Iron Fist Iron Fist General Discussion Thread - Part 4

So having finally finished the show I'd definitely say that's the problem. The villains here just aren't that strong character wise even though I enjoyed the performances from Alice Eve and Sacha Dhawan. This show really needs a Kingpin or Kilgrave type of villain IMO to make things more interesting.
I think Sacha Dhawan is a very good actor but horribly miscast as Davos.

Overall it really just felt like they were holding back on this show and not embracing the material. If you can't make a good Iron Fist show on a TV budget then don't. They also should of embrace the fantasy elements more as it would of made Iron Fist stand out much more. The other Marvel shows dealt with the generic street crime/mob war stuff far better than Iron Fist did.
I think Sacha Dhawan is a very good actor but horribly miscast as Davos.

Overall it really just felt like they were holding back on this show and not embracing the material. If you can't make a good Iron Fist show on a TV budget then don't. They also should of embrace the fantasy elements more as it would of made Iron Fist stand out much more. The other Marvel shows dealt with the generic street crime/mob war stuff far better than Iron Fist did.
I thought s1 Iron Fist was taking an approach that could've been great - "ninja" cults, underground fightclubs, rando bloodlust resurrection, another monk hunting him down
Triads sound great & all, but the presentation of them were pretty lame. If I wanna see the Axe Gang, I've got Kung Fu Hustle for that.
I'm honestly suprised by this. I haven't seen season 2 yet but honestly season 1 kinda found it's footing after a rough start and it was pretty okay by the end if you ask me. I hope this leads into a team-up show with Luke Cage instead.
I pretty much said the same thing on twitter. it's staring to get likes too.


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2h2 hours ago

Kelechuckuw K.c.W‏ @ballistic_z
Replying to @FierceMango @Rhinosteel6 @MarvelousRealm
They're likely gonna keep Danny& Colleen as a recurring character's on Luke cage and form heroes for hire & daughters of the dragon in the show somehow.

Mrs Rogers‏ @FierceMango
4h4 hours ago
Doubt it. Feige hates the Netflix shows so it's unlikely they'll pick it up and even if they did, it would be completely overhauled and started over
Iron Fist and friends deserve to continue. Marvel can try another network- whether premium cable or something else. Also the Disney streaming service seems like a possible outlet. Might as well.
Iron Fist and friends deserve to continue. Marvel can try another network- whether premium cable or something else. Also the Disney streaming service seems like a possible outlet. Might as well.
there's the is disney streaming channel. but right now they promised to be hands off with any of the net filx show's cause too many people fan base wise complained &n feared that they take aways the shows and iron fist was part of that universe.

they take it and too many people will start saying they are taking the show away again for their own streaming net work. and the show won't be gritty .

so they will likely do what I said above and only have Danny and colleen be recurring characters on luk cage and then as said set up their detective & body guarding hero hiring firms
Crazy how this got canned yet JJ season 2 was way worse of a season.

The first season and Defenders probably turned a lot of people off of the character. There’s just too much tv these days and not more hours in the day. So unless you make a great impression out of the gate, you’re doomed.
Crazy how this got canned yet JJ season 2 was way worse of a season.

Eh.... JJ S2 was lackluster as hell and with all kinds of pacing issues but IF season 2 was badly done all around starting from first episode to pretty much last episode with only maybe the Colleen and Misty stuff working and the literal last fifteen minutes of the final episode showing promise. JJ S2 had some issues with plot and character and it spun its wheels for six episodes before it got to kinda actually start but it was way more competent. Still a lackluster mess but a better executed one.
Crazy how this got canned yet JJ season 2 was way worse of a season.
Nah, I’m with Krypton on this one, though I liked JJ S2 more than he did. JJ remains a far more compelling character to me, and even counting that 2nd season as a dud she still has one brilliant season to fall back on, whereas Danny has two duds.
And that's fine, you can keep I want you cray cray to yourself. :o
EW confirmed the character will continue to appear in the Marvel universe.

‘Iron Fist’ star Finn Jones responds to show’s cancellation

Not much to go on, but it's as people probably expected or hoped for regarding the characters. Luke Cage would be the logical choice not just for the Heroes for Hire for connection, but it seems like writers who don't write Iron Fist have a better sense of the character and his personality than the writers and directors on his own show.

Or maybe he goes to Hell's Kitchen to bug Jessica or Matt. Team him up with Daredevil and you've got a formidable fighting duo. Or heck, maybe Danny just takes a really long trip and ends up in Runaways or Cloak and Dagger territory.
‘Iron Fist’ star Finn Jones responds to show’s cancellation

Not much to go on, but it's as people probably expected or hoped for regarding the characters. Luke Cage would be the logical choice not just for the Heroes for Hire for connection, but it seems like writers who don't write Iron Fist have a better sense of the character and his personality than the writers and directors on his own show.

