DC Universe Animated Green Lantern Movie Thread

This movie was pretty good. I very much enjoyed it. At it's core it's very much a bad cop story with the good cop trying to bring him down. The voices were pretty good, it was kind of funny to hear Red, but the rest were pretty good. I'm not sure how I felt about Sinestro donning his Sinestro Corps outfit, but whatever. It was a damn good movie, but I still like Wonder Woman just a bit more. The Hal Jordan figure that came with it is pretty sweet, too.
what do you mean about the sinestro outfit? would you have preferred he still wearing the GL suit?

i'm not familiar with the myth, so i'm not sure when exactly in dons it in the comics.
what do you mean about the sinestro outfit? would you have preferred he still wearing the GL suit?

i'm not familiar with the myth, so i'm not sure when exactly in dons it in the comics.

He didn't don the SC costume until a year or two ago.

Before that it was the Black and blue costume.
The yellow one looks so much better and makes logically more sense.
that original costume looked like ass though...it made him look like a jester
So do I, the SC costume is nice to look at.
The old one won't be missed. I'm also glad that Sinestro's head isn't so oddly shaped in animation. He was dressed like a Jester and had a big ass head... worst character design ever.

I agree that the SC costume fits more. I love the look of it.
The old one won't be missed. I'm also glad that Sinestro's head isn't so oddly shaped in animation. He was dressed like a Jester and had a big ass head... worst character design ever.

Another awesome avatar.
anyone else think that Victor Garber was essentially doing a pissed off Jack Bristow?? which was fine by me
This is clearly a product made by people who've known the GL property for a long time, and anticipate an audience that has at least some familiarity; there's basically no attempt to make Hal's discovery of the ring and his journey to Oa some huge eye-opening revelation. He takes these things pretty much in stride so that the chafing-at-the-bit production staff can get to the cool parts. I'm fine with that, though I imagine a film version for a much wider audience will spend more time in the earlier parts. That said, the focus being almost entirely in space is definitely a good thing; that's where Green Lantern is the most interesting, when he's not being a generic earthbound hero.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed it; it's probably the best of the current series of DCU animated films. Not as scattershot in focus and incomplete for fans of the book as New Frontier, lacking the adaptation quibbles I had with Wonder Woman.

Like the previous movies, it's got a great voice cast (I often wonder if it's really worth it to shell out for reasonably well-known actors like Tricia Helfer and Michael Madsen to voice side-characters; whatever else might be said of Marvel's DVD casts, they don't suffer for using dedicated voice actors). Christopher Meloni delivers a very good Hal (much better than David Boreanaz's in New Frontier). Victor Garber, as you might expect, pretty much steals the movie as Sinestro (actually, he'd be a good live action Sinestro). I was a bit uncertain about Madsen as Kilowog at first, but he grew on me.
Also, while comics fans are just waiting for Sinestro to betray Hal, they managed to genuinely surprise me with the secondary villain. That's a nice way to include something genuinely unexpected in the narrative (though I suppose you would object if you were a big fan of Boodikka).

Narratively, my one real complaint is the very unclear climax; after Sinestro drains the battery, Hal starts hammering away at the 'green element' trying to get it to do something. Then it starts glowing green again and basically turns him into Ion (the embodiment of willpower, in the comics held by characters like Kyle Rayner and Sodom Yat), though none of this is explained.

Given Geoff Johns' extended stay on the comics title recently, and the way so many readers describe it as "definitive", there's quite a lot of this that goes against Johns' take on the character (Timm and co, of course, having grown up with other comics). The Guardians of the Universe all have names, for example, and distinct personalities (one of my favourite parts was Ganthet and co. sadly looking on as a rain of rings descends on Oa after Sinestro disables the battery, which kills every Lantern currently out in space, engaged in combat, etc.). The GL rings and Sinestro's eventual Qwardian ring are fueled by green/yellow "elements" (big glowing crystals) that power the batteries.
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yeah i really liked the rain of rings scene. so sad. it was as sad as when the jedis were being killed off in revenge of the sith.

i agree with the fast paced. I got into a arguement with someone before because he bacame the GL in the first four minutes of the movie. I don't know anything about hal, or why he was chosen as the GL. and they didn't really show him becoming lantern. he had a very good grasp of it's power considerign he just discovered it. and very non-chalant considering he saw an alien for the first time and travelled to another planet.

I still loved it and think if the live action follows the same basic skeleton and flesh it out a bit, it would make an awesome movie.
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Watch New Frontier if you want a more fleshed out origin MOS.
Watch New Frontier if you want a more fleshed out origin MOS.

i have, already. while i say i don't know much about GL, I do know bit, enough that it didn't bother me personally watching the movie. I was able to fill in the pieces. I was thinking more from the perspective of the general audience watching this as a live-action movie.

Also, i don't think that should be a requirement tho. WW did a very good job introducing the character.
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It was an ok movie. Not as good as WW but ok. I felt that most of the movie just moved way to quickly. Within the first 3 minutes he is already a GL and within the first 10 mins he is already a pro at using the ring and is totally unphased by what everything that has happened to him in the last 24 hours. The guardians didnt come across as I had invisioned them, they seemed a bit to normal.

Though it was the most "mature" DCAF yet, I was surprised that they were allowed to use some of the language they used since its just not commonly used in animation. And there were a lot of brutal deaths which also surprised me. But I liked both of these aspects. I am surprised that it seemed a little bit more gory then WW did.

The movie couldve been better but I can live with it. I would give it a 7.5 or an 8 out of 10.

And WW has made like what? 4 million since its release in March? Thats not bad. But of course Warner cant really expect the same figures that Supes/Bats get since those two have a much bigger franchise then any other DC charecter.
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I enjoyed the movie, not as much as I would have liked, though. The CGI in this stood out horribly to me. The action sequences were awesome, especially the finale battle. I think the movie needed to be longer and we needed to see more of Hal on earth, and it would have been a bit better. I'd probably give this a 7.5 as well. Fun to watch, but could've been better.

I couldn't help but laugh a little when Sinestro said "You stupid little blue trolls" to the guardians :D ... That doesn't make me too twisted right? heh. :grin:
Just finished the movie and all of the special features. Overall I thought it was great. I like how they didn't waste time re-telling his origin, and I love the "training day" aspect of the Hal Jordan/Sinestro relationship. The end battle is pretty cool too, you can definitely get a feel for the power each one of those guy wields with their respective rings.

All in all I'd definitely say it's worth the purchase. I bought it on blu ray so I'm not sure what the difference in the special features is, but I was slightly disappointed there wasn't a more in-depth "making of" feature.

My only complaint is that the ending felt slightly rushed.

Yeah, my thoughts seem to be with most of the others.

Wonderwoman was the better movie, with I think much better Character development.

Characters were really fleshed out in WW, I couldn't tell you about the personalities of a lot of characters in GL.

However, its still an awesome movie, ending was rushed. Definetly worth the $$. I just have a feeling Bruce Timm didn't have his hand in this as much as he should of.

I think a sequel would do this movie wonders, and would make this one all the much more enjoyable.
I admit it felt rushed with Hal becoming a Green Lantern in the first 4 Minutes, but I honestly didn't miss that they didn't show a lot of his background and why the Ring decided to choose him. His actions later speak for him why he's been chosen.
I admit it felt rushed with Hal becoming a Green Lantern in the first 4 Minutes, but I honestly didn't miss that they didn't show a lot of his background and why the Ring decided to choose him. His actions later speak for him why he's been chosen.

because there isn't an application process....the ring seeks out a suitable being, and then that individual is eventually summoned to OA for training...

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