Luke Cage Luke Cage General Discussion Thread - Part 1

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I really don't understand the hate this series gets. Just finished season 2, I think it was more entertaining than the first season.

I really liked that Godfather moment in Episode 13.
Any reason why they Poochie'd Claire so hard this season? They even had Luke throw one last parting shot at her when he had Sugar tell her to go home in the last episode.

Maybe she is working on DD season 3? I heard she is having some issues because of her politics, but I don't see it effecting her work.

Honestly, there were many other female leads to follow, and I dig how ladies are always asking Luke "Coffee?"
Maybe she is working on DD season 3? I heard she is having some issues because of her politics, but I don't see it effecting her work.

Rosario Dawson said she doesn’t know whether she will be back because she wants to be with her daughter in the West coast (i.e. she doesn’t just generically “not know whether she will be back”, but she probably has discussed with Loeb about how she doesn’t want to be in NYC year round). That’s probably why they tried to close Claire’s storylines, starting with that in Luke Cage.

Honestly, there were many other female leads to follow, and I dig how ladies are always asking Luke "Coffee?"

Showrunner is a man what do you expect (though at least that’s Mike Colter and not, say, Finn Jones),
I'm on episode 8 and I'm enjoying the season. It's slow, slower than season one but the thing Luke Cage has going for it is its style and vibe. I love the vibe of the show: the characters, the music, the cinematography, the show just has an overall pleasant atmosphere to it that makes it fun to watch, you know what I mean? With Punisher and JJ season 2, they felt laborious, i didn't even get past the first episode of JJ season 2. Even though this show is slowly paced, its still enjoyable to watch.

I really wish they'd give Luke some kind of...uniform that he wears. I know Luke doesn't wear a costume in the comics, but seeing Mike Colter walk around in hoodies and raggedy clothes is so visually unappealing. Get creative, give him a cool look, whether its a yellow under armour shirt or...something. Like, come on.
3 episodes in. While it's good, it's really, REALLY slow so far. And it is missing that hook that Neflix usually gives you at the end of their episodes where you instantly need to put on the next one.

Hope it gets more fast-paced and cliffhanger-y as it goes on.

Bushmaster, though... That dude is everything.
3 episodes in. While it's good, it's really, REALLY slow so far. And it is missing that hook that Neflix usually gives you at the end of their episodes where you instantly need to put on the next one.

Hope it gets more fast-paced and cliffhanger-y as it goes on.

Bushmaster, though... That dude is everything.

It does get more cliffanger-y after episode 3. And yes, Bushmaster is BOSS. The actor who plays him is incredibly charismatic.
Half way through episode 3 and I'm enjoying the ride so far. Alfre Woodard seriously deserves her Emmy for this.

Loved Misty's scene with her shutting the cops up about her arm.
This is far and away better than season 1. Loved it

And I honestly thought the Marvel Netflix shows were losing its steam after the last several outings. I don't think I have enjoyed these series this much since all the Punisher episodes from DD season 2. Bravo

Mariah has got to be considered one of the best Marvel villains thus far.
they really stretched this season. It's better than season 2 of Jessica Jones. The season is better than the 2nd half of season 1, but pales compared to first half of season 1.

I really enjoyed Misty this season. She was MVP. Mariah was more intriguing though she seemed to be chewing scenery. Alfre Woodard is truly talented. I liked Commanche. Shades, I enjoyed that he had more to do this season.

Luke was Luke.
Any reason why they Poochie'd Claire so hard this season? They even had Luke throw one last parting shot at her when he had Sugar tell her to go home in the last episode.

they didn't have anything worthy to give to her. She should have never been a regular in this or Iron Fist. The more we see her, sadly the less vital she seems.
For season 3, can we get better writers or simply condense this to 8 episodes?

No more than 10 episodes is necessary for these shows. I'm curious at how IF will look with 10 episodes.
Rosario Dawson said she doesn’t know whether she will be back because she wants to be with her daughter in the West coast (i.e. she doesn’t just generically “not know whether she will be back”, but she probably has discussed with Loeb about how she doesn’t want to be in NYC year round). That’s probably why they tried to close Claire’s storylines, starting with that in Luke Cage.

I don't think there really is a place for Claire in Daredevil anymore, now that Karen and Foggy know Matt's secret; and I think Karen's more likely to be the one who will be stitching Matt's wounds up in the future. As for Iron Fist, we're getting Daughters of the Dragon stuff with Colleen and Misty, so no place for Claire there.

