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WiiU - Part 1

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Nintendo can cope with a failed wii U. They are still not doing that badly overall with the favourable yen and the 3DS. But wii U itself might be beyond saving even if they get it all right from this point on. A massive permanent price cut plus the arrival of all the big gun games will give them a last chance to get back in the mix but really they needed to do well & get an install base in that 1st year before PS4 & XB1. I never understood the strategy of launching at the tech level they've chosen so close to true next gen consoles and at a time when previous gen competitiors that aren't technically far behind will be available for next to nothing (& with massive game libraries). I said the casual crowd wouldn't be upgrading as they got what they needed with the wii but it's much worse than that. In the UK (& I guess much of the rest of Europe judging from the recent figures) I've seen almost no adverts for wii U (admittedly I hardly watch TV) or heard anyone mention it. The marketing has been unbelievably bad & there is no awareness of this product amongst non gamers.
Don't worry about it even if you were watching tv there isn't much advertizing for games in general especially in north America much less any where else with the known tv net works up here. they have been becoming less and less of late. and that was happening since before last year. So it's not just Nintendo. A shift happened there over all. only certain channels that are dedicated to video games show them if ever. Normal tv station's of late don't.
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Stuff like this certainly doesn't help either:

Whoops! Target Advertises Wii As Wii U
Brand confusion has long been an issue for the Wii U. Thanks to the confusing name and the similarities between the look of Nintendo's newest console and their last one, some have mistaken the Wii U for a Wii accessory. This certainly can't help.

As spotted by Twitterer @Shane1323, Target's most recent ad for the Wii U uses a picture of a Wii U GamePad resting on top of a Wii. Oops. At least they got the name right—although if they really want to appeal to people, they should call it "the new Wii."
Which they failed at. Not only des it sound like a Wii, it looks similar to one as well. When uninformed people hear the name, it just screams that its just another Wii and people still think it is one, just with a tablet packed in. They should have chosen a different name to highlight that its different. This wouldst have been as much if a problem with better promotion but considering they failed in that department, it made the whole name issue that much worse
I somewhat agree with you there. While keeping the Wii name makes sense IMO for marketing purposes to capitalize on the success on the Wii, it's exactly as you say on everything else. It looks similar to a Wii and the way Nintendo introduced it made it look like they were just adding a new tablet styled controller to the Wii. The uninformed consumer obviously thinks that it's just another Wii. It just baffles me on the absolutely stupid decisions Nintendo has been making lately.

And yes the Wii U is underpowered. It may not make as much of a difference right now, but the disparities between if and the rest will become even more apparent in the years to come. The X1 will set the benchmark for next gen titles and we'll see the Wii U get inferior ports as its specs barely keep up with that. That is of course if publishers even bother to give it ports which may not happen with alot of titles if the username doesn't increase.
We live in the era where mobile iPhones and Androids are becoming more and more dominating. The Wii was vastly underpowered in comparison to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The Nintendo DS line has always been underpowered and yet it has outsold the PlayStation handhelds by gigantic margins. Calling a console underpowered is such a terrible and ignorant criticism when the vast majority of consumers don't give a crap about power.

And to make it an even less valid criticism, publishers will continue to support the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with their multiplatform games for the next couple of years. Metal Gear Solid V, Assassin's Creed IV, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and other AAA multiplatform games are getting PS3/360 versions to go along with the PS4/XBOne versions which means that the Wii U will still be graphically relevant as long as the current gen consoles are still in the picture (which they will be in the near future).
Don't worry about it even if you were watching tv there isn't much advertizing for games in general especially in north America much less any where else with the known tv net works up here. they have been becoming less and less of late. and that was happening since before last year. So it's not just Nintendo. A shift happened there over all. only certain channels that are dedicated to video games show them if ever. Normal tv station's of late don't.
I see advertising for games all the damn time. I see game ads on TV, in my comic books, in magazines, etc. I think I've only see a Wii U commercial about once or twice.
yeah I said before when publishers play the under powered with the wii u and are still doing better port for the ps3 and 360 it's obvious they are playing the double standard card that some of they were doing with the ps3 cause certain dev's were just too lazy to do a decent port to it. that's what happening to the Wiiu on a much worse scale as hippie just said.

