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Batman: Arkham Asylum 2.0

^^I think he just could've put more excitement in that line.

True, but I was using that one as an example. A lot of Batman's dialogue was just way too direct, along with the guards he interacted with. I always skip through the cutscenes and dialogue just because I don't need/want to hear it again.
Aside from Batman's lines, Joker was really well done, the patient interview tapes really dwelled deep into the villains pshycological section, I hope they'll do something similar in the sequel.

I would be totally down for collecting and/or scanning secrets through Wayne Manor and he Batcave though. If they'll included... :wow:
Not sure what you want out of Batman? He's direct, tactical, and to the point and isnt going to waste time on superlatives especially when all hell is breaking loose around him. He's not Spidey who's gonna quip at the villains or anything.
Not sure what you want out of Batman? He's direct, tactical, and to the point and isnt going to waste time on superlatives especially when all hell is breaking loose around him. He's not Spidey who's gonna quip at the villains or anything.

Exactly. I thought those were perfectly "Batman-like" lines and Conroy's flat delivery was spot on.
My main problem was that there were times that Conroy's lines came off as dramatically cheesy or his lines were too choppy when talking back and forth between the other actors. It felt like: Okay, my line, your line, my line, your line. It just didn't flow smoothly to me.
doesn't matter, if Dini wanted to put in more effort into the game with the dialogue he could have for Batman, but unfortunatly he didin't with some lines. Perfect "Bat-like" lines do not include:
Batman - "I eat punks like these for brakefast."

Gaurd - "What happened?"
Batman - "Joker Happened."

Batman - "There is always a way out, ALWAYS!!!"

Batman - "That's what she thinks..."

Batman - "He won't see me."

None of these are legandery, and most of the other ones aren't either, they are all just so dull... If Dini gets paid for this stuff he might aswell write something good and/or better stuff that he did with Batman TAS. But hey that's just my opinion. I don't like it when Batman is just trying to be funny.
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Yeah some of the lines from Batman were really cheesy and really the only one that bothered me was the punks for breakfast one. It's cringe worthy.
I don't remember Dini giving Batman brilliant dialogue in TAS. Much like AA, the villains stole the spotlight.
What about "I am Vengance, I am the night, I am Batman!"?
But still most of the lines in TAS were better than in AA for Batman.
Bats has been fighting them just about all of his adult life. I would think he'd be bored with them trying to cause havoc all the time.

If I were him, I'd probably speak even less and just start kicking some ass, there'd be no point in wasting my breath, they wouldn't listen. :p
I don't remember Dini giving Batman brilliant dialogue in TAS. Much like AA, the villains stole the spotlight.

Indeed. If Dini is good at something in Batman media: It's showing the full potential of any villaim. From the once gimmick Mr. Freeze to Firefly, to Worthless Hush and now with Mr. Zsasz whos just being 10 times the creep he used to be.
The villains were incredibly well written. I absolutely loved listening to those interview tapes over and over again and just how nuts each of them were in their own way.

Joker: He's crazy you know.

Harley: Who, Batman?

Joker: No, Santa Claus. Of course Batman! Always Batman..


Dr. Young: Lets discuss your obsession with Batman.

Riddler: Hardly an obsession doctor, I merely seek a reason to expose him.

Dr. Young: You know who he is?

Riddler: More importantly, I know what he is. The mask, the weapons, the scare tactics..He's a criminal. No different then Joker and Two-Face, or myself..

Scarecrow: You need us as much as we need you.

Just great stuff.
The Zsasz one was great. It's incredibly creepy listening to it.
Yeah, Zsasz was another one. :up:

The character was portrayed well and true to his nature. I liked how demented they made him..How he needed "the mark." Or how he referred to humans as "zombies" and then went out of his way to find Dr. Cassidy again. How he knew where she lived and what she did at night was just straight up creepy.
I personally loved detective vision. The reasons that guy listed are why it's optional - if he didn't want to use it for so long, why did he?

Oh, and I definitely agree about the villains. They were portrayed brilliantly :up: I was good with Batman for the most part as well. The only line that made me frown a bit when I heard it was "I eat punks like these for breakfast". Didn't seem very Batman.
I personally loved detective vision. The reasons that guy listed are why it's optional - if he didn't want to use it for so long, why did he?

Oh, and I definitely agree about the villains. They were portrayed brilliantly :up: I was good with Batman for the most part as well. The only line that made me frown a bit when I heard it was "I eat punks like these for breakfast". Didn't seem very Batman.

The Hype's got an Iron Man! Cool!

Oh, and I definitely agree about the villains. They were portrayed brilliantly :up: I was good with Batman for the most part as well. The only line that made me frown a bit when I heard it was "I eat punks like these for breakfast". Didn't seem very Batman.
I liked that, actually. Made he seem like an unstoppable force against the common thugs.
Regarding the Villains: Those tapes were absolutely superb in providing depth and background to both the characters and the story. AA would have felt a little more shallow without it.

Regarding Detective Mode: The damn thing is like crack. You don't want to use it all the time, but before you know it, you find yourself staring at the x-rays of the thugs in the room. I'd like to see, if not a complete restriction/removal of Detective Mode in the sequel, then at least an entire level where the players have to use their wits and not rely on DM.
Detective mode was basically Rocksteady giving you a literal example of Batman always being prepared for any situation. And now you know why.
Detective mode was too essential. The game pretty much mandated its use if you didn't want to get riddled with bullets.

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