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The Thread For Great Comic Book Quotes.

The Thanos Imperative #6 spoilers

Nova: I remember you said to me once, you said, "If death ever comes your way and won't let you pass...make sure you scream right back in his face."
Star-Lord: I said that?
Nova: You did.
Star-Lord: Rich, you really shouldn't trust anything I say. Most of the time, I just make stuff up.
Nova: I know. Let's scream in his face anyway.
"In the time of Superman's absence, Keystone City has become a utopia-- a protectorate relentlessly patrolled by a gale force once human. No one sees him... no one hears him. He runs a lonely race... but all who live here have felt his presence. he is everywhere at once... a guardian angel who rights even the most harmless of wrongs with lightning speed. He lives between the ticks of a second. He is The Flash."-Kingdom Come
"Needs more gun." The Saint of Killers, from Preacher, after a damn nuke was dropped on his head.
"I am the battered wife shoving broken glass down her husbands' throat. I am the American flag on fire. I am lies, cursed lies, and government. I am the end of the world as you know it and I feel like a drink."-Carnage: Mindbomb.
"Ha! For all of their supposed omnipotence, even gods can be conned!"-Galvatron
"Ultron, we would have words with thee." An incredibly pissed-off Thor, having just smashed down a wall and speaking on behalf of his equally pissed-off looking Avengers teammates.
I loved it. It's undeniably true and profound and terrifying at the same time.

On the contrary, it's not at all true. The statement depends on the "big brother" being both wise and benevolent beyond all fault. With man being wicked and almost inevitably corrupted when given too much power, "big brother" is dangerous to people not doing anything wrong as well. Hence why there must always be checks and balances.
"Ira wasn't his given name....but it was the closest thing to it a human tongue could manage. He was a surly, cynical, lecherous grouch: a hairy sensualist who cared for nothing save filling his belly and fondling his genitals. He farted with malice, belched without shame, s**t where he pleased and offended everyone......No wonder he stole my heart!" -Moonshadow

From the The Compleat Moonshadow
Another one from Doc Ock:
"With all due respect, my dear...it was too easy. The Spider-Man I know would have given you a fight you'd remember 'til your dying day."
The New Frontier is full of them, the final moments and words of Johnny Cloud first come to mind.

Bellow is another...
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"Why dont you just give up? Lay down and die? You're beaten! How much pain do I have to inflict on you? How much do I have to tear away from you? Under that costume you're just flesh and blood! And yet time and time again you endure the agony and keep coming forward! You live! Why? Why? Why?"
-The Green Goblin, Peter Parker: Spider-Man, #75

"I do it to spite you, Goblin. I do it in spite of you."
-Spider-Man, answering the Goblin

"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real? The one that hides your face, or the one that is your face?"
-The Green Goblin, Spectacular Spider-Man (Yes, its from a cartoon, not a comic. Close enough. :oldrazz: )
Some more Morrison Doom Patrol

Flex Mentallo- "I thought if I flexed hard enough, I could make it happen. I thought I could turn the Pentagon into a circle. "

Delores - "I can't take any more, Flex...I'm leaving...I can't take it..I just can't."

Flex Mentallo- "I don't think I even heard Delores leave. I heard nothing, saw nothing.

I just Flexed.

In all the apartments in my building, people began to experience unusual phenomonea: Spontanious, uncontrollable orgasms; Visions of worlds folded into empty envelopes; Astounding New Ideas for leisure footwear.

There were reports of bizarre dreams, all containing the word obviously.

Wine glasses rang and then cracked, paintings reversed into negative, people saw God and thought he looked Kind of Shifty......And I kept Flexing."

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