Shang-Chi SPOILERS Thread

Ok, weird question: the sword arm guy, that’s a reference, right? I have this vague memory of a comic where the bad guy was a dude with swords for arms. Was that some old SC book or am I remembering something else?
Ok, weird question: the sword arm guy, that’s a reference, right? I have this vague memory of a comic where the bad guy was a dude with swords for arms. Was that some old SC book or am I remembering something else?

From what I have read about him, he is a character from the comics.
The mid credits surprised me as I didn't think Shang Chi would have met any Avengers until his second movie.
Well the two figure heads are deceased in Cap and Tony.
A lot of heroes are spread out, so they are all hands on deck with recruiting.
Ok, weird question: the sword arm guy, that’s a reference, right? I have this vague memory of a comic where the bad guy was a dude with swords for arms. Was that some old SC book or am I remembering something else?
Yeah he's from the comics. They didn't say his real name but I think he's supposed to be Douglas Scott
View attachment 48853 Did anyone else notice this? Or just me being an MK11 Kitana fangirl?
My mind went straight to Ghost of Tsushima when I saw that. :p

I think people are always going to be looking for signs of Galactus going forward, but I'm wondering if The Ten Rings could be reconned into a weapon granted to one of his Heralds thousands of years ago? The Beacon went out to Galactus the second Shang Chi took possession of the rings for some reason that I'm sure will be completely plausible.
My mind went straight to Ghost of Tsushima when I saw that. :p

I think people are always going to be looking for signs of Galactus going forward, but I'm wondering if The Ten Rings could be reconned into a weapon granted to one of his Heralds thousands of years ago? The Beacon went out to Galactus the second Shang Chi took possession of the rings for some reason that I'm sure will be completely plausible.
Love GoT.

Whether it's Galactus or not, they're starting to plant the seeds for the big bad of Phase 4... I don't think the 10 rings beacon will be calling out to anyone good. I feel most things will feel underwhelming in comparison to Thanos snapping away half the universe, but Galactus is a worthy follow up and one worthy of a decent iteration following the "giant cloud" from FF Rise of the SS.
I get the feeling that the Ten Rings has a lot of different cells, including very loosely connected cells. I'm guessing the one in the middle east responsible for capturing Tony Stark was one of those loosely connected ones (ie. the capture likely didn't have Wenwu's - the real Mandarin's - fingerprints on it at all).
Right, but I guess what I would have wanted was to see how far Wenwu's power reaches, like into how many parts of the world including the Middle East - the only other place the MCU established the 10 Rings to exist. Raza is probably dead, but if Wenwu really was behind the kidnapping of Tony Stark, what did he do about getting betrayed by Obadiah Stane? A flashback or mention of that would have jelped.
Really?? I must have missed that! A small detail like that definitely improves the movie for me, given my major gripe was the lack of attention to the Ten Rings as a criminal enterprise like Hydra.
yep, I found New Rockstars video on it, timestamped

Well this is the thing, I don't think the Ten Rings is supposed to be entirely a martial arts/ninja type thing. Maybe just the inner circles closest to the Mandarin himself mirror that but as you go further out to the outer circles they're more independent but still technically affiliated.
That's definitely possible, but that still means the furthest circles of the organization still answer to the Mandarin.
This is how I've interpreted it as well. The different cells act in the name of the 10 rings and maybe follow their overall goals but Wenwu is not involved in their day to day operations. They come up with their own agendas.

Which movie was this shown in?

Edit - wait was this in Shang-Chi lol? I guess I missed it then.
yep, look at the video I posted above after @JB33 's quote
Love GoT.

Whether it's Galactus or not, they're starting to plant the seeds for the big bad of Phase 4... I don't think the 10 rings beacon will be calling out to anyone good. I feel most things will feel underwhelming in comparison to Thanos snapping away half the universe, but Galactus is a worthy follow up and one worthy of a decent iteration following the "giant cloud" from FF Rise of the SS.
I thought Kang the Conqueror was being set up as the next saga's big bad.
Right, but I guess what I would have wanted was to see how far Wenwu's power reaches, like into how many parts of the world including the Middle East - the only other place the MCU established the 10 Rings to exist. Raza is probably dead, but if Wenwu really was behind the kidnapping of Tony Stark, what did he do about getting betrayed by Obadiah Stane? A flashback or mention of that would have jelped.

yep, I found New Rockstars video on it, timestamped

That's definitely possible, but that still means the furthest circles of the organization still answer to the Mandarin.

yep, look at the video I posted above after @JB33 's quote

Oh I'm with you 100%. That was one of my few gripes with the film, that we didn't get enough of a look at the Ten Rings as a criminal organization and how far its influence extends. A subtle hint at any connection between the events of IRON MAN and Wenwu would have went a long way. Instead this movie seemed to focus on Wenwu's personal mission rather than his organization.
I could have done without Trevor but I think most of the supporting was fine and it was pretty limited. Very focused on main characters.
Abomination seems to not be a bad guy, from what it seems him and Wong fix matches. Maybe Abomination and Banner are on ok terms if Wong is fine with him.

I hope Xia is not a villain and I don't think she will be, but she did mention she stopped her own business because her father's did not allow her. Her 10 maybe just anti hero like, she is still about her business and money. They could also have a link to Val if they want to do that too.

