Superhero Cinematic Civil War - Part 57

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I find it deeply, deeply hilarious to call something a "modern myth", while in the same breath calling for adherence to one vision. God, current copyright lasts too long.

I said nothing of the sorts. I said build on top of what already exists, not destroy what came before.
Why would he write that? Does he have some connection with the character?
I don't necessarily think it's that common for someone to write a movie that's based on a character they have a certain connection with, in a developing way.
I totally get the idea of liking what you like, but that is not how most people work. I think we all know that here. Most are not rational adults. We just lived through an election that proved how far we are from that.
I don't necessarily think it's that common for someone to write a movie that's based on a character they have a certain connection with, in a developing way.
No, I'm asking why specifically would he write that character and not the one he's clearly interested in.
I wish.

Not going to bother to find the quote because it was part of a 4 hour interview, but Junkie XL was talking about the music, and said he wrote a suite for Cyborg that plays during a 15 minute long origin that has no dialogue or sound FX.
...dear ****ing lord.


  1. greatest in amount, quantity, or degree.
    "they've had the most success"

    nearly all
    almost all
    the majority
    the bulk
    the lion's share
    the mass
    the preponderance


  1. the greatest amount or quantity.
    "we had the most to lose"
I wish.

Not going to bother to find the quote because it was part of a 4 hour interview, but Junkie XL was talking about the music, and said he wrote a suite for Cyborg that plays during a 15 minute long origin that has no dialogue or sound FX.

Oh god, he thinks penultimate is just another way to say "super-ultimate" doesn't he?
Yeah it's dumb thing to say, but I like that's he's able to acknowledge how silly and self-indulgent a black and white version is. He even calls is "fetishistic", which I totally relate to as someone who enjoys and regularly turns off the color off my TV just cause I love black and white.
Glad I could excite you guys :o

Supposedly it's the most emotional aspect of the film. Ignoring the Snyder part of it, I can't believe I have to listen to Junkie XL attempt at writing super tragic and emotional music.
Junkie XL wrote "Brothers in Arms" for the Mad Max Fury Road score, which gives him a lifetime pass for me.


I'd actually love a link to this 4 hour interview. Junkie XL's youtube channel has been an endless fountain of joy for me. Just hours and hours of nerdy music breakdowns of gear and composition techniques. It's so great. I've watched his multipart breakdown on modular synthesis many times.
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I agree with that, but no less it is their new way of doing things. I just don't see the need for the various tribes to cannibalize each other. How WB is handling this is out of our hands, but if they are doing this multiverse thing across the board, I just don't see the need for people to get upset about a movie being made, especially if alternatives are being provided. If it was like the MCU where we have 1 Character X and they were miscast but we were stuck with it, I would get it. But in a world where we got multiple Supermen, Batmen, etc....then who cares if you don't like how 1 is handled. Just don't eat vanilla. Pick another flavor.
Idk, all this worrying about multiple versions reeks of concern trolling to me

I personally think this multiverse stuff is a joke but at least people are getting options. You don't like the corniness of CW Superman, maybe black Clark Kent is more to your liking. You don't like that, hop on MAX etc etc.
With the way media is consumed nowadays, putting competing versions of the same hero on TV and film seems to me like poor character management. Both of the Big Two comic book companies have enough characters with star potential - like former C listers Wanda, Vision, Monica Rambeau and Agatha Harkness - that doubling down on a handful of guys doesn't make much sense. It risks dividing fan loyalty and takes resources away from what could potentially be your next breakout character.
Junkie XL wrote "Brothers in Arms" for the Mad Max Fury Road score, which gives him a lifetime pass for me.


I'd actually love a link to this 4 hour interview. Junkie XL's youtube channel has been an endless fountain of joy for me. Just hours and hours of nerdy music breakdowns of gear and composition techniques. It's so great. I've watched his multipart breakdown on modular synthesis many times.
Yeah, Junkie's got talent. I don't always like his scores, but when they are good, they are very good. He hit all the right emotions with Fury Road, and enhanced an already fantastic flick. I still tear up when the women are being raised up onto the platform and Mad disappears into the crowd.
Idk, all this worrying about multiple versions reeks of concern trolling to me

I personally think this multiverse stuff is a joke but at least people are getting options. You don't like the corniness of CW Superman, maybe black Clark Kent is more to your liking. You don't like that, hop on MAX etc etc.
CW Superman is corny? In what way?
With the way media is consumed nowadays, putting competing versions of the same hero on TV and film seems to me like poor character management. Both of the Big Two comic book companies have enough characters with star potential - like former C listers Wanda, Vision, Monica Rambeau and Agatha Harkness - that doubling down on a handful of guys doesn't make much sense. It risks dividing fan loyalty and takes resources away from what could potentially be your next breakout character.
I can't think of another term I might care about less. Yuck.
I didn't want to bring this up, but yeah. I love the ST. I also love the Mando. I can't explain the amount of times I am having fun discussing the Mando when someone here has to chime in with, "yeah that is why the ST sucks", and it turns into a discussion about that. It's a special kind of maddening, that made me realizes how much of a jerk I was to people who are big fans of the PT and even TLJ.

By the way, I repent my sins on being so mean to PT. I unabashedly love it now. Even AotC.

It’s why I find the Star Wars fandom so exhausting these days. There’s a lot I don’t like about the sequel trilogy, but I don’t want it constantly brought up and deconstructed when I’m trying to engage with The Mandalorian and the content that’s presented. That kind of internal competition happens on every level too, with the canon books vs Legends, new games vs Lucasarts.

But I think it’s a wider problem with fandoms in general these days. Even something as innocuous as Dragonball turns into a vitriolic civil war between the different iterations. It’s why we can’t have nice things anymore.

/end rant.
Yeah, Junkie's got talent. I don't always like his scores, but when they are good, they are very good. He hit all the right emotions with Fury Road, and enhanced an already fantastic flick. I still tear up when the women are being raised up onto the platform and Mad disappears into the crowd.
It's absolutely sublime. I think it's one of the truly all-time great movies, and that doesn't happen without that score.
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