The General Comic Discussion Thread - Part 2

Was just doing some re-reading of early 2000’s era Supes, and I’m just gonna throw out my hot take for the day that Joe Kelly’s best issue of Action Comics is not #775, but #792.


Gets me misty-eyed every time.:cry:

I wish I could force this issue onto anyone adapting the character, or any fan who tries to minimize the importance of mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent to Superman’s story.
Me now running to DC Universe Ultra to check this out:

Was just doing some re-reading of early 2000’s era Supes, and I’m just gonna throw out my hot take for the day that Joe Kelly’s best issue of Action Comics is not #775, but #792.


Gets me misty-eyed every time.:cry:

I wish I could force this issue onto anyone adapting the character, or any fan who tries to minimize the importance of mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent to Superman’s story.
Excellent issue! Thank you for the recommendation. I love one shots like this that simply show us how great a character can be.

I think the Batman equivalent would be Batman: Gotham Knights #32, which shows Bruce’s impact on his city and on individuals within the city, both as Bruce and as Batman. Ironically Batman doesn’t even appear in the issue, except for the cover.

New Comics Week Commence!

Flash #792. Got lucky that I was even able to get this book this week. I managed to snag the last copy on the shelf, and I got to my shop about 3 hours after they opened. Last issue, I managed to snag one of the few remaining variant covers as the main cover was sold out. I'd like to think it's because everyone is finally realizing how good this book is, but I suspect it's actually just speculators.

Anyway, this is an Impulse issue. And man, I am just so happy that Bart is back. This issue was a whole lotta fun, and plays a lot to show not only how wonderful the Flash family is, but great a character Bart actually is. I still don't buy the whole Iris is Dead thing (and I totally think that the Flash Who Laughs woman is an alternate Earth Iris), but so far so good.

Gotham City Year One #5. Said this last month, but this book really feels like pastiche. The noir tropes here feel more like cliches. I've seen every twist and turn this story has taken since issue 1. It's been an entertaining ride thus far, and Im curious to see how it relates to Batman in the present day. But going through the motions as we have in this story makes for an exasperating read.

Koshchei In Hell #2. Another solid chapter in this new Hellboy tie-in book. It's written solely by Mignola which is a nice treat considering he's been marginally steering the ship that is the other books, leaving the bulk of the work to b-list writers and artists (largely). This series sees a return of the fairy tale-like pacing and dialogue Mignola's known for, along with Ben Stenbeck (Mignola's best collaborator who isn't Guy Davis) on pencils, telling a story about how a former foe of Hellboy, Koshchei, is tasked with defending Pandemonium (the capital city of Hell) from threat of attack by a new, unknown foe. It's pretty wonderful and actually feels like a book with consequence, something the Hellboy books have lacked really since BPRD ended years ago.

Miracleman: The Silver Age #4. What would be Miracleman #26 continues to be an astounding mediation on superheroes in the real world, done with all of the finesse and delicacy one would expect from Neil Gaiman. Some intriguing implications for Young Miracleman make themselves known, and there seems to be an ulterior motive behind the rise of superhumans at the hands of the Warpsmiths than initially believed. In between, there's a fascinating conversation between Dicky Dauntless and former superpowered hero Tom Caxton: despite having all of these powers to do whatever you want, does any of it truly make one happy? Do these powers actually get rid of the mundane or more cerebral problems of life? This book gets better and better. We have 2 issues left of this arc before The Dark Age begins. Hopefully that's announced soon!

In other news, in an instance of me not reading the fine print, I not too long ago received an email from the DC Universe Infinite app saying I can receive a free exclusive comic for being an Ultra member. I thought I was getting the Death of Superman 30th Anniversary one-shot that came out not too long ago. The book came in the mail yesterday. Turns out, it's the 30th Anniversary collected edition. Wasn't expecting that! I've never actually read the full story but I've read, and own, the Death of Superman issue and was never really taken by it. I always thought the art sucked lol. But now I guess I have no choice but to read everything before that now. Interesting surprise!
Comics week
I didn’t write anything about last week because last week had these Special comics and not regular comic issues.
I read DC Power and enjoyed it a lot, I liked every story in it…but that was about it, so I didn’t had a lot to say.
But this week it’s the “normal” comic week so there is more to say.

