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The Official Flash Thread - Part 2

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I still think they should introduce time-travel from the get go. Have that be one of the main draws/identifiers (ala Looper), not just his superspeed (which we would have seen in MOS and A2), and not just his alter-ego story.

first movie: he gets his powers & accidentally travels to the future

second movie: travelling to the past (exploring the deal with his parents), and also wayyyy in the past (Grodd).

third movie, if it ever comes: traveling to different universes (Jay Garrick & Flashpoint)
But a typical superhero origin film is so formula. I want to do something different. Which a movie that starts with Barry Allen as an established Flash dying and Wally West taking up the mantle would be.

So...it's a Wally West origin, just not a Flash origin? They need to tell us WHY we should care about The Flash before delving into his legacy. (Barry trilogy first to establish who The Flash is and get us to care about him, then they could do a Wally series later on down the line using the original trilogy as the background/foundation for it)

I am biased toward Wally West but I feel like I have a point. I would also have a retired, old Jay Garrick. He would mentor Wally after Barry dies just as I would say he did with Barry.

:doh: This is terrible. You have Jay Garrick being Mr Miyagi....he was never that to The Flash and is pretty much irrelevant to the whole scarlet speedster thing.

The Garrick Flash wouldn't have went public, only a myth. Barry loved the myth as a kid and that's why he called himself the Flash only to see Garrick at his doorstep after debuting. Remember, Barry called himself the Flash because he read comics about Garrick's Flash. So it's a play on that!!!

Barry became a superhero because he liked comic books. He was the original Kick-Ass of his day. Having it so Garrick ACTUALLY exists in the same realm Barry does and has been The Flash before is really hokey. They need to keep it to ONE Flash for the first movie.

My villain for this would be a mix of the Hunter Zoloman Reverse Flash and "The Rival" Reverse Flash. It would be more Zoloman though, including the name. The Zoloman childhood background would be in place for one. Two, he hates Barry Allen because Barry didn't save his wifes life while he also ended up in a wheelchair. Zoloman snaps, gains speed force powers through the water fumes like Garrick, and discovers that Barry is The Flash. Zoloman kills Barry and then poses as The Flash in order to destroy the image of The Flash by killing any bad guy he comes across as well as any law enforcement that tries to stop him. The character is a complete psychopath. The only weakness he has is due to the water fume method. It will be the worst way to gain speed force powers because it makes a person faster than other methods do. But it takes a toll on your body. Sometimes it makes a person the king of all speed, then it burns out here and there. It also causes heart issues over time. That's why Garrick doesn't have speed anymore.

Too much for one movie, especially when your main character is Wally West. This is all plot and villains and supporting characters and exposition.

And lastly, I would want Joaquin Phoenix in this role.

I like the idea of him as The Reverse Flash, but not for the first movie.

One last thing. I'd open the film with a Wally voice over talking about Flash facts and praising his uncle Barry. As the voice over goes on, you see both Wally running around Barry's lab while going back and forth with Barry as the Flash to see how great he was. Later, it is revealed that Barry brought Wally to his lab and set things up to purposefully give Wally powers in the same manner he received so that if/ when something happened to him The Flash could live on. Wally never uses his powers openly out of respect for Barry, who asked that of him to keep Wally of the radar because he couldn't afford something happening to Wally.

No offense, but I think that's stupid. Why are we offing one Flash just to get another...Flash? All this buildup about characters we don't care about so Kid Flash can be The Flash...too many coincidences, too many "happy accidents".

The only way you buy "The Flash" is if it's a ONE TIME accident that happened ONCE. More random lab accidents = superspeed, the hokier the movie becomes. No to Wally West, and no to Jay Garrick, and no to Hunter. You can only suspend so much disbelief.

As you can see, I've taken the Nolan approach of taking liberties from source material. And as we know, that just happened to work.

Terrible. What works for Batman will not work with other characters. They need to inject some new life into the creative pool and get away from Goyer and Nolan. Goyer's Flash script from years ago was terrible....with the Turtle man killing Barry Allen trying to steal his super speed (!!!) while trying to rescue a young Wally. In addition to many Goyerisms, I hope that film never sees the light of day.

They need to deliver a timeless classic, "lightning in a bottle" type film like the Donner Superman or even the first Iron Man, with a lot of heart and excitement and awe, along with some, yes, romance thrown in. (things Man of Steel was lacking) They need a good story.

