Eternals The Eternals General Disscussion and Speculation thread

You can accomplish both. For example the Venom Let There Be Carnage trailer I think did a good job at both serving as a tease and giving you an idea what the movie is about. I don't like the "movie exists" trailers. All the Marvel trailers lately are basically "Who is this person(s)? What can they do? Here is a costume shot! End" I can get all those things in stills. I want an actual taste of of the movie from a trailer. Teasers are in general a waste

I dunno I dont really agree
I thought the Shang Chi trailer had the perfect amount of info, on plot action, tone, visuals, etc. That trailer got me extremely hyped for a franchise I had zero interest in.
I agree this one felt vague, but im hoping thats because they have things to alter to change it from the leaks, or if theyre not, the people who dont follow spoilers are in for some serious twists after such a generic trailer
I think it's more that almost every single character has to make jokes in these movies. No matter how serious they start, they always have to end up being a quipster. It just doesn't work for some characters with me.

I've read several of Walt Simonson's Thor run comics that were published in Finland. The MCU Thor is 100% more entertaining and likeable than the Thor in those comics.
I've read several of Walt Simonson's Thor run comics that were published in Finland. The MCU Thor is 100% more entertaining and likeable than the Thor in those comics.
I agree, but they do that same thing for too many characters. Not every character has to be cool, funny, and likable. Every MCU protagonist does though.
I dunno I dont really agree
I thought the Shang Chi trailer had the perfect amount of info, on plot action, tone, visuals, etc. That trailer got me extremely hyped for a franchise I had zero interest in.
I agree this one felt vague, but im hoping thats because they have things to alter to change it from the leaks, or if theyre not, the people who dont follow spoilers are in for some serious twists after such a generic trailer

I've read some comments from the reaction videos that the last scene in the teaser was not in the leaks. I haven't read any nor will I, but can anyone confirm that?
Teasers used to be like one minute long. Literal purpose is to tease before the first proper trailer.

I know what a teaser is for. But I also know they don't do anything for me when it is just random shots with a voice over that says nothing about the movie. You can make an effective teaser that has story and such. Again, just telling me "hey there is a movie!" Is something a still picture can do.
The joke falls flat because we essentially don't know the characters. We don't know if that guy is fit to lead the Avengers or not. We don't know jack sh** about any of them. It simply doesn't work without any sort of context.

I concur. There's a place for humor in this film, but this joke just doesn't work out of context. Are they laughing because this unnamed character is a screwup or are they laughing because The Avengers are far beneath their consideration?

This is the equivalent of the neighboring booth at a restaurant laughing over some inside joke among friends.
I know what a teaser is for. But I also know they don't do anything for me when it is just random shots with a voice over that says nothing about the movie. You can make an effective teaser that has story and such. Again, just telling me "hey there is a movie!" Is something a still picture can do.

You know, you could've said that you're impatient with far fewer words. :grin:
I've read some comments from the reaction videos that the last scene in the teaser was not in the leaks. I haven't read any nor will I, but can anyone confirm that?
I only saw a supposed plot outline, didnt have too much detail
But yeah, I cant see where that scene would fit into what I read
So hopefully that was of an early screening
I dunno I dont really agree
I thought the Shang Chi trailer had the perfect amount of info, on plot action, tone, visuals, etc. That trailer got me extremely hyped for a franchise I had zero interest in.
I agree this one felt vague, but im hoping thats because they have things to alter to change it from the leaks, or if theyre not, the people who dont follow spoilers are in for some serious twists after such a generic trailer

The Shang-Chi trailer had an easier task given it was mainly just introducing 1 guy. Not an ensemble. But even there, it is just mystery box stuff. Who is this guy, what does he do, etc. Just like the Captain Marvel teaser and down the line. I think that trailer was fine, but similarly it didn't rock my world.

