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What did you think of Amy Adams' Lois Lane?


Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
When Amy Adams was first cast as Lois Lane, I remember there were a lot of debates about this casting choice. Many loved the choice because she is a very capable and accomplished actress, but others disliked the choice due to hair color, age, or whatever other reason.

Now that the movie is released and we've all seen it (I loved it by the way), what do you really think of Amy Adams' Lois Lane?

For me, it was one of the weaker castings in the movie. Don't get me wrong, I think Amy Adams is awesome- she's a very competent actress, she's beautiful, and I don't have a problem with her hair or her age at all.

The thing is, she just didn't come across as Lois Lane to me. Instead of being spunky, no-nonsense, and at times sarcastic, Amy came across as soft-spoken, gentle, and a little too nice.

Secondly, while Amy is a beautiful woman, she doesn't give off that alluring and sultry vibe I always viewed Lois having.

That's just my opinion. What did you think?
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Amy Adams played a "normal" Lois Lane. She had personality and attitude, but it wasn't to the point of being socially oblivious (hello, Durance) or grating on the nerves (Kidder). She behaved like a real person.
She was fantastic, the best live-action Lois Lane to date in my opinion.

She definitely came across as spunky, it was evident on many scenes.
I thought she was a great choice when I heard it,and she met my expectations.

Amy can play "sultry" if given the chance.I wouldn't hold my breath though.Look for her to be dressed as a 72 year old librarian as is the PC custom of today's comic book movie scene.
She was great best Lois on the big screen for me though overall title still belongs to Erica Durance just because she had time to flash out the character for 7 seasons.

spunky did you not see the her introduction to the film? and she was non nonsense she also defied her boss and leaked the story to that Woodburn guy and then had a change of heart when she got to speak to Clark. She didn't listen to Colonel Hardy when he told her not to go out as it gets very cold to follow a story which turned out to be Clark. That's something Lois Lane would do. Lois was actually doing some investigative reporting. She tracked Clark all the way back to Smallville.

Doesn't give off alluring and sultry vibe go watch American Hustle and come back to me?
I felt she was relatively uninteresting. She didn't bring anything unique or original to the role to make it her own, she didn't own it in anyway; any other capable actress could have filled her shoes and it wouldn't have made a difference.
Then again I don't think she was really given all that much to work with so it wasn't really her fault.
Best Lois Lane yet (including Terry Hatcher !).

First, Adams is a superb actress (if you don't believe me, check out
the Fighter). She's great, and while this probably isn't her best performance, she's still commanding in the role - as in it doesn't matter
that she's blonde, or was just recovering from pregnancy, she was
still brave, (but not stupid) and determined -which is what Lois Lane
should be about.

She was the first on-screen Lois that I didn't find annoying or
just in-the-way. I didn't like Hatcher, Kidder I just found irritating and flaky, and in the animated series, she's just bossy and kind of an

In contrast to what others have said, I thought she got a fair amount to do,
hell, we haven't seen Lois Lane shoot anyone with a raygun on the
big screen before (or use Jor El GPS ).

But what I liked best was her portrayal of Lois' intelligence and determination. She didn't take any ****, but also didn't get in Superman's
way, she was a help not a hinderance.

Unlike many, I thought she and Cavill had some chemistry. Not over the top, mind you, but like Cavill's entire performance, understated. People go nuts about "why was she on Zod's ship, that makes no sense", but I thought it worked, story wise.

But best of all, it's so natural when she calls him "Clark !" like when she runs up to him at his mom's house. It just seemed the most natural thing in the world. I'm glad she didn't yell out "Superman !" but just talked to him like he was a person (which was the whole frickin' point of Snyder/Goyer/Nolan, that godlike powers aside, he's just a guy from smalltown Kansas - sorry, getting off topic !).

So, IMO best Lois yet, can't wait to see her in the next film.
spunky did you not see the her introduction to the film?
I'm glad you pointed this out. Yes, she did indeed show that in the beginning of the film when she was in the arctic- for example, the way she spoke after she got off the helicopter, and also the way she spoke to Hardy, the "measuring d*cks" line, etc. But this all fades away towards the second half of the film. In the interrogation room scene, she was so soft-spoken and gentle!
She might've shown signs of spunkiness early in the film, but overall she was just too soft-spoken and didn't possess that edginess I expected of Lois.

Doesn't give off alluring and sultry vibe go watch American Hustle and come back to me?
She might've been alluring in American Hustle, but she sure wasn't in Man of Steel.

in the animated series, she's just bossy and kind of an impediment.

I grew up on the Superman animated series, and that was probably why I always imagined Lois Lane the way she was in the animated series. Brash, tough, and slightly bossy, in contrast to Amy's portrayal. I might just be biased.

Look for her to be dressed as a 72 year old librarian as is the PC custom of today's comic book movie scene.
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So which scene's in the film should she have been edgy? in the interrogation scene scene she aint actually interrogating him. She defied her boss and leaked her story that's something Lois would do. Hey they showed her actually investigating she tracked down Clark. Amy's characterization is not a new interpretation of Lois Lane the character has possessed these qualities always . Oh and in which scene should she have been alluring and sultry that you wanted? None because no scene's required her to act that way.

I liked the animated series Lois as well but I can understand why a lot didn't like that version as she was based on Margot Kidder's version and I know a lot aren't fond of her portrayal. At the end of the day who's fault is it? Hers or the writers? She can only do what it says.
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So which scene's in the film should she have been edgy? in the interrogation scene scene she aint actually interrogating him. She defied her boss and leaked her story that's something Lois would do. Hey they showed her actually investigating she tracked down Clark. Amy's characterization is not a new interpretation of Lois Lane the character has possessed these qualities always .
Her actions definitely showed a lot of Lois qualities, but it was more her attitude/demeanor that didn't really convince me- being too soft-spoken and gentle. I'm aware she wasn't interrogating Clark in the interrogation scene, but in spite of that she still seemed, as I said, too sweet and gentle in that scene, which wasn't the Lois I was used to.