The Flash can be the Spider-Man (or Iron Man) of the DCU, consider:

- both are scientists
- both got their powers from lab accidents (The Flash has the distinction of being the only major DC hero to have received his powers from an accident)
- both are down to earth heroes
- both created their own suits/identities and mechanical devices to go with them (Spider-Man's web shooters, Barry Allen's costume ring and police scanner in his ear piece)
- both have a colorful Rogues Gallery
- both have had their love interest killed by their arch-nemesis at some point in their careers
- both have colorful costumes that are about perfect in their designs, two of the best designed suits in comics


The ironic thing is, the new Dreamworks animated film Turbo, in which a snail gets superspeed (voiced by Ryan Reynolds no less, who almost played The Flash years back) has a very basic formula for what a Flash film could be; slow guy becomes fast. Every time I see a clip from that I think "they just made The Flash movie" in a way. That's what The Flash needs to be, it needs to capture that excitement and the right level of fun. Not saying it should be a kids movie, but snail = Barry Allen (slow, always late, always wanted to be fast), and then it gets superspeed. There's more than enough of a movie in that and I feel like it could be really exciting and something we've never seen before. Not this convulted "well I'm The Flash, but there's a guy before me who was The Flash but got his powers a different way, then there's a guy after me who got his powers the same way I did but he's a kid, oh, and there's an evil guy with super speed powers who also got his from an accident running around in our own time period..." when the movie could just stop and explore "I have super speed. Isn't that awesome?" for a while. Think of the possibilities!

Don't get me wrong, seeing Jay Garrick and Reverse Flash and all them would be cool, and I'll be there opening day regardless, if they made it about Johnny Quick I would go and watch that, but there needs to be some rules for the basic reality: There is one Flash here (Barry...until the end of the trilogy when he will somehow pass his powers on to Wally (think TDKR, but I had this idea first :D ) for a potential following trilogy someday down the line a la Star Wars or even a tv series which could use the original trilogy as the background, but that's just one option, Barry doesn't HAVE to die or do any of that), there is an "old Flash" with a helmet, but he is from an alternate timeline/reality (Jay Garrick), and this/he won't be discovered until future films where Barry/The Flash will discover his vibrational/dimension travelling abilities (by accident). There is an evil Flash (Reverse Flash/Thawne), but he is from the future, and he hates The Flash, even though he is inspired by him. The time traveling thing plays into the dimension/reality travel and the past/future and speed nature of The Flash; this is so much better than just having an "accident" in the present that somehow creates another speedster with the SAME powers as The Flash, but this guy happens to be evil (or good for that matter). How many times have we seen that done? Good guy has powers, bad guy miraculously ends up with same powers as good guy and they fight. Little creativity here would be nice instead of a movie where the good guy and the bad guy have their powers the same way/the same powers for once.

No to Goyer. No to Kid Flash/Wally West. No to Reverse Flash existing in the present. No to "old Flash" Jay Garrick living in the same timeline/present. Hell no to hard water molecules granting superspeed (takes away from the random "accident" aspect of The Flash - and it's LIGHTNING that does it, that at least makes sense on an emotional level for some reason).

We can be creative. We can do an awesome origin movie, nay, the BEST to date. Needs to be a love letter to the old Flash comics/the silver age of comics (both Marvel and DC) and capture the excitement and wonder of those stories (how they read to people back then). It all lies in The Flash, IMHO. :woot: Build a universe with Barry Allen, the foundation, and the sky is the limit from there, IMO. :)
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calm down there kurosawa, other people are allowed to have opinions too.
KevinSmith, the world's biggest Flash Nazi.

lmao :woot:

It's true.


I am determined for see blonde hair blue eyed Flash! Gott im Himmel! :o

If they **** this movie up...I will go live in the mountains.
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But a typical superhero origin film is so formula. I want to do something different. Which a movie that starts with Barry Allen as an established Flash dying and Wally West taking up the mantle would be. I am biased toward Wally West but I feel like I have a point. I would also have a retired, old Jay Garrick. He would mentor Wally after Barry dies just as I would say he did with Barry. The Garrick Flash wouldn't have went public, only a myth. Barry loved the myth as a kid and that's why he called himself the Flash only to see Garrick at his doorstep after debuting. Remember, Barry called himself the Flash because he read comics about Garrick's Flash. So it's a play on that!!!

