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No Way Home Spider-Man No Way Home - Rate and Review Thread (Spoilers)


Spider-Man 2 and Into The Spider-verse are both 10/10's for me. As a whole this was not as pitch perfect. But that's hardly a put down. For being the 3rd film in a series and 9th Spider-Man film in 20 years, it's impressive that this still felt as exciting as it did.

Beyond just being highly entertaining throughout, I thought it successfully brought the core beats for Spider-Man/Peter. Despite seeing these emotional beats in 3 other films, Holland and Watts really got these moments to hit. Definitely stronger than the previous 2 MCU Spidey films in that department.

Dafoe and Molina were back into their roles like they never left. Just having Otto and Norman Osborn carry a conversation for the first time had me geeking out more than these big battles. I remember thinking the same when I saw Avengers.The enjoyment was with the characters interacting, and this film delivered on that. Electro was hilarious and I loved how Marko and even Doc Connors got dialogue. As mentioned by others Doc Connors should have been given a bit more, but no mute characters here despite how many there are. Everyone was given their moments.

Having been disappointed in pretty much every Disney plus and Marvel film this year, this one got me back on track. There's some stuff I would have preferred be different, but overall this was up there with the MCU's most entertaining. Can't wait for Multiverse of Madness and more Spidey with where things left off.

I really hope Andrew Garfield is brought back in Sony's films and Secret Wars. He really is a great Spider-Man and was stealing every moment he was in. Was stoked to hear such a great crowd response for him.
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Yeah just by virtue of having the Raimi and Webb villains, naturally one's inclination would be "Well...does this mean that those Spider-men will be in this as well??" Now, granted, I am going to fully admit that Sony was right all along to keep the marketing secretive and not reveal them in a. trailer. To keep that shred of doubt going amongst the fans. They were 100% right.

Although, I really really wish I didn't know Murdock was in this. That surprise would've knocked me out of my seat if I had no idea he was in it. But its my own fault for looking at the leaked pictures and whatnot. lol

At this point I really don't care.
If the film had underperformed, I'd be questioning it much more.
Since it isn't ,the point is moot.
As fans we all pretty much knew they in the film, and I think alot of causal filmgoers pretty much assumed they going to be in it anyway, so advertising them wasn't a make or break thing since , it seems alot of people felt they gonna be in it anyway.

At this point, I'm still taking in the film and all the great things it did as opposed to being concerned over the marketing strategy.
The time for that is long past.
The film is here.
Just got home and I loved it!

Random thoughts:

The back pain joke had me rolling

I haven't been in a theater with applause since Endgame so that was nice.

Garfield is SO much better as Spider-man when we're not pretending he's a teenager.

May's death was one of the most devastating in the MCU, IMO. Her and Peter always had great chemistry together and when they would interact I always wished we'd see more of them. So to see him lose her was so hard. Holland was great in that scene, and I loved how Ned and MJ hugged him after the fact too.

Jamie Foxx also was a lot more entertaining in this.

And my girl Wanda in the end credits!
I still can't get over Aunt May dying making me tear up a second time. That's the hardest any of these MCU movies have hit emotionally other than Tony dying in EG.

Damn was that entire scene executed well and I already know its going to be hard rewatching it in the future for me just as much as Tony's death, but I'm okay with that.

Also, the last 5 minutes or so are still absolute perfection. Just seeing the origin Holland's Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the MCU finally all coming together was so satisfying and beautifully done IMO.

I love how reminiscent that final swing is of SM1 too with the EPIC choir in the background during the theme. It just made it feel more serious and somber yet a little hopeful at the same time too.
Severely disappointed by this movie. I'm glad most of you guys enjoyed it, though. I just couldn't.

