Grand Theft Auto 6

2025 though? Yikes!

It’s December right now, we are 4 weeks away from January 2024. If this game is 2025 we are literally a year away. It is not as far as people are making it out to be honestly.
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I don't see it being released in early 2025. This screams like a Q4 release.

Either way, its going to make lots of millions instantly. Its crazy, 50 million YouTube views from rockstar YouTube channel... and thats not even counting the views from other channels. We've waited too long. The demand is real!
Trailer looks absolutely fantastic, I'm not annoyed with the 2025 release at all, I'm more in favour of waiting longer for companies to release finished & polished games, as opposed to releasing games that blatantly needed another few months to cook, take until 2026 if need be if it can be released in GTA V or RDR2 condition.

Rockstar fortunately, aside from their "Definitive Edition" releases of GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas, have a good track record so hopefully this continues.

Now comes the exciting period of fan speculation of features for the next, nearly, 2 years as I'd imagine this will be a September, October or November release for 2025.
I don't see it being released in early 2025. This screams like a Q4 release.

Either way, its going to make lots of millions instantly. Its crazy, 50 million YouTube views from rockstar YouTube channel... and thats not even counting the views from other channels. We've waited too long. The demand is real!

61 million views now.

This will surpass GTA V's trailer views (90 mil lifetime views) in a few days!
I've lost count of how many times I've watched the trailer. I'm fine with the 2025 release date honestly. It helps build the anticipation, for me, at least. honestly, GTA VI and Elder Scrolls VI are currently my most anticipated games of all time. I was 20 when GTA V released, and it just feels so surreal to finally see a new entry 10 years later.
Y'all whining about the 2025 release date and I'm here patiently waiting for the PC port that will come out in 2026/2027. :o
IV - Liberty City
V - Los Santos
VI - Vice City
VII - San Fierro
VIII - Las Venturas

I'd like them to recreate another American city (that I haven't seen in open world games). But I won't be surprised if they end up revisiting San Fierro or Las Venturas for GTA VII, which is obviously going to take another decade as well.
By the time GTA VII comes out we'll be so far removed from GTA IV that the cycle could almost start again with a next-gen Liberty City although I think they're likelier to either revisit Las Venturas or San Fierro or give us an entirely new city. Personally I'd be fine with a smaller map that focuses on a major city and some of the surrounding area rather than a representation of a whole state like GTA V and what GTA VI seems to be.

2025 though? Yikes!

It’s December right now, we are 4 weeks away from January 2024. If this game is 2025 we are literally a year away. It is not as far as people are making it out to be honestly.
If it comes out in Spring 2025 then it's more bearable (GTA IV came out in April 2008 so it's not unheard of for this franchise). But if this doesn't come out until September/October 2025 then I'd almost rather they had waited another year to release the trailer.
The trailer didn't blow me away... gunna have to rewatch it a few more times

I did appreciate the population density though, the city looks very alive

And seeing they're leaning into the whole "Florida Man" meme gave me a good chuckle
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Oh I agree the GTA main characters are nothing to look up too even though imo Rockstar at least makes them likable which you kinda have to if the player is going to spend hours playing as these characters but by far not role models and as for those haters out there that have a problem playing as a female or woman of color…. Let them hate and watch the money pile up as 50 Cent once said and Rockstar is thinking and us open minded gamers will be enjoying the game of the decade.
I think Franklin & Michael were both overall likable characters even though they were still *******s, but I didn't like Trevor at all I actually really hated him. And I feel like maybe Rockstar didn't want us to like Trevor either, but he ended up becoming the fan favorite. Or maybe I am wrong, and that is exactly what they intended.

But maybe, just maybe...this time around, the characters will be something more like anti-heroes rather than just villains you can play as. That's what John Marston was to me in Redemption 1.
It’s December right now, we are 4 weeks away from January 2024. If this game is 2025 we are literally a year away. It is not as far as people are making it out to be honestly.
I am fine waiting a couple of more years, personally because next year I have so many other things to look forward to that'll help the time go by. And on top of that from a gamer perspective, there are plenty of other great games that are going to come out between now and the eventual GTA6 release so there should be more than enough entertainment to go around to keep us all waiting.
Grand Theft Auto breaking records once again!
"I sound like a broken record every time I break a record"

