Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 57

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Oh my bad...

I remember enjoying apocalypse when I first saw it so I'm curious if I should rewatch or not. I only saw it once honestly, although I do think it had stupid things in there. Dark Phoenix was hard to sit through.
I get the feeling Fisher is one of those people that are low key pissed that not everybody enjoys Snyders movies.

He certainly seems to be feeding into the "it's all a conspiracy to bring down Zack" stuff. Maybe not, I don't know. I don't think he should keep silent if there is actually truth to his claims but I also worry that he's going to torpedo his career before it really even takes off. And look, that's not fair; you shouldn't have to shut up and play ball just to make it but I think everyone has done this in their professional lives, to some extent. I know I've certainly had disagreements with higher-ups and companies I worked for, but I ultimately decided that it wasn't worth bucking heads with them because I didn't want to gamble my future away.

I also think that he's being a little unrealistic if he thinks that he's owed a solo film after playing a mildy popular character in one movie that flopped and where his performance received a mixed response at best. I actually thought he was one of the better elements of JL (the CGI was bad but Fisher was good) and even I wasn't clamoring for a solo film. I think he's got talent but I'd hate to see his career go nowhere because he's committed to die on this hill for Snyder.
Even with that New 52 continuity, I think that’s such a random choice putting Cyborg with the JLA. He’s too essential to the Titans. Should’ve always been Martian Manhunter’s spot.

Then I’d introduce Canary and Arrow in the sequel.
It makes sense that Fisher is so defensive of Zack Snyder because he’s the first person who really gave him a chance in Hollywood.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s also thinking this'll get him cast in Snyder’s next project(s). Guy’s gotta eat.
He certainly seems to be feeding into the "it's all a conspiracy to bring down Zack" stuff. Maybe not, I don't know. I don't think he should keep silent if there is actually truth to his claims but I also worry that he's going to torpedo his career before it really even takes off. And look, that's not fair; you shouldn't have to shut up and play ball just to make it but I think everyone has done this in their professional lives, to some extent. I know I've certainly had disagreements with higher-ups and companies I worked for, but I ultimately decided that it wasn't worth bucking heads with them because I didn't want to gamble my future away.

I also think that he's being a little unrealistic if he thinks that he's owed a solo film after playing a mildy popular character in one movie that flopped and where his performance received a mixed response at best. I actually thought he was one of the better elements of JL (the CGI was bad but Fisher was good) and even I wasn't clamoring for a solo film. I think he's got talent but I'd hate to see his career go nowhere because he's committed to die on this hill for Snyder.
Agreed. Cyborg was very forgettable, and i don't really blame it on Fisher as I do on how horrible the film is. But for some reason, Fisher seems to be projecting his frustrations onto the anti Snyder people as if the Snyder cut was gonna somehow be the thing that made his version of Cyborg popular. I'm doubting the Snyder Cut will do anything to make people see any more of FIsher as the character outside of the Snyder base.

I feel bad if he's frustrated that his career hasn't taken off, but this is in no way the way to go about it. I highly doubt Joss Whedon, **** or not, is the reason he hasn't been sky rocketed yet.
Agreed. Cyborg was very forgettable, and i don't really blame it on Fisher as I do on how horrible the film is. But for some reason, Fisher seems to be projecting his frustrations onto the anti Snyder people as if the Snyder cut was gonna somehow be the thing that made his version of Cyborg popular. I'm doubting the Snyder Cut will do anything to make people see any more of FIsher as the character outside of the Snyder base.

I feel bad if he's frustrated that his career hasn't taken off, but this is in no way the way to go about it. I highly doubt Joss Whedon, **** or not, is the reason he hasn't been sky rocketed yet.

