to come from the previous regime. But every time it makes news, it has to be something positive because I don't think there will be as much good will from audience as one can think.
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Grew up a DC fan!! (Watched superfriends on Saturday morning cartoon!! I’m 60!!) breaks m heart that DC can’t get their crap together!! They should scrap as much stuff as they can…start over… take their time and make whatever laity films!! That was heir original problem!! When the saw how marvel got their cinematic universe together they smashed/rushed theirs and you see what happens!!
I have to wonder how long it'll be before WB really starts to struggle to get high profile talent to come on board with DC productions, given the kiss of death they appear to be for so many.

It's something to consider. It could even effect promising, lesser-known performers (as Cavill, Gadot were), offered a CBM as a chance to get into the big time. They could be skittish about the possibility of being associated with a high-profile dud so early in their career (although, admittedly, the Fant4stic cast seem to have weathered it okay). Not saying we're there yet, but it could happen.

Hopefully it will be different under Gunn/Safran and they will build a better reputation as a place to come and work as well as quality of product going forward. If the old DCEU had stumbled on for years I could see many actors who otherwise would have been up for playing certain characters being put off by all the unnecessary drama associated with it.

Funny, I was thinking about this the other day too...

Gunn is an unproven studio CEO. This isn't a fatal problem in and of itself. Kevin Feige was unproven back in 2007/2008 too. But Feige was able to attract some world-class talent to the nascent MCU brand. Could he have created the cultural juggernaut the MCU became without RDJ, Evans, Johansson, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, and so on, not to mention his army of writers/producers/editors/directors/VFX? Of course not...

If DC characters have become synonymous with box office poison in the minds of Hollywood insiders, the new regime may very well have trouble attracting talent. Mind you, RDJ, Evans, etc were not the power players they are now at the time their respective franchises launched, so Gunn & Safran may be better served trying to find the stars of tomorrow and allowing them to grow into their roles, rather than relying on big names to launch their new universe.
Funny, I was thinking about this the other day too...

Gunn is an unproven studio CEO. This isn't a fatal problem in and of itself. Kevin Feige was unproven back in 2007/2008 too. But Feige was able to attract some world-class talent to the nascent MCU brand. Could he have created the cultural juggernaut the MCU became without RDJ, Evans, Johansson, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, and so on, not to mention his army of writers/producers/editors/directors/VFX? Of course not...

If DC characters have become synonymous with box office poison in the minds of Hollywood insiders, the new regime may very well have trouble attracting talent. Mind you, RDJ, Evans, etc were not the power players they are now at the time their respective franchises launched, so Gunn & Safran may be better served trying to find the stars of tomorrow and allowing them to grow into their roles, rather than relying on big names to launch their new universe.
I think good actors who fit the roles well will work, don’t need big names really. Scarlett was the biggest one for the early MCU but most of the others weren’t huge before getting cast (as you say). Also more likely to get actors to hang around for a decade plus if they get promising young up-and-comers.
I have to wonder how long it'll be before WB really starts to struggle to get high profile talent to come on board with DC productions, given the kiss of death they appear to be for so many.

Literally never. Look through the history of film every studio goes through stuff like this and finds ways to flip it around. All it takes is one project. Not to mention plenty of stars have done just fine even with bad films.

edit: I am sure "insiders" will run to Variety and tell stories like they did about other studios in the 30s/40s/50s/60s/70s/80s/90s because that is what the trades are honestly there for but almost none of it will have any teeth to them. WB will offer money, control, vanity projects and so on and even if things are crashing and burning people will take the job.
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It's something to consider. It could even effect promising, lesser-known performers (as Cavill, Gadot were), offered a CBM as a chance to get into the big time. They could be skittish about the possibility of being associated with a high-profile dud so early in their career (although, admittedly, the Fant4stic cast seem to have weathered it okay). Not saying we're there yet, but it could happen.

Cavill and Gadot only have the careers they have because of WB taking chances on them. Plenty of other actors as well.

People on the internet play up this stuff way too much. This is nothing new. If Sony, Universal, Paramount and others can weather storms and bad press (that sometimes lasted longer than this) so can WB. Honestly most of this stuff isn't even a big deal to 95% of the audience just geeks like us.
Superman set the precedent for attracting big name talent and Oscar winners. I disliked MOS but even that movie was able to attract a great cast.
Grew up a DC fan!! (Watched superfriends on Saturday morning cartoon!! I’m 60!!) breaks m heart that DC can’t get their crap together!! They should scrap as much stuff as they can…start over… take their time and make whatever laity films!! That was heir original problem!! When the saw how marvel got their cinematic universe together they smashed/rushed theirs and you see what happens!!
Nice to see another old-timer! :up:
While I've rolled my eyes at both WB and Marvel studios lately, I look at where the genre is today compared to where it was when I was growing up.

I remember a time when there was hardly any live action Superhero film and tv content.

I remember searching the isles of Blockbuster, The Wherehouse, and Tower records, looking for rare Superhero movie serials from the 1940s, one shot Marvel telefilms or tv shows from the 1970s and 80s, Marvel and DC cartoons from the 60s through the 80s , all of them on VHS.