Or maybe he goes to Hell's Kitchen to bug Jessica or Matt. Team him up with Daredevil and you've got a formidable fighting duo. Or heck, maybe Danny just takes a really long trip and ends up in Runaways or Cloak and Dagger territory.
If that's the case. I so called it.
mostly cause the half the show runners / (actually>>) producers are from marvel side ( joe Q & Lobdell )and they would do that out of stubbornness/ denial.

it'll be better if he stay's to both Luke cage and Dare devil. If he goes to JJ all her snarking about him will remind people why his show fell apart if they still continue their stubborn path. Also they should also be putting through better fight coordinators in the show as well. Not sure if it'll improve him but they will need to . other wise he probable need to be re casted but I'm hoping it was actually more the scripts and them not making him work harder then it being him.
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Or maybe he goes to Hell's Kitchen to bug Jessica or Matt. Team him up with Daredevil and you've got a formidable fighting duo. Or heck, maybe Danny just takes a really long trip and ends up in Runaways or Cloak and Dagger territory.
Not sure if Gregg's Coulson is returning to Agent's Of Shield but Gregg would love it if Iron Fist did a guest stint on his show since he is one of his favorite characters.
Luke Cage as a show is pretty great. The last season with Bushmaster and Marish Stokes/Dillard as the villains was the best of the Netflis shows for me outside of Daredevil season 1 and The Punisher. And other characters like Misty and Shades really make the show. Cage is arguably the least interesting character in his own show, but the whole thing just works. The style, the music.A lot of that has to be credited to Cheo Hodari Coker.

Basically, I don't want Luke Cage to be thematically neutered, because Iron Fist and his supporting cast no longer have a show of their own. I know Heroes For Hire happened in comics, but this is not the comics. Why saddle a show that is successful, with the remenants of a show that people rejected?

Netflix Danny Rand only works in very small doses. Whether it's the actor or the writing or a combination of both, Iron Fist isn't as compelling or dynamic as he should be.
Eh, I feel like BOTH Luke and Danny are better and more engaging when they're together. They're both lackluster characters played by the least engaging leads in the Marvel/Netflix 'verse. Luke just has the benefit of a better show around him (most of the time). And Misty and Colleen belong together too, imo. I say bring on Heroes for Hire.
Danny might show up in Luke Cage season 3.
That is all that I expect, for now.
Eh, I feel like BOTH Luke and Danny are better and more engaging when they're together. They're both lackluster characters played by the least engaging leads in the Marvel/Netflix 'verse. Luke just has the benefit of a better show around him (most of the time). And Misty and Colleen belong together too, imo. I say bring on Heroes for Hire.

If Luke didn't already have a great supporting cast to help make him engaging, I might be more open to Danny and Coleen shifting over. But it'll probably come at the expense of Luke Cage characters that I'd like to see more of (Shades, Mariah's daughter etc). Why fix what ain't broken?

And while Mike Colter won"t be winning any Oscars, the reason he works far better as a lead in his own show than Finn Jones, other than a great supporting cast, is his immense likability. That's just a natural thing. But people like Mike/Luke, and sometimes that's more invaluable than great acting for a lead. Finn/Danny is hard to warm to onscreen. He can come off really smug/entitled/obnoxious.

I feel like Luke Cage needs at least another full season to tell it's own story (especiacially with the way season 2 ended) before forcing Cheo to shoehorn in Heroes For Hire. I'm sure Cheo already had his own plans for Cage season 3, and it probably didn't include making Danny and Coleen full time cast members. Let them guest in a few episodes maybe. But again, Danny only works in small doses the way he's been presented by Netflix. I'd argue that adding Finn/Danny full time could actually hurt Luke Cage as a show, not help.
If Luke didn't already have a great supporting cast to help make him engaging, I might be more open to Danny and Coleen shifting over. But it'll probably come at the expense of Luke Cage characters that I'd like to see more of (Shades, Mariah's daughter etc). Why fix what ain't broken?

And while Mike Colter won"t be winning any Oscars, the reason he works far better as a lead in his own show than Finn Jones, other than a great supporting cast, is his immense likability. That's just a natural thing. But people like Mike/Luke, and sometimes that's more invaluable than great acting for a lead. Finn/Danny is hard to warm to onscreen. He can come off really smug/entitled/obnoxious.