I see advertising for games all the damn time. I see game ads on TV, in my comic books, in magazines, etc. I think I've only see a Wii U commercial about once or twice.
there's still decline though with some certain games in advertising though. I don't see commercials for them as it used to be some years back in the day or bus ad's as it used to be up here where I live, 5 years back it was pushed heavily and as I said normal TV channels like NBC, ABC, and CBS as we have up here. I Don't see them as often as it used to be and that's when I watch prime time TV these days. seeing it in a store like EB games / gamestop don't count. It's like the channel that made only specific for games which not every one will have access to.

It's about reaching general public in the end though. that hasn't really been happening of late over all unless some one seeks it out in some way. compared to it showing up in front of you.
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We live in the era where mobile iPhones and Androids are becoming more and more dominating. The Wii was vastly underpowered in comparison to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The Nintendo DS line has always been underpowered and yet it has outsold the PlayStation handhelds by gigantic margins. Calling a console underpowered is such a terrible and ignorant criticism when the vast majority of consumers don't give a crap about power.
The people that are buying games for their home console care about power. The Wii is a good example bc it was vastly underpowered compared to its competitors and software for the most part did not sell well on it. The top Wii games were always the same. Mario title, Wii Play, Wii Fit and random Nintendo title. When it came to third party games, those MP titles simply weren't selling bc they were gimped ports of the PS3/360 versions. Its specs made it very difficult to deliver a similar experience and bc of that it tended to get the short end of the stick. Why buy the Wii version when you know the system has poor specs and as a result tends to have inferior ports catered to its hardware when there is the PS3/360 released closer to the developers vision of how they wanted their game to be?

As far as handhelds and mobile platforms, that's a different beast and I don't think one can make a fair comparison to. Most people aren't looking for a full retail experience on the go, especially when time is limited which is why smaller games shine on those platforms. You don't need a whole lot of tech for that.

And to make it an even less valid criticism, publishers will continue to support the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with their multiplatform games for the next couple of years. Metal Gear Solid V, Assassin's Creed IV, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and other AAA multiplatform games are getting PS3/360 versions to go along with the PS4/XBOne versions which means that the Wii U will still be graphically relevant as long as the current gen consoles are still in the picture (which they will be in the near future).
And there are plenty of big titles which will not get a PS3/360 port. 2014 may be the last big push for cross-generation titles. That'll likely dwindle by 2015 and onward and the Wii U will be left in the dust, getting the same inferior ports that the Wii did, again if publishers even bother to support it by that point
If the WiiU still get's bad ports of games at the same time both ps3 and 360 receive the games of better quality when it's should be of the same level, and the publishers and dev's know full well where the systems are in power and what it should handle. It's just the same "double standard" excuse. where those three are involved kinda like when they said programing for the ps3 was a chore. It's still lazy talk from them. Just on a more obvious scale.
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The people that are buying games for their home console care about power. The Wii is a good example bc it was vastly underpowered compared to its competitors and software for the most part did not sell well on it. The top Wii games were always the same. Mario title, Wii Play, Wii Fit and random Nintendo title.
Again, if consumers cared about power the Wii wouldn't have sold far more units than the PS3 and 360. If consumers cared about power the Sony handhelds would have outsold the Nintendo DSes and we wouldn't be seeing a surge in mobile gaming. Consumers don't care about power, they care about content and services which is what Sony and Microsoft are delivering in spades over Nintendo.

When it came to third party games, those MP titles simply weren't selling bc they were gimped ports of the PS3/360 versions. Its specs made it very difficult to deliver a similar experience and bc of that it tended to get the short end of the stick. Why buy the Wii version when you know the system has poor specs and as a result tends to have inferior ports catered to its hardware when there is the PS3/360 released closer to the developers vision of how they wanted their game to be?
Asides from a few gems here and there, most third party games on the Wii were crap to begin with. My Wii library is almost exclusively Nintendo titles because they were the only ones who put out consistently good titles. Most consumers in today's day and age don't want to buy the **** that third party publishers put out. They want quality entertainment and third party publishers failed to do that.

