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Part III (Spoiler Thread)

Not contradict, but putting things from the movies in a different context, which is what this show is doing as well. Again, I don't think canon's being broken here.

Like I said it's the "off-screen adventures" and it honestly feels the same to me as the early Vader / C3PO and R2D2 appearances in Rebels. That's not a bad thing though.
What about Vader's appearances on Rebels touched on film territory? Something on the level of Ben vs. Vader? Same with Artoo and Threepio? We know they go on adventures. We know Vader hunts Jedi. Vader hunting Obi-Wan and finding him? That's very different.

You could make a show between TESB and RotJ where Luke runs into Vader and even the Emperor. Would that feel... let's say "odd" if they did that considering how RotJ plays out? I'd argue yes, even if it didn't break canon.

I'm not complaining. I do wish this was better, but overall I'm enjoying myself and I will always enjoy good Vader, Leia, and Obi-Wan material. But I do think it's really hard to argue Vader dragging his old master through fire years before the Death Star duel is something that doesn't overtly recontextualize long held meaning in the words spoken by the characters in the original film.

Oh, and they "killed" the Grand Inquisitor. I'm sure they will magic something, but considering we are talking about a character who has a canon ending that's... yeah.
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Good God! Vader is a savage. Holy F the way he dragged that one local to his death was gruesome.

Also, anyone else thinks Vader is afraid of fire and that's why he froze for a second there?

I hadn’t thought about that but it’s a good point. Maybe he has PTSD or something. Him and Obi-Wan both went through hell during that last fight.
Good God! Vader is a savage. Holy F the way he dragged that one local to his death was gruesome.

Also, anyone else thinks Vader is afraid of fire and that's why he froze for a second there?
I mean, he's the one who brought the fire. He lives on a planet of fire. I think it was just classic, Force User becomind Force stupid to let the plot happen. Like Vader, not being able to sense his daughter. Still.
There is a difference between strictly breaking canon and going on an adventure that feels like the classic EU. While this all so far can "technically happen", Batman could also show up in the next episode and not break canon. But it wouldn't feel like it fit with the story we know so far. Obi-Wan having this kind of run-in with Vader, spending this kind of time with Leia. It does not really mesh with the original film. Which is why I think a lot of people, even while enjoy it, don't get an organic feel to it all.

But seriously, Vader vs. Batman. I'd watch it!

Get over it, TESB and ROTJ don't mesh well with SW - George retconned himself with each consecutive film / PT. It's not that hard to [jedi] wave some minor errors/changes. Hell, Jedi were "all but extinct" yet we know that was "all I Imperial lie" since we have Ahsoka, Ezra, ~Kanan, etc. all fighting the good fight. I'll take the wonderful stories about from Rebels, Rogue One, and now this - over worrying about strict continuity issues. When George himself took (his) story over (his) continuity every time, even if WE may not have liked it. It's the norm for this franchise.
I feel like Reva was definitely better directed here and it seemed like she was a bit more comfortable in the role, but none of that changes the fact that the character is still super uninteresting IMO.

The weak writing just isn't doing her character any favors and we are already halfway through the season and like someone else said we still no very little to nothing about her.

The Vader scenes in the first half were pretty great though and on par with some of the best scenes we got out of Rogue One, but I can't for the life of me understand why they picked such an awkward location for that fight with Kenobi.

I don't know if its just me but that whole sequence felt really off, especially when it got to the scene where he awkwardly holds Kenobi over a fire and just stands there once he gets away.

Overall, I did like it a lot more than the first two episodes mostly for the Vader scenes, the eerie bit with Ben seeing Anakin again and the scenes with Leia, but this show still hasn't quite found its footing IMO.

I also enjoyed seeing Indira Varma from GOT Season 5.
Get over it, TESB and ROTJ don't mesh well with SW - George retconned himself with each consecutive film / PT. It's not that hard to [jedi] wave some minor errors/changes. Hell, Jedi were "all but extinct" yet we know that was "all I Imperial lie" since we have Ahsoka, Ezra, ~Kanan, etc. all fighting the good fight. I'll take the wonderful stories about from Rebels, Rogue One, and now this - over worrying about strict continuity issues. When George himself took (his) story over (his) continuity every time, even if WE may not have liked it. It's the norm for this franchise.
Going from 10,000 Jedi down to a few dozen is exactly what, "all but extinct" means...

In your anger, you seemed to be under the impression that I don't like this or Rebels (my favorite Star Wars show). I have no idea why. But I'll keep enjoying Star Wars how I like, thank you very much. :up:
I hope Quinlan and Obi team up and go rescue Princess Leia from the evil sorcerer's castle in the lake of lava.
I feel like Reva was definitely better directed here and it seemed like she was a bit more comfortable in the role, but none of that changes the fact that the character is still super uninteresting IMO.