Batman #132

Its still a really cool Arc, im having a lot of fun with it.
Too much Batcat in it, Tom King really ruined this pairing for me.
So im really not into any kind of Batcat stuff, and this issue had a bit.

What I don’t get is what exactly Failsafe’s idea here is.
Sending Bruce into a World that needs Batman.
The backup story with Tim looks like it will bring Failsafe back sooner or later, so maybe we get the answer then.
Oh and I love the Backup story that focuses on Tim trying to get Bruce back…I love that its connected to the main story.
I like how this is kind of a Batman Origins story, right to the point of the iconic “I shall become a bat”.

Other than that, as usual great writing and the world Zdarsky builds here is cool.

As usual with Batman, cool Covers, the main one fits the story.
But I love Derrick Chews a lot and also Joe Quesadas.
Nathan Szerdy has a cool looking Batgirl variant, but it doesn’t fit here at all because it doesn’t include her at all.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #4

As usual a good story, well written and I like the Art.
Nothing to complain about.
The idea of the team up is so interesting, im really into it.
Maybe their difference in Morale could be highlighted even more, but in general Im happy with it.
The Usual Cover works just fine, but David Macks have a cool style.

The Flash #792

That was fun…which often is the case when you include Impulse.
In this case making him kind of the focus of the Issue is really fun.
The Arc continues to be super good…im having fun with it so far.
The other covers are really really good, but the normal one fits perfectly for the issue because it shows you Impulse doing what he does best.

The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5

A little plot development after 5 issues.
Not that I complain because its fun, but finally a bit moving forward.
I expected Clayface to play some role in this, so ha I knew it.
The book is good because im still interested in the plot and all, so they did a good job.
Main cover is cool and you can go with Lee Bermejos too because…Lee Bermejo.
But man, Clay Mann’s is so cool to me.

Poison Ivy #9

Damn you DC, damn you to hell for giving me this.
I know well you will take it away from me, I know you.

For every Harley/Ivy fan this is a incredible issue.
No Drama at all, just great Harley/Ivy lovely stuff.
More isn’t there to say, its written well and drawn really lovely.
This could have come out next week and would have fit perfectly into the Valentine Spirit.
As for Covers…well in a perfect world you all would leave the comic store with Poison Ivy #9 six times because all of the Covers are incredible.

A great comics week, sadly I got too much batcat in my batman…but it made up by including a full issue of Harley/Ivy…so im good.
Lot of good stuff this week.
I want to thank you all for reminding me to order the new Miracleman omnibus! Love this variant cover:


Yeah unless it develops a cult following or something I doubt we'll ever see such a thing. It really flew under the radar compared to some of King's other work, unfortunately. :(

I started Moore’s Miracleman yesterday. That’s going to be a lot of reading, but I think this time I’m in it for the long haul.
I’ve been collecting the Gaiman and Buckingham Silver Age issues that Marvel has been releasing and I’ve been really enjoying them. Some dark but really deep and beautiful stuff.
I’ve been collecting the Gaiman and Buckingham Silver Age issues that Marvel has been releasing and I’ve been really enjoying them. Some dark but really deep and beautiful stuff.
I’ve only read Moore’s Miracleman run. I need to give Gaiman’s run a go sometime.
I’ve only read Moore’s Miracleman run. I need to give Gaiman’s run a go sometime.
Moore’s run is on my too read list but yeah I been enjoying the Gaiman issues I’ve been reading.
A very short Comics week for me with only Batgirl #15.
And yeah, also not much to say outside of it being again lovely and im enjoying it.
So not much going on this week.

But i heard Pre-orders for Green Arrow #1 are available...i hope you pre-order the hell out of it.
We need a Ongoing for this as soon as possible.

Anyway, next week should be super fun with Batman/Superman where we find out how the Robin/Supergirl feud began.
But i heard Pre-orders for Green Arrow #1 are available...i hope you pre-order the hell out of it.
We need a Ongoing for this as soon as possible.

