The Amazing Spider-Man Raimi: "I have total creative control for Spider-Man 4"

lmao. I no longer take your opinions seriously.:up:

The person you're replying to is right...because YOU agree with him? Really? lol. You silly goose.

And for the record, praising is not ass kissing. If we like something, we have every damn right to praise it. People should not shoot us down because of it. Disagree on an opinion and politely give your own? Whatever. But name calling is totally not necessary, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about.
I second that.
i liked about every single thing in spidey 2 EXCEPT when he jumps STRIAGHT DIRECTLY UP IN THE AIR with mary jane at the end and magically is at a swinging angle with a ton of speed about .3 seconds later.

but i guess ill take that over dancing and jazz piano.
I love this guy.


I did not expect less coming from you :o

I have gladly admitted to things I did not like about these movies, and every other movie by him that I've seen. Just because I don't like a few things doesn't make it bad, or make him the worst director ever. If I based my opinion on movies off a couple things I didn't like, I'd hate everything.

I have never heard you talk about the things you didn't like about the please, enlighten us on your opinions on the bad things of the franchise.
imo, some bad things in the franchise (i won't even dignify the third installment in this considering that was like watching diarrhea-in general that is what is wrong with the franchise as of today) 2, specifically that painfully long bout in the beginning of peter versus the broom closet-coulda done without that...the elevator ride was equally annoying...but all in all i loved part 2. I mean, i understand that there is some inherent campiness with raimi's sense of humor and filmmaking, as well as spider-man himself, but i hope that they tone it down. As far as total creative control for raimi??? Unfortunately i feel as though spidey3 left such a bad taste in everyone's mouths that it will be extremely difficult to build on the character arcs (or lack thereof). I.E., killing Harry, the lack of MJ as a valid character, Gwen's cameo, *ahem* Eddie Brock Jr & Venom...but we shall see. I like raimi and hope he can pull this off. Maybe he can pretend like 3 never happened and call it 3 redux.
I have never heard you talk about the things you didn't like about the please, enlighten us on your opinions on the bad things of the franchise.

Aside from a few effects that are obviously fake, let's see.

I didn't like "WE'LL MEET AGAIN SPIDER-MAN!" from GG in SM1.

Green Goblins costume looked great at night, but looked a bit too hokey during the day, although not bad.

I didn't like Ock's little "Nothing!" after his speech when he said nothing would stand in his way.

"Power of the sun in the palm of my hand"? Eh. Little over dramatic, but I suppose I can see how he'd say that being where he was.

MJ was most un-attractive in SM2, which kinda makes me sad. She's by no means ugly, but she was great in 1, and pretty good looking in 3.

Stupid kid actors in any scene in all 3 (aside from Henry who helped Aunt May), but they can be bad in anything. Forgivable I suppose.

The strutting scene in Spider-Man 3 was hilarious to me, and showed his ass hole side and how he thinks he's better than everyone, but I felt only the jazz club was needed. The strutting wasn't totally necessary. But I still enjoy it. I'd rather they put it on the special features of the DVD, and use the 3-4 minutes for more character development on Eddie's side.

Butler scene was...too rushed in the movie. It was a bit more understandable in the novel, something about a butler's code of honor etc. Movie should have just had him change his mind.

Spider-Man Day scene was a little too much. Well, it was fine except for Gwen. That speech wasn't needed.

Reporter in the final battle and her speeches did not need the accent. In the novel, I thought it was great and sad. They made it actually "this is may be the end of Spider-Man" which was well done. Movie just trashed it.

I loved Venom, and thought he was portrayed well, but his lack of screentime followed by his death pissed me off. The only forgiving quality is what someone else said here, he died for a purpose like Two-Face did in Dark Knight (which also angered me, and the crap way he died). Venom being the one who couldn't forgive was the one who dies, being addicted to the Symbiote's power. I liked that, but if that had to happen he needed alot more screentime. I'm just glad he was done well atleast.

Mary Jane is being too...****ey. =(

I didn't like the Sandman-Venom team up as much as I should have. Sure, it was good, and had good effects and good lines, but I'd much rather have the one in the novel. But instead of Brock the whole scene, add Venom to it.