Now as for the Wii U, I will buy the PS3 version over the Wii U version because it's as I have previously said, Sony offers far more in services than Nintendo. With the PS3 version I get superior online support and things like trophy support which Nintendo lacks.

As far as handhelds and mobile platforms, that's a different beast and I don't think one can make a fair comparison to. Most people aren't looking for a full retail experience on the go, especially when time is limited which is why smaller games shine on those platforms. You don't need a whole lot of tech for that.
It is a fair comparison it shows how the average consumer is leaning when it comes to video games and further shows that consumers don't care about power.

And there are plenty of big titles which will not get a PS3/360 port. 2014 may be the last big push for cross-generation titles. That'll likely dwindle by 2015 and onward and the Wii U will be left in the dust, getting the same inferior ports that the Wii did, again if publishers even bother to support it by that point
There are some big titles that will not get a PS3/360 port, but for most big titles, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Madden NFL, and whatnot, they are not going to ignore the generation with an install base that is far larger. And if consumers are slow to adopt to the next gen (a very likely scenario) the publishers will continue to support the PS3/360.
yeah I said before when publishers play the under powered with the wii u and are still doing better port for the ps3 and 360 it's obvious they are playing the double standard card that some of they were doing with the ps3 cause certain dev's were just too lazy to do a decent port to it. that's what happening to the Wiiu on a much worse scale as hippie just said.
Asides from EA which has given up on the Wii U for entirely petty reasons and has a history of dropping platforms for petty reasons, I really wouldn't call it a double standard. Why should publishers like UbiSoft and Activision plunk down the extra $1 million to do a decent Wii U port when their games aren't selling? And these publishers actually gave a damn about their Wii U ports as well, so it's not like they didn't try.
Well there will come the point when the PS3 and 360 will be getting inferior ports as well. Most of the cross-generation games have them as the lead platforms and ported up to the next gen consoles. You will see a shift in that model with the PS4/X1 being the leads and the others getting downports. When that happens, they'll be in a similar boat as the Wii U in terms of what the games can offer from a technical standpoint with their limitations.

Again, if consumers cared about power the Wii wouldn't have sold far more units than the PS3 and 360. If consumers cared about power the Sony handhelds would have outsold the Nintendo DSes and we wouldn't be seeing a surge in mobile gaming. Consumers don't care about power, they care about content and services which is what Sony and Microsoft are delivering in spades over Nintendo.
Theres two things at hand here, the hardware and software. They go together. The Wii's large numbers were overwhelmingly from non-traditional gamers and the attach rate for the system was awful. People bought it and stuck with the same 2 or 3 games and never touched another. That sounds crazy but that was very common. Games were not selling on the system. When it came to multiplatform games, they ALWAYS sold better on the PS3 and 360. Now if people didn't care about power, then how could that be the case when there were more Wiis out there than both of those systems? People didn't care to buy those games on a much less powerful system when there were more powerful ones which offered better experiences.

And power isn't all about graphics. Its about framerate, textures, how a game runs, load times, etc... Besides the graphics card, theres the memory and ram that will play a factor. Simply not looking as good isn't the only problem the Wii U will have down the line. They'll have to make compromises to it when developing to have it passable if the specs are too taxing for what the system is capable of.

Asides from a few gems here and there, most third party games on the Wii were crap to begin with. My Wii library is almost exclusively Nintendo titles because they were the only ones who put out consistently good titles. Most consumers in today's day and age don't want to buy the **** that third party publishers put out. They want quality entertainment and third party publishers failed to do that.
Now as for the Wii U, I will buy the PS3 version over the Wii U version because it's as I have previously said, Sony offers far more in services than Nintendo. With the PS3 version I get superior online support and things like trophy support which Nintendo lacks.
Bingo! It had a lot of crap games and that was due in part of bc of its hardware limitations. I think Ubisoft even came out and said it used the Wii to finance its PS3/360 titles. Cheap games with little investment and a quick return. That was the business model found in many of the Wii's third party exclusives. The games weren't selling a whole lot but the budget was so low that they didn't need to in order to make a profit.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, the Wii U is already getting gimped versions of games. They aren't even bothering to put in the new MP mode in Arkham Origins. Nintendo should probably be enticing publishers to put more exclusive content in their games. Taking standard ones across the other platforms away doesn't bode well.

