Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 57

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I always imagined that if Chris Evans ever came back to the MCU it would be as Johnny Storm from the Tim Story FF films in Doctor Strange Multiverse or Spider-Man 3(whatever that’s called).

Wouldn’t it be super-funny if there was a scene where Peter Parker mistook Johnny Storm for Captain America? Now that’s a scene I would be dying to see.
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I always imagined that if Chris Evans ever came back to the MCU it would be as Johnny Storm from the Tim Story FF films in Doctor Strange Multiverse or Spider-Man 3(whatever that’s called).

Wouldn’t it be super-funny if there was a scene were Peter Parker mistook Johnny Storm for Captain America? Now that’s a scene I would be dying to see.
Now I like that idea
Now I like that idea
I also like the idea of David Hasselhof’s Nick Fury meeting Peter. This is what I imagine a conversation between them would go like.

David Hasselhof Fury: “So kid, what’s your world’s Fury like?“

MCU Peter: “Well...he’s darker.”

David Hasselhoff Fury: “Ah, so he’s a little more of a debbie downer then?”

MCU Peter: “No, I don’t mean in that way, sir. I mean that he’s literally darker.”

David Hasselhoff Fury: “What the hell does ‘literally darker’ mean?

MCU Peter: He’s black.

David Hasselhoff Fury:...Oh.
I also like the idea of David Hasselhof’s Nick Fury meeting Peter. This is what I imagine a conversation between them would go like.

David Hasselhof Fury: So what’s your world’s Fury like?

MCU Peter: “Well...he’s darker.”

David Hasselhoff Fury: “Ah, so he’s a little more of a debbie downer then?”

MCU Peter: “No, I don’t mean in that way, sir. I mean that he’s literally darker.”

David Hasselhoff Fury: “What the hell does ‘literally darker’ mean?

MCU Peter: He’s black.

David Hasselhoff Fury:...Oh.
There's a momentsimilar in the first Spider-Men comic where 616 Peter goes into the ultimate universe and meets ultimate Nick Fury. Pretty funny
I have to wonder if there will ever be a time when an MCU film will be rotten on the tomato meter?

Marvel’s review streak is quite impressive. It’s the most consistently well reviewed franchise in history Even Pixar has one stinker with Cars 2 at 39% on RT. There’s a first for everything, and I wonder when will it happen with Marvel?
Do we think Doctor Strange 2 will actually have a plot?

Judging from posts on the internet, it’s just 2 hours of fan service cameos from a mixed bag of movies and castings that never materialised.

Riveting stuff.
Turns out it was Ben leaking DCEU scripts to Feige all along! He was collaborating with Johns on The Batman! IT ALL FITS!
-Some guy on Twitter. Probably.

Needs more Brie Larson before I can believe it.
This is the kind of thing that makes me appreciate the Dark Knight Trilogy even more than I already do.
Now that they're officially launching the multiverse in the DCEU, who's to say that Bale won't ever portray Batman again as a cameo?

Seems the rumor is fake.

Means nothing really. Actors deflect rumors even if they're true. Deadline is a reputable source, so it aint like this scoop is from a random blog. All this really means is that it is an unconfirmed rumor at this point.
Now that they're officially launching the multiverse in the DCEU, who's to say that Bale won't ever portray Batman again as a cameo?

Well, until that actually happens, or we hear a credible rumor that it will, I'll stand by what I said.

Seems the rumor is fake.

Have we already forgotten Tatiana Maslany’s straight-up denial she’d talked to anyone about She-Hulk? Or Brie Larson pretending to be clueless on who Captain Marvel even was, months after she’d been cast? This is the standard Marvel playbook, y’all.
Well, until that actually happens, or we hear a credible rumor that it will, I'll stand by what I said.
Even so, him coming back wouldn't diminish the TDK trilogy, much like Evans coming back wouldn't diminish Captain America's arc through the MCU. No way in hell is Feige undoing what happened and having Steve suit up again post-Endgame, but if he comes back for a cameo as an old man in Falcon and Winter Soldier or as an alternate multiverse version of Cap, what's the harm there?
Mike Zeroh doesn't just make Brie Larson videos, but he does make an awful lot of videos about her in Star Wars given that any involvement with Star Wars is just a rumor. I guess Brie Larson is the modern day bogeyman, and children wake their parents up in the middle of the night because Brie Larson is under their bed.
Sounds ideal to me
It’s really not that big of a surprise. Evans was always going back and forth with whether he was gonna stay or go. One minute it was “after my contracts up I’m done” then it was “well as long as they want me I’m there”. I did think he’d have held off a bit longer before changing his mind (if he in fact has changed it).
I think Chris Evans' return will probably be in one or more Disney+ MCU series. I can't see a Batman Beyond scenario where Steve is mentoring Sam and Bucky under old-age makeup.

Or they're embracing alternate universes where Steve Rogers is still youthful and carrying the Captain mantle.
Or Cap could be mid stone mission and get roped into the plot somehow. Hence him still being young
I am going to honest. I can't believe anyone actually thought that Evans and yes RDJ, are done with the MCU. These people aren't in the MCU because they aren't big fans of money. :funny:
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