I remember reading magazines like Starlog, Hero Magazine, and Wizard which would tease the arrival of Superhero films which seemed like , were facing insurmountable odds to make it to film.


Heck , I remember when live action films and tv shows like Blank Man, M.A.N.T.I.S., Nightman, and My Secret Identity, took the place of characters like Spiderman , The X Men, Green Arrow, and The Avengers.




And When some DC and Marvel characters were adapted to film or tv, the quality wasn't always the best .





Now, I live in a time in which all of the characters I wanted to get films or tv shows back in the 90s, have been adapted at least once , big name actors flock to these films, studios see big bucks and profits from adapting a wide range of characters, and characters like Thanos, Bane, and Rocket Raccoon are part of the pop Culture.



So while I'm peeved at the state of Marvel and DC on film at this moment in terms of the content, I'm greatful that Hollywood has finally come around to the idea that these stories , if done well, can be embraced by all audiences .








While I've rolled my eyes at both WB and Marvel studios lately, I look at where the genre is today compared to where it was when I was growing up.

I remember a time when there was hardly any live action Superhero film and tv content.

I remember searching the isles of Blockbuster, The Wherehouse, and Tower records, looking for rare Superhero movie serials from the 1940s, one shot Marvel telefilms or tv shows from the 1970s and 80s, Marvel and DC cartoons from the 60s through the 80s , all of them on VHS.



I remember reading magazines like Starlog, Hero Magazine, and Wizard which would tease the arrival of Superhero films which seemed like , were facing insurmountable odds to make it to film.


Heck , I remember when live action films and tv shows like Blank Man, M.A.N.T.I.S., Nightman, and My Secret Identity, took the place of characters like Spiderman , The X Men, Green Arrow, and The Avengers.




And When some DC and Marvel characters were adapted to film or tv, the quality wasn't always the best .





Now, I live in a time in which all of the characters I wanted to get films or tv shows back in the 90s, have been adapted at least once , big name actors flock to these films, studios see big bucks and profits from adapting a wide range of characters, and characters like Thanos, Bane, and Rocket Raccoon are part of the pop Culture.



So while I'm peeved at the state of Marvel and DC on film at this moment in terms of the content, I'm greatful that Hollywood has finally come around to the idea that these stories , if done well, can be embraced by all audiences .








Some great memories there... and some not so great! :funny:
While I've rolled my eyes at both WB and Marvel studios lately, I look at where the genre is today compared to where it was when I was growing up.

I remember a time when there was hardly any live action Superhero film and tv content.

I remember searching the isles of Blockbuster, The Wherehouse, and Tower records, looking for rare Superhero movie serials from the 1940s, one shot Marvel telefilms or tv shows from the 1970s and 80s, Marvel and DC cartoons from the 60s through the 80s , all of them on VHS.



I remember reading magazines like Starlog, Hero Magazine, and Wizard which would tease the arrival of Superhero films which seemed like , were facing insurmountable odds to make it to film.


Heck , I remember when live action films and tv shows like Blank Man, M.A.N.T.I.S., Nightman, and My Secret Identity, took the place of characters like Spiderman , The X Men, Green Arrow, and The Avengers.




And When some DC and Marvel characters were adapted to film or tv, the quality wasn't always the best .





Now, I live in a time in which all of the characters I wanted to get films or tv shows back in the 90s, have been adapted at least once , big name actors flock to these films, studios see big bucks and profits from adapting a wide range of characters, and characters like Thanos, Bane, and Rocket Raccoon are part of the pop Culture.



So while I'm peeved at the state of Marvel and DC on film at this moment in terms of the content, I'm greatful that Hollywood has finally come around to the idea that these stories , if done well, can be embraced by all audiences .








True. A good reminder that whatever our complaints now, it doesn’t compare to the low quality desert we had as kids in the superhero genre!
I totally forgot about My Secret Identity!

And never besmirch the greatness of BLANKMAN!!

I actually remember Blankman being promoted at a comic book convention at the Shire Auditorium in LA before it's release,.:bigeyes:.

I used to watch Damon Wayans and David Allen Greer on In Living Color every Sunday night back in the early to mid 90s.
Much of the humor they couldn't get away with today, but the show was hysterical :smilingeyes:.
I actually remember Blankman being promoted at a comic book convention at the Shire Auditorium in LA before it's release,.:bigeyes:.

I used to watch Damon Wayans and David Allen Greer on In Living Color every Sunday night back in the early to mid 90s.
Much of the humor they couldn't get away with today, but the show was hysterical :smilingeyes:.

Yeah those were good times! A lot of pushing the envelope!

BTW I know everyone is wringing their hands about the drama at WBD (and well why wouldnt you it is always juicy!) but even at places like Di$ney they have their own problems...