It is a fair comparison it shows how the average consumer is leaning when it comes to video games and further shows that consumers don't care about power.
except I don't think the handheld space is competing with the home console space. Mobile and handheld are a closer link than both with the home consoles.

There are some big titles that will not get a PS3/360 port, but for most big titles, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Madden NFL, and whatnot, they are not going to ignore the generation with an install base that is far larger. And if consumers are slow to adopt to the next gen (a very likely scenario) the publishers will continue to support the PS3/360.
and they'll get inferior ports once the PS4/X1 become the lead platforms for these, which will likely happen starting next year. Those games will be less attractive to want to pick up as were the PS2/Xbox versions about 1-2 years after the current gen stuff came out

It doesn't seem like people are going to be slow to adopt to the new platforms with reports of the initial launch preorders having sold out weeks ago. Sony keeps providing more numbers to retailers and people are eating up those new launch preorders that become available. All signs point to the systems selling and with games being priced the same, there will be on reason to pick up a 360/PS3 version over the X1/PS4.
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I don't think that the Wii U is underpowered at all. In today's day and age where most people don't give a crap about games and the simple fact that the PS4/XBOne aren't that huge of a leap visually, graphics aren't the Wii U's problem. And neither is the name, they tried to capitalize on the success of the Wii, most companies try to do that.

The Wii U's problems come from:

1. Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE promotion. When Nintendo first introduced the Wii U at E3, they were incoherent and confusing. They acted as if the Wii U was just a controller extension of the Wii. And since then we have barely seen any promotions for the system on TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, etc. Tech companies need to be in your face in regards to promotion the way Sony, Microsoft, Samsung, and Apple are and Nintendo isn't doing it.

2. Changes in consumer attitudes. In today's day and age, asides from smartphones which are heavily subsidized by phone carriers, consumers are getting slower and slower to upgrade their consumer tech. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be facing this problem as well.

3. No damn games. Seriously, I haven't bought a single game for the Wii U ever since I bought it on launch day. While it's great that Pikmin 3 is launching in a few days, it still isn't no Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Wii Fit U, a proper Legend of Zelda sequel, and Super Smash Bros., none of which will appear until December at the earliest. Few people are going to buy a Wii U just to play New Super Mario Bros. U.

4. It's overpriced. Right now the Wii U is in competition with the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Two systems that have far bigger game libraries, offer far more services, and more robust online systems and are cheaper than the Wii U. Nintendo's competition offers far more value at lower costs. And with the upcoming the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, while they will cost more, look to be offering more value than the Wii U by having the services that their predecessors have and more. The Wii U needs to be at least $100 cheaper.
Agree with your numbered points but on the not being underpowered thing... graphics might not improve at the same rate in future as they have done up to this point but the problem with wii U tech is it won't be able to run many next gen games coming out in a few years time at all. If you want one console and to stay at the forefront of gaming you can get by with any of PS4, XB1 & advanced pc but not wii U. If they wanted a console at this tech level they needed to come in a few years earlier or a hell of a lot cheaper.

Also on name yes all companies try and capitalise on successful brands so we won't see Sony changing from Playstation or Microsoft from XBox in the near future. But wii U is kind of like calling the next gen consoles PS3 J or XBox 360 Z. If you can see what I mean, it sounds like an enhanced version of the original console (like a slim) rather than a new console.
Also it seem you are both on different topics of consumers. Hippie is on the topic with the consumer that you usually see in stores the parent and the grand parents you usually see in stores that don't care that much and if they are offered a deal to save money they will take it. They also count as the uninformed and don't care about power as long as it's fun and don't have to pay too much they'll take it and that's besides the fare weather, Casuals.

While you havok are on the topic of those that are hard core and that do care about power. but the others as hippie mentioned are a little more in the larger number on certain occasion. but only on occasions.

