The All Encompassing AQUAMAN Movie Thread - Part 6

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I see a lot of, “it’s not without it’s problems” carefully optimistic tweets. I wonder how the non-comic book movie critic will see this movie.
Got my tickets for the Dec 15 showing because of Amazon prime. Can't wait!
I see a lot of, “it’s not without it’s problems” carefully optimistic tweets. I wonder how the non-comic book movie critic will see this movie.
Probably identical to what we are seeing now.
I don't like it being compared to Marvel, but its just comparison, nothing to lose sleep over. But there is group of people (minority, please) is pretending to boycott Aquaman for that, and the fact that James Wan is retweeting some of those tweets about Marvel likeness, which really aggravated those people haha.
Well, what else did you expect from the hardcore Snyderites? :hehe: I've even seen some of them try to spin Aquaman's success as a win for Snyder. I mean it's true that he deserves credit for having cast Momoa and Heard, but this isn't his movie, it's James Wan's.
I think everyone is out for blood with Aquaman.

I don't like it being compared to Marvel, but its just comparison, nothing to lose sleep over. But there is group of people (minority, please) is pretending to boycott Aquaman for that, and the fact that James Wan is retweeting some of those tweets about Marvel likeness, which really aggravated those people haha.

Imo, Wan has nothind to do with it. I guess it's because you can't write a lot on Twitter, but people now think criticism means comparing movies to other movies. Instead of describing them with several adjectives, and you know, use words, people take shortcuts and are only able to use comparisons.
That's basically what film criticism is now in 2018.
Well, what else did you expect from the hardcore Snyderites? :hehe: I've even seen some of them try to spin Aquaman's success as a win for Snyder. I mean it's true that he deserves credit for having cast Momoa and Heard, but this isn't his movie, it's James Wan's.

Some are even upset he wasn't at the premiere, Jesus :lmao;

Wow Zack Snyder who lost the studio so much money and nearly run the franchise in the ground is a good casting guy. Weill that changes everything, folks.
I think Wan's horror roots are kinda what helped here, as I think it does with a lot of directors based in horror who take on superheroes. The entire concept can be scary yet fun, but striking the tone is right.
I think Wan's horror roots are kinda what helped here, as I think it does with a lot of directors based in horror who take on superheroes. The entire concept can be scary yet fun, but striking the tone is right.

I generally consider horror directors to be some of the most skilled out there. If you can create tension then that's a big accomplishment. Wan also has the gift of bringing out the emotions so that the audience connects with the characters. The humor working here is I think in biggest part the cast - Jason is very funny and Amber seems to at the very least, have very appropriate reactions to his antics :D
I think Wan's approach to make it action-adventure movie instead of a straight-up 'Superhero movie' helped a lot, besides him injecting some humorous and some horror moments here and there.
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I wonder if the humour is gonna be solely focused on Arthur/Mera. Dafoe and Lundgren seem like they can also have some humorous moments. i'm expecting everything to do with Orm, Manta and Atlanna to be serious
Earlier today I saw this thread and was wondering, 'What's up with the sudden page boost?'
I totally forgot about the end of social media embargo. :funny:

I'm happy that it looks like Aquaman would be well-received so far. Even if today is the reception is far worse than what we got, I still will pretty buzzed and watch it either way. It didn't stop me in the past. :D So glad that solo DCU movies are all strong even now, IMO.

Happy for Aquaman cast, crew, team, fans also for The Holy Wan.

Now, it'd be very very hard but I wish that it would pass Entourage's Aquaman's opening number. :p

Water and sea puns everywhere online. :funny:
Online reaction always fascinated me. Many places are rooting for Aquaman but people who already hated it tries to spin good buzz into something negative. To the point that after reading a string of critics opinions today, some of them reached a conclusion that Aquaman is a mess, a flop and 40% RT max. They are seem very pleased about that surefire future. :funny:
Earlier today I saw this thread and was wondering, 'What's up with the sudden page boost?'
I totally forgot about the end of social media embargo. :funny:

I'm happy that it looks like Aquaman would be well-received so far. Even if today is the reception is far worse than what we got, I still will pretty buzzed and watch it either way. It didn't stop me in the past. :D So glad that solo DCU movies are all strong even now, IMO.

Happy for Aquaman cast, crew, team, fans also for The Holy Wan.

Now, it'd be very very hard but I wish that it would pass Entourage's Aquaman's opening number. :p

Water and sea puns everywhere online. :funny:
Online reaction always fascinated me. Many places are rooting for Aquaman but people who already hated it tries to spin good buzz into something negative. To the point that after reading a string of critics opinions today, some of them reached a conclusion that Aquaman is a mess, a flop and 40% RT max. They are seem very pleased about that surefire future. :funny:

Let me break down those who aren't fans ::)
- Snyder's fans - all dozen of them - who are boycotting the movie
- Snob critics who are either going to be hating on this because it's not as "rich" as Black Panther or just dismiss it as "cute"
- Those who are hurt they weren't invited to the screening and suggest WB selected the right people to manufacture good buzz
- Those who just have to terrorize us with the word "Snyder" and look at this movie through the lenses of his failure and MCU's success
- People who actually didn't have fun.....and that's small %
Speaking as someone who is generally not a fan of Marvel films and happens to like Snyder...these whiny losers need to **** and go away. Snyder tried and failed no matter how much we may like the films. The DCEU can only move forward if other people enjoy the movies as well and the reactions tell me this movie is going to crush which makes me very very happy.

