The General Comic Discussion Thread - Part 2

I think you mean Ram. Chip is on the other book. But I totally agree. And I totally agree about…well everything you said in your (as always) excellent weekly review. I too am sad to see Robin end. It’s so rare to have a book introduce as many new characters as this one did and to have them all be a solid as they were. I really hope that this isn’t the last that we see of Flatline. Plus, I also love that Williamson used as many lower tier established characters in the story, such as Lord Death Man and Connor Hawke, and made them more intriguing and entertaining than if he used A-listers.

Oh god yeah, Ram is on Detective...its easy to get confused when you have two incredible Batman books going on that are so early in their run already on such a high level.
Its incredible what both Chip and Ram have done already in so few issues into their run.
Also, I just placed my order for the hardcover of the latest Robin & Batman mini by Lemire and Nguyen. I know it's gonna take a few weeks but I am ready to dig into that one as soon as it arrives.

This was a masterpiece. I loved the story. And Dustin Nguyen is the best working artist in the world today.


This finally arrived today, and I just finished it. It's a Really lovely story, for sure, with some Really Nice art.
Oh god yeah, Ram is on Detective...its easy to get confused when you have two incredible Batman books going on that are so early in their run already on such a high level.
Its incredible what both Chip and Ram have done already in so few issues into their run.
Really looking forward to picking up the trades for these two runs in the near future.
I'm glad everyone is picking up on Ram V. To me, he's THE creator to keep an eye on. Swamp Thing was brilliant. Aquaman: Andromeda is shaping up to be something special and his Detective Comics run is looking to be the same. I'm glad DC has allowed him to be himself instead of having to ape Tynion on Justice League Dark. He's so much better than that.

New Comics Week: A short, but entertaining week.

Superman: Warworld Apocolypse. The big finish to the Warworld Saga. It wasn't as big as I was expecting it to be, and I suspect that this probably would have been drawn out further if given the opportunity. But I could not put the book down for anything. Kennedy writes a truly honorable Superman, but more importantly, he writes a truly human Superman. His Superman isn't dripping with wishy washy sentiment or built up to be this hallow, saccharine statue of "hope". He's a man, challenged morally and philosophically, who's conscious weighs heavily when choosing to do the right thing. Fortunately, things work out. But the DRAMA! Kennedy does it quite well.

The biggest drawback to the bottom half of this story was the inconsistency with the art teams. It would have been great to get a single artist to finish it out instead of like 4, and some of it simply isn't as good as Sempere, Mendonca or Federici. What it does expertly is conclude the big story while blossoming future plot threads. The Warworld Saga is already one of the best Superman stories in a very long time, but if Kennedy can keep the momentum going, this could truly be one of the all time great runs. The next arc leading into #1050 is a big crossover with Tom Taylor's Superman. It makes sense, but I'm not too keen on picking up Taylor's books. We'll see. But the seeds planted in this particular issue, if allowed to grow, should lead to some compelling stories down the road.

Flash Annual 2022: This was a very funny read. The issue serves as the novel that Linda has been writing since Jeremy Adams has taken over the Flash book. It's delightful. I've seen other reviews praise it for how good it (Linda's novel) is, but I actually found the comic so good precisely because of how BAD it was. It hits every cheap romance/sci-fi novel trope in the book, and runs with it unapologetically. It was such a fun read. It concludes with some major news about the Flash family, and damnit, I'm in!

The art was once again the big drawback. I'm not too fond of this kind of anime/manga style of art that's on display here. It's never really been a style I can get into. Maybe it would have worked if it was the art for Linda's book with another artist doing the book-end portions, but it didn't really work for me.


I know that this is a general discussion thread that's turned into a review thread BUT in an effort to go back to the original point of the thread....

I recently finished collecting the final 18 issues of Sandman Mystery Theatre (you know, the 18 issues that it seems DC will NEVER collect) and I started a huge binge re-read of all 8 collected TPBs and Sandman Midnight Theatre. If you've not read this series, I STRONGLY suggest looking into it. DC announced a compendium collection due for release early next year, which will collect for the third time material that is already available (and I'll buy when volume 2, god willing, gets released).