Asides from EA which has given up on the Wii U for entirely petty reasons and has a history of dropping platforms for petty reasons, I really wouldn't call it a double standard. Why should publishers like UbiSoft and Activision plunk down the extra $1 million to do a decent Wii U port when their games aren't selling? And these publishers actually gave a damn about their Wii U ports as well, so it's not like they didn't try.
I wasn't counting those two(as they were supporting the Wii u) but wb does fall into this with the armored edition some what too. but I do agree, it's about the sales with these others. but it may also have to do with people worried about more bad ports and taking caution as well. If that didn't happen in the first place.... it's a two way street after all. And about quality.
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Don't worry about it even if you were watching tv there isn't much advertizing for games in general especially in north America much less any where else with the known tv net works up here. they have been becoming less and less of late. and that was happening since before last year. So it's not just Nintendo. A shift happened there over all. only certain channels that are dedicated to video games show them if ever. Normal tv station's of late don't.
I don't think we even have a dedicated gaming channel in the UK any more so I guess we're stuffed on that front. Really wish there was one (pls tell me if there is). Can't believe we have access to about 1,000 channels covering every crappy subject under the sun and not one for video games.

Stuff like this certainly doesn't help either:

Whoops! Target Advertises Wii As Wii U
Damn! Haha :csad:
I don't think we even have a dedicated gaming channel in the UK any more so I guess we're stuffed on that front. Really wish there was one (pls tell me if there is). Can't believe we have access to about 1,000 channels covering every crappy subject under the sun and not one for video games.
Right now there isn't really one for north America up here ether. We have what left of g4 up called tech on that's on the Canadian side. but states side there's nothing and what's there is limited .

And during the interview in A Marvel live stream at SDCC they ( the people that run marvel .com) asked victor Lucas about this, if he'll make a channel like this or one that will do so for that and comic's as well and he said he's thinking about Expanding and making a full on channel for such a thing . it's gonna take alot of time before that happens and he'll need others to help create and support such a thing especially an international one if not one in just north America.

Point is some one or a group of people need to create one. And not allow network producers with another agenda in this thing besides that.
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We live in the era where mobile iPhones and Androids are becoming more and more dominating. The Wii was vastly underpowered in comparison to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The Nintendo DS line has always been underpowered and yet it has outsold the PlayStation handhelds by gigantic margins. Calling a console underpowered is such a terrible and ignorant criticism when the vast majority of consumers don't give a crap about power.

And to make it an even less valid criticism, publishers will continue to support the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 with their multiplatform games for the next couple of years. Metal Gear Solid V, Assassin's Creed IV, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and other AAA multiplatform games are getting PS3/360 versions to go along with the PS4/XBOne versions which means that the Wii U will still be graphically relevant as long as the current gen consoles are still in the picture (which they will be in the near future).
The wii captured a completely different demographic but home gaming to that group is not something to spend hundreds of dollars on hardware every few years. They aren't looking for an upgrade, graphically or otherwise. As an overall product the wii was a raging success. As a gaming system it made a big innovation with motion control but otherwise was not a notable console.

Your point about PS3 & 360 being supported even for the next few years having already been out so long shows how important having the right tech is. Had they been wii level that couldn't have happened. The wii U has no chance of being supported 8-10 years from now. And saying the wii U will be supported as long as consoles that are 7/8 years old will be supported - doesn't that show how ridiculous their situation is? Something like that surely can't be used as a positive. Not only that, for whatever reason wii U is not even getting that level of support with some games being released on every console except the wii U (& wii).

If people truly didn't give a crap about specs, tech and console capabilities, we would never need new generation consoles. We could survive on great new low tech games like The Walking Dead and while that would still be great it doesn't satisfy that widely held desire to play the most advanced games that a massive percentage of gamers has. I think the truth is that specs aren't everything, like money isn't everything and looks aren't everything...gameplay, happiness & personality are more important. But it doesn't mean those 1st 3 things aren't also important.
Right now there isn't really one for north America up here ether. We have what left of g4 up called tech on that's on the Canadian side. but states side there's nothing and what's there is limited .

And during the interview in A Marvel live stream at SDCC they ( the people that run marvel .com) asked victor Lucas about this, if he'll make a channel like this or one that will do so for that and comic's as well and he said he's thinking about Expanding and making a full on channel for such a thing . it's gonna take alot of time before that happens and he'll need others to help create and support such a thing especially an international one if not one in just north America.

