The Superhero Cinematic Civil War

Drizzy, you mean to tell me after all this time, YOU are Zack Snyder?
I really hope he's not that glum in the finished film :csad:

I'm tired of mopey Superman in movies. I want a noble, charming, hopeful Supes this time around :legacy:

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I feel like the Supes we're getting is closer to Reeve than Cavill. The pic they chose to reveal the suit with just happens to be one where smiling wouldn't have been appropriate. I kind of wish that they did go with a more neutral photo with Corenswet smiling as if to say this is a friendlier Superman because that would have drove the Snyder Cult CRAZY.
I’ve never been too bothered by the exact specifics of the suit beyond the colours being deeper and darker shades of red and blue which this gets right. Also beyond the costume itself, the dude looks great in it which is what I really care about. Those gym hours paid off.
I feel like the Supes we're getting is closer to Reeve than Cavill. The pic they chose to reveal the suit with just happens to be one where smiling wouldn't have been appropriate. I kind of wish that they did go with a more neutral photo with Corenswet smiling as if to say this is a friendlier Superman because that would have drove the Snyder Cult CRAZY.

Yeah this pic was a choice. If I were doing the promos, I would've had a sunlit pic of Superman flying, smiling and being vigilant. But nooooo...
Why did they think that a loose-fitting, biker jacket top made sense for a guy who has underwear outside his pants? That's such a bad combo.
I love the suit. I think reactions were gonna be heavily mixed regardless because most of the Snyder crowd already made up in their minds that this wouldn't live up to their expectations.
not terrible, I'll reserve judgement until seeing it move
It is bunching up oddly in that position, hopefully they tighten things up in post...?
I'd be so pissed if I got into that kinda shape and then they put me in a loose fitting top that made me look small
I love the suit. I think reactions were gonna be heavily mixed regardless because most of the Snyder crowd already made up in their minds that this wouldn't live up to their expectations.
Which is ironic because wasn't there a lot of scrutiny about the lack of red underwear, a spit curl and overall color when the very first image of Cavill in the suit from MOS was released?
So is that floating space weapon in the background Solaris (I know Gunn mentioned Grant Morrison's All-Star as an influence)? Or something Brainiac releated?
My favorite thing about this photo is that they let us see the folds in the material as he’s slouched over. Like, it actually looks like clothing. That alone makes me so, SO happy. :cry:
I wonder if they're keeping the origin of Martha having a hand in its creation?
Since the suit is clearly battle damaged
It looks like Superman walked off the job and is saying "F*** this, I don't get paid enough for this bulls***"
The origin of Lex's animosity towards Superman will be due to the latter engaging in "quiet quitting," the bane of all 21st century capitalists!
Strike one. I know it’s just a suit but maybe I should just give up on ever seeing a good Superman movie in my lifetime.

That's pretty much where I'm at.

To be honest, I haven't been as excited for this film, because getting James Gunn to direct a Superman film feels like WB haven't really learned their lesson.

Yet again, they get a guy known for edgier material, a guy who'd probably prefer to direct Batman.

I'd love to see them hire someone who likes Superman the way Raimi likes Spider-Man, or the way Jenkins likes Wonder Woman.
Which is ironic because wasn't there a lot of scrutiny about the lack of red underwear, a spit curl and overall color when the very first image of Cavill in the suit from MOS was released?
Pretty much. There was no color in that suit at all.
That's pretty much where I'm at.

To be honest, I haven't been as excited for this film, because getting James Gunn to direct a Superman film feels like WB haven't really learned their lesson.

Yet again, they get a guy known for edgier material, a guy who'd probably prefer to direct Batman.

I'd love to see them hire someone who likes Superman the way Raimi likes Spider-Man, or the way Jenkins likes Wonder Woman.

Yeah, when Gunn said he was writing and then directing a Superman movie, I had kind of mixed feelings. I’m a big fan of his stuff but I wasn’t sure if that would translate well to something like Superman. I really, really hope that it does and if so then the suit won’t really matter. I do think he’s cast the movie very well, even if there are no “big” names in the cast. But like you said, he’s known for edgier material and taking characters that few people know and just kinda doing what he wants with them, so that does worry me a bit. From everything he’s been saying, it sounds like he “gets” Superman and wants to make a great, faithful adaptation. But even going into something with the best intentions doesn’t always result in an amazing product. I guess we’ll see. I know I went full doomsayer with my previous post but I still do hope this movie is great. But… God, he really couldn’t have given us a better looking suit than that?!
Yeah, when Gunn said he was writing and then directing a Superman movie, I had kind of mixed feelings. I’m a big fan of his stuff but I wasn’t sure if that would translate well to something like Superman. I really, really hope that it does and if so then the suit won’t really matter. I do think he’s cast the movie very well, even if there are no “big” names in the cast. But like you said, he’s known for edgier material and taking characters that few people know and just kinda doing what he wants with them, so that does worry me a bit. From everything he’s been saying, it sounds like he “gets” Superman and wants to make a great, faithful adaptation. But even going into something with the best intentions doesn’t always result in an amazing product. I guess we’ll see. I know I went full doomsayer with my previous post but I still do hope this movie is great. But… God, he really couldn’t have given us a better looking suit than that?!

Now that we see he has the red trunks, I just know Gunn has some dick jokes in the chamber for this movie.

That’s when I’m walking out.
I loved his GOTG films and TSS, but not so much the other movies of his I saw. But I am actually excited to see his Superman and I am hoping he steps out of his comfort zone a bit for it. Want to see if he can expand his horizons a bit
After seeing this pic and the one with David, James and Rachel reading Superman comics I don’t think that extra weight is agreeing with Davids face.

The suit is…well let’s just wait for the trailer to see how it looks in motion lol.
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