The weak writing just isn't doing her character any favors and we are already halfway through the season and like someone else said we still no very little to nothing about her.

The Vader scenes in the first half were pretty great though and on par with some of the best scenes we got out of Rogue One, but I can't for the life of me understand why they picked such an awkward location for that fight with Kenobi.

I don't know if its just me but that whole sequence felt really off, especially when it got to the scene where he awkwardly holds Kenobi over a fire and just stands there once he gets away.

Overall, I did like it a lot more than the first two episodes mostly for the Vader scenes, the eerie bit with Ben seeing Anakin again and the scenes with Leia, but this show still hasn't quite found its footing IMO.

I also enjoyed seeing Indira Varma from GOT Season 5.
Reva is a very basic character. I feel like you can tell where she came from (Jedi youngling), where she's going (her need to prove herself will be her downfall), and because her performance isn't really a standout (I honestly found the best thing about her here is there was less of her), she won't have much of a half-life after she most likely gets cutdown.

I think Vader/Obi-Wan ended up in the rock quarry in SoCal because we will be getting the proper rematch, probably on Mustafar, in the finale. I do agree it looked awkward, but I was just enjoying Vader too much. :D
...so sexy;

Also, anyone else thinks Vader is afraid of fire and that's why he froze for a second there?

See that kinda threw me off a bit. Vader wouldn't just stop in his tracks. He'd walk through fire to get Obi-Wan. He should have either used the Force to blow out the fire or force crushed the robot that aided Kenobi.
I've been accused of "liking everything" lately, which is very far from the the truth, but I just feel grateful to have both Ewan and Hayden back as these characters. Did anybody ever think this was gonna happen? I mean it's awesome.
Going from 10,000 Jedi down to a few dozen is exactly what, "all but extinct" means...

In your anger, you seemed to be under the impression that I don't like this or Rebels (my favorite Star Wars show). I have no idea why. But I'll keep enjoying Star Wars how I like, thank you very much. :up:

I was alluding more to the Imperial meeting where Vader chokes that one dude out. Hell, Vader isn't even called a Sith in ANH.

It's just frustrating that you continually complain about this series retconning ANH, yet all new SW post-1977 technically retcons ANH.
I was alluding more to the Imperial meeting where Vader chokes that one dude out. Hell, Vader isn't even called a Sith in ANH.

It's just frustrating that you continually complain about this series retconning ANH, yet all new SW post-1977 technically retcons ANH.
I've made more post in these two threads then anyone els. How often did it come up before this? You also don't have to read my posts.

And no, not all of the material since has "retconned" Star Wars. I don't think you understand what that word means. I find the canon answer for Han Solo absolutely ridiculous, but I also love that film. There are things I hold dear. And Vader vs. Ben is a big one. I'm allowed.

Also, I loved the plenty of the old EU. I love they've canonized stuff like Thrawn, Quinlan, Spider-leg Maul, Force witches, etc. Saying something is like the old EU isn't a bad thing for me.
This gave me Logan vibes. Definitely the best episode so far. Making Vader as ruthless as they did was something I was so happy to see and makes it even more insane that he ultimately doesn't turn "good" for another 20 years despite being a few feet away from his daughter.

Reva was only tolerable this episode because she didn't talk as much.

I totally thought Freck was Seth Rogan as well.
The composer for this show needs to realize that nothing they compose is going to top William's material for Anakin/Vader. The Imperial March and Anakin's Dark Deeds were sorely missed in this episode.
100 percent agree. The scores are what made the films feel like Star Wars. How the heck are you gonna have Vader and not have Duel of the Fates or Imperial March or something. I can understand wanting to do your own thing but the music in no way sounds like Star Wars sounds rather generic
Outside of the constant Anakin/Dooku duels and yes, the existence of Ahsoka (totally should've come up), what happened in TCW that really felt like it contradicted what happened in the flicks?

You can also throw in Obi-Wan fighting Grievous multiple times, since the dialogue in ROTS makes it fairly clear that they've never fought before. If they had, why would Grievous feel the need to remind Kenobi that he'd been trained in the Jedi arts?

Grievous' tone of voice gives the impression that he expected Obi-Wan to be surprised by this revelation.
disney has to amp up the episoses no reason this with the story potential has to be 6 episodes
this and moon night deserved at least 8
These expanded flicks, don't need to be as long as they are in general on Disney+. Something I appreciate about WandaVision and Mando's episodic nature. Still, more runtime means more of good uncle Ben:


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