I'm sure there are others, but I'm not going to sit here and think of them all. Point is, movies have mistakes, and I gladly admit that the Spidey movies do. But I don't dwell on them and let a nit pick ruin an entire 2 hour film. That's stupid.
i thought mj was freakin hot in spider man 2. mmm that brown dress with those pokey...nevermind. anyway the best review of spiderman 3 ever is right here

"...It was bad enough that my left brain was working double time trying to block out Kirsten Dunst’s goofy teeth anyway, but there is no ignoring that every character’s development was being robbed by unnecessary scenes featuring someone crying. Seriously, there is a lot of $#&%*ing crying in this movie! I’m not kidding even remotely. Before you assume that I’m just being insensitive, allow me to walk you through the film a little (watch out — SPOILERS AHEAD).

Peter is going to propose to Mary Jane. He tells Aunt May. She brings up Uncle Ben. They both cry.
Mary Jane is concerned that Peter isn’t paying enough attention to her feelings. She cries.
Peter takes his psycho friend to the hospital, after his friend tries to kill him. Peter cries.
The Sandman breaks out of jail and hides out in his sick daughter’s room. He cries. His wife fights with him for showing up. They both cry. The daughter discovers he’s there but doesn’t cry, which makes Sandman cry a little more.
The clumpy cat litter man suddenly rises from the traumatic reconstruction of his entire molecular makeup. He then looks at his daughter’s locket … and cries a single dirty tear.
Mary Jane gets fired from playing the lead in what looks like Victor/Victoria. She cries.
Peter’s crazy friend remembers that his Dad is dead. He cries.
Mary Jane breaks up with Peter in Central Park. They both cry.
Captain Stacy tells Peter and Aunt May that Uncle Ben’s killer is on the loose. They both cry, before Peter yells at the captain, who looks, at that moment, as if he is about to cry. Then there’s a flashback scene where Uncle Ben gets shot. Uncle Ben of course cries. In all fairness here, bullets hurt.
Later, clumpy cat litter man will explain to Peter what really happened on that fateful night. Both clumpy cat litter man and the flashback of clumpy cat litter man are both crying.
Peter forgives the clumpy cat litter man for killing his Uncle Ben … while crying.
I don’t want to blow the ending for any of you, but trust me, there’s crying.

The really sad thing is I’m positive I haven’t named every scene where people begin uncontrollably weeping. I can’t stress this enough. I mean, I’m pretty sure that if you added up every tear ever shed on that TV show where Ty Pennington fixes tragic families’ homes, the count would still get dwarfed by Spider-Man 3. What’s worse about it, is a lot of the crying is unwarranted, which only made me angrier that the villains’ screen time was stolen by all that emotional hijinx.

I know you’re wondering this so I’ll go ahead and tell you: Venom looked real cool. He was in the movie for maybe twenty minutes, but he looked fantastic in a couple of scenes. Also, he didn’t cry; not even once."

i almost forgot about all the stupid crying somehow because of all the DANCING

Raimi says he has full creative control, but someone else is writing the script this time around, right?
i liked about every single thing in spidey 2 EXCEPT when he jumps STRIAGHT DIRECTLY UP IN THE AIR with mary jane at the end and magically is at a swinging angle with a ton of speed about .3 seconds later.

but i guess ill take that over dancing and jazz piano.

You are bringing up my biggest nitpick from all the movies.
I love every little attention to detail concerning how Spider-Man moves and acts.
Stuff like when he gets thrown out the side of the subway train, and he catches himself with his webs and stands on the side of the train.

But when he is running full speed, shoots a web straight up, then gets launched into the air, I just shake my head. (the first GG fight as an example)

But then he takes the trouble of showing Peter slowing his descent, after knocking Harry of his glider, with his webline, which is a nice attention to detail.
I still find it mildly astonishing that Raimi 'lost' control of the franchise in the first place. Say what you will about the output of some WB's comic book films, but at least they trust their directors.
i thought mj was freakin hot in spider man 2. mmm that brown dress with those pokey...nevermind. anyway the best review of spiderman 3 ever is right here

"...It was bad enough that my left brain was working double time trying to block out Kirsten Dunst’s goofy teeth anyway, but there is no ignoring that every character’s development was being robbed by unnecessary scenes featuring someone crying. Seriously, there is a lot of $#&%*ing crying in this movie! I’m not kidding even remotely. Before you assume that I’m just being insensitive, allow me to walk you through the film a little (watch out — SPOILERS AHEAD).

