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World Web shooter shop class - Part 1

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If all else fails there is always the chance of using a net-gun until we regulate the formula and get it to work properly.
Wait, why do we have to spin it again?

It Braids the strand for extra strength, hey everyone, i'm terribly sorry that i haven't been able to upload photos of Mk1 and Mk-ii yet, my computer only works in safe mode, and i haven't figured out how to upload the pics yet. Mk II is destroyed for now, it broke in half while i was trying to tighten something on it. however, i have designs for Mk III finished, if it might help someone out.
S1ru5, that is a really cool design of your Mk III.
It Braids the strand for extra strength, hey everyone, i'm terribly sorry that i haven't been able to upload photos of Mk1 and Mk-ii yet, my computer only works in safe mode, and i haven't figured out how to upload the pics yet. Mk II is destroyed for now, it broke in half while i was trying to tighten something on it. however, i have designs for Mk III finished, if it might help someone out.

Epic bro!
Thanks guys! I only wish i could upload pics of my prototype.
Would Kevlar be able to be spun by the spinnerette because it is a polymer
Would the spinnerette be in front of the nozzle or behind if behind explain
Do u have a camera

yes i do, but since the computer is in safe mode, my computer never works properly for some reason, and every time i close it out, it messes up the computer even more, great huh?
yes i do, but since the computer is in safe mode, my computer never works properly for some reason, and every time i close it out, it messes up the computer even more, great huh?
That sucks
Is it a Virus?
That sucks
Is it a Virus?

Its complicated, i used to be in anonymous, and i tried to call someone out on something, so they bombrded me with all sorts of attacks, my computer technically still works in regular mode, but not well enough to keep me from throwing it against the wall.:venom:
Wow dude that really sucks man! I think my computer has a virus which is why i'm always using my iPhone and library computers to go on the Internet.
I got an idea: Do all three, test, and build off of what worked to make one! Expensive, but sure fire!
Guys how would the
Spinnerete work behind because I don't get it please explain
I hope I can get started on a prototype, but I'm kinda on a budget... Meaning, I'm broke:( However, I've been digging around and it turns out, yes you can use a motor. I saw this video of a guy that has a PROMETHEUS Flame Thrower(very similar to web shooters), and one version had two buttons behind his knuckles that spun a knob that let in the fuel, or turned it off. We could do a little something like that, plus the batteries would be able to attach to the device.

OMG, the Prometheus flame thrower it's...wow *.*
but we want to make it easier right? :)
look at this.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-PARKER-X5...864?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f1b4d42d8 ..solenoide valve that can generate 400 psi presure. I think that would be useful...i'm talking with pllagunos about how to connect that to a sort of battery...maybe we can use that!
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