Snyder said that he was looking forward to the opportunity to see all of these characters come together in the film over time, suggesting that it wouldn’t be a quick or easy team-up. And he reiterated that his Justice League is largely about Cyborg, whose arc was largely cut out of the theatrical film. Careful not to reveal any major spoilers, Snyder did say that the first teaser for the film, and its official title, which may or may not be Zack Snyder’s Justice League, will be revealed at DC Fandome next month.
It sure does sound like Cyborg was going to be front and center in JL which you know when I think of the JL, that's what I want to see. I never understood why they even wanted to do a Cybrog movie if his origin was going to be shown in BvS & JL. I know a few people think that the success of the Snyder Cut can lead to a possible Cyborg movie on HBO Max but I don't know anyone but Fisher who is asking for it.
I remember enjoying apocalypse when I first saw it so I'm curious if I should rewatch or not. I only saw it once honestly, although I do think it had stupid things in there. Dark Phoenix was hard to sit through.
I thought Apocalypse was okay the first time I saw it but it's such a bore the second time through. Dark Phoenix is at the very least somewhat entertaining.
It makes sense that Fisher is so defensive of Zack Snyder because he’s the first person who really gave him a chance in Hollywood.

There's a giant difference between defending Snyder and accusing someone else of being abusive. That's a very serious claim you absolutely shouldn't make unless you believe it to be true.

And maybe he's right. Maybe Whedon was. But I'm skeptical after he hasn't provided any details nor has any one else come out to corroborate the accusations.
Fisher quoting John Lewis by calling it "good trouble, necessary trouble" while he has yet to make anything more than vague accusations on Twitter comes off as at best self-aggrandizing, at worst offensive to Lewis by quoting him in a way that feels so frivolous.
I thought Apocalypse was okay the first time I saw it but it's such a bore the second time through. Dark Phoenix is at the very least somewhat entertaining.
I feel like Phoenix should have felt for more epic for what it was trying to do though, but thats just me. We'll see how I feel about apocalypse 4 years later.
If Ray Fisher isn’t afraid to call out abusive or inappropriate behavior then why has he been so dead silent on one of his co-workers choke slamming a fan to the ground?

That too. It reminds me of when Dave Bautista would publically blast Disney for bending to right wing pressure but then happily defend Vince McMahon who is best buddies with Trump and whose wife was in his administration.
I feel like Phoenix should have felt for more epic for what it was trying to do though, but thats just me. We'll see how I feel about apocalypse 4 years later.
I think if you do a Top 10 or even Top 5, Dark Phoenix should be there. The only thing sadder is that we will never get a good live action TDKR because of WB, is that Fox twice effed up the Dark Phoenix saga.
If Ray Fisher isn’t afraid to call out abusive or inappropriate behavior then why has he been so dead silent on one of his co-workers choke slamming a fan to the ground?
Because Miller is still in the JL family. Whedon is no longer and since Snyder is back, he feels emboldened. Look, I still think that all that is going to come out of this is Whedon was a jerk on set and put down Snyder. I don't see him doing anything worse than that and it not having come out yet. Fisher may claim he is an "ist" if that whole rumor about his hairdresser is true but that person not getting credit probably had nothing to do with Whedon.
It sure does sound like Cyborg was going to be front and center in JL which you know when I think of the JL, that's what I want to see. I never understood why they even wanted to do a Cybrog movie if his origin was going to be shown in BvS & JL. I know a few people think that the success of the Snyder Cut can lead to a possible Cyborg movie on HBO Max but I don't know anyone but Fisher who is asking for it.

If I remember correctly, most were side-eyeing the announcement of a Cyborg solo film as WB’s way of competing with Marvel’s Black Panther announcement.
Ray Fisher suffering in the Justice League is just like John Lewis suffering in the civil rights era. Lmao!
If I remember correctly, most were side-eyeing the announcement of a Cyborg solo film as WB’s way of competing with Marvel’s Black Panther announcement.
I think that Cyborg was announced a couple of weeks before Black Panther.
It sure does sound like Cyborg was going to be front and center in JL which you know when I think of the JL, that's what I want to see. I never understood why they even wanted to do a Cybrog movie if his origin was going to be shown in BvS & JL. I know a few people think that the success of the Snyder Cut can lead to a possible Cyborg movie on HBO Max but I don't know anyone but Fisher who is asking for it.
At this point I doubt it ever comes to fruition. A lot of people don't seem to realize that the Snyder verse is probably ending with the Snyder Cut.
I think that Cyborg was announced a couple of weeks before Black Panther.
Ah, so it was.

Maybe the side-eyeing was more in relation to general doubts based on the reputation of WB compared to Marvel (at the time). Plus just the general idea of a Cyborg movie.
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