Peter is going to propose to Mary Jane. He tells Aunt May. She brings up Uncle Ben. They both cry.
Mary Jane is concerned that Peter isn’t paying enough attention to her feelings. She cries.
Peter takes his psycho friend to the hospital, after his friend tries to kill him. Peter cries.
The Sandman breaks out of jail and hides out in his sick daughter’s room. He cries. His wife fights with him for showing up. They both cry. The daughter discovers he’s there but doesn’t cry, which makes Sandman cry a little more.
The clumpy cat litter man suddenly rises from the traumatic reconstruction of his entire molecular makeup. He then looks at his daughter’s locket … and cries a single dirty tear.
Mary Jane gets fired from playing the lead in what looks like Victor/Victoria. She cries.
Peter’s crazy friend remembers that his Dad is dead. He cries.
Mary Jane breaks up with Peter in Central Park. They both cry.
Captain Stacy tells Peter and Aunt May that Uncle Ben’s killer is on the loose. They both cry, before Peter yells at the captain, who looks, at that moment, as if he is about to cry. Then there’s a flashback scene where Uncle Ben gets shot. Uncle Ben of course cries. In all fairness here, bullets hurt.
Later, clumpy cat litter man will explain to Peter what really happened on that fateful night. Both clumpy cat litter man and the flashback of clumpy cat litter man are both crying.
Peter forgives the clumpy cat litter man for killing his Uncle Ben … while crying.
I don’t want to blow the ending for any of you, but trust me, there’s crying.

The really sad thing is I’m positive I haven’t named every scene where people begin uncontrollably weeping. I can’t stress this enough. I mean, I’m pretty sure that if you added up every tear ever shed on that TV show where Ty Pennington fixes tragic families’ homes, the count would still get dwarfed by Spider-Man 3. What’s worse about it, is a lot of the crying is unwarranted, which only made me angrier that the villains’ screen time was stolen by all that emotional hijinx.

I know you’re wondering this so I’ll go ahead and tell you: Venom looked real cool. He was in the movie for maybe twenty minutes, but he looked fantastic in a couple of scenes. Also, he didn’t cry; not even once."

i almost forgot about all the stupid crying somehow because of all the DANCING

With all the tears that each character sheds,it's like we had another villain in the movie after all,Hydroman...
Aside from a few effects that are obviously fake, let's see.

I didn't like "WE'LL MEET AGAIN SPIDER-MAN!" from GG in SM1.

Green Goblins costume looked great at night, but looked a bit too hokey during the day, although not bad.

I didn't like Ock's little "Nothing!" after his speech when he said nothing would stand in his way.

"Power of the sun in the palm of my hand"? Eh. Little over dramatic, but I suppose I can see how he'd say that being where he was.

MJ was most un-attractive in SM2, which kinda makes me sad. She's by no means ugly, but she was great in 1, and pretty good looking in 3.

Stupid kid actors in any scene in all 3 (aside from Henry who helped Aunt May), but they can be bad in anything. Forgivable I suppose.

The strutting scene in Spider-Man 3 was hilarious to me, and showed his ass hole side and how he thinks he's better than everyone, but I felt only the jazz club was needed. The strutting wasn't totally necessary. But I still enjoy it. I'd rather they put it on the special features of the DVD, and use the 3-4 minutes for more character development on Eddie's side.

Butler scene was...too rushed in the movie. It was a bit more understandable in the novel, something about a butler's code of honor etc. Movie should have just had him change his mind.

Spider-Man Day scene was a little too much. Well, it was fine except for Gwen. That speech wasn't needed.

Reporter in the final battle and her speeches did not need the accent. In the novel, I thought it was great and sad. They made it actually "this is may be the end of Spider-Man" which was well done. Movie just trashed it.

I loved Venom, and thought he was portrayed well, but his lack of screentime followed by his death pissed me off. The only forgiving quality is what someone else said here, he died for a purpose like Two-Face did in Dark Knight (which also angered me, and the crap way he died). Venom being the one who couldn't forgive was the one who dies, being addicted to the Symbiote's power. I liked that, but if that had to happen he needed alot more screentime. I'm just glad he was done well atleast.

Mary Jane is being too...****ey. =(

I didn't like the Sandman-Venom team up as much as I should have. Sure, it was good, and had good effects and good lines, but I'd much rather have the one in the novel. But instead of Brock the whole scene, add Venom to it.

I'm sure there are others, but I'm not going to sit here and think of them all. Point is, movies have mistakes, and I gladly admit that the Spidey movies do. But I don't dwell on them and let a nit pick ruin an entire 2 hour film. That's stupid.

