Robert Pattinson IS The Batman

I’ve only seen Nolan’s Batman movies in the theater. Oh and the versus movie that we’re not supposed to talk about lol. I’m dying to get back into a theater to watch a new Batman movie damnit. I’ve seen thousands of movies in the cinema and nothing compares to a new Bats.

I was lucky enough to see Returns, Forever and B&R in theaters as a kid. I'm telling you, there is something primal for me about seeing that WB logo, followed by a huge Bat-symbol filling up the screen. Whether it was me as a kid or in my 20s with the Nolan films, it's still an irreplaceable rush knowing that you're about to watch a new Batman story that you've never seen before on the big screen for the first time.

That brings me to something. What say everyone on opening titles?

Interestingly, every single Batman film (minus Returns and not counting crossovers) begins with the Bat-symbol on screen. Obviously Nolan saved all his credits for the end, but he still had the Bat-symbol to kick things off.

Personally I think opening credit sequences are a bit of a lost art. I know they eat up precious screen time which can be an issue with today's more jam-packed blockbusters, but I do think they're an amazing way to set the mood for a movie. I know BvS and JL had them, I'm thinking more specifically of stylized ones ala Superman: The Movie, Batman 89, Raimi's Spider-Man films, etc. I'm definitely not suggesting something CGI, but it would be cool if they did something more practical, but stylized.

I'm not expecting it, but thoughts? Just a simple fade on of the title and then we're in? A cold open followed by a opening titles sequence with the full Giacchino theme? Or maybe something more subdued and noir-ish? I think how a Batman movie opens can tell you a lot about its overall approach right out the gate.
Great topic to bring up. I loved the quiet tension of Nolan’s intros...then bam you’re right in the scene. There’s something about that puts a knot in my stomach as it starts up. But I think we’re gonna see a real opening credit scene this time. I keep thinking of Fincher’s crime thrillers, how they open. I just don’t want a needle drop. Something insanely noir and stylized. Segues right into Batman in his batmobile patrolling the streets. But from an angle where you don’t see his face clearly. Then he arrives somewhere, and we get a good glimpse of what he’s “hunting”. Then they can build on the tension of his debut.
I turned 35 in May.

I saw Batman & Robin in the theater and thought it was silly even then.

Also saw all of Nolan's in the theater. You could tell how riveted the audience was by Ledger's Joker.

Also saw BvS in the theater, which I wanted to be over way before it was. Never bothered seeing Justice League.
The only Batman movies I watched in the theater are the Nolan films. Prior to Nolan's movies, I had seen the Burton movies and Batman forever/Batman and Robin at home in the 90s. I had a ton of figures from Batman and Robin haha, little did I realize how bad it was, though I can enjoy it now for what it is.

Experiencing TDK hype is something i wish I could give to any youngster today. It was amazing.

Speaking of, anybody here remember the dollar bills with joker faces at SDCC 2007?
Great topic to bring up. I loved the quiet tension of Nolan’s intros...then bam you’re right in the scene. There’s something about that puts a knot in my stomach as it starts up. But I think we’re gonna see a real opening credit scene this time. I keep thinking of Fincher’s crime thrillers, how they open. I just don’t want a needle drop. Something insanely noir and stylized. Segues right into Batman in his batmobile patrolling the streets. But from an angle where you don’t see his face clearly. Then he arrives somewhere, and we get a good glimpse of what he’s “hunting”. Then they can build on the tension of his debut.

Interesting idea. You could be onto something with the whole point-of-view driven angle that Reeves keeps talking about. Completely agree on no needle drops. I would love for Giacchino's score to just blanket the opening and set the mood.

I could also see something that recaps a bit of the history up to now. Not actually showing the Waynes murder (please dear God no), but stuff like newspaper clippings, news reports, police filings, etc. Something to catch us up a bit on how we arrive at a Gotham City with an early years Batman and some established rogues. Or maybe something like that, intercut with some forward-moving action from Batman's POV like what you described.
Interesting idea. You could be onto something with the whole point-of-view driven angle that Reeves keeps talking about. Completely agree on no needle drops. I would love for Giacchino's score to just blanket the opening and set the mood.