Disneyfied to the extreme
As with the other films in the Watts trilogy, one of my main gripes with this film, and most of the MCU films to be frank, is the way it prioritizes humour above everything else. Compared to the Raimi trilogy, this film doesn't feel sincere and genuine. It tries way too hard to be funny way too often, in the first half even in almost every scene. Very rarely do the jokes work, because they feel desperate, tacked on and forced, whereas the Raimi films had a flow where the funny moments came naturally and didn't push aside the raw emotional integrations and scenes. In No Way Home, way too many scenes with potential get interrupted by bad comedy. And very rarely is it actually funny, with the exception of Foxx's delivery. Now almost every character, even the villains, feel silly and goofy. Not to mention dumbed down and nerfed, like for example Dr Strange, just for the sake of comic relief.

Terrible writing
I'm sorry, but I just can't let some things in this movie pass, even though they obviously are meant to be no more than story devices to serve us all the fan service. I'm not just talking about the terrible jokes this time. The most emotional scenes are ruined because I'm constantly reminded of Peter's stupid interaction with Dr. Strange that set this all in motion. Or how Peter brought all these dangerous villains to his place, putting May in danger which, unsurprisingly, becomes her demise. The spider sense scene was cool in a vacuum, but ruined by how stupid Peter was to put himself and May in that situation in the first place. I mean yes, Peter can be naive. But this dumb? Also, I don't get why Sandman joins the baddies in the final fight. And how come Electro got sent to this universe? He didn't know Spidey's secret identity in TASM2, right?

I also need to say that I really hated how Ned suddenly learns how to form portals with the sling ring, something Stephen needed to practice a lot to master.

Too much to handle
No, I don't think this movie handled the amount of characters well. Green Goblin was cool in the few scenes he were in, but given all the praise I expected him to be in it a lot more. Seeing as he was barely in it, I don't get why people favourise him in this film above his role in SM1. He was explored a lot more in that film whereas in this one he was more one dimensional, did some real damage but was easily defeated in the final fight. The only villain I think was handled okay in regards to characterization and screen time was Electro. I honestly don't think the other Spideys got the screen time and character moments needed either. Overall, due to how thin all the characters except for Holland Peter and MJ felt, as well as a lack of memorable epic moments, inspiring shots and direction, this movie didn't feel nearly as grand and eventful as I expected it to be.

Sadly, I don't think it was worth it sacrificing the chance to flesh out new iterations of Spidey's best villains for nostalgia and fan service. I don't think the soft reboot will salvage that.

So, what did I like?
I really liked the acting of Tom and Zendaya. And Dafoe, but he was having way too little screen time.
The music was very good at parts.
The new suit in the final scene looks great.

To me, this is the weakest in the Watts trilogy and one of the weakest Spider-Man films. I'll give this a 4/10.

As of now, I'd rank the Spider-Man films as the follows:

1) Spider-Man 2
2) Spider-Man
3) Into the Spider Verse

4) Homecoming
5) Far From Home

6) Spider-Man 3
7) No Way Home
8) Amazing 1
9) Amazing 2
I feel about this the same I way feel about the first Avengers movie.

Bringing the old Spideys back is an undeniable joy, but I think once the excitement/gimmick wears off, people will view the movie differently.
I feel about this the same I way feel about the first Avengers movie.

Bringing the old Spideys back is an undeniable joy, but I think once the excitement/gimmick wears off, people will view the movie differently.
I actually don’t think so because the movie is mostly about Hollands Spideys journey to truly becoming SM. The nostalgia is nice but not the core of the story
I enjoyed the film but would it have killed them to rewatch the movies they are trying to follow up on? Doc Ock never knew Norman Osborn was The Green Goblin. Hell nobody did so Sandman shouldn’t know either
I feel about this the same I way feel about the first Avengers movie.

Bringing the old Spideys back is an undeniable joy, but I think once the excitement/gimmick wears off, people will view the movie differently.

This. I feel the same way in a sense. I see a lot of 9/10 reviews and some 10/10 claiming it’s a masterpiece. I think a lot of people right now are just caught up in the hype of it. I’ve been guilty of it in the past. It happens to everyone.

The movie has plenty of flaws that are just too massive to deny. That being said, it’s still a fun ride in the end though….mostly for the nostalgia.
I think the movie will stand the test of time. Nostalgia was the selling point, but it wasn't the reason the movie was great. The movie is great because of the arc Tom Holland's Spider-Man takes and seeing him finally become Spider Man infront of our eyes. My second viewing was better than my first and the nostalgia glasses were completely off for that one.
Severely disappointed by this movie. I'm glad most of you guys enjoyed it, though. I just couldn't.