That is my read, as well. Xia is. . . ultimately, not a hero, but not a monster either. She's not going to see an empire bereft its leader and not take it over. However, I doubt she's going to run the Ten Rings as a way to kick puppies and eat babies either. If anything, her bread and butter might well remain "super scale arena fights", just with considerably more money and muscle to back it up. And while she's a criminal, she's a criminal who clearly is on talking terms with at least two major heroes ( her brother and Wong ). That's not a valueless thing.
Question: after the Wong vs Abomination fight, was Wong taking him back to the raft? Like, did he break him out just for the tournament? I guess my question assumes Blonsky was on the raft in the first place but that's where most people have assumed he ended up.

Some things don't need explaining but where a literal giant abomination has been ever since the events of THE INCREDIBLE HULK kinda warrants some explaining if you're going to bring the character back.

Nobody knows, though the portal did look sort of like it was leading back to a cell? It could be the Abomination is being trained by Wong as part of some Thunderbolts dealie. Not a breakout, but a supervised parole. . . though this would imply that whatever Thunderbolts-esque thing might be happening, has good enough relations with the Avengers-class heroes to get cooperation and assistance from them. Which feels a little weird given what Val was doing. . . though I suppose its possible there is both a Thunderbolts *and* a Dark Avengers going on, as two separate operations ( supervillain parole and reform / black ops supervillain squad ).
I just loved this movie so much. It found the right balance between everything. The action, particularly the fights, were not what I expected at all based on the trailers. The bus fight is probably my new favorite action scene in a solo movie.

The central conflict being around family was a smart move. It kept the story more intimate and personal which was needed for an origin story. It did drag a bit when they got to Ta Lo but I thought the finale was one of the better ones. The final felt real and not just two CGI characters like Black Panther vs Killmonger. And the way they showed the versatility of the rings was great. I can’t wait to see this movie again.
Where took this movie place in the MCU timeline?

Endgame -> Loki -> WV -> FATWS -> Far From Home

Based on the trailer of No Way Home, I like to took Shang Chi between FATWS and Far From Home.
Where took this movie place in the MCU timeline?

Endgame -> Loki -> WV -> FATWS -> Far From Home

Based on the trailer of No Way Home, I like to took Shang Chi between FATWS and Far From Home.

loki and wanda were almost immediately after end game.

we saw carol with long hair so my guess is at least 5-6 months after endgame.
That is my read, as well. Xia is. . . ultimately, not a hero, but not a monster either. She's not going to see an empire bereft its leader and not take it over. However, I doubt she's going to run the Ten Rings as a way to kick puppies and eat babies either. If anything, her bread and butter might well remain "super scale arena fights", just with considerably more money and muscle to back it up. And while she's a criminal, she's a criminal who clearly is on talking terms with at least two major heroes ( her brother and Wong ). That's not a valueless thing.
If she does scale up the arena fights, that could be a great way to introduce Arcade once they're ready to bring mutants into the picture.
Not gonna lie... I forgot about Kang lol. I think my brain is still separating the movies from the Disney+ shows.
Post OG Avengers I am expecting it to be multiple villains and big bads. They can't follow Thanos up with just one. Kang, Doom, Fing Fang, Mordo, Norman, Magus or Warlock, Magneto in the future.
Where took this movie place in the MCU timeline?

Endgame -> Loki -> WV -> FATWS -> Far From Home

Based on the trailer of No Way Home, I like to took Shang Chi between FATWS and Far From Home.
WV was a few weeks right after Endgame but yeah with Loki dealing with time it could be the exact same as Wanda or during Endgame since he can see himself killed.

Shang-Chi had Post blip support line posters outside Katie's apartment. It is probably a few months after does not seem like any of the main characters were snapped. They may have mentioned it if they were. Spider-Man will give a clearer picture since in the trailer Wong is leaving to do something, could involve Shang.
loki and wanda were almost immediately after end game.

we saw carol with long hair so my guess is at least 5-6 months after endgame.

WV was a few weeks right after Endgame but yeah with Loki dealing with time it could be the exact same as Wanda or during Endgame since he can see himself killed.

Shang-Chi had Post blip support line posters outside Katie's apartment. It is probably a few months after does not seem like any of the main characters were snapped. They may have mentioned it if they were. Spider-Man will give a clearer picture since in the trailer Wong is leaving to do something, could involve Shang.

You guys hit it on the head. A few users on reddit mentioned that Katy's grandmother said it was Day of the Dead near the beginning on the movie. Apparently the Chinese Day of the Dead is in April, so if this is after Endgame, then its April 2024. That would make it roughly 6 months after Endgame, which is around the time Falcon and the Winter Soldier starts as well.
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I'm starting to get annoyed with people complaining about Marvels big CGI finales. It's a Marvel comic book movie ffs. I'd be mad if they DIDN'T go all out in the 3rd act.

Shang Chi ran up a freaking DRAGON!!! How could anyone dislike that!?
I'm starting to get annoyed with people complaining about Marvels big CGI finales. It's a Marvel comic book movie ffs. I'd be mad if they DIDN'T go all out in the 3rd act.

Shang Chi ran up a freaking DRAGON!!! How could anyone dislike that!?
The CGI really, really sucks. It's that simple. Like Black Panther, some scenes just looked totally awful. We accept it as a Marvel thing though because we're all so hooked on the narrative.
I'm starting to get annoyed with people complaining about Marvels big CGI finales. It's a Marvel comic book movie ffs. I'd be mad if they DIDN'T go all out in the 3rd act.

Shang Chi ran up a freaking DRAGON!!! How could anyone dislike that!?
It felt like The Transformers to me. While dragons were the critical battle for most of the act Shang-Chi and all the humans in the battle were like the Special Forces soldiers secondary supporting forces on the outskirts supporting the main fight

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