I could also see something that recaps a bit of the history up to now. Not actually showing the Waynes murder (please dear God no), but stuff like newspaper clippings, news reports, police filings, etc. Something to catch us up a bit on how we arrive at a Gotham City with an early years Batman and some established rogues. Or maybe something like that, intercut with some forward-moving action from Batman's POV like what you described.
Basically a Batman version of Se7en’s opening credits with a bit of Drive’s opening credits when it comes to Bats driving around calmly.
Basically a Batman version of Se7en’s opening credits with a bit of Drive’s opening credits when it comes to Bats driving around calmly.

Sounds pretty slick to me! The opening credits could be a golden opportunity for Reeves to tell the audience, "We are going full film noir with this".
I was lucky enough to see Returns, Forever and B&R in theaters as a kid. I'm telling you, there is something primal for me about seeing that WB logo, followed by a huge Bat-symbol filling up the screen. Whether it was me as a kid or in my 20s with the Nolan films, it's still an irreplaceable rush knowing that you're about to watch a new Batman story that you've never seen before on the big screen for the first time.

That brings me to something. What say everyone on opening titles?

Interestingly, every single Batman film (minus Returns and not counting crossovers) begins with the Bat-symbol on screen. Obviously Nolan saved all his credits for the end, but he still had the Bat-symbol to kick things off.

Personally I think opening credit sequences are a bit of a lost art. I know they eat up precious screen time which can be an issue with today's more jam-packed blockbusters, but I do think they're an amazing way to set the mood for a movie. I know BvS and JL had them, I'm thinking more specifically of stylized ones ala Superman: The Movie, Batman 89, Raimi's Spider-Man films, etc. I'm definitely not suggesting something CGI, but it would be cool if they did something more practical, but stylized.

I'm not expecting it, but thoughts? Just a simple fade on of the title and then we're in? A cold open followed by a opening titles sequence with the full Giacchino theme? Or maybe something more subdued and noir-ish? I think how a Batman movie opens can tell you a lot about its overall approach right out the gate.
Great post. Especially the bold.

Why are you excluding Returns from opening Bat symbols? Is it because there was no actual bat symbol and just text? Kind of a microcosm for Returns being more a Burton flick than a faithful Bat flick anyway if you think about it.

I've seen literally every bat film in theaters. From 4 years old, my first in theater movie going experience was Batman 89. Starting my love for Batman, and Film. Synergy. Then to Returns. Then to Forever. Then to BnR. Then to Nolan and Begins, with TDK or Rises following suit. And then the DC Universe crossover films. For the most part besides MOS, WW, parts of BvS, just yuck.

I get so amped seeing that WB, then DC, then new cinematic Bat logo.

For me, if I were to rank opening Bat-Symbols plus score:

1) B89 (that mysterious new bat logo reveal, mysterious yet scary and goosebumps inducing score ... being a 4 year old, it all just hit perfectly, total joygasm)

2) TDK (the blue flame burning bat logo, as the razor on cords theme of the Joker comes on with impending menace) wasn't old enough to pay attention to pre B89 hype, but this flick hitting in theaters with the logo in combo with the pre release hype was just damn near premature ejaculation material when I saw that bat logo formed.

3) Begins (swarm of bat, naturally forming the new sharp edged, straight wing bat logo)

4) Forever (no one saw that coming heh? New soft reboot before reboots were thing, with a new score, dug it)

5) Rises (soft ghostly score, cracking ice Bat logo, cold but fire none the less)
he's been Batman for how many years ,to get all theses abjectives ? "most intelligent,most tactical"...seem like people are overacting again
Saw ‘89 in theaters as a freshman in HS. I got two free passes and went with my brother. I still remember the opening with the symbol like it was yesterday. I saw every other Bat film in theaters except Returns (I was in the end of high school and was working a lot. Concentrating on saving money for college. But looking back I am surprised I didn’t go see it at the second run dollar theater with my then girlfriend.) Like ‘89, I still remember the opening with Begins with the bats forming the bat symbol. That was incredible and gave me chills. TDK was pretty cool, but nothing really outclassed the opening of ‘89 and Begins for me.
The family emergency is just a symbol

To protect the secret of the Batman casting

The BATman.... Could be anybody
Nolan might as well be co-chairman over there.

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