It's Matt Wagner, Steven T. Seagle, and Guy Davis, and they take a deep dive into a sordid, demented, post-prohibition New York and tell some pretty magnificent pulp style stories with a contemporary, almost high literary twist using the Golden Age Sandman, Wesley Dodds. The stories use certain social stigmas, or even certain social practices of the day as the means to weave something rather disturbing and lurid. The stories force us to look at where we currently are as a society and witness how far, or how short, we've truly come. Yet at the heart of the series is the blooming romance between Wesley Dodds and Dian Belmont, and it's one of the very few comic book relationships that feels truly genuine. The way the dodge and weave each other and eventually come to be together is truly a wonderful reading experience. There is some very casual racism and sexism strewn throughout the series, but in lesser hands it would seem gratuitous. Here, it just helps paint the picture that this version of New York, or perhaps Wesley Dodd's view of the world and NYC in particular, is a lush and seething hell, permeating with the horrors one would only expect to find in nightmares.

I'm about a third of the way through the series and I am loving every bit of it. Sandman Mystery Theatre is yet another "lightning in a bottle" books DC had going in the 90's (the other being James Robinson's Starman). Give this book a read, especially if you like grim, pulp mystery stories.
Flash Annual 2022: This was a very funny read. The issue serves as the novel that Linda has been writing since Jeremy Adams has taken over the Flash book. It's delightful. I've seen other reviews praise it for how good it (Linda's novel) is, but I actually found the comic so good precisely because of how BAD it was. It hits every cheap romance/sci-fi novel trope in the book, and runs with it unapologetically. It was such a fun read. It concludes with some major news about the Flash family, and damnit, I'm in!

The art was once again the big drawback. I'm not too fond of this kind of anime/manga style of art that's on display here. It's never really been a style I can get into. Maybe it would have worked if it was the art for Linda's book with another artist doing the book-end portions, but it didn't really work for me.

I so enjoyed this, and I absolutely LOVE this book as a whole. It was so much fun to see Wally’s joy at reading his wife’s book. I also loved how she made the obvious references to people in their lives and I wish they would’ve had Wally have a bigger reaction to Linda
having an obvious reference to Dick Grayson as the ex husband/first love of her character
That was hilarious.
Jeremy Adams is killing it in this book though.
I wish they would’ve had Wally have a bigger reaction to Linda
having an obvious reference to Dick Grayson as the ex husband/first love of her character
That was hilarious.
Jeremy Adams is killing it in this book though.


::hikes up nerd glasses::

Flash Vol. 2 #103 - Linda was previously married to a man named Rick Shavers, who was later killed.

There are some deep cuts referenced throughout the issue, which is why the annual was so great. Adams really did his homework.

::hikes up nerd glasses::

Flash Vol. 2 #103 - Linda was previously married to a man named Rick Shavers, who was later killed.

There are some deep cuts referenced throughout the issue, which is why the annual was so great. Adams really did his homework.
I stand corrected! Lol. That design for the Rick character definitely looked a lot like Dick Grayson.
Did a little bit of reading last night;

Snow Angels vol 1, by Lemire and Jock. This is a story that takes place in an arctic enviroment where the only living humans live inside a deep trench in the ice, to protect them from the cold up above. I don't wanna talk too much about the plot but I really enjoy it so far, and the art is just really really good. Minor complaint: I wish the trench and village we see were a lot bigger and contained more people.
I was ready to order vol 2 straight away but I just found out there's a deluxe hardcover edition coming early next year, so lets see if I can wait that long.

Silver Coin vol 2. Another set of these short horror stories about the cursed coin. Not much to say really, they are fun and creative, and I'm looking forward to the next installment.

