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Age of Ultron The Steve Rogers/Captain America Thread

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Cap is their leader he'll get his deserts. As for who gets the best scenes, I don't care as long as it's a great film.
Now you're getting into Revisionist history territory :p



Eh…. I barely remembered the top frame (and it pales in comparison to seeing Bruce huddled in the Helicarrier, or Thor screaming naked from the pool, or Thor strangling Stark…) We don't even see Cap's face!

Though I cannot complain about the butt shot ;)

The second frame of Cap running away from the car really isn't anything different from The Avengers.

I'm definitely hoping that we get more Cap, or more of whatever whammy SW laid on Cap in the next trailer.
I agree, BigThor. The highlights of the Thor films have been the performances by Hemsworth and Hiddleston. Loki has more to work with because he is a more unpredictable, sarcastic, evil character. But Hemsworth has completely embodied the role of Thor every time he has been on screen. The guy is great in the role. I don't think he has been upstaged by Loki at all.

Like he literally IS Thor, I don't see what more he can do. What more do people expect, they obviously want him to do something out of character.

Cap being my favorite Avenger, I agree he shouldn't play second fiddle to characters like Black Widow or Hawkeye, he's one of "the big four".

I'm with you on this, I don't want to see any of the big four playing 2nd fiddle to anyone. Although Thor clearly played second fiddle to Black Widow in TA (I'm still shaking my head).
he's literally thor? he's the Norse God of Thunder and son of Odin?
I think with CA:TWS being such a success that Whedon probably was either asked or simply wrote Cap in such a way that he's a big player in the movie. At the end of the day, this is still a business.

Thor to me is harder to work with as part of this team. Shouldn't he be more powerful than any of the Avengers? Yet in TA, we didn't see much out of him. I can see how that would be disappointing for Thor fans.
I think with CA:TWS being such a success that Whedon probably was either asked or simply wrote Cap in such a way that he's a big player in the movie. At the end of the day, this is still a business.

Thor to me is harder to work with as part of this team. Shouldn't he be more powerful than any of the Avengers? Yet in TA, we didn't see much out of him. I can see how that would be disappointing for Thor fans.

Yeah it was a bit, but IMO he still had the biggest power displays and the best action overall.

Any who regarding Cap I can understand why fans would be worried about him regressing after TWS. But I just don't see that happening, he was TOO badass and that movie is too well received not for him to continue his progression.
Are people seriously complaining about Cap not getting any love after The Winter Soldier? Not to mention the fact that Cap had the most screen time in the first Avengers. This is a team up film. Everyone should get a chance to shine. Whedon did such an amazing job last time - if anyone can strike the right balance he can.

Of the "Big Three", Thor is the one who has been getting short changed - he needs to kick some major ass in Avengers. Hulk doesn't have a film right now so he needs some great moments too. Hawkeye needs some redemption after being all zombified most of the last film. Cap is the leader so I'm sure he'll get his due. Iron Man is going to be in Civil War and is pivotal to Ultron's creation apparently. Black Widow was heavily featured in Winter Solider so they can let off the throttle on her character IMO. If it's a matter of featuring female characters, I'd rather see more of the Scarlet Witch.
I disagree, Loki only outshined Thor because his inated character allows him more freedom than Thor's.

Thor has never been nearly as multi-layered and conflicted as Loki even in the comics, it has nothing to do with Hiddleston or Hemsworth.

Like he literally IS Thor, I don't see what more he can do. What more do people expect, they obviously want him to do something out of character.

This! Times a thousand. I couldn't imagine a more perfect actor for Thor. He just needs some better writing going forward and they need to ratchet up his abilities along the lines of what we caught a glimpse of in Jotunheim. Marvel needs to do for Thor what they did for Cap in the Winter Soldier but instead of just choreographed fight scenes the SFX department has to step it up more than a few notches.
I just can't get over how good The Winter Soldier is, I'm literally watching it right now.
All i needed to see with cap to know I'll be behind the direction whedon took was that clip with stark, that too me was just as epic as any fight scene kung fu or whatever, he can fight in a pink dress by the end for all i care.
Who do you guys personally see Rogers being the closest to as friends from the current team?
Well what I consider the "Big Three" should all be close friends with each other.

In the comics Thor holds Captain America in the highest of esteem of all mortals. I can see the films mirroring that. There was that moment in Avengers where he helps Cap to his feet. "Ready for another bout?" says Thor. "What are you getting sleepy?" says Steve. You can see the budding respect in Thor's eyes at that moment.

The friendship with Stark in the films seems more potentially complex to me. In the comics they had years and years for their friendship to develop. But it was rocky at times. In the first Avengers film they were already at odds with each other. With Civil War on the horizon I'm curious to see how they handle that relationship over such a short span of time.

Stark and Thor also become good friends. In the comics they were the only ones who figured out each other's secret identities and would commiserate on their love lives, magic vs. science, etc.
He doesn't seem that close to Thor to me, I must be missing something.
I don't think they're close buddies yet, but I do think personality-wise Thor will be drawn to befriend him. And if there's one guy who will clearly recognise Thor's maturity (even if he wasn't around when it happened, he should pick up some hints) and appreciate Thor's dedication to protect another realm, it's Cap.
Thor and Cap are both soldiers. I'm under the impression they bonded in battle. There wasn't much to it, just how they fought side by side and the hand Thor gave to help Cap off the ground. It was enough for me.
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Well the one thing that makes me think they will be closer in AoU is Caps line of 'I thought Thor would be the exception' of course that could mean Cap thought they were closer than they were.
Well the one thing that makes me think they will be closer in AoU is Caps line of 'I thought Thor would be the exception' of course that could mean Cap thought they were closer than they were.

Oh right right I forgot about that line, this is a very good indicator of that. :up:

Thor and Cap are both soldiers. I'm under the impression they bonded in battle. There wasn't much to it, just how they fought side by side and the hand Thor gave to help Cap off the ground. It was enough for me.

I don't know how this slipped my mind, Thor did save the guy's life after all.
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When did he thought Thor would be the exception? is it the "Hawkeye's farm" scene?
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