Marvel VFX Artist Says the Studio 'Doesn't Figure Sh-t Out Beforehand'

The renewed interest in Marvel's troubled relationship with the VFX industry comes after it was reported that Alonso had exited Marvel Studios, a company she had worked at since 2006. Insiders with knowledge of the situation have stated that Alonso, who was one of the co-founders of the MCU, was actually terminated from her role, adding that she was "blindsided" by the sudden firing. According to the insiders, the decision was made by human resources and The Walt Disney Company's legal department, as well as several company executives including Disney Entertainment co-chairman Alan Bergman. One executive who refrained from the discussion was Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, -- Alonso's longtime boss -- who reportedly felt trapped in an impossible situation and thus decided to not intervene in the proceedings.

While the exact reason for Alonso's firing is currently unknown, she was reportedly "singularly responsible for Marvel's toxic work environment: a kingmaker who rewarded unquestioning fealty with an avalanche of work, but who also maintained the blacklist that kept FX pros wild-eyed with fear." One source also indicated that everyone was "quite scared" of the former executive. However, some VFX artists, reporters and MCU stars have disputed these claims, calling them wildly inaccurate. They have instead suggested that Alonso is being used as a scapegoat for the studio's recent VFX criticisms, which plagued Phase 4 of the MCU. At this time, Marvel Studios has not yet publicly commented on Alonso's departure from the company.
The renewed interest in Marvel's troubled relationship with the VFX industry comes after it was reported that Alonso had exited Marvel Studios, a company she had worked at since 2006. Insiders with knowledge of the situation have stated that Alonso, who was one of the co-founders of the MCU, was actually terminated from her role, adding that she was "blindsided" by the sudden firing. According to the insiders, the decision was made by human resources and The Walt Disney Company's legal department, as well as several company executives including Disney Entertainment co-chairman Alan Bergman. One executive who refrained from the discussion was Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige, -- Alonso's longtime boss -- who reportedly felt trapped in an impossible situation and thus decided to not intervene in the proceedings.
Yeah those were good times! A lot of pushing the envelope!

BTW I know everyone is wringing their hands about the drama at WBD (and well why wouldnt you it is always juicy!) but even at places like Di$ney they have their own problems...

Marvel VFX Artist Says the Studio 'Doesn't Figure Sh-t Out Beforehand'

My Dad would be in tears from laughter :smilingeyes:.
Where I lived, In Living Color, The Simpsons, and Married With Children all came on Sunday night, so Sunday nights were great in the late 80s to mid 90s.

Oh man. I haven't thought about The Wherehouse in years lol. There used to be one 10 minutes from my house when I was a kid.

I actually had a Wherehouse pretty close to my house too .

I found the 1970s Spiderman and Hulk pilot films there ,and I think I found the 1940s Batman serial there as well, though it was spread over two cassette tapes I think.

Alot of times , they'd only have one copy of them since they were scarce, or at least scarce in my area .
So it was like a treasure hunt looking for alot of the older stuff :smilingeyes:.
Alot of times the attendants would be like " You you're looking for what ? Never heard of it":smilingeyes:.

I'd have to go to a few video stores to find what I was looking for , but my main three were Wherehouse, Tower Records, and Blockbuster.
While I've rolled my eyes at both WB and Marvel studios lately, I look at where the genre is today compared to where it was when I was growing up.

I remember a time when there was hardly any live action Superhero film and tv content.

I remember searching the isles of Blockbuster, The Wherehouse, and Tower records, looking for rare Superhero movie serials from the 1940s, one shot Marvel telefilms or tv shows from the 1970s and 80s, Marvel and DC cartoons from the 60s through the 80s , all of them on VHS.



I remember reading magazines like Starlog, Hero Magazine, and Wizard which would tease the arrival of Superhero films which seemed like , were facing insurmountable odds to make it to film.


Heck , I remember when live action films and tv shows like Blank Man, M.A.N.T.I.S., Nightman, and My Secret Identity, took the place of characters like Spiderman , The X Men, Green Arrow, and The Avengers.




And When some DC and Marvel characters were adapted to film or tv, the quality wasn't always the best .





Now, I live in a time in which all of the characters I wanted to get films or tv shows back in the 90s, have been adapted at least once , big name actors flock to these films, studios see big bucks and profits from adapting a wide range of characters, and characters like Thanos, Bane, and Rocket Raccoon are part of the pop Culture.



So while I'm peeved at the state of Marvel and DC on film at this moment in terms of the content, I'm greatful that Hollywood has finally come around to the idea that these stories , if done well, can be embraced by all audiences .








We look at the genre very similarly. I remember those days well. Wizard Magazine is always going to be important to me.

Things have gotten better in some respects- we’re very spoiled now. But a lot of the older adaptations will always be more important to me than the new stuff. It just has a tighter grip on my heart. The 4 Batman movies are always going to be my favorites. And I still think The Flash 1990 is the best adaptation of the character. Superman I and II are still the best adaptations.

We’re in an era where there’s an onslaught of cbm but we’re getting a lot of trash content. Shazam 2, Ant Man, Morbius, most recent Marvel content has been very generic…

I wish the genre could regroup and slow down a bit.
As a kid we had great DC content.

Even in the early 90's we had the Reeve Superman films, the Keaton Batman films, Batman TAS, Lois & Clark, etc.

It was mostly Marvel that was non existent.

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