We Only Find Them When They're Dead vol 2. Continuing this awesome series with a big time jump after the first volume. Good stories with cool ideas, and the art is absolutely bonkers. Like seriously.
@Mani-Man, I’m interested to know your thoughts on the latest issue in Zdarsky’s Batman. I know that you, like me, are a big fan of the Bat Family, and you hate the “soldier” metaphor that writers like Miller have emphasized as Batman’s attitude toward Robin. Zdarsky approached that issue head on and steamrolled it in amazing fashion. He had me almost cheering.
I’d love to hear your and others reaction.
Just finished Superman: Warworld Apocalypse, and my goodness, what a wonderful all-timer arc this has been! I'd never heard of Phillip Kennedy Johnson before this, but now I hope he keeps writing Superman for a long, long time. I really hope the Warworld Saga gets the Deluxe edition treatment somewhere down the line, as I honestly do think it will be going down as one of the character's most beloved classic stories. Can't wait to see what PKJ has in store for Metropolis now.
Comics week after last weeks was more a break for me.
For the most part the Annuals came out and im not really into them.

The Flash one was neat don’t get me wrong, but nothing to talk about.
The Superman Warworld final…it really good, but felt a bit too fast to me.
Its weird to have to buy this one issue for the final of the arc, feels disjointed to me.
Still, a great final to a great arc.

Anyway, here we are with a new “full” comic book week…and hold your butts people, it is one awesome week

Batman #127

You wouldn’t believe the inhuman scream I let out in this issue…god damn you Zdarsky you magnificent bastard you.
I knew when he pulled out Zurr-En-Arrh, things would be good…but holy Batman, this was more than good.
And then he used him in such a great way.
In this very issue, he breaks the whole “Bruce is just the mask” “The Batfamily are his soldiers” and this idea that the less he feels, the more effective he is.
All problems I have with the character, and Zdarsky thinks so too.
He tears away on those dated ideas of Batman and shows me the Batman I want to see.
Minor gripe is that he didn’t include the girls in this, they are part of his family too…but that’s really just minor.
He throws out so much good stuff in this one issue…it was insane.
How he has Bruce shout full of anger that Tim isn’t his soldier, that he is his son...a Page that had me cheer like a lunatic.
How Bruce was for a moment grateful that he could die thinking about his family that includes Dick, Jason, Tim, Alfred, The whole “but batman doesn’t die”, then the final shot one of the coolest Superman shots ever...god, i still get goosebumps just thinking about this issue.
Zdarsky will break me if he continues like that.
Few issues and its already an all time run for me.

This run could be so magical if he keeps delivering like this.

Batman: Dear Detective #1

Lee Bermejo…56 pages of Lee Bermejo art…what more do I need to say?
I can never get enough of this mans Art, the way he draws batman and gotham.
Its magic.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths #4

A good issue but I don’t feel the scale of it to be honest.
It really doesn’t do anything too big for my liking and nothing really unique or spectacular new.
It’s a big story, called crisis…but nothing more, im not feeling it as much as I maybe should.

The New Champion of Shazam! #2

That one is great, im loving issue 2 even more than issue 1.
I wasn’t sure if I was feeling this mary focused book, but I do.
It has a good vibe, the writing is well paced and feels good.
The Art is wonderful…im really happy with this so far.

Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #4

Everything with Nubia keeps getting overlooked…and Boy so does Yara.
What was she hyped up, now she is a side character in a Nubia book.
The character deserved better…but not to say Nubia is bad, far from it.
A really crisp writing and lively art makes Nubia a underrated, fun ride.

Poison Ivy #4

Why you do this DC? Honestly? Did some people spit in all your coffee while screaming “That’s for not going through with Harley/ivy” and you decided to punish everyone for it?
Why you keep doing this?
No plotline will ever be needed that justifies you breaking them up after only getting them together for what? 2 issues?
It doesn’t make it better, doesnt work…it’s a cheap move to keep baiting fans who didn’t deserve the disrespect.

Anyway, enough ranting about that…but I see you DC, dishonor to your cow.
Everything else in this is totally good.
The Art…especially the art.
But also the plot, the writing, the flow…fantastic.
Only if DC wouldn’t be Dirtbags towards Harley/Ivy.