Those reactions wont change my mind about the film (just like negative reviews dont) but seeing as Marvel films tend to be liked by the masses being compared to them is a good thing as long as it isnt a carbon copy. I am not worried about that cause in Wan I trust.

Long story longer...if you cant be happy that majority seem to love the movie than you are looking at this all wrong.
Let me break down those who aren't fans ::)
- Snyder's fans - all dozen of them - who are boycotting the movie
- Snob critics who are either going to be hating on this because it's not as "rich" as Black Panther or just dismiss it as "cute"
- Those who are hurt they weren't invited to the screening and suggest WB selected the right people to manufacture good buzz
- Those who just have to terrorize us with the word "Snyder" and look at this movie through the lenses of his failure and MCU's success
- People who actually didn't have fun.....and that's small %

Yeah. The funny thing is many of them tried pulling this early on in production and were shut down hard. Then they tried it when screenings happened last year and were shot down. Then they tried it a couple months ago and it went nowhere. Even the clickbaiters stopped cause it wasnt working.

If someone compares it to Black Panther that would be kind of funny. This movie isnt billed to have the same social significance as BP (or Wonder Woman for that matter) so why would it be similar? Not to mention BP has the most ridiculously blatant paint by numbers plot of all time. Still a good movie that I enjoy the heck out of but the writing wasnt making the Coen brothers sweat ;)

People need to remember, liking something doesnt mean you have to hate something else. I doubt Kevin Feige is going to hate a DC movie just cause he works for Disney.
Speaking as someone who is generally not a fan of Marvel films and happens to like Snyder...these whiny losers need to **** and go away. Snyder tried and failed no matter how much we may like the films. The DCEU can only move forward if other people enjoy the movies as well and the reactions tell me this movie is going to crush which makes me very very happy.

Those reactions wont change my mind about the film (just like negative reviews dont) but seeing as Marvel films tend to be liked by the masses being compared to them is a good thing as long as it isnt a carbon copy. I am not worried about that cause in Wan I trust.

Long story longer...if you cant be happy that majority seem to love the movie than you are looking at this all wrong.
Very true. By the same token if Iron Man had been twice as good but been a bomb with the masses, the Marvel project would have been dead and buried and the Nick Fury cameo a footnote in CBM history. Nothing external should affect someone's own opinion of a film, but that isn't to say that popularity and box office aren't crucial for the long term of any franchise, and also the likelihood that other unrelated CBMs (in this case) get made. No matter how JL turned out, we know it only got finally green-lit after the success of Avengers, which wouldn't have happened without Iron Man being a success, which wouldn't have happened without Sony's early Spider-man films or Fox's early X-Men films. It's all well having favourites but popularity matters a lot even without being a determinant of quality.
oh the Black Panther comparisons are there already! I was glowing on AW forum yesterday because of all those nice reactions and several folks were actually super happy for the cast and Wan and in comes one member posting the tweet with this exact comparison something "if you strip BP of all the significance you get Aquaman" lol BP is a good film and I certainly appreciate and admire its significance in the world but let's not pretend it's some amazing drama or that Aquaman is even attempting to be some amazing drama itself.
@Lucellit in case you missed the news - JASON IS HOSTING SNL ON DECEMBER 8TH!
I know you'll hype about this! :funny:
With his official YouTube account for Aquaman marketing, you'll be on a wet wild ride ahead. I pray for you to not faint everytime Jason do something extraordinary.

- - - - -

I like Snyder and his CBMs too --run to hide, don't kill me Harle plz-- but man, some of his fans are extreme.
Those reaction I found above aren't from Snyder fans though. Some of them even not CBM fans but love to s--- on DC movies.

Either way, bias is actually exist. It could be because it's not something from their idol, not from their preferred brand, from a franchise that popular/ seems cool to ridicule, not muh version!!1, or anything.

WW or BP or any CBM that considered good by majority were also overrated, garbage, or whatever after few months/ years of their release.
Aquaman would too. Just wait for it, I'm sure during Avatar sequel there'd be people who compared Aquaman unfavorably to it.

But hey, you do you.
As long people aren't hardcore fighting bloodily about it.
Someone is hungovered today


And on Graham Norton on 14th! He also launched this little gem - Jason Momoa

Needless to say I have my hands full with gifs and tweets lol

You never rest! :funny: I feel like your gonna be absolutely exhausted by the time the movie comes out - and then you'll already be getting hyped for the sequel!
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