Discussion: General Election 2024

I agree. I'm not sure any debate is really going to change anyone's mind by now..
I think that people have largely made up their minds, but I also think, when you look at how close the election will probably be, there is a significant slice of the electorate who could be swayed. Truthfully, a debate could swing the election one way or the other.

But unfortunately, because Trump said it, a lot of Republican voters will believe him.

He keeps fantasizing about murdering the President and his political opponent:

There is a way to challenge an election and a way not to do it. Al Gore did it the right way and, even though it was a Bull S*** court decision, he accepted it for the good of the country. Donald Trump did it the right way too. The problem is that he lost virtually every case he brought and his own, biased AG told him he lost. THEN he went down the rabbit hole because his narcissism and egotism wouldn't allow him to admit he got beat fair and square. Now, here's the interesting thing......had he been able to accept defeat, his chances of winning the 2024 election would have increased dramatically.

So there you have it.....he made his bed and if he loses the upcoming election, he has no one to blame but himself.....though he is incapable of seeing or even believing that.

He keeps fantasizing about murdering the President and his political opponent:

Maybe Trump is hoping that one of his minions will take Biden out. :(
At this point, both major candidates are unpopular in public opinion polls, and more directly we can see that they're drawing comparatively small crowds and that very few bumper stickers and lawn signs are going up.

Neither candidate is proposing a better agenda. Gone is the Trump of 2016 that campaigned against war, and against cuts to social security and medicare. Gone is the Biden of 2020 that campaigned for public health measures and for build back better. Both Trump and Biden enthusiastically support the genocide in Gaza and the pointless war in Ukraine.

According to 538, Trump has an unfavourable rating of 54 to 41, and Biden has an unfavourable rating of 55 to 40.

Both candidates are showing signs of being too old for the job.

Plus between now and November we're likely to see a worsening geopolitical situation, more inflation, and possibly other issues too. The corporate media thinks that inflation comes down to CPI and the cost of gas at the pump, but I think what people are noticing are higher grocery bills, higher insurance premiums, and higher costs of borrowing.

In the long run this election may prove to be a disaster for alleged American democracy. Many people and much of the world can see the lack of genuine choice, and I expect that's going to be backed up by low turnout.

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