now as far as the graphics goes - I think (almost) everything looks great. The environments, the landscapes, the vistas, the foliage, the cars, the water, the roads, the buildings, the characters' faces, the characters' hair - nearly everything looks great. the only thing that still looks too obviously fake to me is the characters' skin. I think literally everything else is top notch
I think Franklin & Michael were both overall likable characters even though they were still *******s, but I didn't like Trevor at all I actually really hated him. And I feel like maybe Rockstar didn't want us to like Trevor either, but he ended up becoming the fan favorite. Or maybe I am wrong, and that is exactly what they intended.
I feel that apart from people just gravitating towards a crazy wildcard character, Trevor became the fan favorite in V because Michael and Franklin were too similar to Tommy and CJ from the previous games. I even feel like Lamar is more of a fan favorite character than Michael or Franklin and he's not even a playable character (at least not the main game, not sure about Online).
I wish they would port GTA IV to PS4/5 next year. Its really the only old game missing in my collection.

I've watched a couple of videos regarding this trailer release, and this trailer release is an event! I'm not that blown away because this game is way overdue and the graphics aren't really that better compare to recent games, but I guess people just really miss seeing a new GTA game. The videos I have watched regarding this trailer made me appreciate the little details, that I didn't notice initially. I hope the gameplay video won't be too far from now but maybe summer 2024?
I wish they would port GTA IV to PS4/5 next year. Its really the only old game missing in my collection.

I've watched a couple of videos regarding this trailer release, and this trailer release is an event! I'm not that blown away because this game is way overdue and the graphics aren't really that better compare to recent games, but I guess people just really miss seeing a new GTA game. The videos I have watched regarding this trailer made me appreciate the little details, that I didn't notice initially. I hope the gameplay video won't be too far from now but maybe summer 2024?
Rockstar usually drops gameplay trailers in the couple of months before release so we could be waiting a while for that.

Agreed about GTA IV. If they found the time to port Red Dead Redemption to PS4 and Switch then there's no reason to think they couldn't do the same for IV.
now as far as the graphics goes - I think (almost) everything looks great. The environments, the landscapes, the vistas, the foliage, the cars, the water, the roads, the buildings, the characters' faces, the characters' hair - nearly everything looks great. the only thing that still looks too obviously fake to me is the characters' skin. I think literally everything else is top notch
Eh, not the hair. It's already a blurry ****ing mess because of the TAA as seen on the white bikini lady. Add to that, the game will surely use upscaling tech like AMD's FSR so things can be even more blurry if you know where to look.

By the time GTA VII comes out we'll be so far removed from GTA IV that the cycle could almost start again with a next-gen Liberty City although I think they're likelier to either revisit Las Venturas or San Fierro or give us an entirely new city. Personally I'd be fine with a smaller map that focuses on a major city and some of the surrounding area rather than a representation of a whole state like GTA V and what GTA VI seems to be.

If it comes out in Spring 2025 then it's more bearable (GTA IV came out in April 2008 so it's not unheard of for this franchise). But if this doesn't come out until September/October 2025 then I'd almost rather they had waited another year to release the trailer.
For me, the bigger the map the better. If waiting more than 11 years is going to be a thing from now when it comes to GTA games. But I do hope Rockstar has a long term plan that a GTA 7 won't take as long as GTA 6. GTA V's map is big but not that big. I feel like I've inspected every corner of the map (aside from the underwater section).

For the location of 7, I can see them making a modern version of Liberty City (the 2000s is already ancient imo). But taking Gta somewhere new would be more interesting. I forgot to realize that Las Venturas and San Fierro are also in the San Andreas state in the 2004 game. So if they featured one of those two, would they locate it in the San Andreas state too while leaving out Los Santos? It sounds complicated. I feel like if they revisit Liberty city for the third time (in a main game), then they would too for Los Santos/Vice City for GTA 8/9. So I prefer if they just feature a new city.

The release date of GTA 6 - I'm already pinning it down to September to December of 2025. If this is coming out by their neXt fiscal year plan, this should be out by March 2025. But from what I read, GTA V and RDR2 were delayed for 6 months? So if the target release is early 2025 and a delay happens, I dont think it would be delayed that long and it should still be out before 2026. Worst case scenario is 2026. But then Rockstar has been working so long for this, that I don't see this being delayed that long.
Rockstar usually drops gameplay trailers in the couple of months before release so we could be waiting a while for that.