So yeah, this week was incredible…alone for the Batman issue that did what I want people evolve Batman into.
Just finished Superman: Warworld Apocalypse, and my goodness, what a wonderful all-timer arc this has been! I'd never heard of Phillip Kennedy Johnson before this, but now I hope he keeps writing Superman for a long, long time. I really hope the Warworld Saga gets the Deluxe edition treatment somewhere down the line, as I honestly do think it will be going down as one of the character's most beloved classic stories. Can't wait to see what PKJ has in store for Metropolis now.
I can’t wait for this whole saga to be released on DC Infinite. I have been wanting to read this arc, but it’s length has scared me off. Not sure why. Anyway, I’ve heard such great things about it that I can’t wait to read it.
Batman #127

You wouldn’t believe the inhuman scream I let out in this issue…god damn you Zdarsky you magnificent bastard you.
I knew when he pulled out Zurr-En-Arrh, things would be good…but holy Batman, this was more than good.
And then he used him in such a great way.
In this very issue, he breaks the whole “Bruce is just the mask” “The Batfamily are his soldiers” and this idea that the less he feels, the more effective he is.
All problems I have with the character, and Zdarsky thinks so too.
He tears away on those dated ideas of Batman and shows me the Batman I want to see.
Minor gripe is that he didn’t include the girls in this, they are part of his family too…but that’s really just minor.
He throws out so much good stuff in this one issue…it was insane.
How he has Bruce shout full of anger that Tim isn’t his soldier, that he is his son...a Page that had me cheer like a lunatic.
How Bruce was for a moment grateful that he could die thinking about his family that includes Dick, Jason, Tim, Alfred, The whole “but batman doesn’t die”, then the final shot one of the coolest Superman shots ever...god, i still get goosebumps just thinking about this issue.
Zdarsky will break me if he continues like that.
Few issues and its already an all time run for me.

This run could be so magical if he keeps delivering like this.

Lol. Yep, this is what I thought your reaction would be. And I agree with everything you said, including your minor nitpick because I thought that it was a glaring omission to not include at least Stephanie in his assessment, given that she was Robin as well. But I agree that this story has been awesome so far. And for Zdarsky to start his run with an arc that is the spiritual sequel to Tower of Babel (one of my favorite JL stories by perhaps my all time favorite writer) is as brilliant as it is ambitious. And it works.
In the last two issues Zdarsky has given us a definitive moment for Nightwing (his introduction in the last issue is an example of why I read comics); a definitive moment for Superman (“When he means it, his voice is a boom…a midwestern boom that tells even the cynics…everything will be all right…Superman is here” with “I’m going to have to ask you to step away from my friend” being uttered in the midst of that narrative. Chills.); and an amazing Batman moment (“I am Batman and Bruce Wayne. And Tim isn’t my soldier. He’s my son!” Beautiful.)
I love this so much!
Just got ahold of Batman vs Robin

This better not be a gimmick or a tease.
Comics week

Batgirls #10

I really don’t want to miss out on this series, it is such a comfortable read.
The art is lively, the writing is good…its just a lovely book.
And every issue so far has done a good job with the characters and how well they fit together.
Its another fine example why the Batfamily when used right, is the greatest.
They all are so good on their own, but together, they are just on another level.

Batman vs Robin #1

Interesting start of this.
Im never a fan of the family fighting so im very unsure about this, but there is room to do good stuff that brings Damian and Bruce closer together.
Especially with a possible Alfred return.
But on that, I want to be careful…im used to DC baiting fans on many things.
So I don’t want to hope yet that we really have Alfred back.
I wouldn’t care for the how or who did it…if this is really Alfred alive, I take it.
Don’t care how badly written or so, bring back Alfred permanently in the main continuity…that’s all I want.
Anyway, the start has potential and im definitely curious about this book.

Batman Urban Legends #19

Its Urban Legends, good and bad on that.
I often question this buy because I expect all stories to hit high, but not every story does it.
So you kind of only get half of the books worth imo, which is kind of weird for me.
But you just have always at least 1-2 arcs in there that are super nice, in this case for example the Alfred one that I find so neat.
It leaves you often in a weird state where its part a good issue and part bad.
I think that I probably have to change my mindset on the approach to this a bit…I don’t know.
This issue was overall however, solid.
All the stories had something I found enjoyable…its just that this isn’t the case for every issue.