Really hoping they have the guts to write Oliver with all of his left-wingedness.
I also look forward to hopefully seeing some Connor Hawke in this as well.
I will drop my confession for the day and say that I’ve never read Tomasi’s GL run. But I need to. After all, his Superman and his Nightwing were both classics.
I will drop my confession for the day and say that I’ve never read Tomasi’s GL run. But I need to. After all, his Superman and his Nightwing were both classics.
Yeah I actually didn’t go back and read it until after I fell in love with their Superman run, because I honestly wasn’t familiar with Tomasi/Gleason til then. But I adored it. Also weirdly enough I think this, and not a Superman story, might have been what kicked off my Mongul fandom that thrives to this day lol. There’s a great little arc in here with him and a Sinestro Corps ring and the planet where he got the Black Mercy from, and I’ll say no more on that. :D It’s what compelled me to go back and find the Mongul solo story Tomasi also wrote back in the 90’s (“Exit to Eden” from Showcase ‘95). Anyway, highly recommend! Also, thanks for reminding me I still need to read his Nightwing. :up:
I will drop my confession for the day and say that I’ve never read Tomasi’s GL run. But I need to. After all, his Superman and his Nightwing were both classics.

Me neither, in terms of GL there is a Ton i havent read.
Always want to, but its so Big and all, it would be a hercules task and i just cant find the time to even begin forming a Plan.
Green Lantern Corps is easily the best of the GL stories coming out at the time. I have most of the trades but damn sure will be buying the omni for it.
Have to confess that for Green Lantern I rely on animation and Justice League or big event comics crossovers.
A Big comics week with a lot of good issues and Superman 1…boy that was fun.

Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #12

The Issue where we find out what started the Supergirl/Robin feud.
It was a lot of fun, seeing how everything that could go wrong, did.
I was kind of expecting more to go wrong, but maybe that would have been too much.
The writing and Art was as usual top notch, it was a fun issue…12 fantastic issues so far, im really happy with this Series so far.

As for Covers, the Regular one fits well enough.
The rest just doesn’t fit the vibe of the issue.

Black Adam #8

I could copy/Paste my previous comment here, but that would get repetitive a bit.
But I still is true.
It is a really interesting comic with great art.
Im losing a bit of focus on it, but that is on me.
I don’t give it the attention it needs I think.
Still, I enjoy it a lot.

Covers, you never can go wrong on this with the Regular one.
But Tiago Da Silvas and Chris Visions are incredible cool.

The Flash #793

There is a moment with Barry and Wally that was very emotional, I loved it.
This was a very stop and plan issue, but it still had action and was a lot of fun.
Im having a lot of fun with this One Minute War so far, shaping up to be a Flash story that could land in many peoples Top Ten.

Coverwise the Normal one works just fine.

Nightwing #101

Maybe just me but the Issue felt a bit unfocused to me.
I don’t have a problem with it being more a Titans issue than Nightwing, more a build up to the Titans book coming out.
But the issue itself felt a bit unfocused in its pacing.
The Story however is interesting so far, so im looking forward to it.

The Main Cover is good, but I feel like the characters are weirdly placed.
Looking at the cover throws me off visual because there is so much white space on the cover and all.
I prefer the one from Travis Moore more.
But both fit the issue well enough.

Superman #1

Wow, first of all…Huge Praise to Jamal Campbell whos art is incredible and fits so well.
The style that has every character pop, the Vibrant colors, the world around the characters…incredible fitting to Superman.
And his Dorky Clark is looking like such a likeable guy.
Absolutely visual fantastic.
Joshua Williamson brings his A Game to as writer, the characters all feel like they fit into the world Campbell drew.
The Characters dynamic and all is very well done.
An absolute great start to this in my opinion, with the right Vibe for Superman.

Covers are plenty to choose from and they all are good.
Jamal Campbells is incredible enough, but you can also go with Jorge Jimenez where imo you feel how much the Character means to him.
If Jamal leaves for whatever reason, which I don’t hope…get Jimenez on it.
Im willing to accept losing him on Batman because I know he it would be a dream for him to work on Superman.

Wonder Woman #796

Okay it feels like we finally go somewhere.
The Art was focused and the writing builds towards something.
It feels like everyone involved was not just doing their job.
4 Issues till 800, I hope they keep or raise this level, because this was more than just “good”.
This was a great issue.