Disneyfied to the extreme
As with the other films in the Watts trilogy, one of my main gripes with this film, and most of the MCU films to be frank, is the way it prioritizes humour above everything else. Compared to the Raimi trilogy, this film doesn't feel sincere and genuine. It tries way too hard to be funny way too often, in the first half even in almost every scene. Very rarely do the jokes work, because they feel desperate, tacked on and forced, whereas the Raimi films had a flow where the funny moments came naturally and didn't push aside the raw emotional integrations and scenes. In No Way Home, way too many scenes with potential get interrupted by bad comedy. And very rarely is it actually funny, with the exception of Foxx's delivery. Now almost every character, even the villains, feel silly and goofy. Not to mention dumbed down and nerfed, like for example Dr Strange, just for the sake of comic relief.

Terrible writing
I'm sorry, but I just can't let some things in this movie pass, even though they obviously are meant to be no more than story devices to serve us all the fan service. I'm not just talking about the terrible jokes this time. The most emotional scenes are ruined because I'm constantly reminded of Peter's stupid interaction with Dr. Strange that set this all in motion. Or how Peter brought all these dangerous villains to his place, putting May in danger which, unsurprisingly, becomes her demise. The spider sense scene was cool in a vacuum, but ruined by how stupid Peter was to put himself and May in that situation in the first place. I mean yes, Peter can be naive. But this dumb? Also, I don't get why Sandman joins the baddies in the final fight. And how come Electro got sent to this universe? He didn't know Spidey's secret identity in TASM2, right?

I also need to say that I really hated how Ned suddenly learns how to form portals with the sling ring, something Stephen needed to practice a lot to master.

Too much to handle
No, I don't think this movie handled the amount of characters well. Green Goblin was cool in the few scenes he were in, but given all the praise I expected him to be in it a lot more. Seeing as he was barely in it, I don't get why people favourise him in this film above his role in SM1. He was explored a lot more in that film whereas in this one he was more one dimensional, did some real damage but was easily defeated in the final fight. The only villain I think was handled okay in regards to characterization and screen time was Electro. I honestly don't think the other Spideys got the screen time and character moments needed either. Overall, due to how thin all the characters except for Holland Peter and MJ felt, as well as a lack of memorable epic moments, inspiring shots and direction, this movie didn't feel nearly as grand and eventful as I expected it to be.

Sadly, I don't think it was worth it sacrificing the chance to flesh out new iterations of Spidey's best villains for nostalgia and fan service. I don't think the soft reboot will salvage that.

So, what did I like?
I really liked the acting of Tom and Zendaya. And Dafoe, but he was having way too little screen time.
The music was very good at parts.
The new suit in the final scene looks great.

To me, this is the weakest in the Watts trilogy and one of the weakest Spider-Man films. I'll give this a 4/10.

As of now, I'd rank the Spider-Man films as the follows:

1) Spider-Man 2
2) Spider-Man
3) Into the Spider Verse

4) Homecoming
5) Far From Home

6) Spider-Man 3
7) No Way Home
8) Amazing 1
9) Amazing 2

I pretty much share your sentiments on this as well. Judging from your post, I probably enjoyed the movie more then you but for the most part we agree. I’ve been saying the same things since I saw the movie. It’s apparent though that I’m in the minority and I’m glad people love the movie. As I’ve said though, the movie just has too many undeniable faults/issues for me to love it….and believe I wanted to love this movie badly.

Disney really has sunk their hooks deep into this character and it’s really unfortunate.
Just saw the ALL Audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is a 4.9/5 or 99%. Highest I have ever seen for a movie.
Yup, its Posttrack audience rating numbers are also higher than that of Endgame. Coupled with the only A+ Cinemascore for a live-action Spider-Man movie ever. MCU/Sony nailed this one.
Wow! what a movie. I didn't expect NWH to be that good.