My villain for this would be a mix of the Hunter Zoloman Reverse Flash and "The Rival" Reverse Flash. It would be more Zoloman though, including the name. The Zoloman childhood background would be in place for one. Two, he hates Barry Allen because Barry didn't save his wifes life while he also ended up in a wheelchair. Zoloman snaps, gains speed force powers through the water fumes like Garrick, and discovers that Barry is The Flash. Zoloman kills Barry and then poses as The Flash in order to destroy the image of The Flash by killing any bad guy he comes across as well as any law enforcement that tries to stop him. The character is a complete psychopath. The only weakness he has is due to the water fume method. It will be the worst way to gain speed force powers because it makes a person faster than other methods do. But it takes a toll on your body. Sometimes it makes a person the king of all speed, then it burns out here and there. It also causes heart issues over time. That's why Garrick doesn't have speed anymore. And lastly, I would want Joaquin Phoenix in this role.

One last thing. I'd open the film with a Wally voice over talking about Flash facts and praising his uncle Barry. As the voice over goes on, you see both Wally running around Barry's lab while going back and forth with Barry as the Flash to see how great he was. Later, it is revealed that Barry brought Wally to his lab and set things up to purposefully give Wally powers in the same manner he received so that if/ when something happened to him The Flash could live on. Wally never uses his powers openly out of respect for Barry, who asked that of him to keep Wally of the radar because he couldn't afford something happening to Wally.

As you can see, I've taken the Nolan approach of taking liberties from source material. And as we know, that just happened to work.

Oh, and acknowledge Superman. I want a Superman cameo here!
I do agree that the standard superhero origin formula is the entirely wrong way to go here, that's the mistake they made with green lantern. IMO the whole idea of approaching these movies as superhero movies is going to exhaust the concept for audiences. Approach them as a specific genre, ie science fiction or fantasy. Unfortunately for the flash, though, he doesn't really fall into space opera or fantasy like superman, wonder woman or green lantern do. He could work somewhat for a crime thriller ala batman but that would be a waste of the characters capabilities. I think a retro silver age aesthetic highlighting the legacy aspect of the character word help the flash stand out.
The problem with Green Lantern wasn't that it was an origin "hero's journey" type flick, it's that it was badly written and the director did not understand the character. The first draft of the script was fantastic, if they'd have just followed that the film would have been great. They could have even let Greg Berlanti direct it and I'm sure it would have turned out worlds better than what we got because he actually got the character.

Martin Campbell did not.

The Flash should be DC's Spider-Man/Iron Man with some Back to the Future thrown in. Flash is to time as GL is to space.

With Green Lantern they should have been trying to make Star Wars instead of Iron Man, which is what the movie tried to do, IMO. Man of Steel is actually a lot closer to the type of film GL should have been (re: alien invasion flick).

The thing people don't seem to get is that a film where Wally West takes up the mantle of his dead uncle and becomes The Flash is still an origin flick, it just doesn't show you how The Flash came to be (suit, powers, name, etc...Barry Allen isn't Abin Sur, he deserves his own film and not to be just a plot point so his nephew can run around in his outfit), which why would you do a movie about a guy becoming The Flash at all then if you don't explain any of that? If you really just want a Wally film, just start with him already The Flash and don't acknowledge anything about Barry Allen or how he became The Flash (which really why wouldn't you just do a Barry film in the first place then? You get one real good story with Wally West, and that is the living in the uncle's shadow thing, once he overcomes that, he becomes a poor man's Barry Allen and you're back to square one; why not just use Barry in the first place? <<< That's how I see it anyway).
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I don't know, I could see merit in the lineage. . . but I think it'd be better to not focus on Barry specifically, but on the broader "there have been Flash's before and will be Flash's after" idea. Put the emphasis on the fact of a history rather than a specific predecessor.
Charlie Hunnam for Barry Allen!
I think if they do that they should do how it is in the comics, with the Speed Force being the "all encompassing Flash Fact" that spans all of time (past and present), space, and dimension, but began when Barry Allen was hit by the lightning the night in the lab (birth of the Speed Force), creating a chain reaction throughout all of time and the different earths/realities which gave the other speedsters their powers, even the ones before him. And have The Reverse Flash/Professor Thawne create a negative Speed Force and try and contaminate Barry's.

I think that's a pretty awesome mind blowing concept.