Agreed about GTA IV. If they found the time to port Red Dead Redemption to PS4 and Switch then there's no reason to think they couldn't do the same for IV.
Based from Rockstar's youtube uploads

Nov 2011 - trailer
Apr 2013 - protagonists video
Jul 2013 - gameplay trailer
Sep 2013 - release

Oct 2016 - trailer
Sep 2017 - trailer 2
May 2018 - trailer 3
Aug 2018 - gameplay trailer
Oct 2018 - release

I hope there's a new trailer for GTAVI by July, if its hitting spring 2025. If not, maybe it ends up like RDR2, except that this won't be released in December, as I think they would want to grab all the nominations/wins at the end of year. 2026 is worst case scenario which I think is unlikely. This should be out before the first trailer turns 2 years old.
Just saw the trailer and very happy with it! It actually looks a couple of gens more advanced than V, was worried it wouldn’t.
Just saw the trailer and very happy with it! It actually looks a couple of gens more advanced than V, was worried it wouldn’t.
Makes sense since the previous game originally came out for PS3 and this is coming for PS5! It really took them a really long time to start working on the current one.
Based from Rockstar's youtube uploads

Nov 2011 - trailer
Apr 2013 - protagonists video
Jul 2013 - gameplay trailer
Sep 2013 - release

Oct 2016 - trailer
Sep 2017 - trailer 2
May 2018 - trailer 3
Aug 2018 - gameplay trailer
Oct 2018 - release

I hope there's a new trailer for GTAVI by July, if its hitting spring 2025. If not, maybe it ends up like RDR2, except that this won't be released in December, as I think they would want to grab all the nominations/wins at the end of year. 2026 is worst case scenario which I think is unlikely. This should be out before the first trailer turns 2 years old.
I also completely forgot that GTA V was originally meant to release in early 2013 but was later delayed, as was RDR 2 which I think was delayed a whole year. The trailers for those games ending up being released two years before the game came out was just a fluke.
I also completely forgot that GTA V was originally meant to release in early 2013 but was later delayed, as was RDR 2 which I think was delayed a whole year. The trailers for those games ending up being released two years before the game came out was just a fluke.
Yeah both games were supposed to come out earlier. I think Rockstar is probably projecting early 2025 right now. If there's a delay, Q4 of 2025 would be a good release window. But I think beyond December 2025, would not be a good look, considering the timeline of trailer/launch of the previous 2 Rockstar games. People would be impatient by then.
Wow this looks absolutely stunning already and as someone who considers themselves a pretty huge Vice City fan this honestly might the most excited, I've been for any game in a very long time.

Vice City and San Andreas have always been my favorite GTA games and if this ends up being insanely successful which it likely will I hope we get this same kind of modern, update with San Andreas.

Also, please let this come out next year instead of 2025.
Yeah both games were supposed to come out earlier. I think Rockstar is probably projecting early 2025 right now. If there's a delay, Q4 of 2025 would be a good release window. But I think beyond December 2025, would not be a good look, considering the timeline of trailer/launch of the previous 2 Rockstar games. People would be impatient by then.
People are already impatient, lol

They were in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation where the longer they wait to release a trailer the more people would be complaining about there not being one and likewise the longer the wait between the trailer and game launch the more people will complain as well. Personally I'd have been fine if they had waited until 6 months before launch to drop the first trailer when they knew for sure they could meet the deadline but it's still fun to see an official first look.
People are already impatient, lol

They were in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation where the longer they wait to release a trailer the more people would be complaining about there not being one and likewise the longer the wait between the trailer and game launch the more people will complain as well. Personally I'd have been fine if they had waited until 6 months before launch to drop the first trailer when they knew for sure they could meet the deadline but it's still fun to see an official first look.
With the teaser of the games for Wolverine and Wonder Woman already two years old, and not a release date in sight. GTA VI being released in early 2026 (more than 2 years since the first trailer) won't be bad in comparison.

I'm also getting used to teasers being released for games that would be out after 3 to 10 years.
Just saw the trailer and very happy with it! It actually looks a couple of gens more advanced than V, was worried it wouldn’t.

I am surprised you were worried it wouldn’t look more advanced when RDR2 exists.

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