I feel like Luke Cage needs at least another full season to tell it's own story (especiacially with the way season 2 ended) before forcing Cheo to shoehorn in Heroes For Hire. I'm sure Cheo already had his own plans for Cage season 3, and it probably didn't include making Danny and Coleen full time cast members. Let them guest in a few episodes maybe. But again, Danny only works in small doses the way he's been presented by Netflix. I'd argue that adding Finn/Danny full time could actually hurt Luke Cage as a show, not help.
I guess I'm just not as fond of Luke Cage as you are, and I think there IS fixing to be done there. I liked S2 much better than S1, but my favorite episode was still the one with Danny, and I don't even like Danny otherwise. But together, they just work better to me than EITHER does apart. So I think we'll just have to agree to disagree here.
I still contend that Finn isn't the problem with people's reactions to Danny. It's all the writing. Period. There was zero wiggle room for Finn to do anything interesting, fun or ingratiating with the character given the characterization, actions and plots he was saddled with. And this goes towards the general vibe of IF as a show. I think LC has it's issues, from the giddyup, but at least the people behind the LC show know what it is they want to produce, and they get that right: A modern day gloss on the Blaxploitation genre with super hero elements. The same should have been done with IF only coming from the 70's Kung Fu film angles.
Danny could certainly be a supporting character in Luke Cage going forward but it is unlikely he is going to be a co-lead and the show is going to morph into Heroes For Hire.

If they are going take Heroes for Hire then they better up the budget.
If Luke didn't already have a great supporting cast to help make him engaging, I might be more open to Danny and Coleen shifting over. But it'll probably come at the expense of Luke Cage characters that I'd like to see more of (Shades, Mariah's daughter etc). Why fix what ain't broken?

And while Mike Colter won"t be winning any Oscars, the reason he works far better as a lead in his own show than Finn Jones, other than a great supporting cast, is his immense likability. That's just a natural thing. But people like Mike/Luke, and sometimes that's more invaluable than great acting for a lead. Finn/Danny is hard to warm to onscreen. He can come off really smug/entitled/obnoxious.

I feel like Luke Cage needs at least another full season to tell it's own story (especiacially with the way season 2 ended) before forcing Cheo to shoehorn in Heroes For Hire. I'm sure Cheo already had his own plans for Cage season 3, and it probably didn't include making Danny and Coleen full time cast members. Let them guest in a few episodes maybe. But again, Danny only works in small doses the way he's been presented by Netflix. I'd argue that adding Finn/Danny full time could actually hurt Luke Cage as a show, not help.

I don't think they can do Heroes for Hire in season 3. But the major concept season 3 has to address is how Luke handles his new found power. I would like to see him struggling with it, and he comes into conflict with Misty who can see Luke turning darker. Then you can bring in Danny to help balance him out and get him back on track. Then season 4, Heroes for Hire.

So while season 3 certainly won't be Heroes for Hire, Danny can easily fill a supporting void in the season.
I still contend that Finn isn't the problem with people's reactions to Danny. It's all the writing. Period. There was zero wiggle room for Finn to do anything interesting, fun or ingratiating with the character given the characterization, actions and plots he was saddled with. And this goes towards the general vibe of IF as a show. I think LC has it's issues, from the giddyup, but at least the people behind the LC show know what it is they want to produce, and they get that right: A modern day gloss on the Blaxploitation genre with super hero elements. The same should have been done with IF only coming from the 70's Kung Fu film angles.
Completely agree. While I don't think Finn is perfect for the when the character was written well he excels. A great actor can take a poor script and make it work, but an average actor given a crap script doesn't stand a chance. While I don't think the show had to have a 70's kung fu style it needed something. The biggest difference Iron Fist has with all the other shows is that there's no identity. All the other showrunners had a clear and unique directions for their shows. Iron fist was so generic, even with a great cast, great art department, great effects team there was no strong creative force pushing the show.


Damn you Scott Buck
It really is all his fault. The character was written like a whiny, self absorbed toddler with poor motivation it's hard to expect any actor able to get an audience to root for him and forced and entire second season to recognize this and work to change the character in order to fix him for the future, a future that unfortunately would never come to pass.

I was just thinking how they could have fixed the first season and I imagine what if the first scene was of an individual walking through a snowy path, blood and bodies everywhere. He falls to his knees and all he sees is an empty chasm. Cut to 5 months later Danny enters the Rand building. Instead of being someone who was an adopted outsider claimed a precious power then abandoned those people cause he wasn't feeling fulfilled and left them defenseless, but someone who during a massive battle to protect Kun Lun was locked out when the city vanished, finding the attackers were employed by Rand. Then it's no longer a show of an angst-y child, but of a warrior with a mission. Man that one small change could have improved the show by so much.
I think Finn has shown that he can be likeable and fun in the character when written well but guys, lets also address the elephant in the room. Finn's not a fighter and this role, more than Daredevil, demanded an actor proficient in martial arts.

I give Finn a ton of credit for putting in effort to learn the moves but even in season 2 I just did not buy him as a badass martial artist. I dont know how good of a brawler Charlie Cox was before he got the Daredevil role but that man sells it. He just looks like he'd mop the floor with Finn and thats a problem since you'd think Iron Fist should be at least an even match for Daredevil.

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