I just hope Goyer's script never sees the light of day. He has the Turtle Man kill Barry Allen while he's trying to steal his superspeed while Barry tries to rescue a young Wally in the beginning of the film. It's pretty awful along with the dialogue to boot. Then years later when an older Wally is visiting Barry Allen's memorial the "spirit" of Barry Allen hits him with lightning and gives him his powers while calling out to him. It's pretty awful and if Goyer is involved with it I hope he has a cowriter and I hope it's a completely new script. Lol.
I could see Charlie Hunnam as The Flash/Barry Allen. I'd love to see what this concept art with him as The Flash in the JL film looks like! The Man of Steel concept art that's been released recently is awesome, but I wish we could see this stuff prior to the film's release. It would build so much excitement for it in the beginning. haha
What villain or villains would folk like to see for say 1st or 2nd movie? Thats if Flash ever gets past one movie.

Mirror Master, Capt Cold, Weather Wizard, Prof Zoom, Capt Boomerang, Turtle Man etc.

Who would you really like to see out of these guys or other suggestions?

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Definitely want to see Mirror Master for the first villain because he's the first criminal that Barry puts away before he gets his powers.

Check out Kevin Smith's ideas for what the film should be like. It's really, really good!
My idea for the origin of Flash.

We use Barry Allen Flash, and Weather Wizard as the villain.

We open up on Barry arriving at a crime scene, dead body, and Barry is late as usual. His superior brings it up, but Barry brushes it off with his quick humor. Barry quickly looks over the body and tells the detectives there's no crime here. The guy was struck by lightning. Case closed.

A few days go by, we meet other characters including Iris, her 10 year old (as in too young to fight crime for at least a few films) nephew Wally, yada yada yada.

Another dead body found. Barry goes to do his thing. Cause of death: lightning strike. This now has Barry puzzled, but the police department brushes it off as a coincidence. Barry looks around again and notices an odd substance on the ground and collects it.

Barry does a little off-the-job investigating, ruffles a few feathers, especially that of Mark Mardon, a local ex-con who has just come back from overseas, south Asia to be exact.

That night, Barry is working late in the lab, analyzing and breaking down the odd substance he found. While observing the odd compound's reaction to a copper (or something? whatever), a storm suddenly forms above the building, lightning strikes through the window, hitting Barry directly and causing the substance to explode.

Hours later, Barry comes to, finds out he has super-speed.... tracks down Weather Wizard.... revealed in an attempt to kill Allen, Mardon actually caused the accident that gave him his powers.... big climax.... FLASH
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Take the CSI angle and make it a mystery, a case to solve. That keeps it from being a formula superhero movie. Also, the fact that he has Iris and Wally at home makes him a family man, something we haven't seen yet either, at least, not in live action.

If you REALLY want to twist it, add time travel in from the beginning and do everything out of order, but in order. Or do a groundhog's day thing.

First movie Captain Boomerang and Dr. Alchemy.

Second Film: Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Golden Glider and Pied Piper

Third Film: Reverse Flash, Gorilla Grodd (seriously, or Mirror Master depending on the tone)
I think Flash's biggest problems is that he has one of the worst rogue's galleries of all the major DC heroes. They're all terribly corny for a feature. That's why I chose Weather Wizard for my scenario above, because I can base his power in something established in MOS -
my idea is that he obtains his weather changing device from discarded pieces of the destroyed world engine in India.

But after that, you got a couple Batman villain knockoffs, which includes Flash's archenemy Capt. Cold, a guy with boomerangs?, villains who also run fast, and a talking gorilla. I just don't see how any of these guys fit in with the tone established with MOS.
I really hope the Flash movie just embraces what it is, the corny rogues included, and doesn't try to change just to 'fit' with MOS.

Imo, the only thing that matters is if his suit is cool enough to stand beside Supes in JL.
I really hope the Flash movie just embraces what it is, the corny rogues included, and doesn't try to change just to 'fit' with MOS.

Imo, the only thing that matters is if his suit is cool enough to stand beside Supes in JL.

I understand Flash fans feeling this way. Unfortunately for you all, I don't think WB has the same POV.
ooh, these fan posters are getting me excited; even if the costume isn't what I'd want.


I just want Phil lord and Chris miller to direct. These are my demands, WB.
Definitely want to see Mirror Master for the first villain because he's the first criminal that Barry puts away before he gets his powers.

Me too, I thought that was a cool way to tie them together and he (Sam Scudder) could commit crimes with a mirror (his motif) before becoming the Mirror Master.

Check out Kevin Smith's ideas for what the film should be like. It's really, really good!

Thanks, man!
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Gotta go Zoom or Captain Cold for villains maybe Mirror Master

Captain Boomerrang or Weather Wizard would be a big no no for me
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