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Flashpoint - Part 1

New Geoff Johns series.

New teaser

Flashpoint Lex Luthor was very cleverly done, next week we get the Knight of Vengeance conclusion!
I'm not reading all of the tie-ins although I am debating about going back and getting the Project Superman one. What's Flashpoint Luthor's story?
It's a mere cameo more or less, but it's pretty hilarious if you ask me.
I thought it was funny, very much like they are not important here who cares.
How is that a spoiler? We KNOW that Bruce died instead of them.

It's just like I was having a convo with some dude all butt hurt over a new commercial "Spoiling" Cap ending up in the modern day.

How the f**k is that spoiling? WE KNOW he's supposed to end up in the present. :o
Incase people haven't read #2, i didn't wanna reveal Joker's identity thats on the link. =) The tag on the picture is to ensure no unneeded scrolling.
How is that a spoiler? We KNOW that Bruce died instead of them.

It's just like I was having a convo with some dude all butt hurt over a new commercial "Spoiling" Cap ending up in the modern day.

How the f**k is that spoiling? WE KNOW he's supposed to end up in the present. :o

Maybe because it's the very end of the movie? As a comic fan I figured he would eventually end up in present day, but that doesn't mean it had to happen at the end of his own film. Maybe they would've dealt with it at the beginning of the Avengers, I don't know. Unlikely, but still nice to be surprised a little.
Flashpoint #5 cover:


Like people have been saying: Batman will do the heroic sacrifise, comic ends with a Jeph Loeb style monologue by Bat-Dad that will make Batmans go bawww and the comic sells like hot pancakes!
I've been enjoying FP so far but if it ends with such a cliche i'm going to be very disappointed.
Whole series seems like Johns and company using it as an excuse to live out their macabre fantasies of killing whatever characters they want in the most gruesome ways imaginable.
E.g., Mr. Terrific getting decapitated, Animal Man getting head-stomped, Firestorm being incinerated, Catman having his head and spinal cord ripped off, Congorilla getting his head cut off at the jaw, Mera getting decapitated, Hawkgirl getting a knife through her chest, Jim Gordon bleeding to death on camera in front of Batman, Wally West frozen by Captain Cold, little Lex Luthor eaten alive by Krypto, Krypto getting kryptonite-lazererd to death immediately thereafter, and Black Adam and Isis thrown off of a moving train. And that's just off the top of my head.
Can't say I'm enjoying it, really. Kind of a sour way to conclude my subscriptions to DC, too, but what are you going to do?
Are you implying Geoff Johns forced people to write those deaths? <_> Mera's death was clearly Johns decision as he created Flashpoint Wonder Woman and Aquaman so she played a big part on that.
Not at all. I'm just saying everyone, including Johns, is having fun writing them. Me, not so much reading them, however.
It's a tale that you'd typically have as an "Elsewords" back in the day that is actually the current event as timeline is messed up. They are doing what they want because frankly they can. And I say go ahead. Have at it. Have fun with it. The storyline IS that this timeline is not correct.

I don't care what happens because I know that Issue 5 leads to the DCnU. Some ELEMENTS are being taken from FP apparently, but not all and them killing people doesn't reflect that they won't exist in the DCnU. Several of those people killed in FP have titles in September or have supporting roles lol.

You are being bitter for no reason. Anyone who is upset with the content of FP needs to lighten up. This isn't OUR DCU afterall. Which is why it's the most fun event IMO. There's no reason anyone should get upset on what occurs. It's not the real characters. This makes me wish that DC would bring back their Elseworld miniseries.
I'm not bitter, I'm just not enjoying it. Animal Man having his head stomped while whining like a little baby beforehand isn't really my idea of "fun." But to each their own.
By the same token Frank Miller's DKR is terrible because he killed Jason Todd, what kind of sick man enjoys writing the death of a child? It's not my idea of fun.
Jason's death served a story purpose there and showing Batman as a great hero triumphing over the darkness ultimately, but Frank Miller was disgusted how DC did the phone voting and that Jason Todd did get killed off in mainstream.
Yeah but Frank enjoyed it. Which is obviously why Batman is a child abuser in All-Star.
Something Frank Miller has actually said is...
"If I allowed characters to express only my own attitudes and beliefs, my work would be pretty darn boring."

It's not because he enjoys child "abuse" it's him showing Batman at his weakest and showing how Robin's 1st year changes everything. Justice League, Gotham, Joker, Alfred and especially Batman are all changing because of Robin's introduction.

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