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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ming-Na Wen IS Agent Melinda May

In a show that is part of an overall alternate universe where engineers can build arc reactors, anger can turn a normal man into a green rage monster, and talking raccoons and trees protect the galaxy, Agent May being able to kick a ton of ass and overtake bigger, stronger men than she doesn't bother me. Sure, it would be nice to have some consistency with the power sets and stuff, but May's been beaten up and conned hard throughout the season. So, like I say… that aspect of May doesn't bug me.

And yes, I fully will admit, full disclosure, the fact that May is played by a 50-year-old Asian-American actress is a huge part of that. NO ONE ever gives roles like that to 50-year-old women. So, sure, call me a bleeding heart. I think it's neat that Ming-Na gets to kick a ton of butt.

Now, I do think her character needs to be fleshed out way more, but by the end of the season they had her banging Ward and imitating (hilariously) Gemma, and getting closer with Skye, so they were on the right track with her. Finally.

I really, really hope we see more of her mother. Sounds like she comes from a long line of asskickers.


I think she's cool . Then again I'm biased because I've always liked Ming Na and I think she's so attractive regardless of her age. I've never had a problem believing she can kick butt. I'm old enough to be her son and much bigger than her, but I wouldn't try to mess with her.
I think she's cool . Then again I'm biased because I've always liked Ming Na and I think she's so attractive regardless of her age. I've never had a problem believing she can kick butt. I'm old enough to be her son and much bigger than her, but I wouldn't try to mess with her.

In agreement. I have been fan of Ming Na for a long time also, since she was in Street Fighter (not a great film), but I enjoyed her performance and costume in the movie. As cliched as this sounds, she's aged well like the best of fermented wine. As a matter of fact, I am not sure whether I find her more attractive as a 30 year old or 50 year old. I enjoy seeing her fight and defeat much bigger, seemingly more formidable opponents, even her brief battle against the Absorbing Man. I thought that was very cool.
In agreement. I have been fan of Ming Na for a long time also, since she was in Street Fighter (not a great film), but I enjoyed her performance and costume in the movie. As cliched as this sounds, she's aged well like the best of fermented wine. As a matter of fact, I am not sure whether I find her more attractive as a 30 year old or 50 year old. I enjoy seeing her fight and defeat much bigger, seemingly more formidable opponents, even her brief battle against the Absorbing Man. I thought that was very cool.

She was the only good thing about the Street Fighter movie.
Yeah, she was cool in street fighter. She's got a great smile too but as May she really can't smile all that much.
Yeah, she was cool in street fighter. She's got a great smile too but as May she really can't smile all that much.
Good point. Most of the time, Agent May seems colder than a blizzard.
It struck me that May seems like pretty much the only regular character that hasn't significantly changed since last season...

- Ward is a lonely pathetic psycho
- Fitz is off the deep end
- Simmons is gone
- Skye is more mature/serious/trained
- Coulson has gotten a bit darker/standoffish/serious, under the burden of authority
- May is still May

For some reason, that seems... comforting?
Well, you could say May is a bit more badass, but I see where you're getting at.
Well, you could say May is a bit more badass, but I see where you're getting at.

Good points. I think she's become tougher and even more awesome as a combatant. Looking forward to the next episode.
I dont know if anyone else noticed, but while watching the season premiere it looked like Ming-Na had a really bad limp, as if her knee was damaged. She could barely run and the camera work seemed to avoid shots of her even walking. Is she injured at all in real life?

Well Melinda May be a superhero?


Consider. She has a super hero name, the Cavalry, a costume ,and she is the only one that can use the Asgardian Berserker staff. Admittedly there are limits on her use which is why I said she is not a superhero as yet, but she used in to destroy a house in one episode. Imagine she has an adventure with an Asgardian like Lady Sif or even Thor. They find her a worthy person so tune the staff to her nervous system so she can safely at full capacity. Remember the Asgardians were using staff as energy weapons in Thor:Dark World.

I'm not saying she deserves her own movie but she would be worthy of super hero status and would be a good supporting character.


Na, I don't think she'll ever have super powers, she HAS however shown an amazing ability to control her mind, the Berserker staff as well.
It struck me that May seems like pretty much the only regular character that hasn't significantly changed since last season...