Point is some one or a group of people need to create one. And not allow network producers with another agenda besides that.
Surely just one channel with no competition would get a lot more traffic than most of the cable channels I have. It'd need some work but there would be plenty of people willing and capable of putting up content, and they can totally open it up to directed game related advertising. I'll have to make one myself if noone does it in the next few years. :cmad:
The wii captured a completely different demographic but home gaming to that group is not something to spend hundreds of dollars on hardware every few years. They aren't looking for an upgrade, graphically or otherwise. As an overall product the wii was a raging success. As a gaming system it made a big innovation with motion control but otherwise was not a notable console.
Not really. Both regular and casual gamers bought into the Wii. The only difference is that regular gamers ended up getting disillusioned with the Wii. And last time I checked "Hardcore" gamer isn't a real demographic. And the biggest problem I find myself with hardcore gamers is that they act like they're the majority when the reality is that they're the minority. Products need to have mass appeal that has something for everyone, which the Wii did fantastically until the final years of its lifespan.

Your point about PS3 & 360 being supported even for the next few years having already been out so long shows how important having the right tech is. Had they been wii level that couldn't have happened. The wii U has no chance of being supported 8-10 years from now. And saying the wii U will be supported as long as consoles that are 7/8 years old will be supported - doesn't that show how ridiculous their situation is? Something like that surely can't be used as a positive. Not only that, for whatever reason wii U is not even getting that level of support with some games being released on every console except the wii U (& wii).
It really shows just how much longevity the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 have thanks to firmware updates, changes in consumer attitudes, and increasing R&D costs. It's how the industry has evolved, what we're seeing is what Sony said back in 2005, we're having consoles that will have genuine lifespans of up to 10+ years. But I do agree that one of Nintendo's biggest problems is that the Wii U has no chance of being supported 8 - 10 years from now. It'll be supported as long as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will be, but that will be 5 years TOPS. Nintendo was a bit short sided on that one because they could have had a console with support that lasted as long as Sony and Microsoft's but instead chose a route that will give it support of about half that time at best.

If people truly didn't give a crap about specs, tech and console capabilities, we would never need new generation consoles. We could survive on great new low tech games like The Walking Dead and while that would still be great it doesn't satisfy that widely held desire to play the most advanced games that a massive percentage of gamers has. I think the truth is that specs aren't everything, like money isn't everything and looks aren't everything...gameplay, happiness & personality are more important. But it doesn't mean those 1st 3 things aren't also important.
Eventually everything has to be upgraded. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are necessary because we do need consoles that reflect the more digital age that we live in, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them have even longer lifespans than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. But in the end, it doesn't change the simple fact that the vast majority of consumers care more about value over pure raw power.
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this was just put up

  • Five Ways To Fix Wii U Sales

    on Aug 01, 2013 at 02:00 PM

    With Wii U sales performing miserably and two new consoles on the brink of release, we offer Nintendo some free advice.
    ... More
Frankly, I think the best thing to happen to Nintendo right now would be to be acquired by a tech company that is more in touch with the times like Apple, Samsung, or Google.
if they were bought by that would make ms crazy that's what they fear most all . but for us it'll make that console expensive so umm that wouldn't be too cool there for the rest of us . As I said in the Onlive console thread some time back Nintendo should have thought about joining forces with the Onlive people it would helped both console makers and onlives been quiet of late way too quiet.

back to what hippie said on the consoles of the ps3 and 360 and where the Wii U should be

Editor Roundtable: This Generation Isn't Over Yet

editor roundtable
on Aug 01, 2013 at 03:30 PM

We asked our team which current-generation titles they are most excited for. The answers may (not) surprise you.
... More

if they were bought by that would make ms crazy that's what they fear most all . but for us it'll make that console expensive so umm that wouldn't be too cool there for the rest of us . As I said in the Onlive console thread some time back Nintendo should have thought about joining forces with the Onlive people it would helped both console makers and onlives been quiet of late way too quiet.
Nintendo is far too out of touch with consumer reality to make deals with other companies like OnLive or Valve and whatnot. Japanese business mentality is ruining the company and their largest shareholder Hiroshi Yamauchi thinks that what worked in 1983 with the launch of the Famicom will still work in 2013. Not every company is run by someone like Kaz Hirai who pushes for changes and reforms.
well it's time for some new blood to be added to the chose/decision making over there, if not replaced.

as this post posted on this thread has said
Nintendo needs a radical change of strategy and image. Get a new person on top and get back to the SNES days in terms of marketing and game diversity.