Here the main cover is a bit too goofy for what the issue brings, but its still the most fitting one.
I however would go with Derrick Chews, that one looks stunning.

A absolutely good Week even without Batman…well he was in Worlds Finest, but he wasn’t the main focus.
Next Week finally a new Detective Comics, I find myself looking at the Calendar constantly to see when the next one comes.
That is a really good sign.
But we also get a new Action Comics and so on…so yeah, first March week looks to be a banger.
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I generally don't like to hop onto an ongoing run until it's a few issues in and people are actually liking it, unless it's from a writer I know and enjoy. I've never read anything from Joshua Williamson so I'll be very curious to read y'all's thoughts on his Superman run once it gets properly going. :up:
Going to pick up my books later on today and Superman #1 and Superman Space Age #3 are among them. Mani-Man your glowing review for SM#1 has me excited to read it.
A Big comics week with a lot of good issues and Superman 1…boy that was fun.

Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest #12

The Issue where we find out what started the Supergirl/Robin feud.
It was a lot of fun, seeing how everything that could go wrong, did.
I was kind of expecting more to go wrong, but maybe that would have been too much.
The writing and Art was as usual top notch, it was a fun issue…12 fantastic issues so far, im really happy with this Series so far.

As for Covers, the Regular one fits well enough.
The rest just doesn’t fit the vibe of the issue.

Black Adam #8

I could copy/Paste my previous comment here, but that would get repetitive a bit.
But I still is true.
It is a really interesting comic with great art.
Im losing a bit of focus on it, but that is on me.
I don’t give it the attention it needs I think.
Still, I enjoy it a lot.

Covers, you never can go wrong on this with the Regular one.
But Tiago Da Silvas and Chris Visions are incredible cool.

The Flash #793

There is a moment with Barry and Wally that was very emotional, I loved it.
This was a very stop and plan issue, but it still had action and was a lot of fun.
Im having a lot of fun with this One Minute War so far, shaping up to be a Flash story that could land in many peoples Top Ten.

Coverwise the Normal one works just fine.

Nightwing #101

Maybe just me but the Issue felt a bit unfocused to me.
I don’t have a problem with it being more a Titans issue than Nightwing, more a build up to the Titans book coming out.
But the issue itself felt a bit unfocused in its pacing.
The Story however is interesting so far, so im looking forward to it.

The Main Cover is good, but I feel like the characters are weirdly placed.
Looking at the cover throws me off visual because there is so much white space on the cover and all.
I prefer the one from Travis Moore more.
But both fit the issue well enough.

Superman #1

Wow, first of all…Huge Praise to Jamal Campbell whos art is incredible and fits so well.
The style that has every character pop, the Vibrant colors, the world around the characters…incredible fitting to Superman.
And his Dorky Clark is looking like such a likeable guy.
Absolutely visual fantastic.
Joshua Williamson brings his A Game to as writer, the characters all feel like the fit into the world Campbell drew.
The Characters dynamic and all is very well done.
An absolute great start to this in my opinion, with the right Vibe for Superman.

Covers are plenty to choose from and they all are good.
Jamal Campbells is incredible enough, but you can also go with Jorge Jimenez where imo you feel how much the Character means to him.
If Jamal leaves for whatever reason, which I don’t hope…get Jimenez on it.
Im willing to accept losing him on Batman because I know he it would be a dream for him to work on Superman.

Wonder Woman #796

Okay it feels like we finally go somewhere.
The Art was focused and the writing builds towards something.
It feels like everyone involved was not just doing their job.
4 Issues till 800, I hope they keep or raise this level, because this was more than just “good”.
This was a great issue.

Here the main cover is a bit too goofy for what the issue brings, but its still the most fitting one.
I however would go with Derrick Chews, that one looks stunning.

