Sci-Fi Gareth Edwards's Jurassic World Sequel

Agreed. I've always been a supporter of Gardeth Edwards and can even just enjoy his films from a visual perspective alone. The only film of his I'm not a fan of is The Creator, which is sad to say, but everything else he's done I've enjoyed. Him and Koepp together really made me more excited for this than I originally was.
I liked The Creator, but I was a little disappointed walking out of the theater. Curious to see if he gets Greig Fraser for this or Oren Soffer for Cinematographer

But yeah, Edwards, Koepp and Scarlett? Could be something real good
Scarlett Johansson in the Jurassic Park franchise? Alright, now they REALLY have my attention. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes from here.
You have to stop treating these dinosaurs like they aren’t apex predators. You have to make it horror.
This is a sentiment I can definitely agree with. Ramping up the horror aspects would not only give the films a different feel but would also help them to be more interesting instead of just retreading the same nostalgic ground.

Also, been thinking about it lately and it's pretty absurd that none of the Jurassic World films brought back the Spinosaurus. A golden missed opportunity, especially considering all of the new knowledge that's been obtained about the species since JP III was released.
I feel like the 'dino island' setting really is the only one that does it for me. And once you get past the original movie, even more after Lost World and then JP3, you realize they can't just do that infinitely. However the idea of militarizing dinos and having them run around in Spain or whatever just did very little for me and I thought the last 2 movies were really bad.

From my own perspective I thought the most interesting thing they never did was a similar situation to what happens with Eric (the kid) in JP3. A movie about some people who end up crashing on the island and focus on the survival/escape aspect of it. No running park or anything have a lot of the facilities abandoned and overgrown like in The Lost World or JP3. But I know that idea isn't really "blockbuster" enough because they want to go big. And also it would be another movie on an island.
Also, been thinking about it lately and it's pretty absurd that none of the Jurassic World films brought back the Spinosaurus. A golden missed opportunity, especially considering all of the new knowledge that's been obtained about the species since JP III was released.
I've thought the same thing and the only reason I can come up with as to why they've ignored it since JPIII is because of the fan backlash over the Spinosaurus basically usurping T-Rex's status as the main dinosaur of the franchise. People weren't crazy about it killing the only T-Rex to appear in JPIII as well as it replacing the T-Rex on the logo. Funny enough, the Spinosaurus JPIII logo has pretty much been discontinued as they've put the T-Rex back in there going as far back as the Blu-ray release. Plus there was also that inside joke in Jurassic World with the T-Rex destroying the Spinosaur skeleton.

To all that, I agree that trying to replace T-Rex with Spinosaurus in JPIII wasn't a good move but I don't think that should mean the Spinosaurus should be retired entirely because of it (not counting the animated series here). Hell, I'd have been all for a Rex vs. Spinosaurus rematch where the Spino would have been matched up against a Rex its own size. The one in JPIII was supposedly a juvenile, with a fan theory that it was the same baby from The Lost World.

Actually a Tyrannosaur vs. Spinosaurus vs. Giganotosaurus fight would have been a lot more enticing than most of what we saw in the Jurassic World movies.
To be honest, Sorna's mere existence was ignored by the Jurassic World movies which I always found confusing. It's a shame because I would have really liked to see the Spinosaurus come back.
I've thought the same thing and the only reason I can come up with as to why they've ignored it since JPIII is because of the fan backlash over the Spinosaurus basically usurping T-Rex's status as the main dinosaur of the franchise. People weren't crazy about it killing the only T-Rex to appear in JPIII as well as it replacing the T-Rex on the logo. Funny enough, the Spinosaurus JPIII logo has pretty much been discontinued as they've put the T-Rex back in there going as far back as the Blu-ray release. Plus there was also that inside joke in Jurassic World with the T-Rex destroying the Spinosaur skeleton.

To all that, I agree that trying to replace T-Rex with Spinosaurus in JPIII wasn't a good move but I don't think that should mean the Spinosaurus should be retired entirely because of it (not counting the animated series here). Hell, I'd have been all for a Rex vs. Spinosaurus rematch where the Spino would have been matched up against a Rex its own size. The one in JPIII was supposedly a juvenile, with a fan theory that it was the same baby from The Lost World.

Actually a Tyrannosaur vs. Spinosaurus vs. Giganotosaurus fight would have been a lot more enticing than most of what we saw in the Jurassic World movies.
Yeah, you're most likely right there. I remember being a kid hopping online & seeing I wasn't the only one shocked and pissed that the Rex was taken out so easily. The backlash at the time was insane, but by the time we got to the JW portion of the series that had already calmed down tremendously.

