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Logan Logan - news & discussion - Part 2

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It sounds to me like
Xavier's involuntary psychic tremors wiped out the X-Men. Charles doesn't remember and blames Wolverine for their disappearance. And Logan is keeping him in the dark.
What did Professor X say when he said, "She's ?? that f**king night"?? I couldn't catch the last bit clearly.

"She's eight, I'm f***ing ninety!"
It sounds to me like
Xavier's involuntary psychic tremors wiped out the X-Men. Charles doesn't remember and blames Wolverine for their disappearance. And Logan is keeping him in the dark.

That would be a horrible way to go.
I really hope there will be some cool X-Men cameo. That comic book was such a tease. I wonder if I will be able to read it in 2029.
based on new comments on footage and what mangold is saying
last new mutant births were around 2004 since logan takes place in 2029.sounds like something happened post DOFP on east coast which have led the surviving mutants to go into hiding.wolverine is trying to keep xavier away from people.thus this gives fox wiggle room on what happenes to characters not Xavier and wolverine

not sure i like idea of X-men comic books in fil universe.with them saying film universe isn't like that it just opens more complaning.yes that ties into deadpool with shop saying to wade you want to be superhero

Characters reading superhero comics in movies isn't new. It happened in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies.
What did Professor X say when he said, "She's ?? that f**king night"?? I couldn't catch the last bit clearly.

He said " She's eight and I'm f****** ninety".

Mangold on the comic thing

"It's not a real comic. For copyright reasons, we had to make new ones. We used original period X-Men artists to do it, for instance Joe Quesada did those covers.

"This was an idea that I had with Scott Frank, my writing partner, that Logan and Charles and any other remaining mutants in the future would be living under the weight of their own legacy and celebrity – much like sports stars and heroes and astronauts and movie stars live under. And that it would be really interesting to examine what it's like to be a superhero in twilight, living under the weight of the exaggerations and truths of what's been told and said about you.

"So all of those things lived in our universe – comic books, action figures, all of it. It's all vintage in the future point of our movie, but it's a kind of legacy that is both something, for some of the characters they're proud, and for other characters it's a kind of noose around their neck."

Exclusive: Logan director James Mangold gives us a scene-by-scene breakdown of his explosive new trailer

Characters reading superhero comics in movies isn't new. It happened in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies.

And Watchmen, though that whole movie is a commentary on superheroes, so it gets away with it a bit more.
I really don't like X-Men being celebrated as heroes.entire core of X-men is
they are sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them.X-Men being accepted destroys all that.That is what made X-men different than avenger or FF or over at dc justice league.

it's far better for franchise to keep in vague on other X-Men instead of saying xavier killed rest of them

also one of write up
makes it sound like in this timeline wolverine joined X-Men similar to how he did in original X-Men film

with X-23 only speaking spanish not so sure anymore she will join X-force.
based on
mutants in hiding after east coast incident

deadpool sequels and X-force poential trilogy could all take place before events of logan.fox could before a reboot set logan as to what return of the jedi used to be for star wars final chapter in saga.a third X-Men trilogy and a new mutants trilogy could fill the void of what happens during the 40 years between apocalypse and wolverine waking up in future ending of DOFP.
Is that a funeral on the cover of an X-Men comic?

Don't do it! Once you pop...

I love Pringles! Days:ilv: of Future Past had Pringles as their promo partner. But I think this will be the first time they are showing Pringles in a X-Men movie. I wonder if they will release packaging that will promote this movie.
I really don't like X-Men being celebrated as heroes.entire core of X-men is
they are sworn to defend a world that hates and fears them.X-Men being accepted destroys all that.That is what made X-men different than avenger or FF or over at dc justice league.

Just because the X-Men is accepted by certain segments of the public doesn't mean that all mutants are accepted. We don't even know whether the X-Men are celebrated as heroes worldwide. All we know is that they are well-known enough to have comics based on them. The comics may even be doing the X-Men a disservice by fictionalizing and reducing their tragedies and history for the entertainment of the general public (implied by Logan himself when he dismisses the comic as only 'a quarter of it had happened'), which in itself may be a form of prejudice (like how there was a backlash against the Disney version of the Pocahontas story).

Prejudice comes in many forms, and they can be extremely subtle. We have gay celebrities in Hollywood that are accepted, doesn't mean that there is no anti-gay prejudice out there.
Logan hasn't been rated R yet apparently

I guess… thing is, we haven’t gotten through the ratings board yet. What you’ve seen might be the unrated version! That’s a good question that we’ll have to uncover. It’s uncomfortable to talk about ratings only to the degree that we’re not supposed to talk about ratings. Not because we’re clearly making a hard film, but because we’re not supposed to say what the rating should be since that’s the job of the MPAA and we don’t want to make them angry.

I think the comic books being in-universe is pretty brilliant.

One of the covers of the comics looks like a funeral. Maybe Rogue died in the comics, came back to life, and X-23 is looking for her now. But she ends up finding Logan and Professor X, since she's really dead. Hence Logan's line people dying in real life.
I think the comic books being in-universe is pretty brilliant.

One of the covers of the comics looks like a funeral. Maybe Rogue died in the comics, came back to life, and X-23 is looking for her now. But she ends up finding Logan and Professor X, since she's really dead. Hence Logan's line people dying in real life.

Sounds too convenient

I suspect there won't be any coming back to life judging by what mangold has said about the tone of this movie.
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Very good trailer, a bit X23 focused rather than Logan, especially if this is the end of Hugh but its only a trailer and may or may not seem that way in the final thing. Loving the setting and style of it, Mangold is a huge fan of old cinema and its evident in this Wolverine film more than ever.

Certainly looks different to any other comic book movie at least and worth checking for that alone, whether it will be a great or good one is yet to be seen but the trailers all look good, the fighting in the forest looks fantastic and reminds me a great deal of that Wolverine game from a few years back that was pretty brutal, hopefully we will get Wolverine in full force with this rating and the trailer hints at that happening.

Also think I will enjoy Boyd Holbrooks character, looks like a nasty piece of work and the scene with X23 looks great from that snippet.

A lot to like, hopefully it will be good as it seems. I loved The Wolverine, third act an all, so for me it has a lot to live up to but it will be unique it seems if nothing else.
Something about X-23 comes across as effing scary. Like an even more mentally screwed version of Hit Girl.

Maybe because she hasn't talked.
Well, it has 2 confirmed f bombs, it ain't going to be PG 13.

Depends how many times they filmed takes and whether the F-bomb was used every time

Have you not seen how sometimes different takes are used in trailers then the movies?
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