As someone that loved Homecoming and FFH, I lost interest in the franchise once it was confirmed that NWH was going to be a spider verse movie. I never saw the Amazing Spiderman movies and while I liked Tobey's Spiderman movies, he's had his time and this is Tom's time. So unlike most fans I wasn't interested in NWH. But to my surprise, this movie was actually great despite all they had going on in it. Jon Watts did the damn thing. Movies like this are really hard to pull off, but he didn't just pull it off, he made the best Spiderman movie and top 5 MCU movie.
Somehow Watts and Garfield made me care about Garfield's Spiderman even though I never saw he's movies. And the moment I saw Tobey there was a huge smile on my face, I realised that I actually still liked he's Peter. I don't miss he or anything, but it was good to see him again. They both did okay, but the MVP is still Tom's Spiderman. Even when sharing the screen with the others, he still shines as the perfect Peter/Spiderman. Holland is a great actor and a star. He's acting brought tears to my eyes many times in this.

May, Ned and MJ were perfect too, especially MJ. The chemistry between Peter and MJ is palpable. They are handsdown the best couple in the MCU. I also love the relationship between Peter, Ned and MJ. They are the most believable friendship I've ever seen in a Spiderman movie. They've really been with each other through thick and thin.

The villains were great especially Doc Ock and Norman.

I really like that Marvel made May Peter's uncle Ben. Lot's of people were offended we never got uncle Ben's influence on Peter, but it seems like they wanted May to play that role in his journey as Spiderman. She even said they iconic line and it never felt forced.

In fact even though it's obvious they made this movie mostly to make all the money, nothing felt forced. Marvel has really perfected the crossover formula. They've never made a bad team up movie. (The Avengers movies, civil war and Ragnarok).

The only thing I didn't like was that they nerfed Dr Strange a bit. I'm biased anyway, Dr Strange is now my favorite Superhero (edging out Carol a bit) now that Cap is gone. But my interest in Into the madness of the multi verse is at all time high, I can't wait to see that movie. It's been my most anticipated movie since it was announced.

Rating NWH 10/10.
As Simon Miller would say, "well flub me silly". I realized as soon as my bus left to to the Covic capitol of my region, that I left my glasses at home. :facepalm: Luckily I was able to switch my seat 5 rows closer to the screen but I probably should have for a couple more as I still had little difficulties. Anyway. Best Spidey movie, period. 9½/10. Tobey and Andrew stuff exceeded my expectations, what amazing chemistry they had. The villains also felt far more real persons than in their previous iterations. Great writing and acting. Is Zendaya done with Spidey films now? Will we get the real MJ Watson in the future? (of course if the answer is yes and just as that seems to be happening, they bring back Zendaya with her memories intact because why not). So Venom's "job" was to just drop a load of himself in the MCU? Lame. Good thing I already watched the DS2 trailer because Grace Raldoph would have spoiled it for me... **** you, Randolph. Just, **** you. To quote Leopold Ditz: "you are the absolute WORST!"
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Severely disappointed by this movie. I'm glad most of you guys enjoyed it, though. I just couldn't.

Disneyfied to the extreme
As with the other films in the Watts trilogy, one of my main gripes with this film, and most of the MCU films to be frank, is the way it prioritizes humour above everything else. Compared to the Raimi trilogy, this film doesn't feel sincere and genuine. It tries way too hard to be funny way too often, in the first half even in almost every scene. Very rarely do the jokes work, because they feel desperate, tacked on and forced, whereas the Raimi films had a flow where the funny moments came naturally and didn't push aside the raw emotional integrations and scenes. In No Way Home, way too many scenes with potential get interrupted by bad comedy. And very rarely is it actually funny, with the exception of Foxx's delivery. Now almost every character, even the villains, feel silly and goofy. Not to mention dumbed down and nerfed, like for example Dr Strange, just for the sake of comic relief.