- Ward is a lonely pathetic psycho
- Fitz is off the deep end
- Simmons is gone
- Skye is more mature/serious/trained
- Coulson has gotten a bit darker/standoffish/serious, under the burden of authority
- May is still May

For some reason, that seems... comforting?

Ward is no longer lonely, and has his own follower/tagalong
Fitz is getting close to normal
Simmons is back
Skye is grown-up but still seeking his approval/return to what they had in the 1st season (and is getting it)
Coulson was standoffish earlier because he was a ticking bomb with the carvings controlling him; now, he's closer to normal but still the director so keeping a little distance
May is a bit looser/talkative while still still not saying much except when she's talking to Coulson. :mnm:

Well Melinda May be a superhero?


Consider. She has a super hero name, the Cavalry, a costume ,and she is the only one that can use the Asgardian Berserker staff. Admittedly there are limits on her use which is why I said she is not a superhero as yet, but she used in to destroy a house in one episode. Imagine she has an adventure with an Asgardian like Lady Sif or even Thor. They find her a worthy person so tune the staff to her nervous system so she can safely at full capacity. Remember the Asgardians were using staff as energy weapons in Thor:Dark World.

I'm not saying she deserves her own movie but she would be worthy of super hero status and would be a good supporting character.



Interesting. I saw her wielding Sif's sword effortlessly the show. The sword is obviously made from a stronger, denser material than any sword you'd find on earth. May obviously possess extraordinary strength. Or it could be that she is such a badass, she's able to do all those things you mentioned despite being a normal human.
I know the chances of this happening are next to nothing but I'd pay hard cash money to see May vs. Black Widow.

Just looking at her fights on AOS she is a one force deadly warrior

Of course Natasha's no pushover either

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I think it's MCU Cannon (?) that May is the only one with more black belts than Nat.

Either way, that would be a great fight to watch.
I need the whole Andrew thing to just be over. I'm a huge May fangirl, but the attempts to give her this romantic background have just been fumbled. I can see all the reasons they went that direction: expand upon May's background, create a moral conflict (can she still take out the bad guy if he's her ex?), and give May more depth by adding this big emotional element. The thing is, though, it's just unnecessary and is dragging the character down. May didn't need more characterization to prove she's got emotions - she had the run in with the inhuman child in her background plus everything that she's been through in the series. We've seen her under emotional stress and we know how she reacts. Which, by the way, makes this whole moral conflict even more annoying since everything we've ever seen from May in the past indicates that she wouldn't even hesitate to put a bullet through Lash, husband or no.

It's just... despite her buttoned up personality, May has always been an angsty character. She carries around so much baggage from the past, not to mention the fact that her original role on the team was as a spy who was expected to put Coulson down if it came to that. There was absolutely no reason to angst it up further! Instead of this agonizingly slow attempt at conflict they could have given her just about any other storyline for this season. Well, okay, not "should I stay with SHIELD or leave?" because I don't know if my little heart could take it, but any other. They could have kept with the Hunter-May team up and have her question if it was all worth it just to get revenge on Ward or if their role in the team should come first, even if it meant allowing Ward to live on. Maybe she has to deal with all the younger agents suddenly able to defend themselves and no longer reliant on her and feeling redundant in the system. Or she takes on more of an assistant director role only to find herself frustrated by all the new responsibility. Or, hey, maybe she finds out she really kicks butt when it comes to fiances and paperwork and slowly extracts herself from field duty, doubling down on training Daisy without telling her it's because she'll soon be out of the field entirely. Or, fine, you know what, make it about her questioning her place in SHIELD and contemplating leaving. Literally anything other than this attempt at romance.

The fact that every other character seems to have a similar motivation: Fitz and Simmons, of course, and Lincoln's indecision on working with SHIELD if it means being able to stay with Daisy, Hunter's revenge scheme against Ward because of what he did to Bobby, Coulson and Roz's personal relationship. Not every conflict needs to revolve around kissy-squishy feelings and May's least of all. I just want it dead.
I have to agree with you, way too much romance on the show. I love the show but not everyone needs to be in a complicated romance and Lincoln Daisy is still the weakest and should just end.

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