A absolutely good Week even without Batman…well he was in Worlds Finest, but he wasn’t the main focus.
Next Week finally a new Detective Comics, I find myself looking at the Calendar constantly to see when the next one comes.
That is a really good sign.
But we also get a new Action Comics and so on…so yeah, first March week looks to be a banger.
Yeah next week is indeed going to be good with Action and Detective as well as Stargirl: Lost Children #4 and Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 and I can’t forget about Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #10. So yeah pretty dope week.
I tried reading Supes 1 but was not a fan of the art and was a bit lost by the backstory a bit. Haven't read a book of his in a couple of years.
Danger Street #3. The story just got blown up and expanded with the introduction of Orion. I have to say, King really has the best grasp on the New Gods than anyone else in comics. I can't wait to see how he utilizes them in Danger Street. I think this book *might* be better than Human Target, but time will tell.

Swamp Thing: Green Hell #2. Totally forgot about this book until my comic shop pulled it out of my pullbox. This issue has been a long time coming, the first issue having come out in December of 2021. And to be honest? I didn't care at all for this installment. I'm generally uninterested in these sort of "What if...?" books that take place in the future. And I honestly don't feel like Jeff Lemire has written anything of value at DC in a while. I really just skimmed this book and felt I had the whole story.

Flash #793. Another fun installment, but again, I can't get past the melodrama of Iris being dead. We know she isn't going to be, and there really has been nothing suggesting that she ever actually died. It's such a forced piece of melodrama in an otherwise fantastic story.

World's Finest #12. I really wish this issue was bigger and wackier than it was. It was still a fun issue, but felt it could have been more than what it was.

Damn Them All #5. Si Spurrier's supernatural crime comic continues. It was just recently bumped to an ongoing, which is strange because I thought it was an on-going considering this current story definitely feels like a first story arc. I get the feeling that this book is full of ideas Spurrier had for Hellblazer before it was cancelled, and I'm all for it. This book is filled with the same political and social commentary that ran rampant in Hellblazer with a protagonist filled with as much snark and nihilism as Constantine himself. It was recently bumped to an ongoing, which is great. I'd like to see this world explored more.

Superman: Space Age #3. This might be one of the best Superman stories in years. Not sure if I missed the twist(if it was even a twist to begin with) with the ending, but I wasn't quite expecting it. But what an emotional finish. This probably does "Silver Age Superman" better than any previous attempt, and I'd wager that this *might" be a better send-off to that version of the character than Alan Moore's version in "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow", already a pretty great story. I look forward to giving this one a massive re-read.

I did a hard pass on Superman #1. Whatever good will Williamson had with me, he spent on Death of the Justice League. Robin was solid until the story outlived its welcome. I've had no compulsion to pick up any more of his books since and I'm having a hard time figuring out what it is DC sees in him to give yet ANOTHER event book in the form of Knight Terrors later this year.
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Since DC Ultra has come out, I have cancelled all pull lists and now wait the 30 days to read my books before buying them.

That said, I’m a bit anxious about Williamson’s Superman. I generally like Williamson’s work, especially with Robin, but it is interesting that I liked his Flash, but it pales to what Jeremy Adams has accomplished on the book. When he’s on, he’s great. But when he’s not he can be very mediocre.

I would’ve loved Mark Waid or Tom King on Superman
Since DC Ultra has come out, I have cancelled all pull lists and now wait the 30 days to read my books before buying them.

That said, I’m a bit anxious about Williamson’s Superman. I generally like Williamson’s work, especially with Robin, but it is interesting that I liked his Flash, but it pales to what Jeremy Adams has accomplished on the book. When he’s on, he’s great. But when he’s not he can be very mediocre.

I would’ve loved Mark Waid or Tom King on Superman
Still awaiting an actual date on that Mark Waid Black Label Superman book. That is my most-anticipated book!
Still awaiting an actual date on that Mark Waid Black Label Superman book. That is my most-anticipated book!
Me too. They shouldn’t tease us by saying they are putting out a Birthright sequel and then not deliver quickly. Don’t they know what that does to us!

Also, as to Tom King, I heard an interview with him where he said that the one ongoing book he would want to write is Superman, but that the timing has never been right where his schedule was open when it became available. But I would love to have him write that book bi-weekly.
I just started reading Stargirl: The Lost Children. I’m looking forward to keeping on this. It really plays to Geoff Johns’ strengths as opposed to something like Doomsday Clock that I don’t feel he was appropriately suited for.

Anyway, I loved the first issue. Is anyone else reading it? And what are your thoughts if you are?

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