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If You Were Fox What Would You Do?


Nov 24, 2007
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In an article at Variety talking about Fox's not-so-hot summer, the trade touches on some possible projects the studio is in talks about:

Though Fox has no plans for a major overhaul, the studio has scheduled a strategy meeting to assess the status of its superheroes, a group sorely missed this summer. On the agenda, Fox will mull the possibility of more "X-Men" spinoffs, including a young-X-Men project as well as "Deadpool," based on a character played by Ryan Reynolds in "Wolverine." The studio is even considering reviving the "Daredevil" property.

If you were Fox what would you do with the marvel properties that you have?

I would release:
Frank Miller's Daredevil (directed by Frank Miller)
X-Men Origins: Professor X
Silver Surfer
X-Men Origins: The New Academy
X-Men Origins: Apocalypse: The First Mutant
^I doubley agree, they can **** off as far as i am concerned.
Give FF back to Marvel.

Give DD back to Marvel.

Continue X-Men spinoffs. Young X-Men... Deadpool... maybe Magneto.
Considering the likelyhood of Fox giving the rights back anytime soon are 0 to none, I would want a Frank Miller based Daredevil but keep him away from any directorial duties.
Considering the likelyhood of Fox giving the rights back anytime soon are 0 to none, I would want a Frank Miller based Daredevil but keep him away from any directorial duties.

I can see a Daredevil reboot working for Fox, but I really don't understand why they are so gung ho in putting out all those X-Men Origin movies. I have a feeling the Origin stuff can only make a mere fraction of what they could make with another real X-Men movie.
I agree, give FF back to Marvel, and definitely give DD back...

They can continue to mess up the x-men franchise until everyone is tired of it...
I can see a Daredevil reboot working for Fox,


but I really don't understand why they are so gung ho in putting out all those X-Men Origin movies. I have a feeling the Origin stuff can only make a mere fraction of what they could make with another real X-Men movie.

They want to cash in on a franchise they killed without making true X-men films.

For starters

-needs a new star because Affleck won't be back. I wouldn't mind Eric Thal as a replacement he's been woefully overlooked as an action star candidate. He's got the acting chops, he's in better shape than the majority of actors half his age, and he's a native New Yorker to boot.
-needs a good action movie director like Martin Campbell
-not done as an origin film but a continuation of the last one
-get Michael Clarke Duncan back as Kingpin
-no Elektra
-Jason Statham as Bullseye (he wants to play DD but he'd make a better villain)
-Limit the wire-fu crap that made the first movie look silly
For starters

-needs a new star because Affleck won't be back. I wouldn't mind Eric Thal as a replacement he's been woefully overlooked as an action star candidate. He's got the acting chops, he's in better shape than the majority of actors half his age, and he's a native New Yorker to boot.
-needs a good action movie director like Martin Campbell
-not done as an origin film but a continuation of the last one
-get Michael Clarke Duncan back as Kingpin
-no Elektra
-Jason Statham as Bullseye (he wants to play DD but he'd make a better villain)
-Limit the wire-fu crap that made the first movie look silly

Not that, how would any good sequel happen with Fox's current management in charge?
Not that, how would any good sequel happen with Fox's current management in charge?

That's true but it's probably the only likely thing to happen. Frank Miller is just getting his director seat warm and Fox wants money more than our government does so I see it happening.

They won't bring any of the cast back and I would rather see a remake.
Give DD & F4 back (they're too big for screwups), move on with Deadpool.
I would release:
Frank Miller's Daredevil (directed by Frank Miller)

The Spirit looks flat out awful. I don't want Frank Miller the film maker anywhere near DD. I could be convinced of a Kevin Smith directed DD if Smith goes the route of Favreau and hires out all the action sequences. In any case, I actually feel that the DD DC rivals Batman Begins. The big difference is that Batman is an icon and the WB didn't force Nolan to cut chunks of story for a theatrical release. Fox needs to go ahead with Daredevil but craft an intelligent story that utilizes ALL of Matt Murdock's appeal (not just the suited vigilante angle). Title the film "Guardian Devil" even if they don't adapt the storyline.

I'd also revive the FF. I know Marvel (and most people) hate John Byrne and his arrogance but I'd still hire him to pen a story or plotline and base the revival on his recommendations. No one EVER has had a better handle on the FF characters then Byrne.

Personally, I'd leave Fox alone with the X-Men. The Origins concept seems to be a good one. Wolverine looks great and the Magneto idea seems sound. The next generation of X-Men will follow with a prequel or retool. That all works for me.