Things right now arent smooth, calling a new console the wiiu and not having games ready for it after the 3ds debacle is pretty bad imo. They need places like Retro pumping out games, not taking out like 3 years to come up with Donkey Kong country tropical freeze. They need lots of developers to have unique games and to be considered an acceptable ecosystem for 3rd party devs to port their games.

Lots of bad choices all based on the fact they do not want to acknowledge the reality of the industry they are part of. You can pretend to live in your own bubble only for so long.

Its time for a change.

Also I really can't stand people that are still mentally trapped in the 80's or want to go back to that time period it's one of the reason's I hate some certain marvel writers and Editors that want to head back there too and repeat events from back then with the characters wit some bad plots from back then or cause they can't stand certain character like spider and cyclops were married and actually wanted family's. and certain weird out place people as well that seem to want to head back to that time period. that period wasn't as cool as they claim or remember to be. business and overall chose wise with some of there story arc's where comic's were involved any way. ((with the Exception of tv shows like transformers ) it wasn't that cool of time period and life style wise ether it was messed up time period. Yeah they need to move on from that time period. or retire.

news for the Wii U


Monster Hunter Frontier G Roars Onto PS3 And Wii U With Its First Trailer. August 1, 2013 . 4:00pm

Monster Hunter Frontier G will cost 6,090 yen at retail, but if Wii U and PS3 owners download the game, they’ll be able to grab it for free.

As reported earlier in the week, Monster Hunter Frontier G is coming to the PlayStation 3 and Wii U in Japan, and Capcom have released a new promotional trailer for the game, which you can watch below:


On PS4, Monster Hunter Frontier G will be updated to include trophies. Meanwhile, the Wii U version will allow you to the play using the Wii U GamePad as well as the Wii U Pro Controller. Capcom are also thinking of possible uses for the Nintendo 3DS in conjunction with the Wii version U but haven’t announced anything in this regard yet.

Monster Hunter Frontier G will cost 6,090 yen at retail, but if Wii U and PS3 owners download the game, they’ll be able to grab it for free. From there on out, a monthly fee of 1,400 yen will be required to play the game, just like on PC and Xbox 360.

and this just came in

source:GI & siliconera
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well it's time for some new blood to be added to the chose/decision making over there, if not replaced.
Business-wise, I completely agree. Satoru Iwata and Hiroshi Yamauchi are far too stuck in the past to allow Nintendo be successful in today's environment and Nintendo's investors need to stand up against Yamauchi for keeping Nintendo in the past.

Creatively though, no. I think Nintendo's game development unit is some of the top notch teams in the industry. Unlike most Japanese developers like Capcom, Sega, Team Ninja, and Square-Enix, Nintendo's development teams still put out plenty of games that are fun and exciting to play. Nintendo should start investing more in Western developers, but they should still keep what they have.
Business-wise, I completely agree. Satoru Iwata and Hiroshi Yamauchi are far too stuck in the past to allow Nintendo be successful in today's environment and Nintendo's investors need to stand up against Yamauchi for keeping Nintendo in the past.

Creatively though, no. I think Nintendo's game development unit is some of the top notch teams in the industry. Unlike most Japanese developers like Capcom, Sega, Team Ninja, and Square-Enix, Nintendo's development teams still put out plenty of games that are fun and exciting to play. Nintendo should start investing more in Western developers, but they should still keep what they have.
I completely agree with you there. those two are a bit old fashioned, but I like how Iwata treats his workers. So those other two should be kept only for the creative side(may be I might be wrong ) and nothing more, but the chair man, I'm sorry he has to retire.
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