Claire was never really used properly. I still don't know why they got an actress like Rosario Dawson and gave her scraps
Claire was never really used properly. I still don't know why they got an actress like Rosario Dawson and gave her scraps

Claire in the early days was more of an audience surrogate, and by the early days, I'm talking about when she was a part of Matt's story in the first season of Daredevil. Thing is, in the time since then, she's lost a number of the traits that made her interesting to start. Look at The Defenders, where Claire was actually one of the most informed, well-connected, characters in the show, but she came off more as just another person in a large crowd of side characters. That season treated her as Luke's girlfriend and not much else, and she only served to get Luke and Danny together. There was no acknowledgment of her time with Matt, or her encounter with Jessica.

Her early role was as a link between the Marvel Netflix shows. And that role is no longer needed as other characters like Karen, Foggy, Turk, Misty, Colleen, Danny, Brett, etc. have become connective tissue between the shows. Within Daredevil, I totally think that they're planning on Karen taking over Claire's duties as a medic and confidant for Matt. With Luke Cage, Luke will probably be fine on his own. And Misty will be Danny and Colleen's sidekick for Iron Fist.

Just a few episodes in and I'm loving Bushmaster already. Still think Mike Colter isn't that great of an actor and is actually the weakest in the cast. But he does ok.
Just finished season 2 and I loved it! Among the best of the Marvel Netflix seasons so far.
Finished this last night and while I liked overall it these Marvel shows really need to be cut down to at least 10 episodes instead of 13. This season started ridiculously slow and I was kind of worried it would never pick up for me, but luckily it did around the 4th or 5th episode. I agree with Kev that it's definitely better than Jessica Jones Season 2 and the second half of Luke Cage Season 1, but nothing came close to the first half of that season IMO. Sure Bushmaster was a better villain than Diamondback, but I just don't think he ever reached that point of being a great villain like Fisk or Kilgrave or even the potential we got from Cottonmouth. It's cool how we got more of Mariah and Shades this season though and while both actors were good in their roles I felt not a whole lot was actually done with them if that makes sense. I don't know how to explain it really, but the majority of some of the episodes seemed to constantly go in circles and while I liked the payoff with the daughter plot it kind of took forever to get there. I did enjoy some of the other new characters too like Reg E. Cathey and the dude who played Comanche, but Nandi and the Captain got on my nerves after a while. Kudos to them giving Misty a nice arc this season though and I really liked that episode with IF.
Great season.
The music was good and not just a soundtrack during a scene, you see the band performing in cuts between action and song.
Bushmaster was a nice protagonist, not too evil and surely not too good either. Good charisma.
I liked the Jamaican accent and slang ( the use of me instead of my, we/us etc ) but the dialogues themselves, I could not understand w/o subtitles.
Tilda's actress I particularly find pretty.
The gangsters romance between Shades and Commanche was well played.
All the reviews (from critics) i have read mentioned that season 2 is a huge step down from season 1 (like JJ & DD ).
They also keep reiterating that 13 episodes is too long (a recurring theme i guess).

So i have just watched episode 1.....Its quite slow. No urge to binge the other episodes.

BTW...just started watching "the man in high castle" in amazon WIll probably watch LC2 after finishing that.
Season 2, as a whole, was definitely better than Season 1, though the first half of Season 1 was dang near transcendent.

Did that make sense? lol I do like that there was actual change from start to finish in a manner that wasn't exactly present in the first season. I loved that there were no easy answers for the problems presented.

Bushmaster definitely belongs in the column of "Good Marvel Villains". Mariah basically became the devil and it worked. lol I think I've found a new celebrity crush with Gabrielle Dennis (Tilda). Just beautiful.

I'll give the Season a B+, borderline A.
Loved the whole season. Give it a strong A-

As always, Misty Knight and Mariah were the heavy hitters, but I like this whole storyline of Luke following his dark side. It's symbolic too because it speaks about this whole wave of fame and how fame can amplify the person you already are, I'm curious to see how they handle it in season 3.

Bushmaster was a great antagonist. I'm impressed that they actually got the patois and my area of Brooklyn done right.

I feel like the critics didn't give this one a fair shake, maybe it was too black for them. If they loved Black Panther so much, they should've gave this season the same praise because it took it up several notches.
Just finished, thought it was better than season 1. Luke Cage's character actually looks like he'll be more interesting in season 3.
So can you just start on episode 3 or 4 then and not miss anything important?
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