But I at this point dont blame the trailer. I blame the teaser trailer trend. This is just what teasers are now. I just am not a fan and they do nothing for me. I have to wait usually until the next trailer to get anything anymore
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but I think the final joke's main objective was to inform/reassure casual viewers that this film is indeed part of the MCU and not some artsy offshoot that can be skipped without losing anything as far as continuity goes.
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but I think the final joke's main objective was to inform/reassure casual viewers that this film is indeed part of the MCU and not some artsy offshoot that can be skipped without losing anything as far as continuity goes.

I think you're correct that one of the goals was to assure fans that this is part of the MCU. And including it in the teaser was likely worth millions.

I just wish it was part of a scene that worked out of context.
So when Kumail, an actor who is a stand up comic by nature is playing Kingo, who in the MCU will be a Bollywood Star (with Bollywood known for their flash and craziness from what little I have seen of those movies), many people thought it was going to be 100% serious?

I don't get that.
I didn't even mention Kumail.

There's already 1 comedic scene shown in the trailer that feels forced. I don't know why I shouldn't eXpect there to be more.

Also I don't know why you are using Kumail as a Bollywood star as a reason for humour. Unless you think all Bollywood films are comedic. You are implying Marvel Studios hired him for a comedic role in this movie... that didn't cross my mind before. So you are also cast typing him.

Yeah no.
The joke falls flat because we essentially don't know the characters. We don't know if that guy is fit to lead the Avengers or not. We don't know jack sh** about any of them. It simply doesn't work without any sort of context.

We now know this guy is cocky enough to think he can and that the rest of the Eternals don't take him seriously, and therefore, aren't afraid to laugh in his face
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Considering I had an Ancient Religions class before receiving my degree this year, seeing the Ishtar Gate and other touches of ancient Mesopotamia culture/religion is pretty damn cool.
One of the ancient wonders of the world in the MCU could be really interesting.

I hope we see the Eternals in the Medieval Era and the age of European Exploration and Colonialism and the Napoleonic Wars.
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We now know this guy is cocky enough to think he can and that the rest of the Eternals don't take him seriously, and therefore, aren't afraid to laugh in his face

From what I can gather from the internet, Ikaris is generally one of the leaders of the Eternals. So I think it's the reverse of your interpretation and he's ridiculously overqualified. Like Tim Cook putting himself up to manage a Best Buy.

Either way, because we've seen neither his competence or incompetence the joke falters without context.
I would much rather have had a trilogy with each film set during a different era. One in Babylon, one in Medieval Europe or crusader middle east, and one in modern day. But that's probably too out of the box for Feige.
We now know this guy is cocky enough to think he can and that the rest of the Eternals don't take him seriously, and therefore, aren't afraid to laugh in his face

This ^

that little comedic scene told you just as much the rest of the trailer if not more.
I would much rather have had a trilogy with each film set during a different era. One in Babylon, one in Medieval Europe or crusader middle east, and one in modern day. But that's probably too out of the box for Feige.

I would mind seeing the second one set in Europe during two of the most chaotic centuries of their existence: the 18th and 19th century.
I dont think the comedic scene was very funny, but it also I don't think was cringe. It served 2 purposes: Reminder of other Marvel films to get that name brand recognition as well as to show they have a tight family environment. Which is fine.
From what I can gather from the internet, Ikaris is generally one of the leaders of the Eternals. So I think it's the reverse of your interpretation and he's ridiculously overqualified. Like Tim Cook putting himself up to manage a Best Buy.

Either way, because we've seen neither his competence or incompetence the joke falters without context.
The joke isn’t about his competence.
I mean humor can be really subjective anyways, so if people didn't find it funny I can understand that, but I thought it was a pretty harmless joke and more on the restrained side compared to some of the humor from past Marvel films which I do admit can go a bit overboard with it at times.
I want to see The Eternals during the Arthurian Period, something that could fit into the origins of how Dane Whitman becomes The Black Knight.
This trailer really has me interested. From the use of cinematography that is quite unlike anything we've seen from the MCU, to how subdued it was in both action/energy and humor compared to other past (teaser) trailers, I'm quite intrigued. And, of course, I can't wait to see how Eternals turns out!

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