Jurassic League #5

I don’t even know if you can proper judge this book on how you normally would comics.
Its just such a wild and crazy ride, so out of box thought with its setting.
The writing isn’t really trying to do much, it is really just “What if these characters were dinosaurs” and it embraces this so hard.
I can see kids having a incredible time with this one, I as an adult have that for sure.

Superman: Son of Kal-El #15

Weird paced Issue imo.
But outside of the pacing, you have your usual decent writing paired up with nice art.
It has its usual problems to me, the lack of moving Jon as character forward.
Its all more gimmick than character, not enough deeper look at Jon as person.
And he is a character that needs this desperately, even more now when Clark returns.
Because so far imo there wasn’t enough done to elevate Jon to stand beside Clark…which would be fine if he would still be the child instead of the teen.
It lacks the growth I was expecting/Hoping for when the book started.
I mean I get taking the mantle of Superman from his father and all, and that’s not a bad idea…he doesn’t “need” to create a different supehero persona.
He can one day be Superman when his father retires or so.
But you can still make more with Jon, you can give him more character…and I feel like this is where the book lacks more often than not.

Wonder Woman #791

So, is this now a new run or what? Im asking because quite often when that happens, the first character they throw in is Cheetah.
Not that I have a problem with that, it just feels like every new beginning in a WW book starts off with her.
But lets see, hopefully this arc breaths new life into the run because damn is WW currently out of breath.
I barely remember anything about the last 20 or what issues…and that is absolutely not good, Diana deserves better.

Not a bad week.
WW and Superman worry me a bit, don’t get me wrong they are good…but they leave a lot of potential on the floor for me.
Batman Vs Robin is one eye look at suspicious…don’t trust that one at the moment with what they did.
We will need to see.
Batman vs Robin #1

Interesting start of this.
Im never a fan of the family fighting so im very unsure about this, but there is room to do good stuff that brings Damian and Bruce closer together.
Especially with a possible Alfred return.
But on that, I want to be careful…im used to DC baiting fans on many things.
So I don’t want to hope yet that we really have Alfred back.
I wouldn’t care for the how or who did it…if this is really Alfred alive, I take it.
Don’t care how badly written or so, bring back Alfred permanently in the main continuity…that’s all I want.
Anyway, the start has potential and im definitely curious about this book.
This is Mark Waid, so “badly written” should not be an issue. IMHO he is probably the greatest comic book writer alive today and maybe greatest of all time. (Yeah, I went there.) No one has more reverence for the characters that he writes than he does. His books are a celebration of the heroes. So while I share your skepticism, I do feel that this story is in the right hands.

Batgirls #10

I really don’t want to miss out on this series, it is such a comfortable read.
The art is lively, the writing is good…its just a lovely book.
And every issue so far has done a good job with the characters and how well they fit together.
Its another fine example why the Batfamily when used right, is the greatest.
They all are so good on their own, but together, they are just on another level.
This book brings the fun every month. I absolutely LOVE it.
Comics week with everyones favorite...Batman/Superman Worlds Finest…juhu

Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #7

God do I love this book.
The charm, the art, the pacing, the characters…the absolute heart that you can feel in it.
Such an incredible book.
Im so happy that it managed to surpass the hype it had prior to issue 1.
Its so good, I find myself going over every new issue at least a couple of times just out of fun.

Batman: The Knight #9

With this its kind of the same as with Batman/Superman…everything just fits for me.
It is such a good “origins” story and does so much in a interesting way.
Imo another good Book to show that Zdarsky was really the right choice…not that anybody who reads Batman needed to be convinced.
But this is really a good showcase too.

Black Adam #4

This is keeping his high level of quality, glad to see.
Only problem is that it feels at times a bit disconnected, which can get distracting.
But overall there is something there in the writing that hooks you and keeps you reading.
The art speaks for itself…nothing to complain there.

The Flash #786

Jesus good lord in heaven, give those working on this a Raise…they deserve every penny and more.
Just incredible.
The Grin I had on my face the whole time…I really needed the happy feelings this issue gave me.
Part of me as Batfamily fan is jealous of how wholesome the Flash Family is written, but as a growing flash fan thanks to incredible good writing Flash has gotten for a long time now, this is a joy.
Such an incredible Run, I cant praise it enough.
Every issue so full of what makes comics loving it.