It's good to see Fox flounder with other franchises. Having crap like Jumper fail means they have to focus on their Marvel properties to survive. With Iron Man and TDK hitting HUGE (even bigger then X-Men), it also gives them a template to follow at this point.
The thread is about putting yourself in FOX's shoes, not saying they should quit. I dislike FOX for Marvel movies as much as anyone, but I do think they'd be stupid to just let go of those properties.

If I were FOX, I'd stick to the X-Men spin-off idea for now, and possibly reboot the X-Men franchise in a couple years. Deadpool movie is a great idea also. Get the director of, say, the original Die Hard and do it in the style of an 80's tongue-in-cheek action film, and we've got something :up:

Also, DD was a successful movie. People forget this cause of Elektra. Since I assume they still have the rights, FOX should try a DD sequel with recasts. This wouldn't even have to be a summer release, which is a plus for FOX. No Frank Miller as director, though. They need to get someone who is good with crime movies, not someone who directs everything Sin City style. While I liked the DC of DD a lot, I say no MSJ for the sequel. The DC still had some of the films flaws even in his cut.

I personally want to see an FF reboot, but FOX should try an FF3. This would let them keep the rights, and since FF is an established property, at least they know what BO returns to expect, thus they can budget it accordingly now. If no FF3, then SS is a must for them.

Now, do I want all this to happen? For FF, no. I would like to see an FF reboot, and a proper SS movie. They butchered my favorite villain ever, and that is unforgivable. For X-Men, FOX can keep it. They may not have made great X-Men movies IMO, but they made decent ones. Plus, X-Men movies by Marvel will mean less movies about other characters by Marvel studios. DD I can go either way on.
If You Were Fox What Would You Do?
I would not let Rothman **** things up, or I'd give the rights back to Marvel.
I'd reunite all the Fox heads, and discuss seriously how to make the best superhero saga of all time with the X-men.

Sign an A director and a great writer, and then start the preproduction of X4 and X5, to shot them back to back.

Pure and simple.
Daredevil could be one of the coolest flicks if done right, on par with Iron Man. What a shame that Marvel gave its rights to those hacks at FOX.
The reality: These people shouldn't bother with strategy meetings if they don't care about the comic book characters to begin with. Put in a big-name actor, pop in enough cash for mediocre special effects, ?, PROFIT. That's been Fox's motto for a long time, and if I wanted to keep my job as an exec I probably wouldn't bother to tell them otherwise.

Now, if we're entertaining the slightest possibility that they want to do the right thing, it's pretty clear what they should do. For one, cancel the young X-Men project. The last guy who was in talks for this had stuffing for brains. Try something else. The second self-evident issue is Deadpool. The formula for this one is really simple: Make sure Wolverine doesn't put off the fans calling for this film, get a competent writer that knows what a Deadpool movie should be like, and give this character the shot he deserves. Not complicated. Finally, Daredevil. It goes without saying the next film should be a reboot. There's absolutely no reason to make a sequel to the last film. Affleck doesn't want to come back, MSJ has proven with Ghost Rider that the last one wasn't a fluke, and neither the fans nor the general audience liked it much. So look at Born Again and get some talent working on a do-over. They can do what they want with Wolverine...personally, I think a one-shot will say everything that needs to be said about that character.

The odds of anyone at Fox thinking about this the right way? 1 out of 100%. But hey, at least I tried.
Give them all back to Marvel.

Truer words have never been spoken. :oldrazz:

But seriously, if we want to stop having lackluster Marvel movies like FF, DD, Elektra, and X3, then Marvel really needs to get all of them back from Fox. And besides, isn't the rights for DD already expired at Fox? Except for X-Men 1 & 2 (which were only good because of Singer), Fox really has no clue on how to make a good superhero movie.
Daredevil can be as good as TDK. It needs to be a steet level crime story. Think Law and Order meets Batman Begins. It should have NO WIRE FU and should be dark, DARK, DARK!! I think they need to reboot. No need for a re-origin, just start up and reintroduce the characters and make a decent movie.

I for one am not a "Let's make all these movies dark!" type of fan. But I do agree Daredevil was made for the dark story theme. Frank Miller all the way.
Everyone that is saying give the rights back to Marvel isn't speaking rationally. Why would they give the rights back when most of the movies were successful. As long as fanboys go see these movies they'll keep making sub par movies. I think Fox did a good job with X2 and DD. I think the movies they messed up were:
Dragon Ball

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