See, that surprises me, lol.

But, still...I'm not "nit-picking" when it comes to Spider-Man 3...pretty much EVERYTHING about the movie, I did not like.

Spider-Man, the first movie, I'm a fan of.

Spider-Man 2, I didn't like just because I'm not a Doc Ock fan.

And Spider-Man 3, I just feel Raimi waisted the potential that could've been, if given a much better script, or at least the right scenes that Raimi deleted, that dealt with all the villains, plus black-suited Spider-Man.

And yes...I think everyone thinks MJ is...well, not really ****ey...she isn't sleeping around, but we know she's a pothead. And an ignorant actress.
I still find it mildly astonishing that Raimi 'lost' control of the franchise in the first place. Say what you will about the output of some WB's comic book films, but at least they trust their directors.

Sony are just greedy.

Putting in Venom, one of the worst and overrated villains in comic book history, to make a buck proves that. What's worse is that they did this on Raimi after he'd already delivered with two great Spider-Man movies.
Raimi claims he was out numbered on the choices made for SM-3, but Arad was the loudest voice pushing for Venom. Sony must have backed him.

Raimi says he has full creative control, but someone else is writing the script this time around, right?
Yep, and I think David will be giving him basically information on where to take the characters next (obviously), and then Sam will probably bring in alot of his ideas. Wow, I can just picture it now. Can't wait.
I really would like to know what happened to Vanderbilt.
I had faith on him.
i thought mj was freakin hot in spider man 2. mmm that brown dress with those pokey...nevermind. anyway the best review of spiderman 3 ever is right here

"...It was bad enough that my left brain was working double time trying to block out Kirsten Dunst’s goofy teeth anyway, but there is no ignoring that every character’s development was being robbed by unnecessary scenes featuring someone crying. Seriously, there is a lot of $#&%*ing crying in this movie! I’m not kidding even remotely. Before you assume that I’m just being insensitive, allow me to walk you through the film a little (watch out — SPOILERS AHEAD).

Peter is going to propose to Mary Jane. He tells Aunt May. She brings up Uncle Ben. They both cry.
Mary Jane is concerned that Peter isn’t paying enough attention to her feelings. She cries.
Peter takes his psycho friend to the hospital, after his friend tries to kill him. Peter cries.
The Sandman breaks out of jail and hides out in his sick daughter’s room. He cries. His wife fights with him for showing up. They both cry. The daughter discovers he’s there but doesn’t cry, which makes Sandman cry a little more.
The clumpy cat litter man suddenly rises from the traumatic reconstruction of his entire molecular makeup. He then looks at his daughter’s locket … and cries a single dirty tear.
Mary Jane gets fired from playing the lead in what looks like Victor/Victoria. She cries.
Peter’s crazy friend remembers that his Dad is dead. He cries.
Mary Jane breaks up with Peter in Central Park. They both cry.
Captain Stacy tells Peter and Aunt May that Uncle Ben’s killer is on the loose. They both cry, before Peter yells at the captain, who looks, at that moment, as if he is about to cry. Then there’s a flashback scene where Uncle Ben gets shot. Uncle Ben of course cries. In all fairness here, bullets hurt.
Later, clumpy cat litter man will explain to Peter what really happened on that fateful night. Both clumpy cat litter man and the flashback of clumpy cat litter man are both crying.
Peter forgives the clumpy cat litter man for killing his Uncle Ben … while crying.
I don’t want to blow the ending for any of you, but trust me, there’s crying.

The really sad thing is I’m positive I haven’t named every scene where people begin uncontrollably weeping. I can’t stress this enough. I mean, I’m pretty sure that if you added up every tear ever shed on that TV show where Ty Pennington fixes tragic families’ homes, the count would still get dwarfed by Spider-Man 3. What’s worse about it, is a lot of the crying is unwarranted, which only made me angrier that the villains’ screen time was stolen by all that emotional hijinx.

I know you’re wondering this so I’ll go ahead and tell you: Venom looked real cool. He was in the movie for maybe twenty minutes, but he looked fantastic in a couple of scenes. Also, he didn’t cry; not even once."

i almost forgot about all the stupid crying somehow because of all the DANCING

Spot. On.
Raimi claims he was out numbered on the choices made for SM-3, but Arad was the loudest voice pushing for Venom. Sony must have backed him.

I still believe that without Venom, many of the elements that fans have complained about simply would've never been implemented.

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