Nightwing #96

That was a fantastic ending to a bit rushed arc, but this issue made up for the feeling to me.
Well paced, the art Is fantastic and the Writing…when Tom Taylor is good, he is damn good.
And thank god he didn’t go through with the Usual Couples in comics break up nonsense.
Instead he strengthened Dick/Barbara even more…absolutely good stuff.

A really strong week that was a lot of fun.
Yeah. Dan Mora and Bruno Rendando are two artists who are killing it these days.
So I've spent the last couple days catching up on World's Finest and Superman: Space Age. Now, I haven't read Jon's book because I'm still bitter about him being aged up and I don't think that's changing soon, but I'll tell ya, considering how many fans were initially outraged when they heard Jon would be taking over the "main title" and were worried ol' Clark was being phased out, Clark fans are eating very well right now in comics, imo. Between these books and Action many great Supes stories! I can't remember the last time I had 3 ongoing Supes books I was loving this much.

I'm not familiar with Mark Russell at all, but Space Age is really sharply written, with so many lines of dialogue that could easily go down as classic Supes lines. The retro '60's setting (+ bonus Hal Jordan) reminds me a lot of New Frontier, but through a more Superman lens, which is never a bad thing. Anxiously awaiting the 2nd part.

World's Finest is just an absolute blast from start to finish. I knew I'd enjoy it, cuz Waid, but what HAS caught me off guard about it is how much focus he's giving the "sidekicks." Robin and Supergirl are just as enjoyable in this book as the leads. I never want this book to end. But if Waid has to move on to focus on his Birthright sequel, I humbly understand. :oldrazz:
Dan Mora's quickly becoming a fave of mine.

His style is very "comicy", very vibrant and expressive...with a good Colorist like Tamra Bonvillain, his work gets even more elevated in terms of that.
I know that there are a lot of people who just want to complain and are never happy…but I just don’t understand how you cannot be happy with the DC product right now. Zdarsky is starting what could be a legendary Batman run; Ram V’s Detective run has been provocative and interesting thus far. Action has been incredible. Tom Taylor’s Nightwing has been nothing short of amazing and has been the best that the character has ever been written. Jeremy Adams’ Flash has been an absolute joy to read and Batgirls is such a guilty pleasure, blending humor and story in ways that consistently hit the mark with deepest respect to the characters. Then there is the legend, Mark Waid, writing World’s Finest, and absolutely bringing it every month. That book has been a celebration of everything that makes comics great and it hits every mark. That one came in with sky-high expectations and not only met, but exceeded them.

It is truly a great time to be a fan of DC comics.
Haven't posted anything since the week before the first New Comics Week of September! I'll keep the month thus far short:

The New Champion of Shazam #2: One of the best books DC has. It's fun like all Marvel Family books should be, and it's great to have someone who isnt Geoff Johns working with these characters. If you're digging Nightwing and The Flash, this book belongs up there.

Batman: Dear Detective: a collection of Lee Bermejo's Detective Comics covers set to a loose narrative so as make a story out of them. Interesting experiment that doesn't necessarily work 100% but it's great to have those covers in an oversized Black Label book. Worth every damn penny!

9/14 was a skip week

Nightwing #96: LOVED IT though I'm still having a hard time getting past Taylor's facile CW-style melodrama. I still groan every time someone mentions "Haven". But what I enjoyed about it was Babs laughing at Dick over the notion that they can't be together because of "danger". I enjoyed that specifically because of how it contrasts exactly with Batman #126, showing how much Bruce buys into the notion that he can't settle down (even though that was the ENTIRE point of King's Batman run before he got the boot) because of the dangers his life has. If DC can commit to this Dick/Babs relationship, I'm in for the haul. I just hope the ultimately meaningless sentimental celebrations of abstract concepts riddled throughout the series takes more of a back seat to a more real examination of the social causes the book purports to tackle, as well as healthy relationships.