I loved the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor was okay, but if given the choice I would've definitely preferred seeing the Spinosaurus return in place of the latter. Fallen Kingdom honestly would've been the perfect time to re-introduce Spino & even update it.

All in all, I love the T-Rex, it's pretty much one of my favorite creatures to ever exist, but that doesn't mean it has to be the main dinosaur that's focused on in EVERY movie, especially with there being so many dinosaurs that have been discovered since this series was created. I'm hoping the upcoming films are able to find the right balance of giving us a T-Rex when it's needed and when it'll provide the most impact but also shining the light on other carnivores. Same goes for the Velociraptors.
To be honest, Sorna's mere existence was ignored by the Jurassic World movies which I always found confusing. It's a shame because I would have really liked to see the Spinosaurus come back.
Sorna was mentioned in dialogue in Dominion. I didn't remember it myself but I looked it up and there it is:

I get why they didn't actually go back there because it was kind of milked in TLW and JPIII and I guess all the dinosaurs that were still alive on that island were presumably moved to the new park on Nublar, the reserve in Dominion, or other locations that I think Camp Cretaceous might have covered. Still, the fact that the Spinosaurus hasn't made an appearance in the movies since JPIII is odd. I was saying the same thing about the Dilophosaurus until its mostly triumphant return in Dominion. I loved the scene they had with Dodgson but the part where Chris Pratt grabbed one by the throat had me actually say "Are you kidding me?" out loud in the theater.
Any time he used that stupid hand gesture on any dinosaur that wasn't a velociraptor in Dominion, I wanted one of them to bite his hand off. :funny:
Any time he used that stupid hand gesture on any dinosaur that wasn't a velociraptor in Dominion, I wanted one of them to bite his hand off. :funny:
The funniest thing is this guy's supposed to be at least somewhat intelligent so he should have known damn well to run instead of acting like these two were going to react the same way as the velociraptors he had trained since they were babies.

We need a scene in the next movie where someone tries to stop a dino with their hand like that only to get eaten
Any time he used that stupid hand gesture on any dinosaur that wasn't a velociraptor in Dominion, I wanted one of them to bite his hand off. :funny:
Chris Pratt is easily the worst addition to the overall Jurassic Park franchise.

He's so unbelievable as an action hero that each of the movies has to constantly try to remind us he's supposed to be a badass.
The fact that Owen was written as a generic and bland 90's action hero didn't really help either. Colin Trevorrow and Derek Conolly just do not know how to write characters that aren't one-note archetypes.
The fact that Owen was written as a generic and bland 90's action hero didn't really help either. Colin Trevorrow and Derek Conolly just do not know how to write characters that aren't one-note archetypes.
That's very true. Another prime example was Franklin & his constant screaming in Fallen Kingdom. For some reason they thought it'd be funny but it was just cringe & incredibly obnoxious.

Their writing in general is lackluster, actually. Like Maisie letting the dinosaurs loose when they could've just opened the doors to ventilate the building while keeping the dinosaurs inside. :rofl:

Or for some reason having a close-up shot of Bryce in all 3 movies where she shouts "run".
Chris Pratt is easily the worst addition to the overall Jurassic Park franchise.

He's so unbelievable as an action hero that each of the movies has to constantly try to remind us he's supposed to be a badass.
In this particular case I don't blame Pratt. Both Owen and Claire were written so blandly especially in Fallen Kingdom and Dominion that you really could have had any number of actors and actresses in those roles and the result would still have been the same.
That. And Chris Pratt became a household name after the one-two punch of Guardians and the first Jurassic World. He’s legit got tons of charisma in both while a little more serious in World. The Jurassic World sequels though they just didn’t have anywhere for his character to go.
I want something similar to the new Apes movies, where a prehistoric disease wipes out most of humanity and the dinosaurs mass-populate.
Wasn't one of the very early concepts for Jurassic Park 4 focused on the DX virus from The Lost World novel? That could be revisited in this movie if they wanted to.
That's an interesting idea but considering their love for fanbaiting you would still somehow end up with a movie where all the legacy characters show up perfectly fine in an Avengers-shot.

I know people used to complain about The Lost World and JP3 but the Jurassic World sequels really did wonders to lift those movies up. But I was never really into the idea of "lets bring the dinosaurs to OUR world" because the last section of The Lost World was always my least favorite part of the original trilogy. But I still can't wrap my mind around the script for Dominion. 2 movies of building up to "Man has to live among dinosaurs" and they write a story around locusts.

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