Oh and in which scene should she have been alluring and sultry that you wanted? None because no scene's required her to act that way.
I agree, no scenes required her to be alluring, but it definitely wouldn't have hurt if she was, since that's part of Lois' character. And when I say alluring I don't just mean acting alluring, but also (probably more so) looking alluring. (And I don't mean all sexed up like January Jones in X-men First Class, but more like Gwyneth Paltrow in the Iron Man films, quite understated. I'm sure no scenes particularly required Gwyneth to appear alluring, but it was there.)

At the end of the day who's fault is it? Hers or the writers? She can only do what it says.
I do see where you're coming from, an actor/actress can only do so much with the given script. In fact, I actually liked a lot of the things the script required her to do; as you mentioned, tracking down Clark, defying her boss etc. But as I said above, my gripe was more with the way her demeanor came across- she just needed to tone down the sweetness a little, in my opinion.
I think they dropped the ball for Lois in the screenplay. I just never believed that she was playing Lois Lane and not a interchangeable summer blockbuster love interest.
I think they dropped the ball for Lois in the screenplay. I just never believed that she was playing Lois Lane and not a interchangeable summer blockbuster love interest.

How so, may I ask?

I too didn't find it a convincing Lois, but it wasn't due to the screenplay but more with the vibe/demeanor Amy gave off.

In fact, I found the screenplay to have written Lois quite well- she was a very competent reporter (tracking down Clark), she was brave and curious (dangerously climbing that mountain in the arctic to find out what Clark was up to), and Goyer even put in a few lines in attempt to make her more brash (the "if we're done measuring d*cks" line). It was just a shame that brashness fades away into a soft-spoken and gentle Lois towards the second half of the film.
Some blame the script others the actress. I don't know which or if both are too blame but Amy's Lois was bland, vanilla with very little personality. She was too soft spoken and did not have the to get em attitude, she has like 10% of that attitude. She tracked Clark down but the way she did it was like a nice sweet mousy Mary Kay salesman. Lois is face paced and in your face; this aspect can definitely be toned down so as not to be annoying like Margot or Erica, but it should be completely left out. I always felt one reason why Supes loved Lois was because of her personality and how different she was, in this film what made her different was absent.
How so, may I ask?

I don't know which or if both are too blame but Amy's Lois was bland, vanilla with very little personality. She was too soft spoken and did not have the to get em attitude, she has like 10% of that attitude.
Pretty much this. I never thought Lois was tough, like someone who would stand toe to toe with Luthor.
The thing is,it was a mistake to completely cut out her rivalry with Clark at the planet.We've just whisked by the whole courtship phase and landed at the wedding.So we won't get to see Lois get snarky with Clark unless it's just a lame attempt to throw suspicion off him.
The thing is,it was a mistake to completely cut out her rivalry with Clark at the planet.We've just whisked by the whole courtship phase and landed at the wedding.So we won't get to see Lois get snarky with Clark unless it's just a lame attempt to throw suspicion off him.

It's a whole giant part of Superman that has been brutally extirpated. Just like that.
Well,it was all done for the sake of blessed "realism".After all,who could believe that a guy with god-like powers could fool his co-worker into thinking he was mortal.:whatever:
Some blame the script others the actress. I don't know which or if both are too blame but Amy's Lois was bland, vanilla with very little personality. She was too soft spoken and did not have the to get em attitude, she has like 10% of that attitude. She tracked Clark down but the way she did it was like a nice sweet mousy Mary Kay salesman. Lois is face paced and in your face; this aspect can definitely be toned down so as not to be annoying like Margot or Erica, but it should be completely left out. I always felt one reason why Supes loved Lois was because of her personality and how different she was, in this film what made her different was absent.

How can you blame Amy for script issues? If she weren't a good actress then she woulsdn't be in such demand to work with different directors. She has to play it the way it says on the script to play she hasn't got a say in that.

The way she tracked down Clark was a nice sweetly way WTF does that even mean? :lmao::lmao:

You clearly have one set of way Los should be played don't you? ignoring all the facts about her characterization. She's a character that has existed for 75 years there's so many different layers to her. Amy was Lois Lane just not the one you're familiar with. I bet that's how you think Amy Adams play's all her roles?. :funny:

You said you loved the animated series Lois are you aware that's based on Margot Kidder? and you said you don't like that version either. Do you like Teri or any other live action Lois?
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The thing is,it was a mistake to completely cut out her rivalry with Clark at the planet.We've just whisked by the whole courtship phase and landed at the wedding.So we won't get to see Lois get snarky with Clark unless it's just a lame attempt to throw suspicion off him.

Agreed! Call me old-school or whatever, but I've always loved the Superman/Lois/Clark love-triangle, and also the banter and rivalry between Clark and Lois.

But most people seem to like the fact that Lois knows that Clark and Superman are the same person in MOS. As you said, for realism.
The thing is,it was a mistake to completely cut out her rivalry with Clark at the planet.We've just whisked by the whole courtship phase and landed at the wedding.So we won't get to see Lois get snarky with Clark unless it's just a lame attempt to throw suspicion off him.

Well I what they did was great. It gives Superman an ally from jump. We can see a real relationship grow as opposed to the "will she or won't she find out".

It can still be a rivalry. Clark must earn his keep at the planet.

I am excited for the conversations they will have as they will be more in depth and different.

But with all this nonsense WB is doing with this quasi Justice League movie it ruins any potential to capitalize on what's good about MOS.

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