Flash #786: Loved this book as well! Probably the best book that DC has that no one knows about. Seeing Jai and Irey interact with the DCU at large was the best part of this book, especially Jai hanging out with Power Girl and Hawman. The Animal Man team-up was also wonderful. I know it's now stuck in a company wide crossover, but more promotion would be great. Hopefully with the 60 Second War coming up next year, this book can get more attention. The book definitely needs it.

World's Finest #7. Was not expecting this book to hit as hard as it did but that's Mark Waid for you. Solid book with an emotional punch and with Waid at the steering wheel, the cliffhanger of this book literally made me fist pump the air. This book is so much damn fun!

Black Adam #4: This was the first issue in the series that made me step back a bit. I had this problem with Priest's Deathstroke too. This issue felt pretty disjointed and, while I like to think I'm a perceptive reader, I had the overwhelming sense that I missed something. Atleast, this book seemed to present itself as though something happened between issue 3 and 4 and is trying to recap, but I don't know. I had a weird time trying to follow this one. Still in for the long haul, but now I'm suspicious of the quality going forward.


Detective Comics #1064: felt kind of like a filler issue. Nothing significant happens and right when you think it's gonna get interesting, it ends. Ram V weaves a pretty interesting metaphorical story within a story that eats up the first good chunk of the book and then the main story kinda flounders a bit. Great artwork though. Rafael Albuquerque's change of style on this book continues to impress.
The back-up story was a little too purple (and for me to say that says something!) but it still justifies that Spurrier needs to be given back Hellblazer, like NOW!

The Human Target #7: A much welcome to return to one of my favorite DC books. And this issue, it;s first in almost a year, looks like it's gonna grab you and throw you one way, only to throw you exactly where you convinced yourself it wouldn't. This is Prime Tom King. And Smallwood is just a god among insects. His art is just brilliant brilliant brilliant! Don't trade wait on this. Pick it up!

Action Comics #1047: Superman's back on Earth and Riccardo Federici is on hand to draw a pretty beautiful comic. The ramifications of the War World Saga begin to manifest themselves and Kennedy handles it with some finesse. Two things that struck me: The implication that Lois and Clark might adopt the two Phaelosian children Clark rescued on War World, to me, is a good one. Clark as a father still has untapped potential while DC meanders with Adult-Jon, but I also like the idea of Lois and Clark dealing with adopting two now-superpowered children and raising them in a safe(er) world. The second thing is that I don't recall Lex Luthor ever being portrayed as such a Xenophobe. Maybe it's just me, but I felt it was pretty pronounced in this issue and it really seals the deal making him a super villain in a way that didn't feel hokey. It felt disturbing and I hope Kennedy leans into that more, too. I'm not too fond of the fact that this story continues in Tom Taylor's Superman, as I think Taylor has already proven he's not close to being a good enough writer to tackle the themes Kennedy has with any serious, profound ability. Especially with what's been happening to immigrants in this country of late, much of Taylor's handling of real world events in Superman up to the point I dropped it seems disingenuous at best, and offensive at worst. We'll see.

Sgt Rock Vs The Army of the Dead #1. I went back n forth over whether I should buy it, and ultimately pulled the trigger. Thank goodness, because this book was my favorite book of the week. Sgt Rock and Easy Co. vs Nazi Zombies. Written by Bruce Campbell. How does it get any better than that?! It was so much fun. Completely self-aware, it's a hoot at every turn of the page. Eduardo Risso doing the artwork just sells it. I bought the Francesco Francavilla variant too, which makes for a pretty awesome package. If you're digging Shazam, Nightwing or The Flash, this book is up there on the fun scale with them.

Now, after seeing the reactions here, I went back to pick up Batman #126 and #127. #125 was good, but it didn't do much to keep me on board. But consider me impressed. I may have dropped the book at #126 if I didn't already have #127 but this Zur-En-Aarh thing has my full attention. The OG story is a lot of fun, and Morrison's take on it was wonky, but seeing it executed in this way was something I'm all for. I also liked the scene that introduces Nightwing to the story (pretty badass), it was great seeing Tim play a big part in the story, and that Superman panel... I'm in. For the first arc at least, and despite the fact that I think Detective Comics is gonna be the Bat-title to watch, I'm in.

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