Terrible writing
I'm sorry, but I just can't let some things in this movie pass, even though they obviously are meant to be no more than story devices to serve us all the fan service. I'm not just talking about the terrible jokes this time. The most emotional scenes are ruined because I'm constantly reminded of Peter's stupid interaction with Dr. Strange that set this all in motion. Or how Peter brought all these dangerous villains to his place, putting May in danger which, unsurprisingly, becomes her demise. The spider sense scene was cool in a vacuum, but ruined by how stupid Peter was to put himself and May in that situation in the first place. I mean yes, Peter can be naive. But this dumb? Also, I don't get why Sandman joins the baddies in the final fight. And how come Electro got sent to this universe? He didn't know Spidey's secret identity in TASM2, right?

I also need to say that I really hated how Ned suddenly learns how to form portals with the sling ring, something Stephen needed to practice a lot to master.

Too much to handle
No, I don't think this movie handled the amount of characters well. Green Goblin was cool in the few scenes he were in, but given all the praise I expected him to be in it a lot more. Seeing as he was barely in it, I don't get why people favourise him in this film above his role in SM1. He was explored a lot more in that film whereas in this one he was more one dimensional, did some real damage but was easily defeated in the final fight. The only villain I think was handled okay in regards to characterization and screen time was Electro. I honestly don't think the other Spideys got the screen time and character moments needed either. Overall, due to how thin all the characters except for Holland Peter and MJ felt, as well as a lack of memorable epic moments, inspiring shots and direction, this movie didn't feel nearly as grand and eventful as I expected it to be.

Sadly, I don't think it was worth it sacrificing the chance to flesh out new iterations of Spidey's best villains for nostalgia and fan service. I don't think the soft reboot will salvage that.

So, what did I like?
I really liked the acting of Tom and Zendaya. And Dafoe, but he was having way too little screen time.
The music was very good at parts.
The new suit in the final scene looks great.

To me, this is the weakest in the Watts trilogy and one of the weakest Spider-Man films. I'll give this a 4/10.

As of now, I'd rank the Spider-Man films as the follows:

1) Spider-Man 2
2) Spider-Man
3) Into the Spider Verse

4) Homecoming
5) Far From Home

6) Spider-Man 3
7) No Way Home
8) Amazing 1
9) Amazing 2
Sorry to see you were disappointed. While it's not perfect and not top 5 MCU I thought it was very enjoyable.

Good to see you again pal.
I really loved this. Definetly in the top 3 Spider-man movies for me. Loved the chemistry with Andrew and Tobey.
It was great seeing them and Dafoe and Molina and the others...
But in the end, what really sold me was Tom´s story. It´s great that despite having so many elements and so many characters, they never forget that this is Peter´s story first and foremost. And I never felt like the movie lost track of that.

I didn´t expect the movie to get so intense and so emotional. The fight with the Goblin in the apartment was so so great. May´s death was heartbreaking (Holland was amazing in the scene) and absolutely loved that they gave her the "With great power" line.

The ending absolutely broke me. Peter is all alone now. I think it was really powerful because Tom´s Peter has always had a lot of support: Ned, May, Tony Stark, Happy, MJ... the Avengers! He always could ask someone for help. Now he has no one. I was surprisingly devastated by this ending and I am really looking forward for what´s to come.

Also, that costume in the final swing... :hrt: That thing looks absolutely beautiful and I´m obsesed with it now. I need a Hot Toy of that. :yay:

I thought the identity knowledge stuff was rushed a lil bit wsh that would have been explored more great seeing Matt Murdock if only briefly crowed clapped for him Zendaya impressed me in this never was a fan of hers but credit where credit is due she brought it here

Ned being able to form portals was complete horse #### but didn't have time to rage on thst cause that led to the other Spiderman to get in the movie

Movie was great when the 3 Spidermen were interacting with each other Andrew made me fan of his here I hated his movies but loved the meta line he said thst he was lame for only fighting a Russian guy with a suit loved that line (looking at u sony)

Aunt May death got me in the feels great performance by Tomei and the consulting by the other Spidermen was superb

Willem Defoe man did he deliver LOVED THAT THEY DITCHED THE MASK his face emotes so much already

Doc Ock was good also wish he had more to do the rest of the villains were there for exposition to each other. A waste imo
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